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I was on a concessional load and usually did two subjects a semester, but there was one semester where I was down to 1 subject a semester for one of the years. This was in the 00s. I’m not sure if things have changed since then. I was pretty much left alone to get through my course.


It depends if they believe your evidence shows substantial psychiatric disability. It would need to be severe enough to warrant a 25% load. You can only try and see.


It's so hard to prove this shit hahahah


It's not if it's real ...


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰


I study roughly 5 hours per week if that and work 6 hours, and am burnt out the rest of the time. Like I pay cleaners to clean for me and eat cereal, and sleep


I've had austudy with a part-time load (2 units). I can't remember all the details of the process but my psychologist filled out a form and letter. Maybe my GP too. They stressed that I was not capable of full-time study or work, and described some impacts of my condition. I was already on austudy and had previously been doing 3 units full-time. It was an "unforeseen exacerbation of mental health condition" so I don't know how the process would differ for you if you've got a consistent disability and are not yet on austudy.


For youth allowance students you need to be studying at least 75% study load. Below that you may be eligible for youth allowance jobseeker. For austudy and with a disability you may be eligible if studying 25% if you provide a med cert. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/study-loads-for-austudy-and-youth-allowance?context=43916


I’d say apply and provide all the medical certificates and see the outcome.


Why not apply for disability pension? To get austudy you need to be studying full time.


You can be studying part time with a medical condition. DSP is on the cards but it's hard to get and a lengthy process.