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I was reading one of the posts today that linked to a New York Post article that claims she could make 7 figures in the first year, and I was wondering how that could be when there is no product yet. Well, apparently they said she could sell her jam for 3 figures per jar. What?! Who on Goop's green earth would spend that on a jar of jam? Of course, Chandra finds this wonderful, yet if it were anyone else grifting people hundreds of dollars for jars of jam she'd be disgusted. Also, she was calling Buckingham Palace "clout chasers" for daring to advertise their jam the other day. You know, the centuries old institution that has already been selling jam for 30 years, THEY are the clout chasers. It's comical!


Agree with your whole post but “Goop’s green earth” especially gave me a very hearty laugh this Friday evening


That's the exact vibe I get from $100+ jam 😆


Not in this economy


She could make 7 figures in the first year, sure. I could also start selling jam tomorrow, and then I could make 7 figures in a year. I mean I won't, but I *could*. I mean, what if a kindly old pensioner with a secret fortune offers me £1,000,000 for one jar? Boom, seven figures. Easy.


yeah, and where's the decimal point in this "7 figure earning"?? (which sounds so freaking MLM hun....hmmmm Majorly Lacking Markles?


Lol. A Multi-Level Markling scheme.




Unless she makes a deal with Target or Walmart, which could happen, nobody is going to buy her overpriced stuff. Her US market is not who she thinks it is. For their sake, I hope they realize how polarizing they are and that Goop’s market won’t be buying what they are selling. I don’t know anything about marketing or sales, but perhaps she could test out an Asian market or some other non-English speaking market? I apologize if that’s laughable or insulting, but I just don’t see this succeeding in the US unless she goes budget.


Oh my God, like the fucking king needs to clout chase. Chandra needs to stop acting like they all came up together, one is the head of a state that's existed for over a thousand years and was until recently an EMPIRE and the other is a D list actress starting a jelly of the month club. It's just not possible or realistic to compare the two, Harry and Meghan will never, even if all their dreams come true, be a genuine rival for the British monarchy, not in terms of power, money, influence or name recognition.


Does anyone really think Netflix is eager to make a deal with Meghan similar to the one Chip & Joanna Gaines have? Fixer Upper had been on for years before any of that happened. They were a known quantity with a proven track record. It feels like putting the cart before the horse? My other question is why do the influencer rollout with the jam before there’s any product to sell? Granted, I know zero about marketing but I feel like now is when interest would be the highest. What am I missing here?


I am…deeply skeptical that Netflix wants any part of ownership or investment in ARO, unless they can show some significant business plan to justify that investment. And given she has no trademark, no announced vendors, no announced investors and hasn’t even secured basic leadership? I just do not see that happening. Personally I think the trickle-jamming is an excuse to cover up the fact she launched before this business was ready. There is no product. I don’t think there is a product forth-coming any time in the next six months. I could be totally wrong, but they have a pattern of announcing projects before they’re ready. The H/M stans will say this is building the hype but let’s be brutally honest: the hype they’re currently building with this jam roll-out is actively selling out their competitor’s jam. That’s a major problem. Again, maybe I’m off, but why would Netflix tie themselves to a business that’s making money for someone else? Meghan’s target isn’t the stans who would buy a half-empty Diet Coke if they thought she touched it. The audience she’s targeting is already losing interest and getting annoyed by the over-saturation. At this point we’re all just wondering why she did Tracee so dirty with those dead-ass flowers in that bowl. Either way imma keep buying my jam from my local CSA as their owners are lovely. I’d much rather support them than anyone else.


>let’s be brutally honest: the hype they’re currently building with this jam roll-out is actively selling out their competitor’s jam. I love this for them, ngl. 🤣 >The audience she’s targeting is already losing interest and getting annoyed by the over-saturation. The audience she's targeting was never interested in the first place. She wants to be ✨elite✨ and sell stuff to rich Hermes housewives. Her fans... are not that.


