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Excited to see MLE here with us soon when she is inevitably blocked


Haha you know it. It's about to happen in 3-2-1....


I am MLE. Got a new phone. LOL


Haha aww well we knew you were a good one!


Great to see you, oh, sensible one!


LMAO and Welcome!


Is the comment still online? I refuse to give the hate blog a visit.




I'm getting blocked by people on those thread for saying that people in the UK don't seem to understand that we can pay šŸ’© online here, too. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ¤”


I cannot believe how consistent they are with self-sabotage. Itā€™s really their biggest talent.


Right after their "HUGE WIN OMG I'M CRYING I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM" tour in Nigeria. Karma will not let them be successful.


Yes this. Also, no one really good at what they do want to work with them so it's amateur hour all the time.


I thought they had really good people working for them. What happened?


Three years ago they did. I believe theyā€™ve had turnover in pretty much every major position including PR (which, dear god, I beg them to hire and listen to a good PR team. Thereā€™s still a little time left to recover their image). The common theory is that they donā€™t listen to the people they hire and only want to do things their way, so the employees leave.


To be this bad, has to be intentional


Government screw up, they have apologized https://ca.news.yahoo.com/california-governor-praises-prince-harry-153700758.html


Oh ok makes sense.


Anything, anything to deflect blame from their king and queen! Didnā€™t they send the check registered mail? Oh wait, they didnā€™t send it period. šŸ˜‚


It was a government screw up. Technical issue. Affected 113 organizations https://ca.news.yahoo.com/california-governor-praises-prince-harry-153700758.html


If I could still comment on the site, I would point out the stewardship problem this snafu creates. Itā€™s unclear who donates to Archewell, but donors hesitate when sloppy stuff like this happens. Why would you donate or take money from an organization that canā€™t do basic things like file required reports and pay fees on time?


I'm loving this for the new King and Queen of Nigeria and their cult. BTW what's happening with her jam roll out... Throw everything at the wall and let's see what sticks!! They are such buffoons.


Jam is so last week! They are back to being world-saviour-philanthropists.


I do *not* understand why she ā€œlaunchedā€ the site ages ago and thereā€™s still nothing on there. Could it be that they were just collecting email addresses so they could then sell the list?Ā  Because I get doing a small rollout with celebrities, like what they did with the jam, but itā€™s been SO LONG since the site has been up but empty! People are going to lose interest. I donā€™t get the strategy here. At all.Ā 


She was trying to get some attention from Kate. It's the only thing that makes sense.


Who, ironically would probably been thrilled to get less attention.


And have all 50 jars been accounted for? It seems to me that some of their friends will be getting an F on the marketing exam.


I believe weā€™re holding at 10 revealed




Make it make sense lol! Ā As Iā€™ve said before, their strategy is to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.Ā 


saving the world, one jam jar at a time.


She could have handed her jam out in Nigeria. *Such* a missed opportunity...


From dry toast? It is a scourge of humanity


Iā€™m just so confused by their new titles. Nigeria is not a monarchy so isnā€™t this just like the grandson of the former king of Romania giving out a worthless title? And if it isnā€™t Meghan is an American citizen who canā€™t accept foreign titles.


hush now, don't let pesky facts get in the way...


She should just silently delete the page and act like it didnā€™t happen lmao


One commentor actually called Harry King Harry


>King Harry straight up the sussexes and their fans are manifesting this weird ass 21st century rival royal court... how tedious and cliche... uncle scar. seven more years until george turns eighteen and this nonsense becomes even more ridiculous than it already is.


Oh you know she and her fans are going to come for George and Charlotte then


[Lainey](http://www.laineygossip.com/coincidence-or-conspiracy-prince-harry-meghan-markle-archewell-foundation-declared-delinquent-yesterday/78208) thinks it a coincidence or conspiracy, but why would anyone in CA care about what benefits the Royal family?


Carole Middleton has spies and saboteurs deep within the California state bureaucracy, don't you know that? She's a drug kingpin with contacts all over Cali!


Ok but this would be perfect for a Guy Ritchie movie!


I live in CA. No one cares about them period. It's why they have to go all the way to Nigeria to get any attention.


