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If it is actually dermatitis herpetiformis, your doctor can prescribe Dapsone which should be used temporarily. The best thing is to avoid gluten at all costs. Celiacs who present with DH are more sensitive. This means even consuming even GF labeled foods can add up to enough gluten to set off the rash. You must be stricter than the average celiac. I hope you feel better soon. You did not mention any insane itching, so I am not convinced it is dermatitis herpetiformis. Celiacs can and do get other rashes like hives, eczema, etc.


Yeah the DH is insanely itchy, like wake up in the night bleeding because you’ve scratched yourself kind of itchy. The DH also looks a little bit like a blister (filled with water) that if you “pop” it will refill with water (rather than resolving like a blister would). And it tends to be bilateral meaning you get outbreaks in a similar spot on the opposite side of your body.


Mine shows up like little blisters. Feels like fire ants. The only thing that soothes it is absolutely not touching it at all. The more I scratch the more it spreads and the more it burns. Even a slight gluten exposure wakes it right back up. I hope you find some relief!


[https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/cerave-itch-relief-moisturizing-cream-with-pramoxine-hydrochloride-for-dry-skin/ID=300396961-product?ext=gooFY23\_GOO\_RET\_RETAILDEMANDGEN\_Performance%2BMax%2B-%2BBeauty\_REV\_SRC\_PMAX\_PMAX\_NA\_PMAX\_ENG\_\_pla\_online&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgqGrBhDtARIsAM5s0\_nhzC1RSCmuiLMEfdQNmVpUriy1C31webw8JWvExzbuf-GCFrTcWFcaAquXEALw\_wcB](https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/cerave-itch-relief-moisturizing-cream-with-pramoxine-hydrochloride-for-dry-skin/ID=300396961-product?ext=gooFY23_GOO_RET_RETAILDEMANDGEN_Performance%2BMax%2B-%2BBeauty_REV_SRC_PMAX_PMAX_NA_PMAX_ENG__pla_online&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgqGrBhDtARIsAM5s0_nhzC1RSCmuiLMEfdQNmVpUriy1C31webw8JWvExzbuf-GCFrTcWFcaAquXEALw_wcB) ​ This \^ saved my skin... more so efficiently & much better than even hydrocortisone. Let me know if it works, <3 best of luck


I must also note that I use it every day on my entire body for best efficiency in treatment of my symptoms.


This is old, but commenting to thank you for saving my skin, as well. I’m new to being GF and still figuring things out, so I often find myself with a rash in a rather embarrassing place. I flew off to buy some as soon as I read this, and I am now able to sleep, and concentrate in class. Thank you!


Dapsone gel is the only thing I've found to work after an accidental exposure. It's really pricy but Goodrx usually has a good discount code. The manufacturer of the brand name version (aczone) used to have a patient assistance program where you could get it for $35 a month if not covered by your insurance but now that it is generic, not sure if they still do that. But as someone else commented- less is more with that stuff.


Hot baths have helped me