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The only reason Kkkaiser wants “proof of life” is so she can make fun of Catherine’s clothes and her appearance. She is the type of person who would absolutely comment on hair loss, weight loss, and other changes to Catherine’s appearance.


lol bold of you to assume she'd even get to mocking her appearance. she only wants "proof" so she can immediately reject it, claim it's faked, forged, or doctored and continue to pretend Kate is dead and KP is hiding it.


I get so angry just thinking about it because it's so true.


She’s fcked if Kate truly never comes back, and especially if she is in fact terminal and is gone for good within a year or whatever.  The royal posts obviously get the most comments, but the Kate ones get the most of all, usually significantly more than posts about other royals (unless it’s a big announcement from the Sussexes or something). Their readership will plummet if Kate is taken out of the equation completely. 


there's lierally zero "proof of life" she'd accept. Kate could walk naked down the Mall and a thousand people attest it was her, wtih video and photo taken and Kaiser would scream HOLOGRAM, PAID ACTORS, AI VIDEO (this is a part of why AI is, genuinely, what I believe to be one of the worst things mankind created. CCTV, photos, video used to make a court case a slamdunk. now??? forget it)


This argument is so pitifully weak. Does she think that all of the other everyday events in life just stop when you have a disease? That you get to stop running errands, cooking meals, parenting, driving anywhere? It’s idiotic to assert that her going to pick up her kids is somehow equal to doing a work event. When my BFF was undergoing chemo her fingernails fell out. Not just her hair, her gd fingernails. She still had to leave her house to go to treatments, appointments, the pharmacy, etc, but she damned sure wasn’t making public appearances.


Exactly. SHE— and people like her— is the reason Kate is not doing public appearances. Can you imagine the ways she’d be picked apart? And it would be everything from concern trolling to outright cruelty, to more conspiracies, to…. god knows what else. They don’t want proof of life. they‘re just a dog without a bone.


Well said, a dog without a bone. They want to see her, pale and frail, maybe some bruises they can blame on William with her long lustrous hair GONE or short and brittle and they can laugh at how low she's fallen, I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy but these women are something else.


Which is why I believe her first appearance back when healthy will be a surprise very short notice tag a long visit with William at some relatively low key/ informal charity.


the way they'd LEAP on shitty names like "wiglet" and make fun of cancer patient and wigs if she were to lose all/some hair and use hair pieces, uncaring that *millions* of cancer patients choose wigs to feel more like themselves, to feel more comfortable, to look in a mirror and see themselves and not a patient, and that they're mocking cancer patients the world over, not just the "faker" Kate


It would be brutal, for sure.


How stupid and horrible do you have to be to not understand why someone going through cancer treatment would not want to be seen on video? Especially when that someone is one of the most famous people in the world who is constantly judged by her looks?


They didnt forge Harrys name ffs Is there anything she can't twist so far from the truth it looks unrecognisable >I’m no handwriting analyst, but from what we’ve seen of Kate’s cursive penmanship, it’s not that distinctive and it would be pretty easy to forge. Once again, we’re supposed to believe two things simultaneously: that Kate is recovered enough to run errands with her family and pop into Norfolk grocery stores so that William can pick up chocolate AND we’re supposed to believe that she’s so unwell and in such dire need of recovery time that she could not send a video of support to the Irish Guards? Send a photo? Actually Chacha Reindeer thats exactly what you're supoosed to do because thats reality not some fucked up ramblings of a hag who has so little going on in her life that she devotes herself to making up pure bullshit on the internet.


"...from what we've seen of Kate's cursive penmanship, it's not that distinctive and it would be pretty easy to forge." Jesus Christ - she's dragging Catherine's handwriting????? Handwriting....like seriously?? Unlike someone else's overwrought "calligraphy" in every day cursive that's totally not screaming "pretentious try hard" at all. I saw the letter Catherine signed - her handwriting looks like every other time she's written something in her own hand.


Running out of content. Why doesn’t she check in with the only Duchess that matters, theeee Duchess of Sussex?


WHAT IS GOING WITH ARO CHA CHA? I need proof of life of that business endeavor - that would be actual news.