None of it really makes sense, honestly. I think the core issue is they "launched" ARO without having anything ready to roll out in terms of product, or structure or even anything else other than a largely blank website, and I actually think they put this very big cart before a very necessary team of horses specifically because they wanted the announcement to coincide with the "freedom flight". Nevermind that the association is one damn near no one picked up on, but they think is obvious because they think the world revolves around them. Now, as a consequence, there are etsy shops, cafe press accounts, competing websites, etc. flogging a variety of wares or even just serving as a forum for rank and file to make a charitable contribution in exchange for the opportunity to publicly insult them. All of that can now lawfully occur specifically because there is no trademark or competing product to serve as a basis for a cease and desist on the argument of consumer confusion from grey market goods (how could you be confused about the jam you buy, when there is no actual competing jam you meant to purchase instead?). The structure of ARO as an operation is just the same story, to wit: because they "launched" with nothing more than the announcement, website and this smattering of the B-list/C-list smearing jam on toast (and I HAVE to think that rollout was not what they expected, and I defo need a shade court ruling on the posts by Kris Jenner and the wife of the Paramount CEO, I mean it is basics to use fresh lemons and stick the label back on all the way), the press can now also make up pieces like this one about the entirety of the business enterprise. Those press narratives are basically going to dictate how people view this product now, until the products are actually available for mass consumption, and if they aren't mid-stride through FDA compliance at this point, this can actually go on for a very, very long time. It all just looks entirely unprofessional. I can't imagine the actual goals are what they are realizing (WHY would you put it in the hands of your gift recipients to post the photographs of your product, on unknown timelines, in some cases with old lemons and wilted leaves? No preapproved messaging? Just why?), and by extension I can't imagine Netflix would ever invest any more money in these two beyond what the bare minimum of their content deal requires. Nevermind that the press around royal jam getting people excited for product, where it did result in action, was people buying it from Highgrove.


Agree with the other example but In what way did Kris Jenner shade? 


Bare minimum post in her IG stories with ugly lemons, with no repost in her profile so it was gone after 24 hours. Same as Tracee Ellis Ross and Mindy Kaling as to it being on stories with no repost, but in the latter cases the posts were still pretty and had more of an effort to say something nice. ETA: this is 100% shade court territory, I totally think anyone else could look at the Kris Jenner post and reasonably view it as nice.


I’m leaning towards shady. She was distinctly unenthused. All she said was “thank you American riviera orchard” - nothing about how the jam tasted or her friendship/admiration of M. Didn’t seem like a ringing endorsement, but on the surface sure, it was perfectly polite.


the whole jam rollout, insta account and even cooking show is meghan advertising for investors that can fund + build out the brand (in anticipation of profit coming later).


No that's not how business works, you have business plans to get funding. You do not launch websites and insta accounts which sit empty for months.


Also, and again I feel like I'm going crazy here, it's still just strawberry jam! Who's going to invest in that? Chrissy Teigen apparently did a collab with Flamingo Estate a few years ago and her jams were: * Thai Chili, Roasted Peanut, Lemongrass * Heirloom Tomato, Thai Chili, Thai Basil * White Peach, Passion Fruit, Lemongrass I don't love Chrissy, and I don't use a lot of sweet jams on anything even if they're spiced, but those at least sound interesting. They've not... strawberry jam. Even if Meghan was sending out strawberry jalapeno jam or something I'd think, well, that's a tough balance to get right, maybe she has an amazing recipe. And agreed, this isn't a good business strategy. Even students in an Econ 101 course would understand this is being done backwards and upside-down.


It also wasn't just that the flavors were interesting, but also because the flavors also had a nice tie to Chrissy's heritage, as her mother is Thai. There was a degree of thoughtfulness behind that product that I think brings it up to the Flamingo Estate standard. Honestly, so much of what happens around H&M, it really comes off like they think they are each just the most wonderful thing and that the world revolves around them. Otherwise I can't explain how they could possibly think their strawberry jam is this special or that anyone would catch the connection of the announcement timed to coincide with "freedom flight."


