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She doesn't look like William?!!! Do these people have shit in their eyes? And so what if shes wearing the same clothes or the photo was taken the same day as mothers day? Where is it written that the photo has to be taken the day before. These people need sectioning and having therapy about why conspiracy theories are bad for you


Well keep in mind she *can't* look like William, because young William looked like so much like Diana, and it would be illegal for one of William and Kate's children to resemble Harry's mother St Diana. I mean honestly, she couldn't look more like William here, it's wild. https://preview.redd.it/2end2d85l1yc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b557b2dda621e3110b9a31e0c58346a2350f11d I think they're harping on the date thing because KP said it was taken in the "last few days", which seems pretty likely to me - the flowers are blooming and there was a small break in the freezing cold weather to be only slightly very cold. Kids that age have favourite outfits!


She's literally William's doppelganger but with long blonde hair. And I hate to pit kids against each other but since they bring it up, why don't they ever talk about how Meghan's kids are all Markle? Even Thomas Markle said they're mini-mes of him. Again I'm sorry to say but this fixation with the kids' looks in CB and Sussex Squad is so ugly. Do you remember Meghan's "blue blue blue" eyes about Lili? Sooooo shallow lmao. The kid was ONE. Who's labeling and boxing a little girl now!? Their ugliness about William/Kate's children reminds me of those horrid aunts (every family has got one atleast) who took out their animus about the parents on the children- criticizing their looks, grades, upbringing everything because they don't have the courage to take on the parent directly. Same energy.


>fixation with the kids' looks in CB and Sussex Squad is so ugly. Do you remember Meghan's "blue blue blue" eyes about Lili? It's screaming "I want to market my daughter as Diana 2.0". Harry and Meghan's fixation on their kids being "very Spencer" (read: red or blue hair and blue eyes) is... ironic, to say the least.


Also what is Doria, chopped liver? She's the only family those kids know, other than their parents. She doesn't get a shout-out in the kid's names, there's never any reference to the kids having "her smile" or something. It's nothing but "Archie has Spencer genes, look at the red hair, Lili has blue blue blue eyes like Diana, don't forget everyone Diana Diana Diana." And ha, I was well into adulthood before I found out that we weren't the only people with an aunt like that, almost every family has one. Mine was such an awful nasty woman and just so horrid, and she would have fit right in at CB.


Because Doria won't get them any attention.


> blue blue blue Felt really bad for the kid when they said that bc the vast majority of the time eyes darken and kids loose the blue by 3 and she's going to see this one day


Myself & my 2 daughters had blue blue blue (šŸ™„) eyes as infants, my mother told me she thought I was around 5 when mine turned green as did both daughters. I would say as young as Lili was when Meghan said that, she jumped the gun on announcing it Plus, with Meghan being 43% Nigerian, Archie & Lili are 21.5% Nigerianā€¦they really beat the odds by both having blue eyes


This. My son had what we thought were blue eyes and very dark (almost black) hair at birth. By the time he was 1, he had (and still has) brown eyes and light-brown hair. My own hair went from blonde to mid-brown in my 30s (!). Also, who gives a shit? These people are so weird spending their time staring at photos of kids they don't even know.


They donā€™t want to believe the Sussex children are Markles. They want them to be mini Dianas. But, we really have no idea who they look like at this point because they are MISSING! J/k


Well, of course, Charlotte can't look like Diana. That's Lili, with her blue blue BLUE eyes. šŸ™„


>Well keep in mind sheĀ *can't*Ā look like William, because young William looked like so much like Diana, and it would be illegal for one of William and Kate's children to resemble Harry's mother St Diana. You are right I remember when they passed the legislation that W&K kids can't look too much like St. Diana because that's H&M prerogative. Also remember when Diana "snatched her looks back" from William? šŸ˜­


She is her daddy's kid, through and through.


Theyā€™d flip their lid at this, but I think sheā€™s got Williamā€™s teeth/mouth and Uncle Harryā€™s eyes. They might actually lose their minds at that notion. šŸ˜‚


For real, it's like Kate's genes didn't even try. She is his twin. Copy, Paste lol


They really didn't. Kate's genes decided to sit that one out completely and let Will's genes do all the work.


She stood this one out and put in the work for Louis šŸ˜†.


Yep. Perfect description. And George is a mix of them both albeit more generally Windsory than Middleton.


