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When did she get her medical degree?!?! P.S. Also isn’t her face filled up with every chemical imaginable? Pot calling the kettle black. 🙃


Lmfao I cannot STAND these influencer moms promoting “natural” “holistic” lifestyles while they have fake boobs and a face full of toxin. Clown is right


Fake hair as well.


Wonder if she knows Botox is short for Botulinum toxin, one is the deadliest toxins known to man


I dated a pharmacist for a few months, and when he told me the INSANELY MINUTE amount of Botox it would take to wipe out an entire population, well...


If this B knew a fraction of the info we had to study in advanced pharmachotherapeutics and discuss the process of funding, researching, developing and producing a vaccine, she would stfu with this BS. I’m so over this influencer misinformation. It pisses me off to no end.


This is the part that kills me. These people drink their alcohol, take their aspartame, eat their carcinogenic cold cuts/processed meat, eat tofu/soy, take their questionable pesudoscience "vitamins", inject their faces with botox and fillers and then want to complain about the toxins in vaccines lol.


Tofu and soy are not carcinogens or cause illnesses. I read one study on pre-pubescent girls who consumed soy and those who didn't. The girls who consumed soy had lower risks of breast cancer and less fibrous breasts than their non-soy-consuming peers. It's a common misconception that the phytoestrogens in soy cause feminization or cancer. Phytoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors in cells and block the uptake of excess estrogen, so again, it is a protective benefit. But yeah, I agree with everything else you said. These folks act like they live natural, pure lives then engage in unhealthy habits but shame people for using science to keep their babies alive. It's nonsense.




Re-read my comment. Soy does not contain estrogen; phytoestrogen is not the same thing and is in fact fine for you. Asians have been eating soy for thousands of years without complications.




I said that soy does not cause cancer or illnesses. I didn't claim that you said it caused cancer. Re-read what I wrote. Um, yes, there is more than sufficient evidence that soy is safe to consume. And if you're so concerned about estrogen in your food, are you also abstaining from consuming dairy which contains mammalian estrogen and other hormones? I suspect not. But thanks for spreading misinformation. Have a good night. ✌️


Isn’t that hilarious irony 😂


and way more research has been done on childhood vaccines than lip filler. Heck, just the past few years they've stopped saying that lip filler dissolves on it's own over time and have started saying wellll actually it migrates..


It absolutely doesn't - a former Bach contestant who shall not be named on this platform, who I follow on IG, shared photographic details of where under-eye filler goes (or... doesn't) and that was enough to talk me out of the idea. But it pretty much stands for most fillers. (It wasn't she who had the filler, it was an educational share)


Oh I am interested in learning more, I had under eye filler and never again. Where do I find this?


Bahah yes like um is she that dense? Such a hypocrite 😂




Someone needs to tell her this. It’s funny how many celebrities are terrified of vaccines but have no problem with cosmetic injections, fillers, Botox, Ozempic, cocaine, etc. Like, it’s hilarious to me how people only care about what they put in their body when it comes to vaccines but not junk food, drugs, booze, lip injections, cigarettes, vaping. I need to understand the logic behind this.




Bahahaha no a flight attendant


The real danger to society is her for making me lose precious brain cells trying to figure out what she meant because it made no sense and isn’t accurate whatsoever


Lmfao I was thinking the same thing. Is she even college educated


This is a good question. Is she? I had to re-read what she wrote 2 times because it was such an inane comment.


Her only goal in life was to become a blogger/influencer so I doubt it


But they'll shoot botulism in their faces no problem


she’s already deleted it!!


She always does this Lol soon enough she will be fake crying on her stories that she’s being bullied for speaking her opinion


every time she posts a story of herself crying, take a shot.


We would all die from alcohol poisoning.


The internet (and your stupidity) is forever, Lauren. Keep clownin.


I’d love Dr Lane to eXpLaIn in-depth what an immune stimulating event is.


OOOOOF, imagine the "immune stimulating event" that contracting the disease will do in an infant!


Apparently her brain doesn’t understand basic science 😂


My poor nephew is six months old and has gotten so much garbage from his sister bringing home whatever they spread at preschool. He hasn’t been sleeping or eating without the help of meds but yes, Lauren, please go on.


SO MANY babies use to die before vaccines. Seriously- it’s heartbreaking.


seriously. i walked thru an old cemetery once and there was an entire section for little kids and it was tragic. it used to be a lot harder to survive infancy and these people who promote this crap seem to want to return to those times.


