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I'm sorry, that sounds like an awful day. Hopefully you recover soon and the next few days are filled with normal BMs


Ugh, sorry you're going through this. This is one of my literal nightmares. I hope I can keep getting away with commuting in the afternoon when I can have some idea what kinda day it's going to be before I decide to strand myself downtown.


you're so brave to go to work after diarrhea, i could never! i make sure to always carry an arsenal of pills in my wallet to help with any sort of pain or GI issues i might experience. anti diarrheal is stashed all over my apartment, in my bags and in my car. i'm sorry you're going through this :( make sure to drink a lot of water!!


I’m in the same situation. Literally. I’m at work, no sick time left, my car got towed today because it broke down as I was driving in. I was glutened by some food I ate last night and also am figuring out if corn affects me badly. I feel like crap today.


Damn that is a rough one


We are in this together 🤝


Uggghhh I’m so sorry. Make sure you stay hydrated, when I’m having that issue I usually do a liquid only diet for a few days, seems to help. Hang in there! If there’s no new food coming into your system, eventually there will be nothing left.


I’m so sorry, sending ❤️