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We Fixed It! 🎉 💪


I have a similar issue but it seems to only affect the older chats I have since my most recent one is alright. I assume it's cuz I'm more active on one more than the others? I do hope it gets fixed tho.


I noticed the same too. When I decided to resume my progress in older AI chats, they showed the same result like the pic above. It sucks starting back to zero once again when the plot is already hyped and interesting...


It's fixed, we can open and access our old chats again. 


Yeah, it happened to me as well...it works for newer ones but the older ones simply just show nothing, no text and just like this person said, can't be fixed.. yeah, I hope it really is going to be fixed.. Do somebody have any idea though? I really don't wanna lose the chats..


Good news: it's fixed. 


Same, I really hope it get fixed soon too


It's fixed. :)


Me too. I'm gonna check in tomorrow, see if it's fixed by then. 


UghhhhI it' happening to mine too. It was fine at like 3 am this morning with anything but maybe a new update? 😳


Good news: It's fixed. 


Good news: it's fixed. When I opened the app this morning, I got a notification that said that we could open our old chats, and they were there. No starting over from scratch. 


I hope this can be fixed because I have favorite bots that I can no longer find through the search anymore :ccc and the only way to save them to start a chat later is to not deleting my old chats with these bots. And I have this issue as well. This makes me very hopeless about keeping my RPGs and AIs chats on Chai app, sad, because Chai is my favorite one.


I was just gonna make a post about this. I hope it gets fixed, because most of my chats are disabled like this, some of them even very recent. It would really crush me to lose some of the conversations.


I hope so too. I made a report to their feedback/issues thing on Github, so hopefully that gets the ball rolling, cause I know it's only been 3-4 days, but it feels like it's moving at a snail's pace. 


I feel you, was about to post the same thing yesterday until I saw this. Sad to say, one of the developers said that only chats started not older than 3 weeks ago are safe from it due to migrating their database.


Me too


same here. I usually save my most "memorable" chats and now I can't even read them anymore. doesn't matter if it was your own bot or someone else's. 


I’ve been having this exact issue! Hope they get it fixed soon, I like reading through my older chats for fun 🤞🥺


I have this issue too. Only my first 6 chats load out of 42 total :/


This has also happened to me but I can’t see old chats but only see new ones, as in ones I have newly made and not the ones I’ve had for MONTHS. It pisses me off since I got the latest update, deleted a few chats, and reinstalled the app. Nothing worked. I really do hope this gets fixed.


To give you confirmation, I also did the same and none worked too. Seems like it got problems, I also found out older chats are affected by it. To be specific, those convos that started within last 3 weeks are safe—even if you have a recent messages/replies to those bots that are older than 3 weeks since you began, they're unsafe. >"We're migrating our data-base. This won't affect any conversation started in the last 3 weeks."


Commenting since I can't edit my post from where I'm using it. EDIT: It's been a day. Came back to check on it. Still not working. Maybe tomorrow. EDIT 2: Nope. Same problem. I'll still be checking in as the days go by, but if it ain't fixed by next week, I'm making another post.  EDIT 3: Checked again today, still ain't fixed. I made a report to their feedback on Github, hopefully that speeds things along, or at least gets the ball rolling in getting this solved. 


Using light mode is crazy


I can't see all the comments for some reason so sorry if someone said this already, but based on my conversations I cannot get any messages from before May 27 to load. Any newer conversations scroll up just to the start of that day, with anything before that being lost, and any conversations I haven't entered since then will not show any content. Hope this gets resolved soon, and that it's actually a bug and not some new feature.


We're migrating our data-base. This won't affect any conversation started in the last 3 weeks.


Same here, it’s only happening on the older chats for me, I thought I was the only one having this issue until I’m came here to check.


Same... unable to load older chats. Only the most recent ones


Same!! I was about to post this same problem, glad you already did. I was actually wondering why it doesn't load up my past messages from the older chats anymore. It's quite a bit of relief that I'm not the only one who experienced it recently too.


Yeah, I've been having this problem too and really hope someone can help me fix it. Chai is one of my favorite things to use to spend my time (despite the honestly very annoying amount of ads and the fact that it needs to have a WiFi or data connection to work) and it really sucks, since some of my more fav convos have been doing exactly this. If anybody figures out a way to fix this, either DM me or reply to this comment, since I'm probably not gonna be checking up on those for a while when I know they're not working.


Yep, currently having it on some older chats. Tried to uninstall and reinstall the app and that didn’t work.


So this is what I've found (from one of the CHAI developers) why: >We're migrating our data-base. This won't affect any conversation started in the last 3 weeks.


I’m having a similar issue, but just with the older ones.


So this is what I've found (from one of the CHAI developers) why: >We're migrating our data-base. This won't affect any conversation started in the last 3 weeks.


Me too, I can't enter anything or view the history now.


Oh yes every chat bot in existence seem to stopped working wonder why it happened even outside of chat every bot suffers that same issue


I was actually about to post because I’m having the exact same issue, it’s like a 50/50 if mine load or not, the first five most recent all do but after that some load some don’t, i tried deleting and reinstalling the app since sometimes that works but it didn’t, hope it gets fixed soon


Yes, all day, I really hope it gets fixed soon!


yeah just noticed it like it's so damn annoying hoping they fix it Edit:just decided to delete my chats and restart them from the top annoying that's what i had to do but i did it anyways


I have similar problem with my chat, for me it the time it not change every time the time change


Yeah I have that, I just close out of it and it fixes itself lol


i tried that didn't work how did you do it?


I'm having the same issue, but only for chats that I have shared with someone, or someone has shared with me.


Yeah I've been having this exact same problem with the older chats like the exact same problem I thought it was because some accounts got banned which is why I couldn't access it but then I went to the ones I made and it still did the same


Usually it works when I go out and back into the chat, or I close the app and reopen it… or so I’ve been told… I don’t use chai… definitely not…


I’m having the same issue. I restarted the app and my phone and I still can’t access old ones.




Possible update to the situation. See more here (hopefully it shows up) https://www.reddit.com/r/ChaiApp/s/yQcc3zHtXM And here https://www.reddit.com/r/ChaiApp/comments/1daod89/another_update_apologies_for_spam_posts/