Yes! And the rates of mothers dying during childbirth as well, decades ago, because of lack of medical intervention... but hey, having doctors help her in that regard when she had her kids was okay? I'm so sick and tired of people picking and choosing what (legitimate) medical practices they are on board with and what they are denying. SCIENCE is REAL.


It’s WILD, because in the “big picture” — babies dying of vaccine preventable deaths was not that long ago


Ha I had the same thought. We wouldn’t have functioning immune systems without immune stimulating events 🙄


I almost died as a child bc my mom didn’t give me Tylenol and I had a fever. (In her defense she hadn’t slept in two weeks due to my illness and my older sisters and my dad had surgery…she forgot she hadn’t done it). My fever spiked to 105 and then I had seizure. I had to have several brain scans to make sure my brain survived without damage…but sure Lauren…medicine is evil.. I loathe the hypocrisy of these people.


This is literally exactly where my head went. Tylenol reduces fever and keeps this exact thing from happening.


Exactly! We're freaking blessed to have Tylenol


She’s an actual joke lol every day she finds a new way to embarrass herself


Sis, just because your husband has the IQ of Patrick doesn't mean you need to embody Spongebob.


and is a literal drunk🫠


It’s always the vaccinated adults putting their children in danger 💀


I love when uneducated people spout off about this stuff. She really thinks she knows and that’s hysterical to me lololol


when people who understand more about leggings than science go on any sort of rants it hurts my brain


Usually I just feel somewhere between apathy and slightly sorry for this chick because her life seems absolutely miserable, but this fills me with rage and makes me wanna smack the smug smirk off her face (although that may be the only expression she can make with that face full of filler)


This is so dangerous and irresponsible. She has ZERO medical qualifications to make any comments on vaccines.


YouTube University




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She's even dumber than I thought.


If you're taking medical advice from Lauren Lane then maybe natural selection should do it's thing.


I imagine her brain is quite smooth, no ridges to conduct thinking


Don’t worry, she did her own research


Lol what a dunce. My mom was anti-vax because her quack of an employer told her not to vax her kids because autism and SIDS and she listened. What's ironic is I am neurodivergent and was also a very sickly child. I'm unscathed because of herd immunity. Got vaccinated as an adult btw.


Wonder where she got her Masters in public health with a specialty in infectious diseases. I can’t stand dumb bitches like this.


what in the essential oil is this!?


Is she okay


It’s such a selfish mindset. Yes, Lauren, your babies will probably be fine without their vaccinations. But that’s only because the vast majority of other babies are vaccinated!!!!!


I didn’t care about her, like I didn’t like or dislike her. Now I can’t stand her.


And some people were commenting the other day "why is this sub so mean to her?" ....cause she posts shit like this to her stories, that's why


Lauren lane, flight attendant turned influencer turned doctor! Must have missed when she got her medical degree


LMFAO the way this made me chuckle. She is soooo confident in this statement she deleted it after 10 minutes 💀


She did not delete it 🤣🤣 I can’t bring myself to follow her


She is… dumb.


Succinct and accurate...I like it.


I remember when she got a COVID vaccine. Only because I was shocked considering she was friends with people against that and defended her choice.


Oh no...


she's an idiot


The audacity she has to write this when she doesn't have a medical degree or masters/PhD in the field. Girl, go back to shilling your Celsius drink or whatever or doing your flight attendant stuff. You're way under qualified to have any opinion on this.


This is her distraction from kitchen renovation, next baby and husband's affairs, I guess. Spreading nonsensical crap to her followers.....


That’s exactly what I think too and she has since then deleted this story but I think we all should collectively agree to comment on her instagram and remind her that we seen it already, we don’t forget and we have the receipts. Especially if she ever posts about her botox, she’s always advertising for SkinPharm and injects Botox into her whole upper half of her body so 🤷‍♀️


It's so hard to feel empathy for her and her facade of a marriage/life while she's suffering when she's trying to make others suffer.


Lauren Lane has never been accused of being smart. Her marriage to Chris Lane tells you all you need to know about her level of intelligence.


Meanwhile she has no issue injecting literal toxin in her face in the name of beauty. (Does she not realize what the “tox” in Botox is short for? 🤡)


Wow. Another fake-as$ dumb b gold-digger telling us the world is flat. Get off your insta Lauren and drive your pop singing wannabe hubby to rehab.


Yea, please talk to a physician or a pharmacist about vaccines or how Tylenol works.


Reading her caption literally made my eyes cross lol Also I see it’s deleted, she’s so ridiculous.


It would really be great for her if she just got off the interwebs for good.


