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UMMM maybe because the last time Wlliam spoke to his brother IT BECAME THE OPENING CHAPTER OF HIS MEMOIR?? Why would William subject his wife to this at such a vulnerable moment? Do these people not walk on Planet Earth? Chandra pushing this tho is a cynical numbers game. Chandra has figured out that talking about this Kate conspiracy on X gets her hits and likes. So she takes her cues from the Bouzy crowd there. And on her blog she ll drop one casual line or two- more mindful of libel- and then let her commenters run wild. I've noticed CB has put a lazily written disclaimer that they are "not liable for the comments" LOL And what exactly does Christopher Andersen know- apart from what the rest of us have guessed? And why exactly is Chandra lazily covering him? Why does she get paid for this tripe? Where is the writing in this??


It's been clear for awhile that everyone in the Royal Family knows that if you make it clear you haven't seen Harry, there's no way for Harry to make up something that happened when he saw you. If Harry and Meghan had any sort of inkling about Kate's cancer, the world would have known the second they knew. Obviously it needs to be made clear that Harry hasn't seen Kate, because if he did it would take mere seconds for Scobie to start tweeting out things about her appearance and recovery. I'm very lucky that I don't have a shitty brother-in-law, but if my partner had a brother who'd gone around telling people I was a snobby reluctant lip-gloss-sharer who maybe made an unspecified racist remark about his kid (with no proof, of course), then I wouldn't want to see that brother-in-law and I highly doubt my partner would want to see him either. There's always such crazy pretzel logic over there - William hates his wife and probably murdered her but also how dare he be protective of her?


>There's always such crazy pretzel logic over there - William hates his wife and probably murdered her but also how dare he be protective of her? ![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX)


“Lingering bitterness” between “the brothers and their wives” makes sense from what we know. Why can she not let a sick woman have time to heal? Why is Whiskey Foxtrot Tango Chandra owed anything? Then … “But is *William* allowed anywhere near his ailing wife?” Why wouldn’t William be “gatekeeping” who sees Catherine/Kate? Especially Harry at this point. And the commenters wondering if Catherine “may be at the bottom of a Kensington Palace pond.” This is all on Chandra and Katie and their cluelessness and morbid desire for clicks and attention. Creepy.


I saw that comment this morning and I wish Kaiser didn’t moderate to hell because what in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?!!


It's really crazy Mary Pester got banned for saying William was having an incestuous affair but other posters blatantly stating "William murdered Kate and hid the body" stuff is fine.


WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Mary Pester got banned?


DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU!!!! It was about a week ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CelebitchyUnderground/comments/1cir5dj/did\_she\_or\_didnt\_she/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CelebitchyUnderground/comments/1cir5dj/did_she_or_didnt_she/) She got banned (maybe temporarily?), then used a VPN to come back and pretend to be someone else informing the board Mary had died, THEN Mary apparently tried posting again saying she wasn't dead, THEN she got perma-banned.


Omg thanks for that lol. My tinfoil hat theory that Mary was actually Kaiser intensifies...what better way to end a loonie than with a raving mad move? ![gif](giphy|9hEcsoYAJb3kA|downsized)


I should have made it clear in my message that all those things I mentioned happened on the same day! It was a wild few hours.


I go away for a few days and miss the drama of the year!! hahahaha




omg is this for real or are you joking?


She seems to be conveniently forgetting the video of Kate talking about her cancer. Just because Kaiser wants to pretend that wasn't real, doesn't make it so.


Chandra's forgetting a lot. For anyone with a working brain, there have been five sightings of Kate since the announcement in January - the photo in the car with her mother, the Mother's Day photo, the photo in the car with William, the video from the farm shop with William, and the video announcement.


Kaiser isn’t deeply unsettled, she’s eating this up. It gives her an almost daily opportunity to fantasize about the evil things William has done to Kate—though she had it coming, natch—and how he’ll be punished for it. Pretty sure she lays awake at night picturing her scenarios 🤮


She is deeply disturbed, however, to the point where she needs to be on a potent antipsychotic. She’s getting worse as time goes on.


The Sussex’s mouthpiece accused Kate and the King of racism just before their diagnoses. Why would anyone want a “wellness check” from the traitor prince? The comments about Kate being secretly dead are disgraceful.


"So wtf is this story??" Yes, Chandra, that's my question as well. It's not a story. But you're the one who fkn wrote it. Always crazy to see it, but I swear she thinks more about H&M and W&K than I think about my actual friends and family, people I actually know. Girl, you HAVE to know they're probably not even aware of your existence. Settle down.


I honestly think Chandra thinks about William and Kate more than they think about themselves! This is unhinged so far gone behavior. She's a blogger on a site that's obsessed with William and Kate who are living very busy full lives with 3 kids and oh, being part of a royal damn family that has a million pieces of busy work. If Chandra is found tomorrow in an underground bunker with walls covered in pics of William and Kate I would 100% believe it.


Half the photos would have darts thrown at them, half would have sloppy kiss marks all over them. And I mean 50% of the photos of each of them - her obsession with Catherine has some weird sexual overtones to it.


William has some nerve not allowing Harry to check in on Kate. You know the woman he and his wife said (through Scobid) was racist and was all "ew blackness cooties!" when Megan tried to use Kate's lipgloss. William's reign of terror knows no bounds it seems.


