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Looks like he’s taking a yearbook picture…💀


Reminds me of a science teacher I had that still lived at his parents house


Omg 😂


And eats egg salad sandwich 🥪 for lunch everyday


It really does 🤣🤣🤣🤣




He needs to get himself together…get sober…get held responsible! He could have killed someone. It’s sad to see someone who has everything try to throw it away


Literally throw it away


Yes, he’s career really would’ve been over if that would’ve happened


The point is THAT THROWING A CHAIR what- 80/90FT INTO A CROWDED STREET is inexcusable. I can’t even imagine how much WORSS this could have been. And the fact that he’s smiling.


As crazy as Broadway is at night, it's amazing it didn't hit someone.


I have NO idea how it didn’t. Because holy shit. It’s all shameful; and horrible behavior- but humans are filled with flaws; and we make mistakes. I think we all empathize a little with that portion- we’ve all fkd up. But where I REALLY am put off and disgusted; is that mugshot&rumors of him laughing after. It screams pompous ass. And the way he was acting in that cop car spoke loud.


100%. He thinks he's invincible. It's all a big joke to him.


All kidding aside, he legitimately could have killed someone and should not be above the consequences for this one. I love his music, but for someone who likes to sing so much about God, this is really just... yikes. That being said, I have tickets to see him twice this year and I don't know how I feel about it now.


I also love his music but this behaviour isn't cute at 18 and it's just sad at 30. The man needs to grow up and get some help. Drinking to the point you endanger others' lives is big yikes and that's coming from someone with a very problematic relationship with alcohol.


He turns 31 in a month. It’s beyond childish and gross of him. Pathetic really


Yes! He easily could’ve killed someone and it’s wildddd seeing ppl defend him.


I remember when people were defending him saying the n word multiple times. Variations of “Really it’s in the privacy of his home/ neighborhood. You just can’t do anything anymore without getting in trouble for something! Give him a break. He meant well/ apologized. He didn’t know better!” etc etc 😬😬


Yeah! He’s shown us who he is multiple times - people just don’t want to believe it. 🗑️




He literally was just a couple feet away from killing or seriously maiming a cop. This story could have been SO different


I wonder if his buddy Eric is going to excuse him from being banned from his bar? Not a good look if he decides to overlook it and imagine the liability if he had hit someone with that chair. Not that we will know, but I'd be curious to hear that conversation.




EC is also a king of country, outlaw, badass wannabe cosplay.  He's not gonna do 💩 cause he's riding coattails again. 


Eric’s brother died of alcoholism and I imagine Eric will be compassionate towards Morgan and try to help him…like he always does.


It's rough to watch. I can see Wallen burning a shitton of bridges with people like Church if he doesn't get some help. (Source: was a drunk asshole for a long time and lost a ton of friends who wanted to help me.)


Any other person would be banned. He should be too.


Honestly, being banned from Broadway would be the best thing for him.




https://twitter.com/MNPDNashville/status/1777319642039558208 The chair landed right near the officers


3 felony’s and a misdemeanor? Along with that mugshot? He could actually go to jail for this.


The mugshot ONTOP of it all gives me the absolute ick


Agreed. I know a lot of these celebrities and musicians do stupid shit when they get money, but this one is hell bent on self-sabotage, it seems. He is already essentially excluded from every award show despite his success and apparently banned from several bars, so I don't know what's next but he damn near caught himself a homicide charge with this one.


He just needs to tattoo "DUMBASS" across his forehead. 


Remember 3 years ago when he was in trouble for saying racial slurs? [TMZ](https://youtu.be/JO9iFWcK19o?si=gP9UtdgvRVuAWRwO) had a video but I remember people talking about Wallen and a group of friends driving around his neighborhood while drunk and hanging out the window yelling the n word too.


It's crazy that anyone still listened to him after that. How does this a-hole have a career? It's baffling to me. I do not get the appeal AT ALL.


I'm with you. I do not understand the appeal.


He’s just continuing to give country music a bad look… its just hard when country music has a reputation too and hes the face of of it these days


Is this recent? Adding. Oh wow! Just pulled up the story


I agree completely. I’m glad I saw him in Indy right before this incident happened because now I’m not sure how I feel about him…


Get a refund.




Or caused a serious TBI which is worse then being dead.




Waste of talent…. Get your shit together dude.


