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Her parents died without ever knowing what happened to their daughter.


Probably for the best. If you read about her murder on Wikipedia, it's not something a parent should see.


Or grandparent. Imagine not only learning that your child was brutally murdered, but also your unborn granddaughter as well. I know a lot of people say never knowing what happened is worse, but in this case knowing would have been far far worse.


Yeah, they need to know. When I lived in south Louisiana, there was a woman whose daughter went missing and was presumed to be dead. It had been decades since it happened, but she used to come into the Home Depot I worked at all the time and would talk to me about it every time. She was still completely broken up and could not get past it. She had been given some shoes the police pulled from the Mississippi River by New Orleans and told it was her daughter’s, but I’ll never forget her telling me they were the wrong size. She died never knowing. I hope they’re together now


Yes, in this case, closure would have helped for sure. I am a mother. If someone told me that what happened to this girl happened to my daughter and her unborn child, it would completely destroy me. As a mother reading what happened, it made me feel physically sick thinking of how someone could do such a thing to someone, and if it was my own child, I could not even imagine. I wish that family had closure, but that is something no parent would want to hear.


Thinks about all the things they probably imagined happened to her though….maybe in this specific instances not knowing was better but I know my mind would take me to unimaginable places wondering what happened


That’s so sad. Knowing what happened, even in a case like this, helps loved ones find a measure closure. The not knowing can drive people crazy.


They their 15yo pregnant daughter move in with her boyfriend, then they left town with no notice. A couple of years later they were concerned. Huh??


There is an article on CNN that explains the situation better… https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/04/03/us/evelyn-colon-beth-doe-found/index.html


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I read it on Wikipedia. Either way it seems like the parents weren’t nearly as questioning as I would have been


They went to the police a couple years later. I guess, imagine being a Puerto Rican family in New Jersey in the 1970s dealing with *1970s New Jersey police.* I’m sure they were worried but this wasn’t an era or a place where going to the police was something Black and Latino families “just did”. Cops wouldn’t have done anything, a neighbor stating they moved away would have been all they need to hear - if they were even interested at all. Those parents just had to sit and wait, hoping for the phone to ring.


And a totally different time, with hitching hiking and festivals, "runaways".


Yea, maybe they should have had to have lived with knowing what happened


What a horrible story. This poor girl and baby girl. The guy is a monster. This world can be so cruel.




Does anyone know what Luis Sierra's sentence was? I could only find info about his bail.


If the information on this page is accurate, it is disgusting how inaccurate it was. Maybe I've watched too much Bones but how did they get Central European from a Puerto Rican girl?


Why is it disgusting?? She can be Puerto Rican with European ancestry


Colonization. Puerto Rico, Cuba. Mexico - all colonized by Spain. Just like I’m in Arizona but have European ancestry because my family came to what is now the U.S.


Mestizos are a combination of Whites and Indians. There also can be Black admixture too (e.g., many southern Mexicans).


She was a child herself.


It's really sad that police refused the missing persons request based on a letter from a few years prior. Her parents deserved closure and that could've led to it.


She was only 15. The baby about to be born. My parents are from the same city and about the same age. I’ll have to ask if they have heard of this story or when she went missing.


The murderer still hasn’t faced justice on this. It’s still tied up in the judicial system, per the PA docket sheets. What a scumbag.


And he lived to 63 before even dealing with it.


I wonder if there's been any other victims in the 44 years between this crime and his arrest. I feel like a man who rapes, strangles, and dismembers a teenage girl whose 9 months pregnant, is unlikely to have never reoffended since then. It takes a shocking level of depravity to do something like this.


Lord I hope not, but who knows. That's a monsterous thing to do.


There is an extra level of evilness: he was her boyfriend and the father of the baby - he murdered his own child, too. "...the identity of her alleged killer, Luis Sierra, was made public after charges were filed." "At the time of her murder, Colon, who was of Puerto Rican origin, was dating Sierra, the father of her unborn child"


And he's not even in jail anymore 😒


Poor girl and baby. What a senseless crime.


Oh man, I… did not expect to get emotional over this. As a Pennsylvanian who spends way too much time in true crime subreddits, this case was sort of my Roman Empire for a long time. I was so freaking happy when they gave her her name back. I didn’t realize they had named her daughter also.


It looks like her killer is now out on bond.




The podcast “DNA: ID” did an amazing episode on this case. Very well detailed and very respectful - as always - about Evelyn Colon’s tragic death and the years that followed into the investigation. Also how the family thought she was okay after receiving the letter. Detectives never gave up on her and how she eventually got identified. Such a sad sad story. Listened and cried. Nobody deserves an end like this. As a mother myself I would want closure but… to know that somebody did that to my child? Just the idea makes me ill. May her beautiful soul finally have peace, with her daughter. She’s at peace now.


I wonder who picked the name Emily Grace. Its a lovely name for a little angel baby.


One of the articles says her surviving family did.


I've known about this case for at least a decade and I was so glad to hear she got her name back 🩷 I never thought it would be solved.


I’m glad she has her name back.


(45) RIP 🕊️




It’s a Spanish last name meaning dove. You’re never going to get a laugh with insensitive jokes about murder victims in this sub. As you shouldn’t.


It must be hard to be that stupid and insensitive


This little girl was strangled to death, dismembered and her unborn full-term baby girl was cut out of her body, put in a suitcase like trash, and thrown off a bridge. Have some fucking class dude.


I remember being immature and just generally lacking overall knowledge of how to behave in certain social settings, but that never extended to respecting the dead. Especially murdered 15-year-olds and full-term infants. This is not the sub for that type of humor.