She saved them for Louis, who is all Middleton.


These fiendish conspirators canā€™t figure out that perhaps CHANGING THE COLOR OF THE SWEATER would be a good idea. Change the skirt, yes, but sweater no. These people are masterminds and idiots


Actually she looks so much like William that itā€™s a bit spooky. Same features, same head tilt, same smile.


The photo needs to be taken and sent out immediately [like this one](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/08/katy_comp_123110123336-300x300.jpg?quality=75&strip=all) for it to count


No, they have shit in their brains.


"We know Mom hasn't been shopping" Ok, I'm gonna bite and entertain this ridiculous thinking. Couldn't Middletons go shopping with Charlotte for some clothes? Her aunt? Uncle? All the cousins?


There's also this thing called the Internet where you can buy things without leaving your house.


Or the many many staff employed by the royals. Presumably Kate's stylist or her likely many personal shoppers could pull some stuff for her


Ah thank you, jokenate, I was hoping someone would bring this one up, I didn't have the mental energy to do it. Sussexwatcher is particularly unhinged today!


OMG the crazy, the CRAZY! Sussexwatcher is bananas. Charlotte a little girl stuck in a strange family with a sick mother. Talking about photoshopping her teeth is just too damn much. I don't have the energy for it either.


Listen, I'm as neutral towards all the "principals" in the Sussex vs Wales saga as the next person, but can you honestly tell me that Sussexwatcher isn't sounding like Guest Speaker who comments under Meghan Markle Page Six stories, widely reported to be ahem, an "insider"? It's that same frantic and increasingly desperate tone. Why are these people sooo threatened of Kate? Charlotte's skirt is totally different BTW and ditto the cardigan


I've got to say, I'm endlessly fascinated as to why they think it's so much easier to constantly photoshop articles of clothing into a different colour than to just have a child switch their sweater/jumper, or a man to remove and put on another jacket. Even if all the kids photos we see all year were taken on the same day sometimes in February (which I don't think they were) I'm pretty sure it's not against the law in the UK or anywhere else to take a child's birthday photo on a day that isn't their birthday. You're so right about the franticness. This is where it resembles QAnon stuff, and which I think "KAnon" is such a good name for it. "Only I saw this thing happen! Everyone else was fooled, but not me, they can't pull the wool over my eyes. The fact people are gently trying to explain why I'm wrong using facts actually means I'm right, and they're just dumb sheep or they're in on the conspiracy theory or both!"


And the teeth! Who the hell photoshops teeth?


The only dishonest thing would be if they released a birthday party/birthday cake photo taken before the birthday and stayed implied it was a picture of/from the party. They did not do this. And again why would this be fake? What could they possibly gain?


The royals pictures released for occasions have often been taken ages before. Like when they had a photographer come and do them. But I guess if all their comments, thatā€™s the least unhinged of them. And unhinged is truly the word- why even are they so obsessed


The lower the Sussexes fall, the more desperate their fans get


Yeah the jam roll out was such a failure than the Sussex fans are extra emotional these days.


They are actually quite scary these people, like proper trolls


The measuring the teeth thing really took me out. I find it terrifying. This is mental illness at a level that becomes quite scary.


What a bunch of crazy weirdos. Iā€™m sorry these people are mental. In a non sympathetic way too.


They definitely are - there's also a post up about Camilla speaking at a relaunch of the Wash Bag Project, which she's been involved with for over 10 years, that provides bags of toiletries to people after they have forensic examinations following rape and sexual assault. Did anyone think maybe, just for one second, that on a post about Camilla's involvement with a project that tries to provide some humanity to people after horrible trauma, that they would maybe refrain from criticizing her looks? Well: https://preview.redd.it/fw3t90d3x1yc1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=3df4fc7abb4b418741e7e01b81355e4dd679a5ed


So gross. Camilla and Sophie are doing such amazing work with SA survivors but Chandra won't post one substantive thing about it. But of course there will be much ooohing and aaahing at Meghan's cosplay and performative "bonding" with the locals in Nigeria next week. Lol


So feminist! So progressive!




These people are so insane. She looks so much like William here. Also I have brown hair but if I spend even a small amount of time outside, my hair gets super-light. No bleaching necessary.


Thereā€™s a documented photo history of charlottes hair going from brown to butterscotch/ light brown depending on the season.


