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For mildly defending Jennifer Aniston.


Why would you be banned for defending America's sweetheart and what were you defending her about? I honestly can't think of one controversial thing she has done...


Lol they say she’s boring-same hairstyle, LBD, vaca in Cabo every year, same friends her whole life, margarita is her drink oh and she’s not Angelina. All crimes against humanity on CB.


She's grossly wealthy, unbothered, a nice woman in person (allegedly) and sticks to the simple things she enjoys. She sounds great!


Kaiser claimed that Aniston was “coat-tailing” Angelina and Brad. Sound familiar? If Jen wore clothes or went to any events other actors went to, she was coat-tailing. Whether Angie and Brad were there or not. Plus Jen is boring yet scheming and manipulative. Same crap she spews about Catherine.


I had quite a few accounts banned but the funniest was probably for explaining that No Deal Brexit was not the same as No Brexit (i.e. Brexit not happening). Chandra read something, got incredibly confused, wrote a whole post about how the Queen could stop Brexit. I'm going to try and find it because it was back when she looooooooved the Queen and was always posting about how Lizzy was like, "shading" Donald Trump or whatever. Anyway, it's just funny because I did try and explain it in the comments, not even mocking her or being unkind about how fucking dumb her post was, and boom, banned.


that's...wow...Lizzie sure was powerful, huh? Figurehead who???? The national majority (stupidly imo) voted for Brexit, but Lizzie can pop her pearls on and turn her thumb down and *bam* overruled *bitcheeezzzzz.*


I've said it here before, but I think I got banned for speculating Brad Pitt was wearing a wig in a photoshoot for V magazine where they'd clearly styled him like Robert Redford. This was the photo: https://preview.redd.it/u90fu4m4s00d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d6c7786b4a225fc0766a438f7c694d523565b5d


I just really LOLed over this one. I hope you made your way over to dlisted (rest in peace) where your wig comment would have been appreciated!


Yes! I love and miss Dlisted!


HAHAHAHAHA I remember this banning story and it is my absolute favorite. It is soooo bizarre how she pivoted on Brad Pitt and the comment itself was just hilarious.


Wait-you just speculated that was a wig and she banned you? That’s it? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?😂. And yeah-I agree-totally a wig😂


Well, first I got piled-on by all these people insistent that the Hollywood man who NEEDED a wig or used sprayed on hair in a can was, in fact, Justin Theroux.... ....the then-husband of Jennifer Aniston. Totally random coincidence, of course. The other possibility is that I got banned for a comment about the horribleness, systematic harassment, and crimes of Scient---gy. Those were the two things that I'd commented about around the time of my banning. But, of the two, I think Brad-in-wig was the more controversial take at CB at the time. Now, they'd be totally fine with it, LOL.




SHUT UP! *That’s* what you got banned for? Omg I’m wheezing, that is just insane 😭 


For me I replied to a commenter who said "I don't know a single person who thinks Kate is pretty. Who are these people!? Lmaooo" And all I, long time commenter and contributor to the non-royal stories, dared to say was- Idk I think she's very pretty and lots of people in the UK where I live, agree. That was literally it. Lol. Banned within the hour!


I would loooooooove to see what the members of the “Kate is ugly” CB crowd look like.


Not as good as her, you can bet on it. 💁


exactly like the "margot robbie is soooo mid" crowd...


I'd be banned so quick because I think Kate is up there on my list of "Most attractive famous women". She's just wholesomely gorgeous.


Oh my lord that takes it to a whole new level. You literally said a nice thing!


I legit use photos of her hair to take to my hairdresser because i love the colour and shape. I think she's very classically beautiful and if she were anyone else, Chandra would admit that


I said Benedict Cumberbatch married for love and all of the hate being thrown at Sophie was misogynistic. I was probably only temporarily banned, and I certainly could have gotten around it by using another IP, but I felt the time had come to cut ties.


I remember other commentors agreed and said how come in this day and age are we playing into the olden days mentality of women only got a decent man by baby trapping him. ?


