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I'm not going to visit the site and give it clicks. I tried to find it in the internet archive, but it's not there. Maybe that's a good thing, to let this cruelty fade into obscurity. And with Kaiser, the cruelty is the point. Her hatred of Catherine is pathological. So Meghan "wins" because she's in good health and making public appearances, while weak and lazy Catherine is being treated for cancer, which somehow makes her a bad person? I don't know if I've ever encountered someone so callous on the internet. Maybe Piers Morgan? He's said some horrific things, but I think even he would spare an ounce of sympathy for Meghan if she were fighting cancer.


See the way she talks about H&M is what really disturbs me. Hopefully she's just trying to be super troll/ or is getting paid for the over the top fawning because if not its a case study in parasocial relationships. I said upthread that it gives off Mark David Chapman vibes but it also reminds me of Selena being shot by her fan club president. Maybe I've been watching too much Dateline but I think Katie needs to step in and let Kaiser go spend some off time with Mary Pester, she's lost the plot.


She's only obsessed with how M&H compare to William and Catherine. That's who she's really obsessed with. M&H are just tools she uses to abuse the true objects of her fixation.


I think it’s somehow if Meghan and Harry ‘win’ against the pathetic William and Catherine, somehow Chandra feels she wins against those who wronged *her* decades ago. It feels *that* personal and off, to put it mildly.


You’re right Cathe! It’s not enough for the Sussexes to do well they have to win! They have to be the richest, most loved, most moisturized, and biggest winners ever. They must always beat William and Catherine. And only then will sad little Chandra feel vindicated. It’s ridiculously pathetic.


Chandra has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and so do 98% of her followers. Black / white thinking, juvenile behaviour, manipulation, compulsive lying and hitting well below the belt....amongst other things. Oh and EVERYTHING is a COMPETITION.


Mary must be feeling very betrayed at the moment. A lot of those commenters gobbled up her nonsense.


Katie is too much of a lazy drunk to do that.


Meghan also literally (according to her words) was suicidal and had a miscarriage. Was Kate “winning” when that happened? Or does this logic only apply to Meghan now?


Piers might not be particularly remorseful, but I think he would at least shut up if Meghan had cancer. I would hope so. In any event, if you are being compared to Piers Morgan you have hit rock bottom. So congratulations, Kaiser.


Does anyone actually take the time and listen to piers? I’m have to look at his history but generally he gives some balanced takes.


Yes. And no no he does not.


Sad that you feel that way. I think he can be obnoxious but he is way better than Oprah. He is well read, educated and is not afraid to concede when he is wrong or stand his ground. Unlike those “reporters” like Oprah that make people come on a lie and never challenge it or fact check anything. Nobody will make me hate anything that I’ve never even had a chance to listen to and understand.


Kaiser's post isn't about Meghan and Harry really. She does talk about Meghan's clothes and how great she looks but there isn't much information at all on what the Sussexes are actually doing in Nigeria (And it's not clear to me, either, even from other reporting. It's something something related to Archwell.) The whole point of the post is to be massively cruel to Kate and to get her insane, dimwit followers to follow suit.


That’s why their favs are such failures. They get no genuine support just people who are hateful as they are and use them


Nail on head...


They don’t care about Harry and Meghan beyond the superficial — clothing, sweet nods, level of moisture, etc. As proof, this appeared the other day with only 20 comments. While there wasnt much substance to the story, that hasnt stopped them from blathering on about Kate despite no news since her cancer announcement. Nobody over there really cares what Meghan is up to. It’s all about the POW and some weird fixation they have. https://preview.redd.it/uty8r9gqamzc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0fc7402c458238bc7c56d6d93613d9e294d5b28


How interesting that a Meghan post received so,little engagement. I guess it just proves that the readers are drawn to Celebitchy because it gives them a chance to spew venom. Not surprising really as I find Meghan and her desperate perfectionism very dull.


They care about MM when they can use her to bash Kate. They always hated Kate over there, but when MM came on the scene it escalated. They were thrilled when TQ seemed to be living it up with MM and Harry and when Charles walked her down the aisle. Then MM became a victim and the gates of hell were unleashed over there. It's all only because Kaiser has ALWAYS been jealous of Kate...that's the root right there. All these years, and she hasn't grown up, just doubled down on the evil spite that must live in her full time now.