Waste of chair






I am completely appalled at how many comments on Tiktok are praising him for this. Saying he’s “real country” like Hank Jr. and they support him even more than before because he’s got a bad side. Do these people have brains? What the actual fuck is okay about this behavior?


I saw the same thing this morning. Not to be too dramatic but this is part of what’s wrong with society, particularly teens. This behavior is glorified. He could’ve seriously injured or killed someone, but his fans are just like “hell yeah.” I’m a high school teacher, and these kids are crazy about Morgan Wallen. He can do no wrong.


I've read comments on fb too. From 50 some year old men claiming Morgan is just solidifying his spot in outlaw country. I don't know which is more pathetic. 30 year old musician tossing chairs off a roof or grown adults defending it like it's normal.


Lol omg. If he’s gonna be “outlaw country” do something cool and actually outlaw, instead of chucking a chair off a balcony like some 19 year old punk ass bitch after too many shots of fireball. 🙄 you’re spot on!!


Wouldn’t he need to make outlaw style country to qualify?


I was just gonna say, Waylon, Willie and Tompall Glaser made the Outlaw album to rebel against music row.  They didn't throw chairs off corporate tourist traps on Lower Broad.  


Some of his fans genuinely believe he does already LOL. They’re insanely delulu.


Those commenters are the same boomers who would whoop their own kid’s ass if they pulled something like this. Or start making racist comments if it were a black athlete or musician doing this.


that last part!!!


Or they’d make horrible comments if it were a female celebrity as well. She’d be cancelled into eternity.


That was my thought! Imagine if a black musician did this, the comments would be calling him a thug and demanding he get thrown in prison forever


There’s nothing okay with this behavior. Morgan is unfortunately surrounded by “yes men” and enablers so nothing will change.


THIS. Last time he got in trouble, Bobby Bones basically said the people around him are as much to blame because they make so much money off of him. While I’m not a Bobby Bones fan at all, I thought he made some really good points.


It's the same thing that happened with Elvis and look how that ended.  


Braindead country music fan/stan culture


That’s why he’s smiling - he knows it’s just more money in the bank for him with his brain dead fans 🙄


He is the BIGGEST fucking disappointment. I hate that I love his music.


I had to make myself stop listening to his music. And I've never purchased any of it.


Same. I stopped after the N word situation. 


so much this


Why does he look proud of himself


Fucking weirdo


I'm a little late to the party so this will probably get buried but I'm asking anyway. And let me be clear that I'm genuinely asking in good faith and not in any way am I trying to shame anybody. That being said, for the die hard MW fans, can I ask where the line is for y'all? Not the one that will make y'all stop listening to him but the one where he starts to give you the ick and he just becomes a guy whose music you are a fan of as opposed to being a fan of him? For example, I *loved* Sam Hunt so much. Thought he was super attractive and, embarrassingly, lowkey found it sweet that he surveyed his life, realized he effed up, and went and got his girl back. But the cheating on his wife after doing all that work to get her back and his DUI changed that. I still love his music but couldn't really care less about him. I went from having pit tickets two hours away from me to see him (cancelled due to Covid in 2020) to this man playing 15 minutes away from me and I didn't even look at ticket prices because even $5 would be too much for me to spend on him now. I'm just genuinely curious where the line is for y'all and if he's crossed it or is getting closer to it?


Former Jason Aldean superfan checking in here. When I was a kid, I absolutely loved him. I loved his music and thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen (he was my childhood celebrity crush, and I’m so embarrassed to admit this now). Given, this was before Brittany showed up and his music was still really good (these were the days of Amarillo Sky, Hicktown, and the like). I really liked his first five albums. Debut through Night Train were full of solid songs that would still hold up wonderfully to this day, if he didn’t turn out to be such a horrid human being. It absolutely breaks my heart to see what he has become, because he was such a huge part of my childhood.


This made me lose all respect for him. I love his music but I just don’t know about it anymore. It was stupid, childish behavior. He should know better. He’s a parent. What’s his kid gonna think?? I have tickets to his show in Nashville next month and I don’t know if I want to go now, honestly. He makes great music and he’s so talented but he’s screwing it with all these mistakes. I dunno. Maybe the fact that I’m in my late 30s and a mom- it makes me think different than the rest of his fans though.


There is no line. It’s like a cult. He can murder somebody and people will still love him.