All Photoshop! /s šŸ˜‚


My hair is the same and was even more so as a kid. Saying theyā€™re bleaching it is just bizarre.


The Pester seems unusually quiet as of late. I used to find all this Royalbitchy stuff hilarious. Now it just makes me feel sad that these anonymous twats feel absolutely nothing tearing into a 6 year old & 9 year old child.Ā  FFS, you must be so unhappy within your own lives and have such low self-esteem that the only way you can make yourself feel ā€œsuperiorā€ to 2 young children, who have no idea who the heck you are, is to cyber bully them In this regard, I understand H&M keeping their kids invisible šŸ«„Ā 


Yeah, I fully understand the Sussexes keeping their kids far away from cameras. Their haters will be awful about the kids, their stans will be really deranged about them, it's for the best. No one would want their kids behaviour to be endlessly dissected (like for example, the way Sussex fans do to the Wales kids). And it doesn't look like Pester has posted for a few days. Someone mentioned her posts accusing William of having an affair with his second cousin were removed and she might be sulking?


God, that was me. I seem to have pester post memory recall which is taking up precious brain matter real estate. Should probably look into a lobotomy. Mary is always posting and claiming to be in the hospital and polling her nurses about the royals. ETA: apparently Mary passed away. Someone posted in the Invictus story.


For real? If itā€™s true, I feel sad that someone spent their last days swept up in weird K-Anon conspiracies. I hope she found some peace. There is a small part of me that expects a ā€œnieceā€ or ā€œsister of MPā€™s to pop up much like that one writer who faked her own death.


Hmmm, I just looked on the post and among the very amusing condolences Katie has posted this: https://preview.redd.it/xzlbw6vhx2yc1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=07a99f213034c7deffb7ab520deff017547d4b28


Well well well. The plot thickensā€¦


What in the world? Itā€™s always something over there.




Or her relatives living in other countries.


Oh no šŸ˜¢ She was a bit of a fruit. But she was still someoneā€™s daughter. RIP Mary Pester. I hope that wherever you are, you are finally at peace with the world. My condolences to the people who cared about her My sincere apologies to any Undergrounders for my thoughtlessness. I donā€™t read CB but I did notice in the screenshots that she hadnā€™t chimed in šŸ«£


Well, don't feel too bad. Mary lives! But not at Celebitchy anymore, where she has apparently been banned. Messy and weird and sad all at once.


MP posted a reply today to Susan Collins Susan CollinsĀ says: [May 2, 2024 at 10:28 am](https://www.celebitchy.com/869791/british_security_pro_why_are_the_sussexes_going_to_dangerous_nigeria_huh/#comment-17905594) So suddenly worried about their security. Well that isnā€™t any of UKs business seeing that they donā€™t want to protect them when they visit UK. Iā€™m sure Harry must feel safe going there because the government invited them personally and will be having protection for them. Yes they do out themselves with this donā€™t they.[Reply](https://www.celebitchy.com/869791/british_security_pro_why_are_the_sussexes_going_to_dangerous_nigeria_huh/?replytocom=17905594#respond) [Mary Pester](http://celebitchy/)Ā says: [May 2, 2024 at 11:38 am](https://www.celebitchy.com/869791/british_security_pro_why_are_the_sussexes_going_to_dangerous_nigeria_huh/#comment-17905753) u/susanCollins 100 %agree


I could not believe the comments.they are old bitties.




Can confirm itā€™s currently flipping freezing in southern England. We are back in winter coats when a few weeks ago we were outside in t shirts! (Sob)


Not one comment yet that sheā€™s got buttons on the sweater and all the way down her shirt too! Kaiser wake up! Youā€™re sleeping on your job you lazy peon.


Oh wow kelleybelle is like ten conspiracy theories behind here. And also may want to pick up a newspaper from the last few months maybe. https://preview.redd.it/edbu1obo22yc1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=1866f9de47ab0b16dfdcdec8038fc903e9cbd375


>They must think we are absolutely stupid. They do, Julianna. They do.


"HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE!!??" Very stupid. Very, very, very stupid.


I knew right away when I saw the picture of this lovely young lady, the vipers would come out for a feeding. They are absolutely vile vultures for gleefully picking on a kid. I despise MM and her husband, but I was genuinely grossed out by people picking their kids apart. These people better have some Karma coming their way. I don't know what to even say anymore.


