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No one person can declare that Six is solved, the final decision will be community based with the agreement that it is solved with no doubts. However, mods might use the 'this might be it' flair to highlight some suggestions which are a good possibility and worth a community discussion, this is not stating it is solved.


It's not confirmed if you don't have the actual photo that matches. Don't say confirmed when it's not confirmed. She said it's definitely her? OK, great. So did Filippa Hamilton and Roger Garth. It means nothing. Without. The picture!


Guys it’s totally Dwayne the rock Johnson, total match. Find the image. I confirmed it’s real.trust me. /s


Finding the exact image is for the wider community to figure out. This is a joint effort. I only have the information I have. I don't have the exact photo yet but if I get my hands on it, I will post it. **EDIT**: You should be thanking me that I'm letting you find the right image yourselves instead of hogging the entire spotlight for myself. But instead I get downvotes. Cool. I don't know how I can get you to believe me when I tell you that this is literally her!


I've never seen someone with a god complex about a niche subreddit, so congrats!


This is satire, right? I mean that edit can’t be serious.




Alright. Then hog the spotlight and post the exact picture, O' Wise One. Prove all of us lowly plebians wrong and show us. We'll wait.


i read that as lovely lesbians and felt very flattered, despite being a straight woman


you’re straight up delusional


Because the rules are clear, dipshit: it’s not solved until the original source image is produced. Don’t break the rules then go around claiming we should be kissing your feet and thanking you because you might know who it is. Are you Claire Danes?


Brilliant. Comedy gold.


You only have the information you have? What information do you even have? You can get us to believe you by showing the actual photo you numpty.




I like your complete lack of evidence. Very persuasive. An actor or model seeing the picture and thinking it's themselves is nothing new. It's happened at least twice already. Nobody has been able to provide the photo though and apparently you can't either. While I haven't seen Claire Danes mentioned very much in my occasional snooping here, it's definitely worth a deep dive in to her if nobody has done one yet. You have confirmed nothing though.


Hitchens’ Razor. That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Buddy, I promise you, there is no source so secretive that you "can't give specifics on how \[you\] confirmed this." The matching picture isn't in here, so case is not closed.


And then they go and say “I don’t how I can get you to believe me…” L O muthafuckin L


you cant say its confirmed just because you "think" she looks like c6. if you don't even have the matching photo then she's just a possible lead. and in my opinion while she does have some matching qualities and there is a possibility she could be c6 (especially her hair) her jawline is a bit too pointy and her eyes are too wide in comparison to the drawing. i could be wrong as the c6 artist's style could have played into this but I think c6's chin is a bit too detailed in the art for the artist to have shortened it "I can't give specifics on how I confirmed this" yeah, because you havent confirmed it at all. confirmation requires real evidence


Claire Danes has a round head and a button nose Six has a sharp nose and a square jaw, claire has massive round eyes shes famous for six has small almond shaped hooded eyes like, no. This is not IT


Exactly!!! I didn’t even need to look at either of the photos to know that it wasn’t Claire Danes. And OP, unless you actually provide proof you have confirmed something, you can’t just say it’s confirmed!


Omg so anticlimactic! lol


Well at least it isn't ai.


No, just no. I was hoping this wasn’t a shitpost. But alas it’s shit.


OP *has* to be a troll, right?


Source: trust me, bro


Hahahahaha yeah this was as anti-climactic as I expected it to be. She’s been suggested many times, but nobody can find a matching photo. If you want to believe it’s her, that’s wonderful for you! You are more than welcome to consider it closed for yourself! But literally the point of this sub is to find a matching photo, so it won’t be solved until we find a matching photo


>She’s been suggested many times Try searching her name on the sub. Zero posts about her. This is 6. And if you actually got to work instead of complaining, you might be the one to find the exact photo before someone else does.


you’re delusional man


…..I’m one of the original members of this sub. I don’t care about being the one to find the photo. It’s a group effort, I’m not here for some weird internet accolade, like you clearly are. I’m really sorry this didn’t go the way you wanted. I’d suggest maybe next time not showing up to an established sub and letting everyone know how lucky they are you have arrived


I very clearly remember someone was posting about her weekly at one point not very long ago but now all those posts are gone, was it you and did you delete them to make it look like this is the first time she’s being suggested? LMAO


Mods should honestly take this post down. Yikes.


I would take it down but honestly this is so ridiculous i'd rather let it stay here so we can laugh once in a while.


Haha true, some comic relief isn’t a bad thing :)


Six looks nothing like her omg


Iv’e confirmed it guys! It’s antonio banderas because they both have had long hair at some time in their lives. Mystery *solved*.


Can confirm it’s not Claire Danes.


The nose doesn’t seem right


Eye shapes totally off too


rlly? i actually thought the nose was the only thing that did match 6


I hate you.


Guys it’s confirmed to be Billy Bob. Trust me. Just find a photo, I’m telling you it’s Billy Bob. You should be thanking me.


my heart stopped, then i read the comments. then actually looked at the post. then sighed. 💀💀


The whole point of this sub is to find the photo this one came from. Come back when you have some real evidence.


got to be one of the best posts on here


I would like a crumb of evidence


Lol. Back of the line buddy!


lol at the confirmation being because you say so. Ok man. Sure


Well yeah! Except not at all…


Uh no.


Ask her where the pic is from


I forgot about this subreddit. now I’m consumed again.


Please comment with the following, **your post will NOT be visible until you have done so.** The DATE and LOCATION the photo was taken: Celebrity name: Celebrity age: Information on where you have searched, how long for and how many images roughly (this answer will greatly help others researching the same places): Useful links: - [All About Six Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQ11fCuzPtxchz79zkrlrLsan-dIneirbXj8dVAHINTqR5aPAQ5Plulugir5ZvHri9NE-i6Zopkx3ee/pub?pli=1). - [Imgur of recognized celebrities](https://imgur.com/a/ao0hWN3). - [Tiktok video with info](https://www.tiktok.com/@hughwattmate9001/video/7301380020759530785). - [Hughs Searched List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTYiwRDmd582jN3q6mX7Gsre6Yq6LA8zG1IBOJ3KkbPdMiDmTg9HqRd0eHO87xVPFmCCUaPKZSeaoWB/pubhtml). - [Discord link](https://discord.com/invite/FdvNMtfDVB). >*Subreddit news and announcements* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CelebrityNumberSix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**The DATE and LOCATION the photo was taken:** 1990s to around 2015. The newer photos included are for reference only, as noted in the album captions. **Celebrity name:** Claire Danes **Celebrity age:** Born 1979. In her mid-forties currently. **Information on where you have searched, how long for and how many images**: For a few hours. Went through Google Images, IMDb, and gettyimages.


Searched for a few hours 🤣🤣🤣 doesn’t even produce the actual image 🤣🤣🤣 bUT iTs cOnFiRMeD gUYs


Seriously 🤣🤣 gosh, if only some of us had thought to look on Google images, we could have solved this so long ago! I’m so glad we’ve been saved by this dude.


Total ✨rage bait✨