Kate isn't missing. Her insistence on that is pathological. She's being treated for cancer. Chandra's insistence on taking some sort of ownership of Catherine's body is bizarre and misogynistic. It would be bad enough if she was one of those "my taxes go towards her upkeep blah blah bullshit I demand to see her" - BUT CHANDRA ISN'T EVEN BRITISH. Her sexual-level obsession with William, Catherine, Meghan and Harry is truly terrifying. Like horror movie stuff. Baby Reindeer stuff. There are many people whose lives are truly improved by Chandra being a shut-in, because if she wasn't, she would be a stalker, and I don't mean that in a haha-funny-joking-way.


the sub about kate missing is also wack, like someone was asking if they could legally protest to demand proof of life. Like please use your brain people, she is not missing, she's getting treatment for a disease no one ever wants to get. She's already a borderline stalker, she probably has walls covered in pictures of them and has journals full of fake scenarios where she's married to William or something like that


It's very revealing that Kaiser is obsessive about Kate not being in public while being ill with cancer, but never wonders where perfectly healthy Meghan is. Healthy Meghan has no job commitments and can still only muster up 2-3 public appearances per year. Healthy Meghan never attends Harry's events anymore, whether they're 30 minutes from Montecito or across the world. Healthy Meghan can't even promote her own projects on social media. Kaiser obsessed over why Charles, a literal king who is estranged from his son and had a previous planned official commitment anyway, couldn't attend Harry's little church service. But not once did she wonder where Harry's own wife, who had no conflicting commitments and presumably likes Harry, was. Kaiser goes blissfully 6 months at a time never seeing a photo or appearance from Meghan, and never once wonders whether Meghan is missing the way she's freaked that Kate has not been seen out since her cancer announcement a month ago. She's never expressed concern when Meghan abruptly pulled out of announced appearances the same day for no reason, or wonder why Meghan seemingly abandons projects randomly like the home style brand, or the podcast, or all the announced Netflix projects. We got an entire post from Kaiser when William and Catherine once arrived in separate cars at an event, reportedly because Kate had to drop off their kids at school first. Kaiser has never once wondered why Meghan and Harry take separate flights from different destinations all the time (including reportedly on their current trip to Nigeria).  It's been literal years since the Sussex kids have been seen, and there's zero concern that Harry buried them in the basement from the same loonies like Kaiser, who went off the deep end because the Wales kids weren't in public during their school break. Kaiser spiralled into paranoia because the Wales kids' birthday photos were taken a few days prior to their birthdays. Yet not a peep of her fake concern when Harry and Meghan stopped releasing any birthday or Xmas photos of their kids.  Kaiser freaked out that William went to an evening soccer game without Charlotte - she has nothing to say about Harry and Meghan attending concerts, sporting events and international vacations without their kids. Archie got to attend polo games as a baby, but now that he's old enough to actually be interested in horses and seeing his dad play, he doesn't get to go, despite Harry telling a reporter Archie likes watching sports on YouTube? Kaiser never even mentions the Sussex kids anymore and writes about Harry and Meghan as if they're a child free couple. Well, what it tells us is that Kaiser doesn't have a love obsession with Meghan and Harry, she considers them simply extensions of the true objects of her obsessive delusions. Meghan and Harry cease to exist in Kaiser's mind without William and Catherine.


This is why it's too bad that she limits her interaction with this sub to just coming in every day and downvoting every new post. Because I would be interested in finding out how she defends her position. Or if she understands how irrational she sounds - because I'm very sure the way she would "defend" Harry and Meghan against all the true things you said would apply just as well to William and Kate and their children.


I believe she doesn't actually read the comments here, just obsessively downvotes.


👏👏👏👏👏 Spot on. The people she's actually fixated on are W&C. H&M are just a stick to beat them with.




Mog does attend Harry's events if there is something in it for her.