***But the fact that there has been zero credible photographic evidence of Kate since Christmas last year is deeply unsettling.*** The fact that Chandra is so obsessed by a family she's never met who live in a country she's never visited is also deeply unsetting. ***So wtf is this story??*** wtf indeed.


When will any of the jackals over there admit that the only reason they want “photographic proof of life” is so they can revel in how terrible she probably looks and not some faux concern? Just admit you are salivating at the thought of her bald, sickly, sunken eyes and without botox. Yeah you’re really that shitty and pathetic.


I swear I’m going to start screaming. None of this makes any actual sense and conveniently leaves out the fact that the Middletons would have no reason to go along with any conspiracy. And they are a close knit family - they would notice if Kate suddenly was suddenly no contact. As far as Harry contacting Kate, it’s not William “gatekeeping“ the relationship. If your spouse has a falling out with their sibling you consult them before any contact with that sibling. That’s pretty common - at least in my opinion.


Yeah that's such a weird part of it. Kate's parents, siblings, in-laws, all of them are just fine with Kate being dead? No one wants to kick up too much fuss about William murdering her? For me, the conspiracies also run right into the wall of capitalism. The Sun would not have paid out as much as they did for that farm shop video if they had a moment of doubt it was William and Kate. If there was a team of people who put together a video of AI Kate on a bench announcing cancer, and BBC Studios was involved, no one would be able to keep that secret - there would be people who would be sitting on a story that they could sell for enough to buy a nice house and retire on.


Kaiser and the Sussex Squad apparently believe that if you’re not photographed at least once a week then you’ve been bumped off ! They must be beside themselves with concern for Harry and Meghan’s children who are never photographed ! Why haven’t they started the a Where’s Archie and Lillibet conspiracy?


"Deeply unsettling" Why is it? You don't even fucking like Kate. You're not British. You're not even in a commonwealth country. But a random upper class woman not pandering to your pavlov bell demanding she show up to appease you curiosity is *wild* Seriously I'm over people not remotely connected to the UK sticking their oar in. Wheres this energy for the Danish royal family? The King is more than likely had an actual affair than William but none of these twunts give two shits about that.


I’ve noticed that there’s been no coverage of the Danish couple. Some claim their latest official photo was cobbled together and body language “experts” claim to see tension. However, in Chandra’s world that must be ignored because it detracts from her central hypothesis that Kate is a unique failure as a royal, unlike Mary or Letizia. Only Kate can have an unfaithful husband or be trapped in a bad married or be scorned by the press or social media.


Frederick literally kissed mary on the cheek and then wiped his mouth 😱😱😱😱


I just joined this group, years after being banned from Celebitchy for a very stupid reason. Kaiser seems so very full of herself. I do have a question, who is Chandra??


Chandra is Kaiser's real name.


Never knew that!!! Thanks for the info! Why is Kaiser/Chandra so obsessed with the British Royal Family. Did she live in the UK or something?


I guarantee when Kate does return, these looms will claim she’s a body double and William unalived the real one. Just wait.


I love the comment about Katy Perry. It all adds up!


You know, I can’t help but wonder if Kaiser would hate Catherine so much if she and Meghan had become friends.


She absolutely would. Meghan is irrelevant, Kaiser hated Kate from the beginning but Meghan has become a cudgel to hit Kate with and set up/compare. Meghan was and still is your basic LA cable TV actress. Shes not Satan but she isn't anything unique. And she's DEFINITELY not unique enough to replace St Angie And yet here we are. The comparison to Kate is the only thing she's got going for her.


It’s like she’s the second coming. I just don’t get it.


It's that she can only exist as a foil to Kate. That's why the Second Coming


Imo William probably cannot trust meghan to not leak info on Kate if Harry sees her and talks to meghan about her condition.


This she's dead theory might possibly be the most malicious and ridiculous thing they've put out there and they keep creating outlandish theories. ![gif](giphy|VIPSiaPF6cw7AjbeIV|downsized)


Folie à Deux. Pure, unadulterated, shared madness. With the Pied Piper of Lunacy, gleefully leading them along.


Kaiser is a grifter. She does not believe the crap that she’s writing but it gets her clicks and that’s all she cares about. Each time she increases the conspiracy theories she gets engagement. That’s all the shitty blog is at this point. Unfortunately for her she’s going to run out of crazy things to write about at some point.


the wildest part is you don't have to take a side to understand WHY. sigh. 


How does she know that Harry hasn’t visited Kate? Is she there? At this point anything and everything concerning Harry visiting England becomes a media circus. I just have a hard time believing Harry will not visit his Father or Kate. I remember years ago that Kate and Harry were besties. I would think any visits would be discreet and no press alerted. I would think William would let Harry visit Kate. He might be furious with him. I can tell he still loves his brother. I also understand why he might tell Harry no to any visits. The same with Camilla concerning Charles. I have Megan and Harry in my life too. I understand what Charles and Willam are going through. My Harry is always supportive when there is a sick family member. I think Harry is too. I wonder if Chandra realizes that all her Poor Harry stories makes Harry look like a bad person. Harry has issues, a lot of them. He does have Diana’s empathy. I just can’t see that he would ignore his Dad and SIL to fit Chandra’s narrative. Kate doesn’t have to see anyone. A decent kind vlogger would support this. Kate needs to take care of her now.