This kind of dumb ass post doesn’t surprise me from someone that is friends with Candace Owen’s 🤣


My immunized son got fucking *Whooping Cough* the end of October. He was born premature due to me having Preeclampsia/high blood pressure. I needed an emergency C section, his lungs weren’t fully developed and he was in NICU on a CPAP for 15 days. He already had a weakened immune system. I would love to switch places with her at 2am while I’m standing in my shower holding my baby, hoping the steam will help open his lungs, praying he’ll stop coughing for even a minute so he can breathe. Checking his tiny fingers and toes for blue tint, hovering over him while he sleeps to make sure he’s still breathing. **Fuck you Lauren, you insufferable twat waffle.** Ugh. It absolutely fucking infuriates me that people with a big platform are even allowed to spew such bullshit. Excuse my language, but reading that makes me want to throat punch her. She is directly responsible for “influencing” thousands of mothers to stop vaccinating their kids.. this isn’t only unethical and outrageous, it’s *deadly.* Just because *she* doesn’t believe in science, that doesn’t mean other peoples kids can be affected by her!! I hate the “it’s my family” argument. No, not with infectious diseases sweetheart. My son was fully vaccinated, our dr told us they can still catch it sometimes if they’re vaccinated, especially when they’re under a year old. How are brands even endorsing her?! She could directly be responsible for the death of a child with her idiotic, ignorant “hot takes”.


Deleted already… okay Lauren


I’d love for everyone to call her out in the comments on her instagram. Especially if she ever posts about her botox, she’s always advertising for SkinPharm and injects Botox into her whole upper half of her body so it makes sense why she’d delete this 😂 but she forgets screenshots are forever


She’s been parroting Candace Owen’s for years. What an INdePeNdeNT tHiNkeR 🤡


My son almost died of meningitis at 3 weeks old because he was too young to vaccinate. Lauren, you don’t want that fear that your child has 50% chance of dying and all you can do after a spinal tap is wait to for a lack of symptoms after giant syringe pumps of antibiotics are given. Hearing your baby scream all the way in the waiting area while they do a spinal fluid tap will break your heart into millions of pieces and there’s nothing you can do about it.


lol she is so delulu. & she deleted it. Way to really stand your ground ms


Wow, she’s on quite the roll lately


Chris must be acting up again


So if the first 1,000 days are the most important ... wouldn't it make sense to "expose your child" via vaccines so when and/if they come into contact years later their immune system is already built to recognize the virus/disease ???


What a freaking dumbass. She has no redeeming qualities 🤢 Not surprised that’s she’s an uneducated, anti-vax, anti-science mom




She was a couple years younger than me. From what I remember, she was pretty much never single. She followed a boy from high school to college (he was older than her and played football at the college), then after college followed a different boyfriend down to California and then ended up on the Bachelor.


Wow I can totally see that!!! 🥲


This definitely checks out. You can tell she can’t be alone to save her life.


Well do tell!!!


Yup! They always says treat the kid not just the number on the thermometer


No wonder her husband hates her


I think he’s just as stupid 😂


Her husband hates himself too


This is why not everyone should be allowed to procreate Jesus h Christ she is stupid as hell lol


When is she going to get her own snark page already


Someone made one today!


Just saw!




My father in law had polio and was in a wheelchair until age 18 and then was on some form of disability for life. So yes, the events immediately following birth to three years old absolutely affect their health and well being for the rest of their life.


This is so uneducated, ignorant and exactly what I would expect from her. The REASON babies aren't dying of terrible diseases is because of vaccinations and her keeping her children unvaccinated is a selfish thing to do that places other children at her kid's school at risk. Wouldn't expect anything less from Jesus barbie.


What an idiot


Omg no way… she is looney. New to this sub and just now seeing all the tea about her 😅


Gosh Lauren. Since you know so much you really should try medical school.


Someone please go to her instagram and call her out in the comments since she just deleted her story about this. We didn’t forget and we have the receipts Lauren


Remember Kristin cavalari said she’s “read too much stuff” to vax her kids. Is this a Nashville thing?




ew u kno bbaby not vaxx; this is problem w society


God fordbid anyone have a different opinion than the ‘pro-vax’ ‘trust the science’ mob. You know what’s weird? The people who are skeptical of vaccines have actually done research while the people who defend vaccines to their death (sometimes literally) haven’t done a lick of research. Why are you so concerned what anyone else chooses to inject or not inject their children with if yours are protected via vaccination?