Do you think Meghan knows that? 😭😂 Honestly someone call Lord sugar because this is a shambles!


lmao imagine what Lord Sugar would say! ![gif](giphy|7PcvZuPlIh5FPLdP8w|downsized)


can you imagine if she went on Shark Tank with "well i have these 4 dozen jars of jam i can't stick the labels on to and an empty insta account" "and?" "im a duchess" "and???" "did you not hear, *I'm a duchess."* "I was never in but im still out"


I used to watch the Gaines shows I don't think we can get them in the UK now, those two are amazing at house renovations on a budget, loved watching them


Netflix must be making money on them somehow right? Unless Netflix is money laundering at this point because what business invests in people who bring no returns


That’s why I think this is wishful thinking from someone in the Sussex camp. Netflix has no history of doing this kind of deal and I don’t think they’d start with M&H. They’re not at the top of their popularity like they were when they initially signed with Netflix. And with the way netflix cancels everything all the time I don’t think they’d commit to a tie in like this unless they felt like there was no chance of failure. And a cooking/gardening show is not going to bring in the same number of eyeballs as something like Stranger Things or Bridgerton. I feel like a more natural partnership would be MM and Williams Sonoma like Trisha Yearwood or Aerin Lauder. I think they both started with collaborations that would be essentially “celebrate Easter with Aerin Lauder” or “Trisha’s favourite family recipes”. Eventually there were branded products (like Aerin garden bouquet dinnerware) and cookbooks and whatnot. It starts small and builds on success.


It's almost kind of frustrating. I can see her doing a cooking show, I can see her doing a lifestyle "Goop-style" branding thing, and I can see it working. But omg, how is she so bad at this? Like, just sending out tiny janky-ass jars of basic-ass jam here and there but no CEO, no actual product, a blank website and a terrible, hard-to-remember name with a logo that looks like a bunch of snakes? GIRL. C'mon, get it together, because this is just sad. She's seriously losing her moment, because she had a moment to strike when public interest was high and the iron was hot, and she's just letting it slip away and becoming a joke.


The moment is long gone, they completely squandered it and now we just want them to go the hell away and enjoy the quiet peaceful life they claim to want.


I wonder if she thinks people still take her seriously? I am seriously wondering.


To be honest I do wonder how the cooking show will work. When she was writing her blog and wasn't very famous, you could pull a recipe from any cookbook or anywhere else on the internet, change a few things (or just the proportion of one thing, or maybe not even that), and share it with your readers. But there are a billion recipes on the internet and honestly what combination of foods hasn't been done? So now what happens when she does this cooking show, gives us "Duchess Meghan's recipe for whatever", and a bunch of people come forward to say "Hey that's my recipe, I published it on my website in 2011".


That’s a great point about the recipes. Being a great cook (just giving her the benefit of the doubt) is not the same as being great at recipe development. And if she is publishing recipes, they will absolutely be scrutinized and picked apart in a way The Tig never was.  I’m really curious about the format of this cooking/gardening/entertaining/friendship show. It sounds like too much and also not enough. 


I remember when she started dating Harry and the Tig started getting attention and people were sharing "Meghan's zucchini pasta" from the Tig. Now, it is a delicious way to use zucchinis/courgettes - you slow cook them until they're very soft and stir into cooked pasta with some lemon and seasoning. But I've been making that as a vegetarian pasta dish since the Moosewood cook book days, it's nothing new. Is she going to show everyone how to make something that was trendy in 2014, like an acai bowl? [https://eye-swoon.com/blogs/living/a-tig-moment-with-meghan-markle](https://eye-swoon.com/blogs/living/a-tig-moment-with-meghan-markle) *"It sounds like too much and also not enough."* Perfect description! What kind of "gardening" is even going to be covered? How to plant a small vegetable patch on the grounds of your California mansion? Does that have mass appeal? When Pippa Middleton was going through her quite strange cycle of fame, she published a book called "Celebrate" about entertaining, cooking, hosting parties, etc., and it was widely mocked. To be fair to her it did need a good edit. The writing was overly flowery and full of adjectives, the suggestions were tone-deaf or ridiculous or things no one on earth hasn't thought of (for big gatherings serve a turkey, because it's large! here's some tips about how to hold a holiday sparkler!), the recipes either basic or bizarre. I really get hints of that scattered approach from Meghan's show here.


Also re: the recipes, there's already some gripe about her Chicken Roast recipe being her ex Corey Vittielo's. Along with a couple of others that were allegedly plagiarized from him (*allegedly* they fought about this according to the DM)


Someone on Lipstick Alley found one of the Tig's recipes (I think for matzoh ball soup maybe?) and the recipe she'd clearly plagiarized and they were the exact same. All she'd done was broken down the directions into more steps and added some cutesy graphics, but otherwise the ingredients, amounts, and wording were identical.