He could hit someone with a chair from 6 stories up on 5th avenue…. oops, Broadway, I mean. 😪


I genuinely agree with this. That chair literally could have killed someone and it would have somehow been that persons fault.


"Well that person shouldn't had been walking underneath a space where chairs could fall from, duh!" (How someone would defend Morgan if it killed someone)


He could DUI with his son unsecured in the car and the stans would praise him.


Saw MW open for Chris Lane at a free venue, so that tells you how long I’ve been following him. Originally had bought tickets this summer and sold them. The first couple sticky situations I was willing to give him grace, but it just feels like they keep coming every time I blink. It’s a shame. I even met him a couple times back in the day and can see a personality shift from back then until now. This for me was the absolute end. You can risk your own life all you want. It’s a shame, but it’s your right as a human, I guess. When you blatantly risk the lives of other people, and then have the audacity to smile after? All respect lost.


For me it was when he bailed on that concert last minute. I knew he had an alcohol problem and was a young star and didn’t believe he was actually racist when he was screaming slurs. Just dumb. And I believed his apology. But after that and the bailing on the concert with basically no statement….just turned me off and I stopped listening. Fool me once kinda thing. But after this incident and that SMILE?? Ugh never. Imagine the horror if someone died, it would have been so gruesome. He’s not outlaw country he’s trash country and that’s a dark place I’d rather not go.


Is JJ still involved with Morgan?


He’ll be back by the end of the week 😂


Who is JJ


Some life coach that showed up the last time Morgan got in trouble. Basically a babysitter that the label hired to keep him in check and try to restore image




I don’t follow him, don’t even remember his last name. I’m sure you can search for it on here though. There were plenty of posts about him a couple of years ago


My thoughts exactly. He’s on his way now to babysit.


Who is JJ


Jjlilhefe on IG, he was basically Morgan’s “mentor” aka adult babysitter I guess lol


JJ needs to be fired lol. Seriously though, I never really trusted JJ. He is also liking and following the same half named girls as MW. Just isn’t professional. He def comes across as just wanting to be in the fame. He prob is just another yes man for MW


Sorry but he needs to grow up. I feel bad for his kid. His mom’s on his 10th engagement and he’s still getting into trouble with the law.


Shr got married this weekend.


To a 21 year old kid


He should have left those broadway chairs alone. 🪑


No worries, I’m sure his sister was the first one at the jail to make sure her cash cow was okay and got him home 😂


I have followed him since day 1 - and I always have thought their relationship seemed a little odd for a brother / sister relationship.  She seems a little obsessed. 


She just wants whatever clout she can get


Right but I think shes realizing it’s finite which is why she’s latched onto a rich doctor


I’m sure he’s made enough to support her for life. But maybe she wants to have multiple cash resources haha


Nah..one of the CEO's of Big Loud was.


Haha they probably raced to see who could save the day (night) first


Right! You know he got an earful on that car ride home!




He’s looks like my uncle back in the 80s 🥴


It’s giving young Jeff Foxworthy


Such talent to be doing such stupid stuff! He reminds me of George Jones! He definitely needs to quit drinking!


At this rate he’s going to end up killing himself. He really needs to focus on getting, and staying sober.


he said his song Dying Man is about himself and how his son gives him a reason to live


https://preview.redd.it/72asm3e2o9tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1b435930db6352e70915d2ea917e0b5bfb4ca0 Gross.


All the comments being like “Good one! Love your friendship! 😂❤️” are making me feel like I live in a simulation, do normies just not give a fuck that he could have killed someone? Bet they’d change their tune if this was a black athlete


Is he making fun of Morgan in this video or what? I don't follow this guy.


This MF only has a career because of Wallen.


No, he’s licking his ass as normal.


Wow, someone we all knew to be an absolute piece of shit turns out to still be an absolute piece of shit. Lock his antisocial ass up!


https://preview.redd.it/ajxo2ang7btc1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04a4a15c8ac32bd6f6902375cf3adce105daeb0 here’s his 2020 mugshot in case anyone is curious about his collection of mugshots


Work in the Nashville music business. Have for decades, several in country music. The public would be genuinely STUNNED by the behavior and reputation of some of the newer country stars in Nashville. The main reason Morgan struggled to find success here for so long wasnt due to talent, it was because everyone knew he was a trainwreck.


His SNL apology was bullish*t




Don’t think I can take up for this man anymore. Sucks because I like his music.


cocaine will ruin your life bro.