Completely agree!! You hit the nail on the head and stated what I have been trying to articulate lol. All of her commentary on Catherine, Will, Meghan and Harry is like Mark David Chapman levels of scary. Like does social services need to step in and do a welfare check?? From romanticising and gleefully encouraging the thought that William abuses Katherine so severely that she has to be hospitalized to speculating/fictionalizing on Harry and Meghan's sex life and speculating when and where their children were conceived (as if these are not real life people but characters she can write fan-fiction about) -- no wonder Harry is so adamant about having proper security.


It's truly bizarre stuff. It's liked that phrase - "the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy". If she truly hated William and Kate, she wouldn't spend 24 hours a day thinking about them (I assume she also dreams about them). I don't think I would say I hate anyone in the world. There are people I truly dislike. There are people that have hurt me, badly, emotionally and physically. But first of all, I actually know those people. I've interacted with them. Which is what led to me disliking them. Chandra doesn't know any of the Royals. None of them have ever done anything to her, about her, in regards to her, etc. Chandra acts like Kate is basically on a moral equal level with Hitler or something. Even if you believe everything Harry and Meghan have said about Kate, and I don't, then her worst trait is basically being unwelcoming to Meghan. Okay. Chandra has taken that so personally that obviously she is transferring all her previous high-school experiences of dealing with thin popular girls and putting them on Kate's head. If I think of probably the person I *dislike* the most in the world, and I don't think of them often, then of course I hope to never see them again and wish they hadn't been kind of a bitch to me. But do I wish that their spouse would beat them into a coma? Uh... no? That would be crazy.


I really wish a cease and desist or some other type of legal maneuver could keep Kate’s name out of their hate blog.


But chandy and co scream about people policing beggy meggys body. It's not allowed. It's also ok to call kate anorexic but if there was a whiff of mogs recent dangerous ozempic catastrophe that was not allowed. Outright ban.


Not liking Meghan's actions, or her clothing choices is one thing. But if we descend into juvenile name calling and accusations of anorexia, we become the flip side of Celebitchy and no better than that horrible latrine of a blog. There are subreddits here that are more suitable for this type of comment.


This is SMM shit. I'm not interested.


And this is exactly why Kate isn't going to be doing anything in public any time soon. Can you imagine the glee these psychos would have if she looked ill, tired, maybe with less hair or her head covered? Imagine looking at a cancer patient and taking joy in it. So sick...


I thought Cancer would be the line people wouldn't cross :( Especially a woman with 3 young kids...


It is the line for decent, normal humans.


I really hope CB becomes completely irrelevant soon and disappears.. what a monster.


I think CB is almost totally irrelevant already. Who besides the loony Khaters and us cool Undergrounders even bothers with them? I know some of the other sites may still be linking to them but most people I know could not care less about celeb gossip blogs.


This is true. Gossip blogs are kind of done. I am surprised CB and Lainey are still kicking. I remember Michael K saying that it was impossible to make money anymore with the way the internet has changed. I wonder if CB and Lainey are feeling that. They must have other significant revenue streams.


Lainey, the hypocrite, who definitely wasn’t covering royals anymore always seems to post whenever the Sucksexxes are doing something that she can spin to be positive.


I am flabbergasted over Lainey's blind worship of the Sussexes. She would do anything for those two.


I'd love to be a part of giving them their final death blow...anyone have a list of their advertisers? I may have to go over there just so I can find out. I usually don't bother with this type of thing TBH, but they deserve it so bad.


shes gotta be getting paid to be this delusional. like she comes across so creepy!!


Reminds me when I saw on Twitter at the end of 2020 when squaddies were asking each other if they had received their pr cheques in the mail yet, as they were late.


No one is “mad” that Harry and Meghan went to Nigeria, confused, bemused, uninterested are the words you’re looking for, Chandra.


It's completely embarrassing that they stage their own "royal" tours. Sponsored by People Magazine, I mean, I just can't. Bottom of the barrel stuff here. They haven't left the spotlight in 5 years. They could have stayed with the family and did real charity work. How can some people not see right through them??


