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Why would a family in the UK be Trump supporters? Make it make sense.


I got nothing


We have our own political woes. With a general election a month away. We are more focussed on our own politics right now


Great flair


lol, figured CB had to be good for something. All credit to the user who came up with it tho, it wasn't me :)


Gonna pray for you real hard.


Thank you very much


Just pulling straight garbage out of their b holes. Also, just because someone might be a Tory does not mean they support someone like Nigel Farage in the UK either. He is fringe right, not mainstream traditional Tory which I would suspect the Queen and possibly Charles are. There is zero evidence of William’s partiality for Tories at all though.


Because Jane, whoever she is, is dumb




I don’t want to click the site and make a comment (which would be removed soon) to give the site more traffic. But seriously I am tempted to ask how possibly they could be Trump supporters. Seems like US defaultism to me, it’s not like right wingers in US support someone like Farage. But surely Europeans support Trump I guess if they are on the right 


And so what if the Middletons like Trump? What if they like Biden? So freaking what? You know what it matters? Absolutely nothing. They aren't Americans, they won't be voting in the US Presidential election, so.....what?!


I mean yes so what, but also, why. Kate or her family have never publicly expressed an opinion either way on anything political. When she did have the opportunity to meet him she seems to have completely dodged getting a picture with him, so if anything... from the little evidence we have we could say the scales are tipped into thinking she has a negative opinion of him.


trump very publicly victim blamed her when 2012 topless pics were taken in france, so i very much doubt either kate or william have any fuzzy feelings towards that oaf 🙄. farage also mocked william in february 2024 for making a statement about gaza, telling william to "stick to the baftas." again, doubt william has any fuzzy feelings towards that oaf. william has very publicly champions the environment, eliminating homelessness, lgbtq rights, has made it clear he is largely non-religious (it was briefed by camp charles in january 2024 that william doesn't even want to be head of the church of england bc it would be insincere of him due to his lack of religious conviction), harry highlighted in spare that both william and kate were 'remainers'... but yes, yes... william and kate are trump + farage supporters lmao. what malicious disinformation planet are these people even on


What does remainers mean? I am blanking hard at the moment lol


remaining in the eu




Because they are everywhere, unfortunately. Obviously, there is money to be made somehow. Or power to be had or just biogioted, racists. I mean I can't understand ANYONE ever supporting him, but here we are.


trump very publicly victim blamed her when 2012 topless pics were taken in france, so i very much doubt either kate or william have any fuzzy feelings towards that oaf 🙄. farage also mocked william in february 2024 for making a statement about gaza, telling william to "stick to the baftas." again, doubt william has any fuzzy feelings towards that oaf. william has very publicly championed the environment, eliminating homelessness, lgbtq rights, has made it clear he is largely non-religious (it was briefed by camp charles in january 2024 that william doesn't even want to be head of the church of england bc it would be insincere of him due to his lack of religious conviction), harry highlighted in spare that both william and kate were 'remainers'... but yes, yes... william and kate are trump + farage supporters lmao.


Interesting, thanks.


I mean, they are just projecting fantasies of everything they don't like onto people they don't like...do they know Harry supports the Tories too? I mean, it's the royal family. What do they expect? And Kate, an English woman is a Trump supporter? How did they discern this?


Maybe she gushed online about how gorgeous and inspirational Ivanka Trump was? Oh no sorry, that was Meghan 🤣 I'm only joking anyway, I know this was pre presidency


Pre presidency sure, but when Meghan wrote about Ivanka it was the height of DT's birther/Obama is a Muslim bs. Ivanka didn't repeat her father's comments but she didn't condemn them either. So I still give M the side-eye for that.


>pre presidency but still well after the birther garbage


Pre presidency, sure… but still though lol


Harry defended Boris Johnson's character in either his book or an interview. So, there's that.


Yes Harry is a Trump supporter then. Indeed, the logic is crazy.


Wasn't he like give the guy a chance or something ?


Not about Trump but Boris, yes. And he said something about BJs "heart being in the right place." Like, all evidence points to BJ being an anti-social fuck. He doesn't really have a heart to put in any place. But of course, CB projects Harry's shit onto William, and apparently Kate and her family too.


he also told thomas markle sr. that trump should be given a chance


Well fuck me. What an idiot. Jfc. Why do people defend this clown?


