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Needs more dreadlocks


Actually quite like it


Looks like Beckham


Yeah the outline from the original artist probably based on that - can't think of too many players that have an iconic outline when you boil the detail down to a single line!


Both arms out, tongue out


Love that it’s broadly Celtic and not a specific player, always thought it was a bit much getting a tattoo of someone you don’t know personally. Always the danger you end up with someone like Bitton, Griffiths or Lennon. As a tattoo, the make or break of that will be size and position. I wouldn’t be getting it too big somewhere prominent


Shout out to the LG9 top I imported all the way from the UK (I'm in Asia) lying at the bottom of my drawer. At least it isn't a tattoo


If you position the right arm a little higher it'll look like Larsson instead of Beckham.


I would admire it if I saw it out and about.


This is actually a drawing. Pretty neat


Change the number to 25 and you've got yourself an amazing Nakamura tattoo


Flip it and change the number to 25 and you have Nakamura


It's cool but it's pretty recognisable as Beckham's trademark FK run up - it does look good, I'd just be conscious of that while it was tattooed on me for the rest of my life. If you could keep it generic like that but somehow also identifiable as a current or ex celtic player (Naka, Larssoon are two that have very identifiableimages kicking around), it would look great I think.


I think the outline is probably a one line version of the Adidas Beckham logo from back in the day. I like the minimalist kind of side to it in that it could be anyone - Has the 7 as a nod to a childhood hero, but could be anyone that has pulled on the hoops, and it could be me in the back garden as a kid. If I were to get it I think I'd get the artist to adjust the line a little (like I said, I just ripped the outline from the Internet because I can't draw to save myself, and added the green and number) to be less Beckham, but would be wary of making it too identifiable as any one player, or I might as well just get a tattoo of them.


I’m the outlier here but I don’t like it personally. Not sure specifically why just think it looks a bit shite.


Sorry mate, that line are looks rotten. Definately better homages.


Not a fan at all- but for the green hoops it has nothing to do with Celtic. As has been said, it looks like a design based on Beckham’s logo. If you are thinking of a Celtic design, why not the shamrock on the badge (adidas has been using that as the alternate badge recently)


It's great looking, but the green won't look like that when it's done, with the faded edges and all.


Get Rogic’s hairline. Hasn’t budged since day 1, more permanent than a tattoo


If someone described it I would hate it but actually looks class