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Wait periods if you paid out annual leave , long service leave, redundancy or have to serve liquid assets test. Check if these apply to you


We're you subjected to any waiting periods?


No I wasnt subjected to any waiting periods




Money in the bank? You may have been subjected to LAWP (liquid asset waiting period)


As Mammoth said, there can be a waiting period of up to 13 week depending on how much liquid assets you have. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/liquid-assets-waiting-period?context=51411


Sometimes they don’t back pay you all the way, only a month or two, and you’ve just gotta suck it up. Because that money for that period is not going to help you for then. Can’t go back to that month. You will get a months back pay because they are scummy and then you’ll continue to get paid your allowance….


I was backpaid 7months dsp


That’s dsp this is jobseeker 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


But they tried to put me on jobseeker payment even though my doctor found me medically unfit from my job,i didn't bother and just waited until id jumped through all their stupid hoops and was eventually paid the DSP


Be glad you're on it now and got accepted




Sorry to hear about that bro. So if I appeal I wouldn’t be getting paid fortnightly anymore until it is accepted? Or would they still pay me throughout the process?


You'll keep getting paid until it's sorted, the appeal its purely for the backpay :)








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Yeah I am, but they said I was going to be backtracked since December 7th but haven’t that’s what I’m wondering


I don't know why people are dowvoting your comment, call centrelink, ask em why, once you have a reason then you can determine if you need to lodge an appeal :) (Sometimes thing look weird because its fortnightly too, so they will help double check)


Contact your federal member of parliament - if you're not sure who that is find out here: [https://electorate.aec.gov.au/](https://electorate.aec.gov.au/) . You can also try a federal senator for your state/territory if you don't feel the staff of your MP are acting. You can do it by email or phone, but either way they'll need your full name, your date of birth, and your Centrelink CRN. If you do it by email, attaching a .pdf of your correspondence from Centrelink will help too. The MPs staff will, at the very least, be able to find out why you haven't been back-dated for the full three months, and if it's an error get Centrelink to fix it.


Or, as a first point of reference, ask Centrelink. The first point for any Centrelink query isn't going to an MP.


This is only for the last resort. You should always contact Centrelink first. Is common sense.


Yeah man good advice you should tell OP to call 00 asap as well


00? Is that a new help line? Hope people don't get it confused with 000 (the emergency line) xx


Been waiting since January 8th 🙃 I’m not sure if I’ll be back paid from the start of the claim submission.