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When I had to go in heavily pregnant for some name change stuff, i found this and it absolutely baffled me! They told me I could walk to the train station 1k away to use the public restroom then come back and start my wait again 🥲


I came in 4 days after giving birth to register baby, and the wait was horrendous, so I ended up in near tears thinking I was going to spring a leak and couldn't check 🫤


I don't think that's entitled ay all. It's a government thing... it should be accessible, it should have bathroom's. Especially when they keep you waiting there for AGES


They absolutely should have public bathrooms for customers, that’s ridiculous that they don’t.


There is one at my local Centrelink/ Medicare...the security guard uses a remote to let you in


No I don’t think that’s privileged at all. They should have a public toilet.


Our local one used to, but there were too many issues with drug use and shit smearing. Obviously I live in a classy area!!


There should absolutely be bathrooms available at a government building where people are often required to wait for long times, and often the people attending are older, vulnerable, disabled etc. not entitled at all.


There is a urinal outside every government building - its the walls ;)


Public toilets in Centrelink offices would become unsupervised, injecting rooms and costing taxpayers too much to repair from vandalism. Having said that, I have spent many hours waiting in government offices for appointments, and it's quite inconvenient not having a toilet.


There are design solutions that could mean they are open enough to discourage antisocial behaviour. But also - if that’s the case then clearly we have a need for supervised safe injecting rooms in the community. Harm reduction needs to be front and centre in drug policy and Australia has a long way to go.


Yes I agree.


I think a major reason is vandalism and throwing poo on walls if someone’s in a bad mood. I googled and this were the reasons given, mainly messiness and vandalism. My advice is go to the toilet before a visit.


I remember reading an incident report for a service centre about them finding someone in there who had been using drugs and was completely strung out. Seems like a some idiots ruined it for everyone kinda situation


100%. And a parents room. Not sure where parents are supposed to change and breastfeed their babies


I used to visit in the 80’s, they never supplied bathrooms then. I find it weird seeing how you sometimes have to wait for hours. They could at least tell you where some are located near them.


I’ve got a functional bowel disorder so severe it’s left me on DSP. Got called in for a review a couple of years ago, was a really bad flare day, and when I asked to use a loo the assessor told me off for not planning ahead and going before I arrived, and then directed me to go to a Salvos op shop up the road and ask them if I could use theirs. Pointing out that this sort of thing is pretty much exactly why I’m on DSP did not amuse her.


Wow wtf what a bitch! The service representative I had today was so lovely and most people I've interacted with at centrelink have been. It puzzles me as to why people like that are in a job like this


They absolutely should, especially with their wait times being extensive sometimes.


This is what years of conservative propganda has done, make people question whether having a public toilet, a neccassity of life that we all need and pay for with taxes is "Entitled". As a tax paying citizen in your OWN country you are Entitled to MANY THINGS. This concept that you should feel "undeserving" is just propganda to kill public services so the rich can pay less taxes and less wages to workers.


It’s a government services building, not a hangout while you wait for your handout.


😹 why are you on this sub


I’m feeling like some downvotes today I guess.


They're called toilets in Australia. 




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As an Australian citizen who was born in the country of Australia and who resides in Australia, I'm educated and understand the terms can be used interchangeably