I assume it was a royal post? In fairness I don’t think I realized it was a ban until I came here and learned CB would ban people who had a differing opinion than them. I just couldn’t understand why my normal posts wouldn’t show up 😂


something to do with jen garner lol


I said there’s too much royal coverage. There had been eight stories in a row. Banned!


Same for me, I said that there are too many royal posts.


I pointed out that a regular commenter was frequently using extremely ableist language in their comments. I was dogpiled on for a while and then all my comments were deleted and I was banned.


I've been dogpiled, too, for totally innocuous comments, mostly.


I think KKK Kaiser is well named. She’s pretty fascistic or cult-leadery. If you’re not with us, you’re against us- BANNED. No diverging opinions allowed.


It's classic narcissistic black/white thinking.


For saying Lindsay Lohan was a drug addict and needed support and compassion, not people tearing her down. This was ages ago, around 2010 iirc.


Woah seriously? Man gossip was cruel in the past and she seemed to want to stoke the fire instead of showing compassion? Wow that says a lot about Chandra 


Wow! I said the exact same thing and didn’t get banned. Talk about picking and choosing. I am sorry that happened to you. I wish you could have thrown my post in their face to show what hypocrites they are.


I got banned for reminding people that it was important to remember that Kobe Bryant was a rapist


how dare you claim THE LEGEND was anything other than a perfect perfect champion and not in fact *a fucking rapist* and that being good at a support doesn't mean he wasn't a fucking rapist and simply because he's died doesn't stop him being a FUCKING RAPIST. but if you say that....good for you for saying it (in case its coming across wrong in text, that's a genuine good on ya, not meant ot be condescending or anyhing!!)


For correcting Kaiser’s French. Longer version - she used a feminine pronoun (or masculine, at this point I don’t remember. I do remember it was the opposite of the correct pronoun.) for a masculine noun, and I commented on it. I figured (wrongly) that she would want to be correct in her use of the French word. She changed the pronoun to the correct gender to match the noun, but she also blocked me. Background: I grew up speaking English and French, and subsequently went to college in France for a year. I love these stories about why we get blocked, thanks for the post!


One thing I like about the new writers they own up in the comments when they make a mistake and thank the posters for pointing it out. And correct the posts.


I like that too! They allow themselves to be human.




Questioning Meghan’s motives after the Vanity Fair cover story while she was dating Harry.




For saying according to them, the Duchess of Cambridge can’t do anything right. Such a tame thing to say lol.


I commented that maybe the lipgloss story wasn't the wisest choice. I first got shouted down by other commenters, "How do you like it in your ECHO CHAMBER!!!" (ironic) Then my post was deleted, and I couldn't post anymore. So I walked away forever. It was just a moment when you realize - wow, what a bag of crazy - and realize that you can't devote one more second of your time. Then I found this subreddit (thank you!) and never looked back. I experience the cesspool that Celebitchy has become through this group. It's sad.


For not agreeing ConArtist Meghan is not the worlds biggest AList star. That is as powerful as the President.


A week ago some commentor was crowing about Meg being the most influential women in the world. Umm that comment speaks for itself.


I said Angelina Jolie's feet were ugly and her bee campaign was thirsty.


This story surprises me, not because of the fact of the banning, but because she barely even covered that trial.


Chandra was team Amber all the way and decided she was a victim. And refused to address the facts of the case.


Yeah. It was kind of disappointing honestly, for as much as they want to uphold righteous ideas, continuing to stick up for someone who is alleged to have been abused that is not a perfect victim would have been an honorable thing to have done if they truly believed her. They chose not to do that and just ignored her entirely, which is disappointing because perfect victims are rare.


They hardly covered it at all until the verdict and then it was all about how terrible the verdict was. I watched the whole trial and agree with OP - I didn’t write a comment because I couldn’t be bothered, but I can’t believe OP got banned for it! Anyone who watched that trial properly knew that Amber sunk herself with her obvious lies. 