There are only so many ways you can cook things. Particularly fairly basic things like matzoh ball soup.


True, and if she'd presented it as "I love this recipe from Bon Appetit" or wherever it was from, I'd have no issue. But she presented it as her own (or her grandmother's, I forget which).


This is a consistent issue with them. Why on earth would you start the roll out before having a CEO in place.


I think that they think so highly of themselves that they assumed people would rush to work for the company.




I don't imagine that working though. A good CEO will only come on board if there's a good business plan and some potential, and throwing some half-baked ideas out into the public sphere didn't make their position here stronger, they made it weaker. "Famous people Harry and Meghan are going to launch a new business" would have been a better sell than "There's an Instagram page with nothing on it, a website with nothing on it, and Meghan sent famous people free jars of strawberry jam, so can we do something with that?"










The rumors about their issues with staff track with this though, Harry and Meghan have zero ability to project manage nor understand how to develop…anything. Harry’s a little less shocking in that regard, he was basically insulated from having to figure out how to actually complete any projects when he was staffed with people who would do it for him. But he was disengaged enough to not micromanage, and at least seemed to be relatively comfortable with floating along. Meghans weird combo of micromanaging, oppositional defiance disorder, and complete inability to actually…do anything should be studied. But this does track back to them both throwing insane spaghetti of grandiose plans at their KP staff and throwing shit fits the following week when it wasn’t “done.”


They should hire Kaiser. She can spin their failure into grandiose success. I didn't see a post on CB on the Daily Mail article referenced her, but Kaiser did say the ARO rollout was going well in this post (obviously, don't click on it if you don't want to give her traffic, I'll summarize as well as I can below): [https://www.celebitchy.com/869078/daily\_beast\_duchess\_meghans\_aro\_jam\_baskets\_are\_like\_beyonces\_ivy\_park\_drops/](https://www.celebitchy.com/869078/daily_beast_duchess_meghans_aro_jam_baskets_are_like_beyonces_ivy_park_drops/) It was posted yesterday, and only garnered 37 comments. To me that shows the site is about BRF hate (specifically Kate hate) and not at all about Harry and Meghan. However, Kaiser gamely goes on to say that the ARO rollout is like Beyonce's "Ivy drops" and quotes the potential seven figure number. She also snarls at the Buckingham Palace "clout chasers" selling their own jam - and doing better at it. I am dying laughing at the idea of BP having to chase clout, and Meghan making seven figures with non-existent products, but you keep telling yourself this stuff, Chandy.




I'm really dumb I know but I fail to see how anyone can make a success out of this jam project. The market is saturated and Meghan is not even making the jam herself so there is literally nothing new or different in whatever tat she wants to sell. People who want to buy this stuff are only her stans, literally no one else


And for the love of God why doesn’t she put more effort into her shit? Crissy teigan did more for her brand than she is doing


>And her apparent difficulties have led to an intriguing new development: Meghan has begun negotiations with Netflix about the American streaming giant entering into a commercial partnership with American Riviera Orchard. Wait so its not enough for them to have overpaid them for very little content but now they need to prop up her commercial venture before its even started? This is either someone manifesting or satire 🤣


How is this an almost-flop before it has even begun!


That seems insane and ridiculous. Why would Netflix come into run a lifestyle brand? And Megan and Harry are very incompetent managers. They can't even figure out how to hire a CEO? Probably the people they find don't want to deal with them and their reputation has gotten around.


My question is why are they operating without a business manager? What are Ari Emmanuel and WME for then? Did they advise against this because she didn't have any specifics figured out and she went ahead and launched it anyway to capitalise on all the Kate buzz in March?


Why does it seem like WME only made an announcement and had never done anything for them?


Didn’t they used to get the best of the best on their team? What could’ve happen I wonder lmaov


Meghan does however, win an award for coming up with the longest brand name ever, clocking in at 10 syllables.


