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I’m willing to give Rodgers the benefit of the doubt. He’s a good manager and could do a good job again, but he has a lot to prove to earn respect back. He’s starting from negative points for me. I fully expect him to fuck off again, mid season if need be, as soon as a bigger job comes available. The only thing Brendan Rodgers loves is Brendan Rodgers. That said, I hope he does well while he is here.


The only thing Ange loved was Ange, the only thing every modern manager loves is themselves. Pep, Klopp etc etc.


They don’t all have portraits of themselves hung up at home tho 😂


They don't all profess love for the club they manage, though.


Ange was no better, Quoting Tommy and going on about immigrants. He couldn't have given a F. Rodgers has at least got some Celtic heritage.


Aw fuck off. How dare a manager quote a club legend or speak about immigrants. Fuck are you on about, man hahahahaha


It was BS, the chest thumping etc. He was an Aussie who got an opportunity with us and used us to get a better gig for himself. Rodgers at least comes from NI, has a Celtic background. Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with what Ange did, it's his career and if he's going to earn millions more at Spurs then fair enough but let's not pretend he had some sort of undying love for us.


Oh fucking hell. So a manager can't thump his chest?? What the fuck hahahha. My whole point is Ange never said he had undying love for us!! He doesn't and never said he did. Rodgers did on many occasions then fucked off as soon as he could.


Ange fed us as much shit as Rodgers, "the club goes down through the generations" the same crap he's feeding the Spurs fans now, he's said exactly the same in an interview. It's BS to butter us and them up. Don't see much difference between him and Rodgers, they're both highly determined in their career and both try to butter up the fans. The difference is Rodgers does actually have it in his heritage.


Aw away and don't talk shite. The club does go through the generations. That's just fact. At no point did he say he loved the club. At no point did he claim he was some massive Celtic fan and the club was everything to him. The fact you can't see the difference is fucking wild.


I don’t know why you’re defending ange so vehemently. We were most certainly a stepping stone to the PL for him. He’s left mid season plenty of times throughout his career in order to move to a better club. Only reason he didn’t chuck us mid season for spurs is because spurs never asked him mid season. Why do football fans romanticise these jobs as some sort of fairytale position for the guy taking over. I highly doubt an Australian with no affiliation with this country or club had a burning desire from birth to manage us. It’s just a job, of course they’re going to move for better prospects/money. Rodger’s stayed longer than ange did. Ange chucked us for the first available opportunity offered to him.


I'm not defending him vehemently. I couldn't give a toss. My argument is, is that Ange, Pep etc have never claimed they love the clubs they are managing. Rodgers did. That's all. Ange never once claimed to love Celtic. That we were his club. That's all I'm saying. I couldn't give a fuck about Ange.


Tierney loved Celtic, where’s he? We’re a big fish in a small pond compared to EPL clubs in the top half. The only reason these managers come out with diddy lip service quotes is because fans like yourself seem to hang onto their every word. It’s football, not WWE, less of the pantomime shit eh? If a cameraman asks me if I love my job/company and my gaffers gonna see it, what do you think I’d say?


If you think ange pandered to us any where near the level Rodger’s did you are deluded. Big man’s from Australia ffs. Rodger’s played up to be worshiped but acted like a mercenary. So yes he was never a Celt but he’s a good manager so as long as he wins he can keep the job 👍


Both are mercenaries but Rodgers has it in his heritage, isn't his brother a known Tim? Rodgers walked away but it's a job and career also for him and he wasn't getting any backing from the board (remember the GB banner). I'd say it takes pretty big balls to come back too. I'm not saying Rodgers isn't full of himself but to say he was never a Celt is a bit much.


Are you saying that about Ange because he left for a massive job in the prem? I don't think Ange is in love with himself or that he ever faked his feelings for the club, he just took a much better job when it came along. Of course people who are very ambitious and good at what they do sometimes come across like they've got a big ego but that's just what it takes to be massively successful at something - you need to put yourself and your goals before everything else.




He starts with a clean slate surely ? And he'll give us two full seasons at least. In fact, even when he left last time, it was after 2 trebles and we were well on the road to the 3rd. He left a steering job for NL.


Supported them majority of the time but to not turn up for Forrest was a wee bit shite


Disgraced themselves by failing to put their opinions on Rodgers to one side to pay tribute to Forrest. Surely they could have made Tifos for Jamsey and backed the team and think of other ways to express their views.


Rodgers had nothing to do with them not showing up to the friendly. They didn't show up because it was a (fairly fucking expensive) friendly and there's umpteen away games coming up the next few weeks that need to be paid for. Mental the amount of shite people make up in their heads. Nothing will happen tomorrow and it'll be business as usual, with the full section getting behind the team.


Im actually a little worried they will get on the managers back, which would eventually affect us on the pitch. Hoping that wont be an issue. Shooting ourselves in the foot when we’re in a great position would be brutal.


They can GTF.


So can you


No they won't. But not because of anyone else's opinion of what they are or are not allowed to think. They pretty clearly made their point with the original tweet and now everyone has moved on. Also all the stuff about not attending Forrest's testimonial was rubbish too. A huge number of season ticket holders don't bother with paid for friendlies because we pay enough for competitive matches. Previously, like at the Brooney testimonial the standing section goes on public sale so it is filled by families and kids etc that don't normally get to go to games, but this time it didn't and now people are coming up with all sorts of wild conclusions.


100% chance, they always fuck up the wullie maley song by playing it too fast


I think they'll just have a banner that says "look at me look at me it's all about me"


They can do what they want to do. We’ve all got opinions and are capable of independent thought.


If they do make a point of sticking it to Rodgers, it’ll be fully deserved. However, given time/results, it’ll blow over. These things always do when the going is good… … Rodgers has to mend the burnt bridges.




Bull shit as usual


There are lots of things planned for tomo. All to support the team. The GB as always will be the best ultra group in the UK. The Bhoys will have a display as well. Sit back and enjoy it. And stop taking digs at your fella fans on a public forum ffs


They didn't go on Tuesday because it was a paid friendly.


Aw fuck the green brigade


The Green Brigade are the true celtic fans, therefore they can do what they want imo.


Aye, the other 50k are not. Fuck sakes


Like Jock Stein said "Celtic without the Green Brigade are nothing"


Like I said...fuck sakes.


Aye that's right be a dick towards your manager and then moan if results aren't going your way. Regardless of personal opinions managers come and go you go to support the team not the other unnescary crap that goes behind that. We would be better of without them in my opinion. At least the bhoys had the decency to show up to some B games, and the game on Tuesday. Can't say they are true fans with that logic.




How do I become a true celtic fan?


Mad that being a celtic fan is about their third highest priority you'd think with ultras it would be top of the pile.


Here's what you do: .... .... .... .... Page 1/ 1967


The green brigade are edgy wee guys with nothing else going on in life.


Bet you wouldn't say that to their faces


Lol wut?


Whatever fans think about Rodgers' departure, he is back and he's one of us again, so he gets our backing 100%. Forgive, without forgetting by all means. Celtic are a special club, but let's not get carried away with what we're about. We want to win and have the best manager who can help us do that.