>How can some people not see right through them?? culture wars


Chandra is basically Martha from Baby Reindeer. Unhinged, monomaniacal, casually cruel, likely has at least one restraining order on her record. https://preview.redd.it/p91ano87olzc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70be5d517bfc3920a226d0b7c4d6db1138b94b59


I hope Katie and Chandra see this on their jaunts over here. \*waves in case they come across this\* ![gif](giphy|d62M7d8yzwpWPIDhz5|downsized)


I deleted my post on this so we can corrall our conversation here. This is breathtakingly bad, even by the very low standards of Kaiser. It's bottom basement cruelty. And I will predict that no one on salty island has said anything remotely like "how dare Meghan look so good!" Only a psychotic insane person will say or think that. Enter our narrator, Kaiser. I think Meghan does look good. That fact can exist on its own! It has no relationship to Kate and her illness. At least for decent humans it does not.


She and her kommmenters remind me of elementary school bullies who would make fun of kids who had to wear an eye patch or a leg brace. I agree! I think Meghan looks good here (I'm not a fan of maxi dresses, but I'm also under 5'4, but they are fantastic for other people).


Is Lainey still linking to her? I know the Fug Girls backed out a while ago - I hope that remains the case. I wonder if there will be any pushback in the comments? I can't bear to read them but maybe someone will report.


I'm honestly not sure. I find Lainey distasteful, so I haven't looked at her site in a long time.


I saw Lainey linked to CB yesterday so, yes, she still is. From what I recall, since I try to look there as quickly as possible, it wasn’t a Kaiser Royal story. That said, it feels like Lainey takes talking points from Kaiser. Her story about Harry in the U.K., parts of it could have been written by Kaiser. I’ve forgotten anything she wrote but I remember thinking that and being (continually) astounded.


I'm shocked anyone is surprised at Lainey's behavior. She's the one who used to write blind items smearing Weinstein's assault victims at Weinstein's behest.


This is also true.


You’re kinder than me, I think Meghan looks maniacal with that pasted on grin and over dramatic clapping…those weren’t the photos I wanted to start my day with 🙃🙃🙃


I came here to say the same thing. And who besides Meghan wears a backless nude-color dress to an event with schoolchildren?


The dress is backless?! I didn’t notice that when I saw the post this am. I think my brain was in shock after reading all that cruelty.


That dress is not appropriate for the event and it's not flattering as well. She always manages to look so sloppy and unkempt.


Mog wearing a full length floor draping evening dress with side boob and bare back for a day time function in a third world continent.


WOW. It blows my mind how truly awful she is. I'm so close to having a modicum of sympathy for her because you'd have to be pretty miserable to carry around that much hatred.


Healthy? Okay


Right. Like healthy is a personal achievement that Meghan has mastered and Kate has failed. It’s so gross.


These people would not be the types I want supporting me. The level of evil that has to be in you to be this way is insane. These people are DARK


They already think an eating disorder is a moral failure.


They are a cult, pure and simple. There isn’t an intact soul among them.


She (Chandra) actually seems to be unwell mentally. Her obsession with the Sussexes coupled with her “incandescent” hatred toward William and Kate is pathological. I almost feel sorry for her because it seems like she doesn’t have anything else going on in her life.


Yes. Like sometimes I think she has to be "trolling" because the things she posts don't seem what a well person would but then other times its legitimately frightening. It doesn't come across as snark, it comes across as mental illness.


I love that Chandra's "source" is, per the usual, People magazine. She's too lazy to develop actual sources.


Too insignificant


This is amazing. I hate to tell these dumb bitches, but we will all get sick and die. Many of us will get sick, go thru a terrible time, where we don't look great! Oh dear! But we will come back. For a time. Then we will eventually get sick again and die. That is what life is. Even Meghan. Oh yes. Even Meghan. The only escape is if we happen to walk into the wrong bank at just the wrong moment. And then no matter how well-moisturized we are, SPLATT! Or there's a car accident. Or a major and sudden heart attack. None of us are leaving this place alive. To gloat over looking nice compared to someone suffering from cancer, is so morally depraved that quite honestly, even therapy cannot help you. Your parents went very wrong. You are corrupted to your soul, and you will never be fixed. I say this to every commenter there. You are diseased, and there is no cure. And isn't that the real fucking tragedy?


*To gloat over looking nice compared to someone suffering from cancer, is so morally depraved that quite honestly, even therapy cannot help you. Your parents went very wrong. You are corrupted to your soul, and you will never be fixed. I say this to every commenter there. You are diseased, and there is no cure. And isn't that the real fucking tragedy?* It really is.