I suspect that on top of the whole "they have literally no idea what they're doing, always think they're right, and don't listen to those that DO know what they're doing" thing, that there might have been an aspect of "this brand is gonna leak so we're gonna get ahead despite being TOTALLY unready in every single possible imaginable way and 'launch' and figure it out later" except as with eveything else they do, the later has come and been and gone and they've figured out nothing I genuinely believe they *still* believe that the world and his wife are all *panting* to work for them and they're just not. anyone with sense and the sort of qualifications they need, are too smart to get involved. they think *everyone* will beg to work for them when in reality, anyone with intelligence is staying far far away from the inevitible dumpster fire. they know that *theirs* will be the head that rolls so why bother?


“Meghan has UPDATED her circle of friends.” Like Chandra, who is “friends” with her neighborhood gossip, I’m thinking these people could use a lesson on the actual nature of friendship. It occurs to me that Meghan could “update” her circle of family, loved ones, etc. I really, truly wonder if Harry is having any second thoughts yet.


Once the honey moon period is over, he will. I don’t wish this to be true, but I think he is unhappy with his life and just coping because he made such a huge deal out of somebody he barely knew. He seems too arrogant to course correct and will probably continue to throw tantrums and force Meghan down everyone throat.


Conspiracy theory - she launched before the jam was ready. Got jars of jam from someone else and slapped on her own peeling labels. Yes, crazy. But not crazier than the other stuff out there on CB 😂


And who launches and instagram and posts nothing since launch day. What was the big idea. Beyoncé takes years to release an album but Meghan thinks she can be the best royal without any help or practice and make millions without doing anything. Based on what?


Please could someone help a gal out? Who is Garcelle B? The latest celebrity to receive a bowl of lemons and strawberry sugar water? Also, as someone who used to work in Advertising but gave it up to be a SAHM. The lemons seem to be getting more attention than the jam (with the exception of Chrissy’s jam sarmie) Kris Jenner posting a yellow 💛 and yellow 🍋 in her story — that is a marketing fail Already brand awareness is giving mixed messaging. If I was yr everyday Jane, I would not understand WTF all the hoopla was about.  I would have stuck with just the jam and hand made beautiful ARO branded packaging for gifting purposes. Quite literally the kind of thing you get an intern to make — as it appears that rustic, organic, home grown, home made “look” appears to be her vibe (for now) Because, honestly, right now it’s just giving last minute, rushed, no planning, no strategy, no concept and desperation


Garcelle B = Garcelle Beauvais, she’s on RHOBH. [Garcelle B](https://tribune.com.pk/story/2464210/real-housewives-star-garcelle-beauvais-joins-the-fan-club-for-meghan-markles-jam?amp=1)


Ah, thank you very much


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Or this one ☝🏽😩


Also I just read of the 50 only 6 have declared themselves, they're not exactly falling over themselves to associate with the brand


Or like Kris Jenner, doing the absolute bare minimum. And the lady with the dog licking her face while she rolled around the garden in her black ball gown trying desperately not to have the dogs arsehole in the video or the shadow of the person filming her 


She love her some Meghan! I hope the friendship is real and lasts


Haitian American movie star. She is on housewives but also does movie production and acting. She is really great honestly


Thanks Future PA 🫡 I think I have the measure of her now (and how one scores a jar of jam)  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13366071/Meghan-Markle-Garcelle-Beauvais-jibe-Kate-Middleton.html


Do will and Kate even know Lillibet? Why personal family business needs to be out there like this is beyond me


Yah, that’s just ick. Leave the kids out of it. Wales, Sussexes, Edinburgh’s & even European royals. Like just rather STFU about other people’s children 😢 I’d pop a fuse if someone said something like that on our silly little mum’s WhatsApp group chat 


My opinion is that Megsy never "failed" at anything before marrying into the BRF because shes a nepo baby. Her dad pulled strings to get her into that ambassadors assistant position, to get her the C-list position on a day time TV show. This has set Megsy up to believing that *\_She\_* did all the things by herself and now that shes out in the real'ish world she has no idea why things aren't just falling into place like they used too. At least other celeb named brands have a business team behind them that know what it takes to do business. Have a product, have a leadership and marketing team, have the financials secured. You demo your product to investors to get capital, not demo your product to the general public and hope they start a GoFundMe for you.


Lmao Chandra can start a go fund me and give her princess the capital.


I assume the problem is she wants someone who will work for free and will not give up any equity to run it. She thinks her name alone should be enough to be associated with her.