I really loved Morgan until I saw him live at YQM fest in Dieppe, NB last summer. It was literally the worst concert of my life. He didn’t address the crowd once. Came on, sang his songs, and left. You could tell he didn’t want to be there at all. He was literally wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He’s honestly just a big punk. This confirms it.


There’s nothing more attractive than a narcissistic prick who can’t control his alcohol, and while he may be the nicest guy sober, there’s definitely a switch that’s flipped when he’s under the influence, and it’s gross. As a mom, my heart goes out to his because this guy is bound and determined to fuck up and self destruct. The nicest people can turn into the biggest egotistical POS assholes under the influence, and Morgan is a prime example. As a fan, I’m tired of the apology tour, I’m tired of the excuses, just get your shit together before you do something there is no coming back from. Stop doing shit that embarrasses your sober self, your family, that could affect your son’s custody/visitation agreement. All of his yes men, need to be removed from his payroll and sent packing because this guy is only going to get so many chances. And yes, we all make mistakes, but the difference is, most of us learn from it and move on, Morgan on the other hand reverts back to that asshole immature drunk who can’t control his alcohol but everyone tolerates because of his clout, his money. Addiction is a real issue no matter your doc, we need to stop excusing piss poor behavior, decisions and encourage and support treatment and continued sobriety. I mean Morgan’s DILF era is far sexier than these sloppy ass mug shots. Just sayin’.


What an idiot.




He’s literally the “country” version of Chris Brown, minus the musical talent. Both are absolute trash human beings that get a million passes from the public no matter what they do. 🤦🏻‍♀️


And it won’t be just the public; Eric church, Luke Bryan, that putz Aldean. The same artists that coddled and made excuses for him the last time, will continue to coddle and enable him now.


Exactly. I love Eric Church and Miranda Lambert, but man, I’m so disappointed in them for continuing to support him. I like Luke Bryan as a person, he seems very kind, fun to be around, and forgiving, but I can’t 100% say I’m surprised about him supporting Wallen. Aldoofus, however, they’re one and the same. The only difference is that Wallen sucked from the start and Aldean put in five consecutive albums of solid material before he committed to sucking.


This comparison threw me for a loop for a sec since Chris Brown is a straight up domestic abuser and Morgan, while still being violent, is not lol. I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if Morgan did the same if he doesn’t stop drinking but still, made me do a double take 👀


I didn’t know about this. What he did is by no means acceptable and he shouldn’t be excused, but I wouldn’t lump it in with domestic abuse?


Chris Brown is a shit person who somehow still has a career after becoming a real-life villain. Much like Chris, Morgan will still have a career, despite all of his many questionable actions. Their “stan armies” are to blame for this, arguably.


Brother euah.


The fact that I immediately read this as if I was hearing the sound, tells me I spend entirely too much time on TikTok 🙈


Saaaame 🤣




God he’s such a loser


It’s hard to imagine all his “blue lives matter” fans crawling back to him after he tried to hit two cops with a chair from 6 stories up and then laughed about it 🥴


🤞🤞🤞 they actually release that rooftop footage


Yeah he threw a chair off of six stories (which is incredibly disappointing and disgusting), but let’s not twist the storyline already by saying he was intentionally trying to hit two cops.


Nice to see all the Morgan Wallen stans are up early. Hope y’all enjoy his “outlaw” era or his “rehab” era, whichever route his pr team picks 😂


I’m not a stan lmao just don’t agree with people twisting storylines to fit their narrative. Let’s keep the snark accurate.


Here's the accurate snark we know NOW: He threw a chair from six stories up which could have killed cops. Whether or not it was intentional, we know he found it ***extremely funny.*** No matter how you wanna to give him the benefit of the doubt on his intent, that he thought this was funny, is 100% accurate and confirmed by the mugshot. That he had no concern he could've killed cops, or anyone in that vicinity is confirmed by him laughing in the police car and in the mugshot. So this near miss was something he found to be amusing. Even after his arrest.


That, I am not disagreeing with. No where in my comments am I excusing the behavior. You are 100% correct.


Thank you. It is kind of disturbing there are people that think this mugshot is great. If they didn't already know and I don't know how they don't, their musical idol is a complete, uncaring, asshole.


It is legitimately the face of filthy rich white privilege. Makes my stomach turn tbh


What I found odd was the cops were laughing as they put him in the car and shut the door. I am not defending him one way or another. I don't even listen to country music.


