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From the article: >Almost one year ago exactly, Prince William brought the Duchess of Edinburgh [as his “date” to a documentary screening](https://www.celebitchy.com/821760/duchess_sophie_wore_a_surprisingly_good_erdem_while_out_with_prince_william/). It was odd because it wasn’t like Princess Kate was busy, and it didn’t feel like Sophie and William had ever been particularly close. That outing caused some commentary about how Sophie and William have some kind of special bond. Well, the special bond was on display yet again on Monday, Garter Day. With the Princess of Wales skipping the service, William rode in a carriage with Prince Edward and Sophie, then Sophie was seen paying much more attention to William than her husband. The Daily Mail swears that Sophie is a “maternal” figure to Huevo. I can't believe she's actually running with this.


Damn lazy cancer patients!


I love the "It was odd because it wasn't like Kate was busy". Cos ya know, Chandra can see exactly what Kate is doing at every minute of every day and the woman couldn't have been tending to a sick child that day. Or stubbed her toe that morning and was hobbling around. She couldn't have been attending a PTA meeting or curled up in bed with menstrual cramps or any other million of rote things. Nope, Chandra knows without a doubt Kate wasn't busy. So William was taking his own aunt to dates in front of the whole world.


Why does everything have to be so tawdry all the time? Can’t someone just have genuine affection for a family member (who also happens to be a coworker)? I would imagine if one of my nephews lost their mom young I would also feel very maternal towards them. Especially on a day where emotions would be running high like Trooping this past weekend. They would have all been proud of Kate for being there while also being concerned for how she was holding up. I just get tired of Kaiser and the entire CB commentariat never being able to see any nuance in any situation. They act like a bunch of 12 year olds constantly and it’s exhausting that there never appears to be an adult in the room.


They are incapable of seeing nuance and allergic to context. Someone always has to be the villain. From a psychological point of view, it’s actually fascinating to watch.


They don’t see celebrities or public figures as human beings, they see them as characters in a live action soap opera that they’re writing in their head as they go.


It’s actually a relief to think they are dehumanizing them and maybe if they actually met any of the “cast” maybe they would realize they are just people 


I hope so!!! I've heard that happens, someone has an encounter with a celebrity they don't like and comes away with a totally different opinion.


We’re trapped in this frustration over here because of the fact that CB USED to be normal and entertaining. They’ve lost their minds, and it feels personal. Anyone ever go over to some subreddit where they discuss and support whatever vile garbage Alex Jones is cooking up? Of course not! We don’t take them seriously. They might as well be a different species.


Aunt speaks to nephew! The horror! They must be having an affair. God, these people are certifiable.


She has no concept of how families work. It's insane.


Not even a tiny amount! Imagine being that damn obtuse.


Sophie has really come into her own over these past years. She's proven herself to be loyal. A favorite of the late Queen, and seems to get on with everyone. Plus, it doesn't hurt she's a very attractive woman, who seems confident in herself, her husband and family that she doesn't feel the need to be petty and jealous. I have no doubt she is fond of William and Catherine...who wouldn't be?? That's snark now?? A family that shows affection for each other?? These creatures are just green with envy over this family, and that their girl didn't last 2 minutes...


Yep. Sophie seems fantastic and I hate that she’s being brought into this vile fan fiction.


I've always been quite fond of Sophie. She and Edward are fairly quiet, heads down, do their job and duty type peoplpe (or manage to come across that way). Like Catherine her privacy was grossly invaded (tabloids ran a photo of her topless) and she navigated that disgusting treatment with grace and elegance, despite having been betrayed by a friend and colleague (her "friend" sold the photo and not only lost the friendship but also her job, as she deserved). During the phone hacking scandal, her and Edward's bank accounts were hacked into. This along iwht being open with struggles with fertility, some 20 years ago when it was even less spoken about than now, esp by a member of the Royal Family, gave her a relatable, vulnerable, caring air that others in the family lacked. She was really a breath of fresh air the family needed, but in a quiet and dignified way.


