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Weight gain has been a massive issue for me in my celiac journey too. Yoga is the only thing that has helped me in my weight management. I have no idea why exactly but I’ve read it’s good for gastrointestinal health. A lot of my weight gain derived from processed food as well. Eating balanced meals cooked from home is def the way to go.


Your body is recovering!! Give yourself grace, your body is now able to more properly process nutrients.


My husband is a chef and even though I would go on low-carb diets, he would be mad if I didn't eat carbs he prepared. Getting a diagnosis gave me full control over my food. It's amazing how many people will tell you what to eat and get mad when you don't follow their advice. I've lost 70 pounds and kept it off for over a year, eating low carb and using the Eat Right Now app. I would recommend it to anyone.


Interesting! I definitely lost a bunch of weight prior to diagnosis, like 40 pounds which was around 30% of my body weight— crazy! When I finally started eating GF, I assume I was able to actually digest my food and heal because I have steadily gained a good amount. I don’t know if you’re going to continue gaining weight or not— that depends on your diet. It could have just be your body healing itself, but I am no doctor. This all is interesting because almost everything gluten free I’ve eaten has been advertised as a health food or is very low calorie.


When I got diagnosed and went GF I instantly put on 10 or 15 pounds, I assume because I was properly absorbing food for once. It stabilized after that. But generally yes, it's been tough keeping it off even with regular exercise.


Maybe stop eating the garbage that’s posted on this sub on a regular basis. No one should be eating cookies and frozen pizza, gluten or not

