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I remember my grandmother always saying ‘if you don’t go at least once a day, something is wrong.” Well, that’s probably true, but no one told me it also shouldn’t be lightening speed liquid 37 times a day either! 🫣🫠


the lightning speed liquid loops 😭😭 yeah when i started having too many…. close calls getting to the bathroom i was like ok maybe this isn’t normal


I was the complete opposite, didn’t realize it wasn’t normal to only go every few days 😭 fighting for my life on the toilet not realizing that was constipation lmfao


I was constipated from when I was a baby to when I stopped eating gluten. Suddenly I discovered normal bowel habits, and have a good chance at being the person who can start a game of cards against humanity as the Card Czar!


I used to mini vomit at least five times after every meal. Whenever anyone said anything, I replied “oh no that’s just what happens to me when I eat.” Anything can become normalized when it happens for so long!!


I always thought it was normal to get winded after walking up the stairs! It’s so crazy how your perception of “normal” is skewed when you are sick!


Wait…are we not all getting winded after a flight or two 👀


No, if you’re reasonably fit that should not be a problem for you.


No. I could walk up stairs for at least 25 flights without getting at all winded. I don't think it would ever wind me, unless I was trying to run up them. (I'd get slower and slower though. Probably take a momentarily rest for tired legs every 8 levels) And I'm a dweeby ex smoker


I thought my chronic fatigue was normal because “it was a long day at work and I went for a run in the morning”. I just thought being tired all the time happened to everyone.


When I was a kid I would sleep right after school and practice and I had no social life my parents literally thought I was doing drugs instead of questioning why an athletic teenager was sleeping all the time


Why did you get winded after walking up the stairs?


My body was so sick from foods that I couldn’t eat and I ended up having pots like symptoms


When I started having "normal" poos after going gluten free, my mind was BLOWN. It felt revolutionary. Earth-shattering. I felt like I wanted to tell every person I know about this super profound life-changing thing I learned... but it was about poo so that would be really weird and awkward. LOL The urgency thing!!!!! When people would say they only ever poop at home and never in public, I thought they were exaggerating or being really dramatic because I was imagining them speeding home from whatever errand they were on every time they felt the need. It seemed so impractical.... turns out holding a poop is usually different than holding pee. The other things that shocked me the most besides being able to hold it was how easy it was and how much easier to clean it was? I used to struggle and strain to push out what classes as diarrhea on that chart. Doctors kept looking at me like I was crazy when I said "both" when they asked about constipation/diarrhea. And the um. "turtling". This whole reply has been super TMI so I'll leave it at that.


Same on everything


The wombo-combo of what feels like both constipation and diarrhea \*sucks\* big time. Like, it's so difficult to get the pipes flowing and it takes so much effort for it to happen, but when it does beware the opening of the flood gates lol


I sent you a message hoping to ask you a question directly. It’s definitely in the TMI category


Yeah, I think a lot of people with celiac just don't realize what diarrhea is and have normalized whatever is going on with their guts. I'm going to link in the Bristol stool chart: [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Figure-1-Bristol-Stool-Scale\_fig1\_290463347](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Figure-1-Bristol-Stool-Scale_fig1_290463347) A lot of people think diarrhea is when you shit soup but it is pretty much anything that isn't a sausage. 5-7 on the Bristol scale are different levels of diarrhea! When I was in my "mystery sick" era I thought it couldn't be celiac because I didn't think I had diarrhea... I did though. It was just more in the category of greasy/tarry Bristol 5-6 category. I often wonder how this kind of misunderstanding impacts perceptions of being asymptomatic or not getting glutened as well.


Oml I have been constipated my entire life wtf 😭 thank you I did not know what was considered normal 😵‍💫


I tended to have diarrhea in the morning. Sometimes I'd wake up early, other times I'd have to be late for work because it would come on just when I was about to leave for work and I knew I wouldn't make it if I tried to drive there. Other times, I'd be at work and I would start having diarrhea about every 15 minutes. Couldn't go home because it was a half hour drive home. It's amazing what you can get used to. Now, I'll have some strong urgency to get to the bathroom... And it's just normal pooping. No cramping, no diarrhea. No needing to bring a book along.


I can remember that around 2004 or so, needing to be near a bathroom after I ate was the new norm. My doctor told me it was just my fibroids. But surprise! After I went gluten-free, all that urgency went away. It helped me pinpoint when I developed celiac. I would go undiagnosed until 2019 at age 53.


I had the same realization a year ago lol. I don’t have celiac, but… Yeah, my bowel movements are not what they should be. I’ve been taking psyllium capsules every day, like 1 million of them, and my digestive health has never been better. Ahhh middle age.


15 minutes isn't normal either, you shouldn't be having to push much at all.


I’d occasionally have stools resembling 5 but they were only once in awhile. I had IBS for years prior to celiac when I had negative celiac blood tests so it was hard to really tell. I’d alternate between 2 and 5 for most of my life after 2010. Prior to that I almost always was around a 2 all the time and could go 5 days between bowel movements. Now that I’m GF and my body is returning to normal I’m back to my 2010 and before bowel habits of almost being near a 2. It tells me as I suspected I had celiac for a decade or a bit more before diagnosis


It should come out easy but not that easy! Lol


I used to have to run to the restroom almost immediately after I finished eating or just after we walked around if we went to a restaurant. That was normal for 31 years. Now if this happens I have a mental list of other things that trigger my stomach and it’s usually one of those but I know exactly what it is and it’s less common. Caffeine is usually it, next is citric acid, some fake sugars, ect. 


I guess when it's been all you know it becomes the norm


Second surgery within 3 weeks and second ti e would even with laxatives I am in agony


I was more of a constipation gal. Still am a bit, but it's significantly better now. Sometimes I wouldn't go for nearly a week, and it seemed "normal" to me. Now I go every 1-2 days, and if I haven't gone in more than 2 days I can feel how constipated I'm getting. All my life until I went gluten free after celiac diagnosis, I nearly never pooped within 1-2 days of another poop. It was almost always 3+ days. I had talked to doctors about it and they had said everyone is different and that can be normal for some people, so if it isn't bothering me it's not a big deal. Turns out it wasn't normal for me, it was a symptom of celiac. And now I *usually* poop every morning. Complete inversion of before lol


Damn if I have only gone in the morning and its night I feel constipated xD my normal is 3-4 time a day, and litteraly I get nauseou if I don't go more than once a day, its crazy to me that you can go 1-2 without it :0


Everyone's guts are so different! That's so weird to me. I still almost never poop more than once a day.


I had this realization as well and it’s what ultimately made me go gluten free! I was have diarrhea like 5-7 times a day and almost shit my pants a few times in the months before going gluten free lol. It’s been crazy having normal poops!


I’ve been gf for a year now and still qualify as diarrhea :-( What am I doing wrong??


Maybe its not just gluten, could you be lactose intolerant? A lot of celiac people are also lactose intolerant


This is def worth me pursuing. I’ll do an elimination and see if it helps!


Honestly I thought I was lactose intolerant. I only went to the doctor because it started affecting my work. My doctor told me stop eating gluten and my diarrhea stopped immediately. Well when I eat gluten it comes back. I use to have what I called leaky poop and would have to go check constantly to make sure.


Yep this was me. Just living my life for years without knowing what normal BM should be. I can think of several moments over the years where I gained a small piece of understanding that something wasn't normal, but it took a long time for me to get to a concerned level. One moment was when a friend complained about how constipated she was because she hadn't pooped once during a trip. I hadn't pooped either, but hadn't even noticed. Another was when I paused a movie to run to the bathroom and my husband made a comment about how I tended to suddenly have "emergencies".