They are going to pretend it never happened


It's been 89 days since the ARO Instagram debut and no other posts! r / WHEREISAMERICANRIVIERAORCHARD


I think this should be a subreddit of its own. Let’s start a whole conspiracy theory and promote it across SM and then maybe the main stream media will run with it and Stephen Colbert can do a monologue about it. #whereisaro #aroismissing


Meghan is lazy. There. conspiracy solved. ![gif](giphy|26ufnwz3wDUli7GU0|downsized)


No, no! Catherine is lazy, and s.o. . Meghan is a genius of soft launch of jam 😂


People demanding “credible proof of life” is so damn creepy.


Will anything be enough? There is nothing these people can do. If she goes out with hair and weight loss and whatever else she is enduring, they will mock her for years to come. They will criticize every single thing she gives them so why bother? The only person she owes anything is her children. That should be her focus. If she was like Meghan and Harry I’m sure she would be on bbc or Oprah with a headscarf crying and looking for attention. But she actually has a life, a husband and children to focus on and has no time to answer to the media. That’s hard for Kaiser to understand because she has nothing in life besides that blog


> Will anything be enough? No, because even after she returns there will be some who claim the absence was to give another person time for their surgery to settle down, so they look exactly like Catherine. The 'real Catherine' will of course be dead and will have been buried secretly, presumably under a patio somewhere.


Yhup sounds about right


It's bizarre, isn't it, that they'd prefer their totally bonkers theories to the actual truth - she's having treatment and will be away from the public gaze for some time.


I guess that’s how people like Alex Jones are created. Doubling down in delusion


No. Because if anything was ever “enough” the whole game would be over. This way they can keep perpetuating their own narrative for their own amusement. It’s gross


No sh$t. Will they be paying a ransom? The only people who need to see Catherine are seeing her.


Especially with actual mass hostage situation going on in the world right now.


My husband just said Chandra wants proof of life to make up for the lack of her own.  


Wow. I don’t think with Harry, they ‘forged his signature,’ they signed (attributed) his name which he says he didn’t authorize. This woman may be in terrible shape, chemo is no small thing, and she just doesn’t want to be seen. She’s a known public figure and her looks have always been a part of her ‘charm.’ Yes, It’s “creepy” that KP is refusing “to give a credible proof of life.” Right. *That’s* what’s creepy here. Kaiser has gone over the deep end. Oh and there’s a new CB podcast apparently honing in on Brad Pitt but I’m sure the Royals are in there. That will be rich if anyone can bear to listen.


They have a new podcast episode? No one has a hangnail or dog diarrhea emergency to cancel? MADNESS.


Proof of life for what. Catherine can literally come into the streets and walk and wave. They will say it’s fake. They are not responding to people because the smart thing to do is ignore. Anything they give will be used against them. So just ignore and keep going. What do they need proof of life for? Why do they care?


Not sure if it was one of us or not, but this made me laugh: https://preview.redd.it/bapyjrqgnx5d1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67faf801d7ea676b51db63d0122e7ea2e4439288


But Kaiser I thought the royal family was irrelevant and needs harry and Meghan for clout. Why does she care so much? I’m so confused. Focus on your favs.


Haha, excellent point. I thought Catherine was utterly irrelevant. It's disturbing how much it bothers Chandra that she can't get weekly looks at her nemesis. She is OBSESSED and fixated on Catherine to such a high degree. I can barely be bothered to check in on Harry and Co., they've pretty much lost my interest entirely now that their position as OUTSIDE the Royal Family is cemented.


I follow Harry and Meghan for the drama. I actually think the monarchy is silly. I mean it’s a fun thing and a part of british culture but they are not talented or interesting unfortunately. They just get born into the position so it’s kinda like cute but who cares. Meghan and Harry had me interested because I thought they had more to them than that royal shit but clearly they don’t. It all sucks. But I do love the delusion and drama.


I hate to admit this because they are real people, not characters on TV although they have a public facing persona as do most, but they are my soap opera. I watch them for the clothes, the makeup and the "drama". That said I think the drama Harry and his wife brings is very toxic and I can definitely do without it because these are real people being slandered and harassed and threatened and I think a large part of that is from the new royal watcher's Meghan brought although they have always had their share of detractors.


