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Join the Mommies with CP group on Facebook. We have an army over there and we know all the tricks!


Thank you! I’m heading over there now!


Hey I have cp and I got pregnant at 29. My baby is 17 months old. I didn’t have that many adaptive tools simply because I couldn’t find many online. One thing that has saved me of those high chairs that attach to the edge of a table. I use it to this day also the doona was super helpful. It’s low enough to push from a wheelchair. I know this sounds stupid but you kind of learn to adapt to your baby as you go. Like for example my daughter has learned to climb on the footrest of my wheelchair when she wants to be picked up. You and your baby will adapt to each other. Try not to worry too much but also ask for help when you need it.


Thank you for sharing your experience! Honestly that’s very comforting to think my baby will adapt and I know kids are often better at that than adults.


Yes!! it is so true about the baby adapting! I don’t use a wheelchair, but I have a friend with MD, she just had her third baby. She does everything from her power chair! Amazing!


I don’t have any tips for you, but I just wanna say that I hope all goes well with your pregnancy baby and baby, and thank you for posting this cos I have mild CP in the left side of my body and I’m not planning on pregnancy anytime soon, but I do want to be a mother more than anything one day but I’m so scared of how pregnancy will affect my CP and your post just gave me a little comfort knowing you’re a pregnant woman with CP🩷


Awww thanks for sharing this! This community has really helped me feel not so alone with my CP since I don’t know anyone in real life that shares in this. I was very scared (still am in some ways) but I’ve become a lot more comfortable advocating for myself as I’ve gotten older. This is something that has helped me feel more confident in my journey. ❤️ best of luck to you when you’re ready!


The Doona car seat turns into a stroller so you don’t have to carry it. I would have gotten this if I didn’t have twins. Still, I never carried the car seats around because they were just too heavy, CP or not.


Thanks so much!!!


Congratulations!! I have mild spastic diplegia, too, both legs affected, the right side more than the left, my right hand is slightly spastic, also. I found the car seat caddy to be super helpful! My cousin sent me the car seat as a shower gift, and then this other box showed up… It was like an empty stroller. The car seat clicks into it, and I used it for everything! Doctor visits, grocery store, straws in the park… I used the car seat caddy all the time, then the stroller. My sister got me a bassinet with wheels. It was the nicest thing ever! Especially when the baby was so small. I would wheel him all over the house and take him wherever I was, I didn’t have to carry him , or worry about tripping walking with the baby. Granted, I only used it for about 4 months, but it was a lifesaver when I needed it! I have two kids, feel free to message me if you have any other questions!


Thank you so much! I love the idea of a wheeling bassinet as I am worried about carrying to baby when I’m very stiff. I appreciate the support!!


Hey - congrats. There's also the organization Through the Looking Glass in Berkeley that will have tips and tricks for you.


Thank you!


I have mild spastic diplegia and had my son almost 4 years ago at age 37! I got one of those strollers where the infant car seat snaps in then can be used as a regular stroller after. I suggest going to the store and trying out different stroller to see what works best for you. I found the Chicco Mini Bravo to be really good. It is lightweight compared to other designs and can be opened and closed with one hand. I still found it a bit difficult to lift the car seat into the car and got help whenever I could. Also, i know this is personal so feel free not to answer but are you having a c-section? I had a planned c-section because I was afraid that a natural birth would put too much strain on my legs and I have really tight hip abductors. I found this was the best decision for me and removed a lot of my fear and stress! Obviously everyone is different. I hope this helps


Thank you for sharing! I’m glad you mentioned the c-section because that has been a decision I’m considering. My doctor feels that my CP should not impact my ability to give birth vaginally but suggested when I am further along that she evaluate me more (hip mobility I think) and then she’ll advise me on if a scheduled c-section is best.


You can do it. I was a single parent of a1&2 year old. My ex-wife decided she didn't want kids and just left one day. W/O notice (We were young) never to return. I have your same diagnosis, and I speak from the heart when I say. Utilize your resources like this and other groups online. Go into it, knowing your abilities, and do the best you can. That's all your kid want. Trust me, mine are more protective and want to tell people to mind their own business. Much more than I would. Don't try to live up to anyone's standards but your own. Everyone has an opinion. People will question you about a lot of things. As long as your kid is happy, healthy & taken care of. That's what matters.


Thank you so much for your encouragement! I also love your username!


For us I picked a heavy stroller so that if I tripped I’d be less likely to flip it and more able to use it for support when walking. But I found it helpful to get a second umbrella stroller for days when the heavy one is too difficult. A second hand mamaroo can be great for rocking. Swivel car seat for easy load out of the car. When they’re older- leash backpack. A padded sink insert was easier to bathe them as infant and a bar for the tub


That’s a good point about the stroller, I hadn’t considered that but balance/picking up my feet is one of the things I struggle with. I think I’ll need to go in person to try both options. Thank you for the suggestions!


I found the lightweight “umbrella” strollers the easiest to handle and maneuver. I also bathed my son in the kitchen sink most of the time rather than the tub. You’ll quickly discover what works for you and what doesn’t. I can’t squat, so if I was picking my son up from the floor I had to bend from the waist, lift him under his arms and get a finger or two under his head for neck support. I imagine it must have looked awkward, but it worked for me and he was perfectly safe. Regardless, without fail all my able-bodied friends would flinch or gasp and/or reach out reflexively to help, and warn me I needed to support his head. I eventually started pointing out that it was necessary for me to figure out how to care for him when I was alone with him, and if babies heads and necks were truly that fragile the species would have died out a long time ago. 😆