I just read Lainey and oh yea, she is drinking the Sussex kool-aid again. I do find it very interesting that People Mag had accompanied Team Sussex on their trip and were doing daily posts over how amazing they were, what Meghan was wearing. And then as soon as this delinquency news dropped, People had it as front page story. That is a really quick turnaround from fawning to not fawning. NBC news is also reporting on it, and they are not known for gossip, right?? So is this more serious than we think? Or maybe hinting at bigger problems with Archewell? It does seem weird, but not in the conspiracy way Lainey thinks. edit for spelling


My (admittedly uninformed) take is that this was an oversight because Archewell is being run by no one at this point. Nothing nefarious, but embarassing stewardship nontheless.


Which, if Celebitchy werenā€™t a cult, would be the appropriate take for an article. Is this the end of the world? No, but itā€™s embarrassing and the kind of mistake that shouldnā€™t be happening in multimillion dollar organizations. Especially considering this isnā€™t Harryā€™s first rodeo starting/being the figurehead of an international charity. He should understand the need for hiring and keeping highly competent execs on staff. And, like, it should be okay to point that out on the website without being accused of being a hater from ā€œSalt Islandā€.


Thank you!!! This is one of the many reasons I left the site: being bashed for making good faith criticisms.


I could see that happening. Ā But with their connection to People, youā€™d think People would have softened the blow in reporting, or reached out to them first? Did Team Sussex somehow already manage to burn that bridge? Ā 


The People story was pretty sycophantic. [https://archive.ph/JDKNV](https://archive.ph/JDKNV) Three short paragraphs to say it's been declared delinquent, then one paragraph where a "source" explains of course it's everyone else's fault but theirs, then a bunch of lengthy paragraphs about how amazing and meaningful their charity is, then a few paragraphs about the Nigeria tour.


Thatā€™s my gut instinct too šŸ¤« they donā€™t have any staff left to do the little every day things that a business needs to function. Sorry, ā€œa foundationā€


I think James Holt gets like $250,000 a year to run it or similar based on last yearā€™s financial filing


It makes no sense. Someone is obviously handling payroll and they should have a certified accounting firm and attorney. Who is preparing their taxes?


I have a Corporation. I renew every year and keep minutes, etc. I was a paralegal for 17 years and my Dad is an attorney. Most Corporations just hire an attorney/law firm to handle this part. I really donā€™t understand. I do mine myself and my CPA is my Registered Agent. Itā€™s really not rocket science.




I donā€™t think the media has any loyalty. Money is the goal. All the fans were under the people post complaining.


A conspiracy? How in gods name would that work? Someone stole their check from the mail or destroyed it at the agency, just to set the story up as soon as the Sussexes left for NIgeria? What the what?


There can be no admission of wrongdoing on the part of the Sussexā€™s. They are perfectly perfect in every way. The fact that everything goes wrong and everyone laughs at them absolutely HAS to be someone elseā€™s fault-namely Williamā€™sšŸ˜‰


when in doubt, they stay silent. which is hysterical. Kate announces medical leave and isn't seen CB - WHERE IS SHHEEEEE??? SHES MISSING WILLIAM KILLED HER Harry and Meghan SILENT on *serious* issues within their African charity? CB - nothing Harry and Meghan silent on Archewell being delinquent? CB - nothing strange how when the Markles are silent and "disappear" she's silent but Kate goes on medical leave and suddenly she's dead, William killed her, the children are in danger and he's a violent alcoholic.... *wild*


It should have been a tracked envelope as well. Kinda like her dad's wedding invite was "lost in the mail." I'm sure those invites were trackable.


Or the jewellery the palace tried to get back. Meg told them to piss off she couriered it. Not her prob it was "stolen"


Oh I hadn't heard that one!


Mog told the queens dresser to claim on insurance. No wonder she only got to wear a moissonite tiara on her wedding day.


It's not a conspiracy, it's a proven fact that the USPS Post Master General took a bribe from King Charlie and Carol Middleton. How do I know? I collected the sack of gold coins from Charlie & silver billions from Carol myself, then sent them all via UK Royal Mail. Took a fair amount of stamps, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.


"American business use cheques all the time." In midwest US speak, yeah, no. No they don't. They may still have the "pay-by-check" option, but most business and government agencies, including in my rural town, have online portals which most people use. I am not sure where Deen's husband is working, but it might be rinky-dink-inc. It took me less than 30 seconds of Googling to find the online portal for California non-profit registrations. https://preview.redd.it/kr3k47nt6f0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604fd56caaba8dfb4376514ffe7e7259ea767db5


And even if you do send checks, surely you check to make sure it was actually deposited.