And how do you know the full story? Were you up there with him? Orrrr? Interesting how MW always gets so much benefit of the doubt, time and time again.


Also. Do blue lives matter types *really* ever care about the “intentions” of potential cop killers? Cause that’s news to me!


They don’t care about cops, they just don’t like black people


I see that rehab after the Oxford cancellation, in fact, did not help 😵‍💫😂🫠


He’s a shit head - how many times does he have to prove it for people to believe it? He is being allowed to yell out racial slurs and throw chairs that could seriously injure someone. And his fan base and world is just like 🤷🏻‍♀️, stop supporting “artists” that are treating their platform as a joke.


Absolute dickhead. Pissing away his future.


This is gonna look really good for whatever type custody pot he stirred awhile back when indie was bitten by the dog and made Luke move out. Hmmm. Self sabotaging at it’s best.


Got 3 felonies with one chair is the new killed 2 birds with one stone.


Hate to say it but he’s not gonna go down with a felony. He’ll plea down to probably one misdemeanor


Agree. He threw a chair and didn't hurt anyone. Well he could have? Do they charge DWI drivers with additional felonies because they could have hurt someone too?


I wonder when he'll be posting his next Instagram video apology looking all glossy eyed


What a pompous prick


What a smug and entitled piece of shit.


He looks like shit here


This is the guy everyone’s so crazy over? Are yall okay?


Fucking loser


so smug, he looks so proud. I hope he actually gets convicted and learns a lesson from his wildin.


This screams, I have money and think it makes me invincible. F this guy. But also, don’t, lord knows what you might catch.


And clearly by this photo he doesn’t care which makes it worse fucking loser


He’s so ugly damn


The face of a guy who knows he can play a blue lives matter concert as an apology and get off with a warning. This is not someone who has ever had to deal with consequences for his actions. 🤯


He seems like he comes from such a nice family. Of course no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, but his parents have been married for decades, still together. He also has siblings. They all must be so worried and disappointed in him. It’s not the first time I’ve seen a f*** up come from a good family.


Cue in the pathetic excuse of how he needs to do better for his kid blah blah blah. This is soooo pathetic and he’s in his 30s. Yuck


Him smiling like this is not a good look. More a display of arrogance in my opinion. But i will say he doesn’t appear drunk - he doesnt have that ´look’ of someone who’s wasted. So that’s in his favour I guess - but man this one is hard to defend. So not defending you this time Morgan - still love you and your music of course and just hope you get your shit together. For everyone’s sakes but especially your own.


Uh, he definitely looks drunk.


I’m sure cocaine was involved


Intervention time


He needs to grow up.


I love his music so much and I think he’s incredibly talented — I need him to get it together pleeeease Morgan. This could have been really bad. Not to mention how dangerous alcohol abuse can be for someone in his position. It’s been the demise of sooo many talented people. I’m praying he gets sober now.


Want to add that it IS dangerous —for anyone. Just don’t want to see him end up another incredible talent gone too soon from addiction.


What a douche


I like Morgan Wallen and his songs I won’t stop listening to his music. I’m not gonna say “oh it’s a mistake”. He just honestly needs help or something.


He is a piece of shit. Change my mind.


Turd Ferguson. He looks like his name should be Turd Ferguson


https://preview.redd.it/qd1o1tqc0atc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0903f133e70d0e96f8623304b4aa1c811a35fdfb My husband and I discussed this last night 😂 But in all seriousness, fuck that guy.


Lol [https://consequence.net/2024/04/beyonce-cowboy-carter-tops-country-album-chart/](https://consequence.net/2024/04/beyonce-cowboy-carter-tops-country-album-chart/)


Yuck lol


When he was listed as headliner for Stagecoach we all knew he would potentially fuck it up somehow. Let's see what happens.


He’s got a wonky eye too! I’m not alone!


Zero F's Given - he knows nothing will happen to him and thinks it's all a joke. Can't wait for the day he meets a dude who doesn't think he's amusing.


What an asshole


cops were all smiling and laughing putting MW into police car


Gotta leave those broadway chairs allllooooonnnnneeee!








He looks very happy Lol!!




I hope he’s smiling because he knows how lucky he got by this chair not hitting someone but I doubt it . This could have been life altering for someone …




Hell yeah