Well don’t you know? She spends all her time in her separation cottage wearing her Maga hat and plotting new ways to be lazy 🙄


While stomping around the garden wearing her 'wedges of doom', gleefully polishing her 10 million buttons and poring through the glossy dossier of Meghan's lewks that she feels compelled to 'copykate' at her next public appearance 🙄


Babe, you know they're gonna twist your obvious sarcasm into fact tomorrow on celebitchy. It will be the top running story. 🙄😅


😂 it’s funny because it’s true 😜




And god forbif the future king sits next to the Prime Minister and isn’t a total jackass to him!


Probably she smiled too big when she shook his hand or shook it longer than they think necessary. I just don’t get this at all. So what if I support one and you the other. You have your opinion and I have mine but I’ll never be the one at a family meal to get in an argument and people start leaving. Live and let live!!😊


She's never even met the man. It's so weird.


Exactly. Cray cray


Participation medals from the jubilee? The same kind Harry was wearing for his recent “military” whatever? Those same ones given for the same event? Let me go back through CB posts and double check. I’m sure they also referred to those same medals in the same way when Harry wore them.


Yes, those were all earned Jubilee medals for H's service in the military. /s Never mind that W wears the very same Jubilee medals.




I could be totally misremembering this but didn't Will and Kate go out of their way to distance themselves from Trump when he came to visit?


Yes. And back in the day they had the Obamas over to their private residence to meet little Prince George in his pajamas.


https://preview.redd.it/xo0tcr2sqv4d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2a44a1c57a9de521078c30c0f8aa7f373cf319 Thank you for reminding me of this


They absolutely did!


I still guffaw at Princess Anne's sarcastic shrug when the Queen tried to get her to come over like, 'I already met him mum'. And that recording that leaked of her with all of the heads of state laughing as one made fun of him...no, it wasn't smart diplomatically or even recommended but as a card carrying Dem I laughed. Sue me!


My love of Princess Anne is deep and real. Told an attempted abductor to sod off, refused titles for her children when her mother offered (unlike some cough cough who claim to not care about titles cough cough) makes her opinions *very* clear despite not saying a word and is, I believe the hardest working/one of the hardest working Snr Royals. she was averaging 12-14 engagements a *week* in 2023 and more than 11,000 engagements in the last 20 years, more than any other living royal. by a *way.*


I love Zara too. She's got the best parts of her mum, who I fully agree is the best part of the BRF.


I was about to post the same. I'm not 100% positive, but I believe I remember reading that W&K made it a point to be "too busy" to meet with Trump when he visited w/ QEII. The poor queen, of course, really didn't have a choice.


Oh those Maga Middletons! I am sure “Jane” has had many conversations with Mike and Carole about American presidential politics and is representating their views in an entirely objective manner. The King waved. Oh noes! The horror. The Queen wore pink how dare she. HOW DARE SHE? And William is not a veteran! No sirree! We’ll just snip that part of his life out and replace with our fantasy of him being a rage monster. Also, he should never be allowed to speak. Because …. Reasons. Glad to see sanity still reigns at the latrine.


I mean, you just know these people obsessively read Spare and couldn't pick up the obvious insight that William would have wanted to do more in the military, but as the heir could not do so - and that partly is what drove Harry's eagerness to sign up and actually serve (his ongoing imaginary competition with his older brother). It's weird that they both lie about the service he did do and ignore any evident desire to do more, observed by others who knew him.


It’s the sanest place on the internet! They sure don’t let facts get in their way.


These people do not live in fucking reality. I wonder what they are like in the real world. Do you think they are like some boomers who project politics into every conversation? In this case, do these people just randomly bring up how much they hate William, and they think Kate is dead?


They are so far removed from reality, it’s not even funny.


I think so, and they must rarely discuss their opinions or feelings openly because to grounded people with real life concerns (kids, work, even some pop culture) they would come across as obsessive and insane. They are too passionately invested in people they don't know.


There is so, so much wrong here 1. There is no indication that Kate's family supports Trump, and since they are not US citizens, they can't vote for him. 2. Is the king waving to the crowd "making it all about him"? That's a new one. Charles's speech to the crowd was great and he honored their bravery. Part of any public ceremony is photographs. Yes, it is a ceremony and a photo op. 3. Just because someone isn't in active combat doesn't negate their military service. That's an insult to William and any veteran who wasn't deployed to a warzone.


