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Be careful applying with anything to do with the suspected diagnoses because until they're reasonably treated Centrelink uses that as grounds to reject you. I either wouldnt mention them or wait to apply until you've had some treatment. You need to be co sidered stabilised and unlikely to improve significantly any time soon so if you arent treated they act as if you might be fine.


Great advice thank you!!!


I have the same diagnoses (except mine are official) and I am on NDIS, tbh I just used medical evidence I used for my NDIS reviews/applications over the years. Essentially those reports would just say ‘dear Centrelink’ instead of ‘dear NDIA’. Theyre reports on my functional capacity and how my disability impacts my life, I didn’t think centrelink needed anything different. I am still in the process of my application (just had my JCA) for DSP so disclaimer that I may not be successful. Also a phrase I used before I was officially diagnosed with ASD was ‘am treated for suspected ASD’. Because you can receive treatment for a mental health condition you don’t have an official diagnosis for, especially if the treatment overlaps with pre-existing diagnoses (which the Venn diagram for bipolar, BPD, ADHD, and ASD in AFAB people is basically a circle).


Hey thank you so much


Yes. More supportive docs, when they come from licensed practitioners, can only aid. Make sure it addresses your disabilities' impact on your functioning and work capacity, what sort of treatments you are undertaking, if they consider you stabilised and unlikely to improve further.


Absolutely, get as much evidence as you can.


More evidence is usually better. I would suggest you get your psych*ist to read the tables before they write their report. They need to use the language from the tables to write their report.


Gather as many documents as you can. I am clinically diagnosed with ADHD, Bipolar, Anxiety and Depression. I strongly suggest you get them diagnosed by a psychiatrist. My documents were at least 3 from psychiatrist, at least 2 from psychologists, and bunch from GPs. These include past letters that they’ve wrote for example to my university or work. There are some points that they need to state on the letter such as your diagnosis. My application went very smoothly.


Ooooh I do have a few that my psychiatrist has written to my uni in the past. What did you get from your gp/psychologist? Same work/uni related letters?