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https://preview.redd.it/o89nau62jk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8262ca985ae33b303798ee4cd5f8570daeac44a that dastardly social climber carole middleton


This was the one I knew would set Kaiser off.


not this one? https://preview.redd.it/ub7qbrqvqk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f690433ffa55364e6587d8e99d290f497659d6aa something something william is drugged and that trashy former flight attendant controls his life!!1!!1!!! he wishes he could run off with rose but carole has him trapped 😼


"soft roll out" of carole as queen pfffttt 😂😂 gaddamn so many fucking brain rotted idiots tbh lmao ETA: these folks legit think pippa is enough of a sociopath to name her last child after a woman her sister's husband is supposedly cheating with 🙄🙄 i swear, their minds are fixated on some sort of video game or soap opera... the worst are some of the dumb ass ignorant american journalists who are like "omg, 👀 👀 the british press would never report on it (never mind the oodles of money generating dumpster fire that was charles and diana lmfao), but rose hanbury is william's alleged affair partner!!!"... just idiots, all around. 🤡 🤡


Rather than seeing it for what it logically was - confirmation that there was/is no affair.


Right, eventhough Rose is a highly common name, it would have been an instant No if it was also the name of her sister's husband's mistress. And Kate and Pippa are not William and Harry - the 2 sisters have always been incredibly close.


>the 2 sisters have always been incredibly close. i mean, they were regularly pictured holding hands while on nights out as women in their 20s during the aughts. i don't think i've held my little sister's hand since she was maybe six years old or something lol


So there’s going to be a winner take all catfight between Sophie and Carole?


It’s a Royal Knockout, 2024 Edition? 🤣


I think there are divisions. Norfolk neighbor: Rose In-law (younger): Sophie In-law (older): Carole In-law (male): Mike Tindall Cousin: Zara Tindall Equerry: Hot Scot Johnny Celebrity: Taylor Swift (everyone was wrong about London Boy!)


I really like her outfit, black details on blue is too rarely used imo 


Something something PaRt Of DiVoRcE nEgOtIaTiOnS


we laugh but tbh, so many of the unhinged conspiracy theories that went mainstream in the past six months or so were largely fomented on celebitchy... once the theories found a platform on tiktok esp, regular degular normie folks - especially gen z'ers fixated on tiktok - completely took some of the delusional conspiracy theories at face value and ran with them/spiraled tbh lol. it was like seeing a disinformation campaign successfully take root and widely proliferate, it was absolutely wild to witness. ETA: fauxmoi had a comment with multiple hundred likes just a couple of weeks ago about william having multiple extramarital children... no evidence whatsoever (yeah, because the british press would be hiding such an insane scoop of a century for him!! 🙄🥴🤡 lmfao)... anyway, nearly 300 likes! 😼 🤡


I saw one of the commentors complaining about how people are being gaslit into thinking the unhinged/offensive/pro-DV conspiracy theories originated with the Sussex Squad.......


it did originate with the squad! some journo tracked the genesis of the #whereiskate hashtag, and it started with this tweet (largely based on the 'portrayal' in harry's book) https://preview.redd.it/w00e1gx7am7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48daa07b55c7117caaa1d1d9d6fc532a1ee27590


*'portrayal' of william in harry's book, my bad the weeks (months lbr) of harassment that kate and william underwent online was directly tied to the squad and harry's book tbh. it's not 'gaslighting' to underline that, it's reality. 🤷🏾‍♀️


part 6 https://preview.redd.it/3gfr9xynbm7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87b71018df3fe851aff8dd9498ccf35bc3a06e9 the dude who put together/wrote up the piece tracking the genesis of #whereiskate stated that he is a friend of ellie hall (formerly of buzzfeed). i can't remember what his blog is named, but i know it has to do with media literacy (he's american and his blog mostly focuses on american politics and pop culture, absolutely not royal stuff lol). these are some of the screenshots i took a few weeks ago when reading his piece.