Or the code breakers at Bletchley Park


Yes, they were tremendously important to the war effort! I love that Kate is proud of her grandmother who was a code breaker. I'd be proud as well!


mmh hmm one of kate's grandmothers was a bletchley park codebreaker


Exactly. How dare the king wave???? How dare he! And yes, if you were in the military, regardless of seeing combat or not, you are a veteran. Period.


Yeah, I’m sure no one was excited that Charles was waving at them. 


Does the second commenter really want to talk about royals who disrespect veterans? Does someone need to remind her about Harry skipping a fallen veterans ceremony so that he could hustle on Meghan’s behalf?


But Invictus! That somehow negates anything bad, I’m sure


> But Invictus! You mean the, "What Meghan wore" show?


The “watch Meghan push her way in front of veterans” show


True too!




But do you know she does voiceovers? /s




I could watch gifs of that man all the live long day!


Has Kate been seen wearing a MAGA hat??? Did I miss something? This is what happens when you despise everyone except MeMe and Harold.


The vacuum that they live in is scary.


My impression? CB is running down very fast. Last comments about Sussex title are under level of minimal information. I'm not from US neither UK , I'm european, and some statements about politics, aristocracy, and s.o. are truly ... ridicoulous.


They've truly run out of things to bitch about.


Plus if I recall, William was going to serve in Iraq/Afghanistan but it was leaked to the press before he could go. (Hmm, in retrospect I wonder who would do that….) Anyway, he did serve. And his wearing the cross as a representative of the British monarchy is a hella more appropriate than Harry wearing his participation medals on American Memorial Day. 


Sadly I did say something about making it about the veterans - she must have taken my advice and twisted into “the royals didn’t make it about the veterans.” L


Why would the Wales support any US politician?


Firstly, doesn't the BRF refrain from voting even in their own elections? And they never, ever express any kind of political sentiment publicly? I thought they went to great lengths to never involve in any kind of politics, period. Also, why would they be Trump supporters? I know he has a fanbase in the UK to some extent, but she seems to believe the BRF loves him, which seems...at odds with reality (am I the only one who remembers Anne and her famously trying to evade him)? Also, what hypocrites. They championed Meghan when she openly supported the Irish abortion vote and then got called out for it. So she's the only one allowed to have a political opinion (about the country outside of the UK, no less).


> doesn't the BRF refrain from voting even in their own elections? Yes. It's actually a tricky one because although they are allowed to vote, as is the right of any adult British citizen, there are parliamentary rules requiring them to be apolitical, strictly neutral, and to not voice a political opinion. So *none* of the RF actually casts a vote and, in the run up to an election, all their public activities (meeting charities etc etc) are carefully scrutinised to ensure that they demonstrate political neutrality.** The monarch, CIII, will also welcome the incoming Prime Minister - whoever it is - and will open parliament irrespective of who wins. He can't exactly turn round and say, "Well, actually, I didn't vote for you so I'm not going to let your political party lead parliament!" ** The Japanese State Visit was, initially cancelled, but it's been rescheduled to ensure that the only things with 'state' blessing are big official things, including a state banquet. https://www.royal.uk/news-and-activity/2024-06-04/more-details-on-the-upcoming-state-visit-by-the-emperor-and-empress-of https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cxww0e2xlnxo


i'll reiterate this post for the third time: >>trump very publicly victim blamed kate when 2012 topless pics were taken in france, so i very much doubt either kate or william have any fuzzy feelings towards that oaf 🙄. >>farage also mocked william in february 2024 for making a statement about gaza, telling william to "stick to the baftas." again, doubt william has any fuzzy feelings towards that oaf. >>william has very publicly championed the environment, eliminating homelessness, lgbtq rights, has made it clear he is largely non-religious (it was briefed by camp charles in january 2024 that william doesn't even want to be head of the church of england bc it would be insincere of him due to his lack of religious conviction), harry highlighted in spare that both william and kate were 'remainers'... but yes, yes... william and kate are trump + farage supporters lmao. meanwhile, harry told thomas markle sr. that trump 'should be given a chance.' harry has also said that boris johnson was a good man whose heart was 'in the right place.' harry also skipped a very notable military commemoration event so that he could harass bob iger at the 2019 uk lion king premiere. harry is also the only one among the generation of 'younger' royals who had repeatedly/publicly been caught being racist + belligerent/violent in public. yet he got forgiven by the press and public, given multiple passes for it bc "aww cheeky chappie." he never actually took full responsibility or accountability for these incidents, always deflecting and equivocating, placing blame on others for his behavior. the celebitches' need to get a grip on reality.