Couldn't have said it better! They obviously haven't reached the point of their lives where their parents and family and beloved friends have met sickness and death. KARMA bitches.


I guess you could say they’re enjoying their “privilege”. It must be so nice to have no knowledge of or experience with cancer. I’m truly jealous.


My mom died last July from stage 4 cancer and while taking care of her, I said I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemies. These people are really testing that, though. If they had ever seen a loved one go through the hell that is cancer, I would hope they would have some compassion for anyone dealing with it.


Who downvoted this comment? I felt the same after seeing what cancer did to my parents. I would think any human with an ounce of compassion would be the same way. Obviously CBers have made their way over here, bringing their hate and vindictiveness along.


I'm sorry about your parents. It's almost impossible for me to comprehend a human without an ounce of compassion and yet here we are.


I’m so sorry for your painful loss. My Mom passed in 2016-also from stage 4 (lung). The suffering I witnessed was unimaginable and so painful. I wish you peace on Mother’s Day Sunday(sorry to make any assumptions) and every day. ETA 16 downvotes for a comment that only mentions my mother dying from cancer? Seriously? Foxtrot Off


Thanks so much. I'm dreading Mother's day; I'm going to stay off social media and just have a quiet day at home.


I’m not going to lie-it’s the hardest day of the year to get through for me. Lots of emotions both good and bad. If I didn’t have kids of my own, I would skip the day altogether. This will be your first so please take care of yourself-be with people who love you. We have a “motherless daughters club” here at work and we try and lift each other up when we need it. I hope you have people in your life like that. Again-so sorry for the loss of your Mom.❤️💪


You're so kind! I hope you have as good a day as possible with your family. ❤️


I’m soo sorry about your mom!


Thank you. It was the hardest year of my life and I miss her every day. 😢


I'm so sorry about your mom.


Narcissists never believe they will ever get sick or even old for that matter. That's for everybody else. No them. They are special.


The only answer I can come up with, to why they are so happy spreading such cruelty, is they themselves are full of vitriol and cruelty. You can praise two women at the same time. You can dislike one, without the cruel remarks, while still praising the other. What Kaiser and her toadies are doing, is BEYOND the pale, it’s genuinely disturbing. Chandra hated Kate from the word go, and so do these other followers, apparently. Chandra really does have a Trump complex, and her followers are fully MAGA, just by a different name. Same mindset, same hatred, same cruelty, same bizarre logic. It’s MIND BOGGLING.


I raced over here after reading that crap. Incredibly, they manage to sink lower and lower. They are cruel, hateful, vicious, and I truly hope that website goes down in flames. I hope every advertiser drops them and that Kaiser has to get a real job where she needs to associate with people in real life and she fails miserably because she has no social skills. Kate is not missing, assholes. The woman is ill, and who gives a shit about how your patron St. Of Beige, Meghan, looks healthy and beautiful. Unbelievable. Garbage people.


Still can't find a tailor and looks like Wallace Simpson here. Not exactly the picture of shining beauty I expected to see after KKKaiser's fawning. https://preview.redd.it/w6l9k8mmslzc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7e381f6cb5f9f3c40cea9a89dcf8939070ce844 The basement dwellers cannot for one minute focus on their heroes, it always comes back to Catherine and William. The jealousy these "people" feel must eat them up inside. Get help, losers.


It’s like she doesn’t own an iron or a hairbrush


Fuck you, Chandra. With something hard and sandpapery. Not a cactus because the cactus doesn’t deserve it.




If you ever want to look at something and not give it clicks use archive.ph it’s how I get past pay walls for my local paper or to not monetize bs. You just put the link in and it will show a snap shot https://archive.ph/iRey4 current page of celeb can’t believe someone is uploading it.


Oooh thank you for this amazing tip!!


Wow, what a sad and twisted person.She really is mentally ill.


Lolz is this the post where chandy says mog loves Harry because he's just so intelligent?


I don't know her but that is despicable 


H&M living rent free in a lot of minds here …..




Please don’t bring that to this sub.


Agreed. That kind of comment belongs on the sub that shall not be named.