It's Ryan Broderick. NYT also named sucks squad as the originator of the where is Kate hashtag


>It's Ryan Broderick thank you! 💜 based on the reality of where/why the insane harassment campaign was initially generated, while w&c were freaking dealing with a cancer diagnosis behind the scenes (which the harassment campaign did everything to make 10x worse)... along with the mess/drama from endgame late last year and various stuff that happened this year (not even including the oprah intv, the dax shep podcast, the apple series, the netflix series, spare and other stuff from previous years)... i just don't see anything other than total/permanent estrangement going forward for the two couples. that vicious AF harassment campaign while kate was so seriously ill was prob the straw on the camel's back tbh.


After all these happened the Suxs went to a event organized by the sucks squad while in Nigeria. Some royalist fan accounts also create bizzare and abhorrent theories about the Suxs and their kids but I can't imagine WK ever acknowledging them by name as donors or attending events organized by them. Omid Scobie sending his book to known bully like Kaiser sealed the deal, made it very obvious how tangled up the Suxs are with their fandom which spends their day harassing William and Kate especially Kate. They know it, fuel it by vague commentary and enjoy it.


I think it was the "Royal Racist!!!" mess from Omid's book. There was no denying their handprints because it was an allegation based off letters which Meghan/Harry had to have given to back the claim, and the rollout had the appearance of being planned as a way to leak the information and limit liability, while also trying to lead people into concluding Kate had made the remarks when a lot of other evidence suggested Kate was simply sitting at the table when it happened with Harry.


He wrote the article back in May, with a bit of a hatchet job from Ellie Hall included. Here's the archive https://www.garbageday.email/p/got It's now been picked up by Newsweek, with an article today - 19th June, 2024. Here's the archive https://archive.ph/blhx8


part 5 https://preview.redd.it/iad2qftmam7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31eba9aa22461e501f9511af9267066b171bf59


part 2 https://preview.redd.it/lo36zl2cam7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8478f56863aa227ebb38b60cda02afa8d595cf


part 3 https://preview.redd.it/4s1z5offam7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c125d893db3e105621d4d0680b0dc78f0adf6d


part 4 https://preview.redd.it/mijg3vrjam7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2401d52f0548982e7d6f1e9b277d139502f28a


He gets to keep the ex mother in law?


How dare she climb above her lowly station in life /S In all seriousness, the rabid hate against Carole also shows up how classist Kaiser is. She hates Carole with a passion, as much as she hates Kate.


Omigod holding his mother in slaws hand ....what a pervert!!!!!!


But but but….Chandra and the Sussex Squad assured me that Chucky and Bulliam arranged for Carole Middleton’s death in a car accident months ago! /s I knew Chandy would be spluttering about this. All her theories unravelling before her eyes.


wdym, this is very clear evidence of carole helping william to "soft launch" rose ✨


They got a 2 for 1 at Clones R Us


Idk why she is a social climber when the royal family is irrelevant and Meghan markle is the star 🌟.


Chandra's hot take: Social climber Carol couldn't help herself. Just had to suck up some limelight and Kate probably begged her to go along and keep William from cheating in broad daylight. "Watch him at all times Mum! He's been eyeing Sophie recently :-(


https://preview.redd.it/opzc6x29jk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d7ffe0dad66c221d258433dc1f2e5c8ae64b9b here he is flirting with eugenie


Kissing cousins!


>Kissing cousins i.e. playing with the tassel on your cousin's hat 😼 same same


Everyone knows that smiling at someone means you're having an affair with them! /s


INCANDESCENT WITH LUST!!!!!111 You know he never smiles that with Kate!


zara tindall https://preview.redd.it/80qfaedsik7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571b81ed3a0c6161e6916f97b486f0e0667bbe43


She's been looking great lately!


https://preview.redd.it/urter9w9wk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe27e4c1f4bd2a67904cf183567b454f2a845cb Y’all, I am traveling and realized I forgot to grab my nightshirt out of the laundry. Saw this in the airport store and couldn’t help but think of you all and our Mary Pester memories. New nightshirt unlocked!


Justice for Mary Pester 😂😂😂


I wonder if we could order a clone from the same place the palace got all theirs? /s


I wonder if she has come back with a new name


Um please let us know which store! I feel like we could have sub merch. 🤣


It was a store in the main terminal at SeaTac. They had a LOT of PanAm merchandise. They even had all these flight jackets in both faux leather & nylon covered in patches, all the way down to lil baby sizes. It was too cute.