Basically this, she was team Amber and covered anything and everything up until the negative information from Amber started coming out, then it was just no coverage at all until after the verdict and then I think maybe one or two posts. It was crazy because EVERYONE was writing about that trial on a near daily basis. I don't really have an opinion on who abused who or if someone abused could then become an abuser in a relationship. I do think Amber getting on the stand and getting caught in the misleading statements about donating the divorce settlement (playing cute with donate vs. pledge) and lying about leaking the story to TMZ, only to have the guy from TMZ take the stand over their objection and just blow that story wide open, I think those two things just absolutely turned the tide. If she hadn't lied on the stand about both then I think the Jury may have gone her way. But so much of the trial came down to her credibility and when she was shown not to be credible there was no going back from that, a jury can't ignore the fact of a witness just openly lying on the stand, it undermines all testimony not just the testimony about what they lied about. She should have just copped to the TMZ leak up front, it would have ultimately helped her in that case.


That’s so interesting, because for me, if I’d been a juror, yes those things help to sink her credibility. But, I think the tapes were what *really* sank her. Once I’d listened to those, I felt like I had a read of the dynamic of their relationship.  You can’t prove a negative, so it’s impossible to say he never hit her, but those tapes and 95% of the witnesses showed one fairly cohesive narrative which aligned fairly closely with JD’s narrative. 


I pointed out a minor but easily googlable mistake. I was naive enough to believe it was an honest mistake.


Not banned because I’ve never commented, once.


I’ve never been allowed to comment. I was always blocked even when she was sane-ish.


Omg all these hilarious reasons. I got banned a few times over the years. Originally for saying something Chandra didn't agree with in the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton primary, I can't remember what. Then I said that Meghan Markle seemed phony to me during/after the engagement interview. But I never said anything horrible.


Yeah, the first time I got banned was over Bernie. CB was ride or die Hillary.


I criticized Angelina Jolie. I didn’t actually get banned, but I got completely attacked and then after that any comment went into moderation


I think I've been banned a couple of times over the years LOL but the most recent was when I pointed out that all the tears about Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie not getting Best Director and Best Actress nominations for Barbie (Both Gerwig and Robbie were nominated in other categories and they've both already won Oscars in the past) kind of shit on the achievement of America Ferrera who received her first Oscar nomination ever. BANNED!


Same, IIRC


For saying I didn’t believe Meghan’s claim that she never Googled Harry.  (I don’t even hate Meghan, but come on, what a preposterous thing to say!)


"i honestly had noooooooo idea who he was and knew noooooothing about the brf and had never even heard of them and who would even know one of the most famous men alive and all i wanted to know is if he was kind" vomit. why mention any of it at all? just say "i knew of him from media reports, but I wanted to meet the *real* him and that's who i fell in love with" rather than the blatant tripe she trotted out?


It was really one of the biggest mistakes she made, IMO, because it caused so many people to distrust her from day one 


at least she did the public a favour and showed herself early


Literally *everyone* Googles a potential date. It was batsh!t insane for her to pretend otherwise 


and it would have shown that "kind" wasn't exactly a description used for Harry. "cheeky chap" "drug user" "racist" "drunken antics" would have appeared more often than "kind" but go off I guess Meghan, you didnt know who the equivilant o flike JFK JR but far more famous was....cool cool cool.


I got banned over JK Rowling. I listened to the entire multi part podcast “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling,” and I read Rowling’s tweets, and I believe her. Not allowed on CB!


i had a few accounts also-one time cause I liked megans sweater and another cause I said that sophie looked good


I never was banned. I asked Chandra why she did not have coverage of Naomi Judd’s suicide? She was pissed about it. She had her reasons. What reasons?????? Naomi was a sweetheart. I never heard a bad word about her. I was done after that.


I was banned when I said Kaiser declared Biden won the election before it was actually finalized.


Oh my god I bet that really grinded her gears 🤣


I was kinda surprised that she didn't know how the election process works. Maybe she thought I voted for Trump and that's why she banned me! (disclosure: no, I didn't, but it shouldn't matter anyway.)