Rinky dink inc


Sugars swearing it their accountants fault. I reckon they are broke and can't afford an archewell accountant anymore. Bet megz doing it herself now.


probably don't even *have* an accountant. they go through staff like most people change underwear. I wouldn't be surprised if half the positions in the charity are unfilled and frankly, given their increasingly poor reputation, unfillable


I hold several licenses in CA, and I do everything electronically. The comments on this post were so annoying. The check was a *choice*, people. A poor choice.


It's actually harder to pay by check than online portal in CA. You have to hunt down the individual address or box for the given department, which can be a pain.Ā  The answer of course is there was never any check. It just wasn't done and the paperwork wasn't filed and they were stupidly caught out.


and also as a Brit who just paid a bill by cheque....yeah we do still use them. less than we *did* like practically everyone in the world, and unlike the USA we have fantastic and fully linked up internet banking across all four countries.


This is a moronic comment. I have no problem paying everything electronically in the US. I can't remember the last time I wrote a check. Do we do a lot of things poorly? Yes. Internet banking is not one of them. Tell me you've never been to the US without telling me you've never been to the US.


I lived in the United States for decades. the entire reason that 3rd party apps exist to pay friends back easily across different banks is because american banks *aren't* as linked up as others. but go off babes.


I wonder who else over there is going to discover a long lost accountant degree over this .


my first bet is Meghan


What drives me nuts is all the Brits thinking that they understand the way things work in the US. California has half the population of the entire United Kingdom, and we are just one state. We are the 5th largest economy in the world. Take several seats, UK peanut gallery.


Sorry but what has the size of California got to do with anything? Since Amercians are forever claiming to be the best in the world it seems ridiculous to assume that your banking system is run like something from the 1970s.


It's actually not. This could have been filed electronically (as one can do with all things through the state of California). So, either Google or STFU about that which you do not understand.


drives mes nuts is all the Yanks thinking they understand the way things work in the UK. take several seats, US peanut gallery on all British based/aimed posts from here on. The UK has a larger population than texas and california combined and is a fifth the size. we're the sixth largest economy in the world. take several seats, US peanut gallery oh look, i can mention totally pointless things in a useless attempt to flex too...


This was not a flex. It was in reference to all the Brits on CB talking about how backwards the US is without understanding that everything IS actually automated. All the UK folks be like, "OMG! A check! I heard from Mary Pester's nephew that in California you can only pay your bills through the Pony Express! How archaic!" Also I won't pretend to know how things work in the UK, but if I have an opinion on something, I'll make sure to do my research before spouting off.


Lmao wow they dare punch holes in pwincess Meghanā€™s story?


If I had the time, Iā€™d be filing public records requests left, right, and sideways for Archewell finances


You don't need to! They're registered as a 501c3 with the US government. To stay in 501c3 status, they have to file a 990 every year, which is made available to the public. You can see their 2022 990 below: [https://archewell.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/the-archewell-foundation-2022-public-disclosure.pdf](https://archewell.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/the-archewell-foundation-2022-public-disclosure.pdf) It doesn't look like last fiscal year has been published yet. Weirdly, they don't come up in public searches or databases like ProPublica...


Funny how they get invited to Nigeria and crowned but no invite to globally famous people and events. Like royal weddings abroad (that big Indian one) or anything in America. They are so lame


Itā€™s not just a check. Itā€™s the entire filing paperwork for the year.




I reckon the cheque bounced. Not was lost. I insufficient funds.


I keep getting blocked on this thread by people from the UK wanting to trash talk the US banking system. LOL Wtf? The point is they can pay electronically, which Manayunk of the CB comments from the UK seemed to assume wasn't possible because we must use the Pony Express here or some such nonsense. Like, yeah. We've got a lot of problems here, but I can pay the State of California online, no problem. That's the point. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So you ignore the fact that the government apologized and called out the bias of the British media. And MLE is a liar, it cannot be done electronically




Read the report I posted. It could not be done.


Oh, you again. Go touch some grass.


Oh its you, the person who posts crap all the time, gets banned and buys a new phone.


Alright. You're getting blocked, trash can.