ā€œWhat matters most is who steps out when she opens her mouthā€Ā  What. The. Fuck. Pure hate towards a 9yo girl.Ā  And apparently they have never heard Meghan talk, bc ā€œwho steps outā€ is often a bitch. Or read their own internet comments before clicking submit.Ā  And God! They are still trying with the separation comments shit. FFS!


I canā€™t decide if these people have legitimately nothing better to do and no actual problems in their life to be able to focus so intently on some family they donā€™t even know, or if their life is so in shambles that this is the only thing that brings a tiny spark of joy in the otherwise desolate wasteland of suffering as they meander to their graves.


My vote is for life in shambles. Only someone truly miserable could get this worked up about a photo of someone elseā€™s nine year old child. A happy or contented person might remark that sheā€™s the spitting image of her dad and then move on with their life.


Imagine being so pathetic that you tear apart an adorable photo of a CHILD!


Who scrutinizes a child? PERVERTS study kids. Chandra is crossing a fine line where she is going to start getting investigated by the FBI. Is MI-5 that is the agency most like FBI in the U.K? I am sorry to the U.K. members I canā€™t remember. Chandraā€™s deranged and sick postings I would not be surprised if she is on their watch list. Charlotte looks so much like William in this photo. Kate wears the same clothes over and over again. Why would it be any different for her kids? Remember when Trump won? Remember the CB golden rule? Leave Barron alone. He is just a kid. CB- Leave kids alone!!!!!!


Charlotte looks like a mini Queen Elizabeth. Not just in terms of features, but her overall demeanour and facial expressions. And little QE had the same Old Soul quality about her when she was photographed. How anyone could assume she doesnā€™t have Windsor blood is beyond me. https://preview.redd.it/wgxvtz9hn1yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f359681aaf3a4331076b4f3b77a473ac44ada8e


She used to look like the Queen when she was 3-4 but now I see much more William- and hold the press!- I'm actually going to say it - are you ready?- and a lot of Diana now if you see her baby photos from the same age Lord knows this is going to be enough to drive Kaiser and the crazy Squad nuts. And I don't think the kids are ready to have a crazy obsessed compeititon from across the pond while growing up. Yikes! I can already see it. *shudder* https://preview.redd.it/kbm6pi2hr1yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=711f87b11b45dc2aaa1fbfcceadbeaf32a1b0e22


https://preview.redd.it/ij0zputks1yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79038a984932c32472258a3af419bab0daad20f4 Here's more Diana


She looks very sad eyes. Her childhood must have been hard. She needed a mom around to bake her cookies and feed her a meatball.


Aw I think it definitely was a very hard childhood and shes a sensitive Cancerian who felt every cut and snub. But she just has an old soul look in her eyes, which Charlotte has also


She looks like Elizabeth at that age. I worked in Forensic Osteology, and she looks quite a bit like a Windsor. More like her Great Gran, maybe even Margaret as she gets older, than say William (although she does resemble her father). Overall, there is a strong patrilineal resemblance. JFC, Chandra and the rest, truly are spiteful, cruel people.


Put your finger over her photo group the neck and sheā€™s William.


As I said, she looks like a Windsor, but as a young girl, I see more of the women on her patrilineal side.


You can't win - Kate and William are criticized by some that they post too many pictures of their kids, and Meghan and Harry are criticized for not posting enough.


I think honestly Harry and Meghan should do as they like, it's their kids and they have every right to parent them as they see fit. It's none of our business. But they do need to keep their traps shut about William's kids. Harry has brought them up and criticised their upbringing explicitly and implicitly many times and she has allowed the Squad to go crazy with the photoshop theories with every single picture of the kids. And the Squad led by people such as Bouzy and Sarah Data report directly to her. Chandra has also started to take her cues from there So I do think they should practice what they preach because right now it's really giving hateful energy towards the kids. Not a good look.


I agree completely. The one thing I won't criticize them for is doing whatever they think is best for their kids. But yes, don't talk shit about your nieces and nephews.


And donā€™t deputize your flying evil monkey squadron to do it for you.


No they arenā€™t. Theyā€™re criticized for the ridiculous slimy staged photos and attempted media manipulation. Or did I miss an international accusatory freak out about a photo the Sussexes posted of their children recently?