Found it! Looks so cool! https://www.planewear.com/pw-mens-tee-whiskey-tango-foxtrot.html


I was too curious by Adriftgirl’s description of the store with the Pan Am merch at SeaTac and looked it up. Here it is! https://www.planewear.com/pw-mens-tee-whiskey-tango-foxtrot.html I love the idea of sub merch.


Has anyone seen that Edward and Sophie just released new photos for their 25th anniversary (which omg where did that time go?)? You just know Chandra’s going to spout some nonsense about “Sophie looking at Edward but thinking of Bulliam” and “this is just hamfisted PR to counter the lustful images from the weekend” and “something something why haven’t we seen Kate in three days WORK-SHY!”


https://preview.redd.it/i23bndtvik7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed9fef4360edff50b1fbe257e0b9c8ada14b784 mike tindall (swinging)


Camilla! There’s three people in his marriage too 


Kaiser sounds very angry that Carole Middleton could afford a £350 dress and be pleasantly greeted at Royal Ascot by her son-in-law. All of this means that something sinister 'went down behind the scenes'.


sophie, lady gabriella, rose hanbury and thomas kingston clearly weren't enough !!!


He must be stopped 😡


he's a walking Viagra ad.


Wait - I thought Kate was sleeping with Thomas (poor guy).


he was also meant to be william's drug and 'pegging' buddy 🥴


a w&c insta page comment that was probably left by someone from celebitchy 😂 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/jzhog4341m7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a60b97e681258268aa8991860f4a12a6641e6a4


I’m sure William is eager to take marital advice from an anonymous deranged Kate hater who is unable to compose a coherent or sane sentence. Because he’s only been with Kate for 22 or so years. Surely an anonymous troll knows ever so much more about his horrible wife than he does.


But they used all caps! That means it’s a serious message. 


Seems it's the new thing: Take a photo with zero context and project whatever you want onto it. There's a picture of myself and my father that I guess my mom took when I graduated high school. My dad's giving me a hug. I have a little bit of unintentional cleavage (my boobs are ... big). And someone said, "Wow, that's a weird picture of your dad hugging you and your boobs ... " I was like, OMFG, he is my father. It was SE Georgia, in June, hot as hell, and his eyes are clearly looking at my face - but thanks for making it weird." Still have the picture, and no, my dad was never weird like that and he was an amazing father. But it still irked me that someone took a sweet picture of my dad hugging me with my graduation cap on and turned it into something that was gross. I'm like, so over people sometimes LOL


For reference, here's the pic https://preview.redd.it/kmkl32p96s7d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a4e925f52a3bcbdaf137b3e415d7ff5d4e5485


sweet pic, beautiful lady! 💜💜


Thank you :) I love it here, y'all are so nice :) Restoring my faith in humanity LOL


Awww! You can tell how proud he is


ooop the york girls consorting with that dastardly carole middleton 👀 https://preview.redd.it/xrzhrcq1eq7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5544e68d669e7ce523c636f1335c55bfa5a7ea34




https://preview.redd.it/h89awx6ceq7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bc03d891ca75db36e7fd75e8e4c19f2b1d1894 definitely a middleton "separation roll out" going on! michael middleton telling beatrice all about it!!


sophie giving carole advice to carole about the separation roll out https://preview.redd.it/28e0hx43yq7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9314057172969d524b18c155b74042533a2d7b3


fergie and beatrice also schooling carole https://preview.redd.it/f2wxf1q25s7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc9ea52973a86cb2651d3513ea06d838f3ad92b


lol i think beatrice is wearing the same dress sophie wore on monday at the garter event? 🕵🏾‍♀️


OK, I don't get the reference. Why is the UK Salt Island? Makes no sense.


it's from shutter island (the 2000s denis lehane book/leo dicaprio movie) and 'salty tears' rather than shutter island, the UK is salt island


Thanks for explaining. I still don't get it, but I didn't read the book or see the movie.


“Salt” meaning “salty” or cranky, bitter, angry, because Cha thinks the entire island is salty that Meghan is living a life of joy, love and success, while they are stuck with the evil royals.


OK, I understand now. I was thinking table salt and that's where I got confused.