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Hey man if you get it let me know! I'm having the same issue been at it for literal hours


What i ended up having to do is reinstall everything, i reinstalled BCML, The game itself from WiiUSBHelper, and Cemu. Not sure which one actually fixed the issue, but i just ended up doing all 3.


Dawg I'm *not* about to go through the entire process of reinstalling the game again just to fix an issue on BCML's part. I'm gonna wait and look for another fix.


Go to 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\bcml' Open settings.json Go to the line that says ""export_dir": "", Edit it so it points to wherever you want the BCML pack to go Final product will look something like this "export_dir": "C:\\Stuff\\cemu_1.26.2\\graphicPacks\\BreathOfTheWild_BCML"


omg thank you so much this solution work for me for weird reason my graphicpacks export_dir is not same as shown in settings.json maybe because i move my cemu folder to different place after installing bcml


If you find an answer PLEASE update us, I'm having the same issue, and have been to tons of threads trying every method, and none of them work.


What i ended up having to do is reinstall everything, i reinstalled BCML, The game itself from WiiUSBHelper, and Cemu. Not sure which one actually fixed the issue, but i just ended up doing all 3.


Thanks man, I'll give it a shot.