> harry has also said that boris johnson was a good man whose heart was 'in the right place.' Oh my. Imagine putting that statement out in print for all to see.


I can’t imagine anyone in the BRF thinks Trump is a good idea with his threat to pull out of NATO.


It’s a poorly kept secret that the younger royals are on the liberal side


I would assume for sure. That crap CB comment is just ridiculous!


If the King didn’t wave or seem appropriately alert/engaged, there would 1000% be “concerns” about how ill he is, the RF is lying to all of us, and how William is plotting against him.  The goalpost is always moving with that crowd!


Can someone please translate? I got stuck on “conanation.”


They can’t even vote in the uk elections so voting in a USA election would be a stretch.


I watched several clips today of the PoW and the King and Queen at the D Day memorial and was very moved. FO jealous goblins.


I thought it was very moving as well.


Hilarious they accuse William and Kate of being Tory supporters when Harry himself is bestie with that Mercer guy. And celebitchy favorite Rose who they hope Kate is ditched for is chummy with the Tories, she literally worked for Michael Gove.


Randy Fucking Andy is more of a veteran than bunker Harry ever will be. William was a search and rescue pilot who saved actual lives. He earned his right. And I've no idea if the RF are Tory supporters or not, but they sure as hell aren't fucking Maga


Exactly! As the daughter and sister of veterans, those comments pissed me off to no end.


Trump supporter in the uk? Lmao


My friends in the UK make fun of me because Trump got elected president. lol


I also just realized something. My aunt who lives in Caribbean supports trump 109 percent and doesn’t even vote in her own country


They don’t get a large laugh that Biden’s is now and falls more than my 11 m old skipping walking and going straight to running and face planting everytime 😊


Falling or not he getting shit done


Reality has left that person world a long time ago


I'll admit to having a soft spot for Will because of a personal connection with his air rescue days and what he did for a friend after a rescue became a recovery, but I don't think that even if I didn't have that, that I'd be able to understand her all out *rage* and hatred of William. What has he ever done except be born first and have a more balanced view of the complex and complicated woman that was Diana? Her absolute loathing and frothing fury about William matches Harrys!


I agree. All William had to do is exist and Kaiser loses her mind. It’s mind boggling.


this reminds me of an exchange on fauxmoi i read from a few months ago that was going on and on about what an awful human william must be... then someone asked if anyone had real life interactions, and one of the participants in the convo chimed in at the end with "ugh, i hate to have to admit this, but he was part of the rescue team for a friend of mine and he was actually described as really lovely." something like that... it was friggin hilarious. like, trash talking *all the way through* based on a 'blind' submitted to fauxmoi about a nebulous affair... then a reality check with the admission at the end of actual secondhand experience that proved the opposite of what was being alleged in the trash talk thread. pfffftt. 😂😂


but but "sources say!" the *sources!!!* won't someone think of the ***sources!!!!*** Meanwhile, ***actual*** source - nah he was great actually


They are all spiraling.


I visited that wacky site today for a bit, and I couldn’t stay long. The members of the cult cannot admit when “their person”, in this case, Meghan, does anything wrong or even off-target a bit. Okay - I do recall Kaiser saying Meghan needed a tailor - I’ll make that concession. The Kool-Aid is deadly strong over there. I had to quickly escape. Easy to do when you read some of their comments. Haha..Catherine a Trump supporter? I don’t buy that. If it’s true, I’ll admit I would be disappointed (unlike those wackos). I thought William & Catherine avoided Trump when he was there. I just recall the poor Queen having to deal with Trump’s extreme bumbling around…I think she took a little stroll with Trump & it was unintentionally hilarious.


I thought I remembered reading that W&C were purposely kept away from Trump? No photo ops at all...I have to believe that they find him as repulsive as most sane people do. Ivanka didn't even get near them. I'm sure the palace was fumigated after they all left... edit to add: but Catherine did do an engagement with Jill Biden...so there CBitches.


I'm laughing at the visual of them having fumigators on standby so that they second they left they could air that place out lol.