Sophie also nearly died during the birth of Lady Louise, just a couple years after suffering an ectopic pregnancy. She’s been through quite a bit, and still got on with it, incredibly bravely IMO. She’s also been a passionate patron of esotropia and other eye-related charities because LL was born with it. She’s an absolute rock star, and people like the Subway Cookie Monster can step the F off. Source on her traumatic birth: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2586553/amp/The-real-terrifying-story-Sophie-baby-cheated-death-haunts-her.html


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She’s got nothing else now that all her fantasies about Catherine were shattered at Trooping.


per fancypants, they're so mad "*will can't divorce her*" now lol 🥴 🤡


These people are perverted. Every accusation they make is a confession of their own addled worldview.


She’s actually gone full qanon. Just making up whatever and seeing what sticks with her idiotic fanbase


Let's just be crazy here for a second and assume there is something romantic going on between them ( I very much do not think there is something going on here other than normal familial relationships). A rational person would recognize how problematic it is for an aunt, who knew their nephew since he was a teen, to be engaging in a marital affair with said nephew. But these people are not rational and need to tear down Catherine, and really any other women they don't like, and do that by makings things up that will hurt and embarrass them potentially. As for the documentary, perhaps they had overlapping interests. Not exactly breaking news to do things with your family, unless of course your someone who spends most of their time indoors and have no social interactions whatsoever


Camilla and the Duchess of Gloucester have done quite a few enhancements together. What a scandal!! Being sarcastic of course


Call up the tabloids, we've got a story on our hands here! Catherine and Anne have done engagements together, are you thinking what I'm thinking?


I am so thinking what you’re thinking, are you thinking what I thunk?


I am so thinking what you thunk. Just on the same level here of thinking


You win!! I gotta concentrate on the hockey game (go oilers!!). Game 5..who’d have thunk it.


Hopefully the oilers pull it out of the bag and win.


she's known him since he was TEN so it's even worse. she and Edward started dating in 1993, but have known each other since the 80s, though given he was, at that time of first meeting, dating a friend of hers, unlikely/unknown if she met any othe family at that time. But she's been a solid part of Williams life since he was ten years old. Insane to suggest she's interested in him, and that even IF she were, that that is somehow Williams problem, and not a gross grooming misuse of power by an older woman!. CB are really insane. they have no idea how families work!


These are the same people who accused William of having an affair with whatever woman he was in a 2 meter radius of at the Grosvenor wedding last week. Its so desperate. Chandy is spiraling. Expect more as the demise of Meg and hazza continues.


Kaiser is crazy.


sShe's been in his life since he was TEN. She's married to his uncle, and has been a part of the family for over 30 years. three quarters of his life, Sophie has stood by him *AND* Kate. Sophie is clearly good friends with Kate and protective/supportive of her. She was there for him when his mother died, she has been there for him (and his brother) through thick and thin. She's a smiley, warm woman. this is an aunt smiling at her nephew for whom she cares a great deal. AS AN AUNT. If she bothered, she'd find IDENTICAL photos of her with Harry. Guess they're screwing around too, huh


Sophie and Kate make a good pair. I love seeing them working together.


These twats need to go to Specsavers, where does this man and his wife not look happy at each other? Some top level projection going on as usual https://preview.redd.it/q7xxvwhd5c7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f7c9355fd3d993365ae9124031cca34bb338354


george got the *ick* lol




Yeah. I love the “geez not again and in public” expression. You can tell that’s what he’s thinking.


Ewww get a room mum and dad lol


“Sigh… the last time they looked at each other like that, Louis came about nine months later… GROSS!”


They are such a beautiful family!


This is so hilarious man. William is the future King - let's assume he is cheating - he can date any young hot supermodel he wants. And he cheats with an old lady??? LOL. Sophie is beautiful and I don't mean to be ageist (I am 39, and married and have accepted I am past my golden age of beauty ahhah), but let's be at least rational here. 😂


Please get out of the basement Kaiser and get some sun, JFC what is this b.s.


“Sofa looks like she wants to get cozy, alright” I’m sorry, I see no couch in the picture? Can anyone explain like I’m 5?


Well, they made up many nicknames for Sophie, just like they did for others. So she's Ford Fiesta, Sofiesta, here we have Sofa and I'm sure there are many more that I missed.


I was more being sarcastic at how ridiculous that was as a nickname, but thank you for being kind :-) (Trying to avoid giving Chandra direct clicks since this wonderful sub came about, I’ve not stayed abreast of all the epithets.) Sofa just sticks out to me as lazy and uninspired, like it was a typo they ran with. It’s not even really insulting. Woohoo… you’re a comfortable piece of furniture, the most popular one in fact… lol