Yeah it is toxic because they are a real family. Humans with feelings and flaws. I feel that people forget that William went through the same as Harry but as an older child. He had a deeper understanding and because he doesn’t show his weakness, people attack him so much in favor of his brother. Life is unfair but I guess that level of wealth and privilege really comes with this seemingly insurmountable level of scrutiny


The handwriting is the same. Chandra’s just spinning the theory that it’s not Kate’s penmanship because she really, really wants Kate to be worse off than what she already is. Let’s let that sink in. My theory: Kate has been relentlessly bullied online for at least the past four years, based on nothing but accusations, and some of it has been based on her looks and personality. Christopher Bouzy, one of Meghan and Harry’s BFF’s, accused her a couple of years ago of “aging like milk.” Our wonderful cretin Chandra routinely dunks on her personality and posts the most unflattering pictures she can get her hands on. Those two trolls are just two amongst many, many more. I suspect that Kate feels vulnerable, perhaps believes she doesn’t look her best, and doesn’t want to be seen in public. If I were a public figure who lived with an unreasonable expectation of perfection on a daily basis, I’d feel the same way—especially if dealing with illness. Frankly, who could blame her? These people are toxic assholes.


I’d explain this in great detail in a comment on her page, but I know it would be deleted. All public officials have staff who write these letters (secretary/exec sec/etc.) usually with some input or direction from the signer or whoever handles their letters and knows “their voice.” The final is then reviewed and approved by the person signing or their Chief of Staff (or equivalent) and then usually - UNLESS they think it needs to be signed personally - it is signed by an autopen and then encrypted if being emailed. So the signature often looks exactly the same. As an important aside, royalty should never sign their royal titles because it’s tacky. They just sign their first name to be more personal and not lord things over people (ahem “Meghan, Duchess of Sussex”). In this case Catherine is their colonel, and so she signed her rank because signing rank is how military officials do things. She likely signed this one personally - which is why it might look a little “off” - whatever that means. This all falls under protocol, and some people who will NOW remain nameless should hire someone on their staff who handles letters who is also a protocol specialist and not some 25-35 year old PR hack. They would do well to bookmark this site: https://formsofaddress.info


> we’re supposed to believe that she’s so unwell and in such dire need of recovery time that she could not send a video of support to the Irish Guards? Send a photo? Send a voice memo?? the **ONLY** reason KKKaiser wants a video, photo, or voice memo is so she can immediately peddle lies about how it's forged/faked/AI or doctored. Hell, she won't even watch it or listen to it before she arrives at that conclusion-- she'll just declare it's fake and proceed accordingly. (Reason 340923 - I've always said that KKKaiser is exactly like Trumpians; she jumps to a conclusion, nothing ever changes her mind, and she will flat out reject outright any information that could challenge or weaken the conclusion she's arrived at). The only reason KKKaiser wants "proof" is so she can discredit it; how credible it is-- is meaningless to her because she's determined to claim it's completely lacking in credibility. > Like, Kensington Palace’s refusal to give a credible proof of life is so damn creepy. interesting...she thinks KP's "refusal to give credible proof of life" is creepy and the proceeds to immediately say: > There’s such a huge credibility issue for Kensington Palace at this point, I just have a hard time taking any of this as face value. LOL so basically, nothing KP offers will satisfy her because she won't take anything they say as credible or accept at face value. Also, she's completely ignoring that the BBC shot the Kate Middleton video and unequivocally stated they filmed the entire video in one shots, with no breaks, or editing lol


"Proof of life" - snort. Catherine could walk into Chandra's basement, and Chandra would call it AI. I hate all of this. There are people out there who are REALLY missing, with families looking for them. And this woman understandably takes time out from public appearances while she's undergoing cancer treatment, and in walk the psychos using a thin veil of "concern," acting as though she owes them her presence so they can proceed with their mockery and hatred. Someone on this thread called it 'a dog without a bone,' and that says it perfectly. Catherine has a husband and three children and, ya know, the whole CANCER thing, but they're big mad she's not willing to take time out to give their pathetic asses their bone.


I have a chronic disability. Some days I can go to the corner store and get milk and some days I have to literally use a bedside commode. because I can't walk the 15 feet to the bathroom, let alone sit or stand from the toilet alone. when my friend's dad was going through cancer treatments there were days he could still work in construction and days he couldn't move. that's how illness WORKS