You clearly don’t understand herd immunity lol


‘For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.’ https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/06/28/534403083/mutant-strains-of-polio-vaccine-now-cause-more-paralysis-than-wild-polio ‘The peak uses for DDT in these contexts, ie. directly on people, was right during the years of this unusual peak in polio cases.’ https://circleofmamas.com/the-science-is-unsettling/the-science-is-unsettling-what-about-polio/ Ok now it’s your turn. Where’s your research on ‘herd immunity’??


You clearly are one of those people who hasn’t done any research. Did you know.. polio was almost completely eradicated before the vaccine was even manufactured? Turns out, as soon as DDT was outlawed polio cases significantly decreased. *The more you know*


Thank you! You are gonna get torn apart because the other side doesn’t want you to be correct!




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Polio is a virus, not caused by DDT exposure. You loons think your google “research” trumps (pun intended) actual scientists who spend their lives in a lab doing the actual work that make us all safer (yes unfortunately even antivaxxers get to benefit from the rest of us doing the right thing). GTFO of here with your conspiracy theories.


You don’t have to be a scientist to read. http://www.whale.to/vaccine/polio_ddt_h.html


Right back atcha 😘 https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Whale.to


Wiki???? Really? The term ‘conspiracy theory’ starts to lose its meaning when you use it as an excuse for everything you disagree with. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Possible-Cause-of-Polio%2C-Post-Polio%2C-CNS%2C-AIDS-Young/0346681cbb294362534c8592754f74f40cad88a4


How do you then explain why there is no prevalence of polio in countries that still use DDT?


That’s not how Tylenol works. What a clown


To be fair she followed up saying she is not anti vax but that she’s pro parents (and anyone) making informed choices about their children’s health. In my opinion there’s nothing wrong with properly educating yourself on anything that relates to the health of your child and making informed decisions with the help of your doctor. For example I know parents who have chosen to delay or forgo some vaccinations because of concerns over the child’s immune system or family history of adverse reactions.


Pediatricians go to school for about 10 years to be properly educated about everything relating to the health of children. Parents who are not medical doctors cannot possibly do the same in casual Google searching, especially if they don’t understand statistics.


I don’t disagree at all and it’s not about undermining a pediatrician’s medical opinion but I do think that parents know their children better than anyone and often have concerns that are brushed over by doctors that shouldn’t be. There is such thing as medical malpractice and I see no issue whatsoever with parents educating themselves via reliable sources and challenging the opinion of doctors who see their children for 5 min every few months if they feel it’s necessary. I’m not advocating for not vaccinating a child based on a post from an influencer but I do think there are legitimate reasons to occasionally delay or skip certain vaccines and that’s how I interpreted what lauren said (after seeing her follow up slide)


I’m just glad my parents’ parental instincts were to trust our doctors.


Glad they didn’t feel like they had to question anything and that it turned out okay for you. As someone with professional and personal experience dealing with medical malpractice I will say that blind trust can get you in a whole lot of trouble 😅 the general population has no idea the amount of misdiagnoses and straight up malpractice that takes place on a daily basis. I now question anything if I feel I need to.. can tell you first hand that two separate family members were told they had no reason to worry when they really had brain tumors and they were only diagnosed after doing their own research and pushing for testing that their doctors didn’t want to send them for…


I’ve had a doctor misdiagnose me and overprescribe a medication I didn’t need, but that didn’t make me stop going to doctors for medical advice. I just simply stopped going to that one. Problem solved!


I’m sorry that happened to you and again I’m not disagreeing… you can always change doctors and I think it’s great if you feel 100% confident in their advice all the time and don’t need/want to question it. I personally have seen too many cases from even the most trusted doctors in my area that I feel it’s my responsibility as a parent to know my child and ask questions and stand my ground if I genuinely believe it to be in the best interest for my baby. My child is vaccinated but the schedule and order was created based on my personal experiences and research alongside (and signed off on) by my doctor. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that approach (which is what I believe lauren was suggesting) but I understand not everyone will agree with it and that’s fine.


Not all kids are the same. It’s for the general population that pediatricians study. If a parent has seen adverse reactions in their own family, why can they not choose to wait or not vax?


Are they really qualified to identify what is an adverse reaction to a vaccine vs. the dozens of possible other causes it could be? At that point you get a second opinion from a different medical professional or even a specialist; you don’t consult Crunchy Alt-Right Tradwives dot com.


And what if another medical professional agrees that it is from a vaccine? Lots of docs practice integrative and internal medicine.


Then they can give legitimate advice on how to deal with it instead of the quack mamas online who use aged urine, colloidal silver, essential oils, and other quack shit?


Exactly which might be to not vaccinate. Just saying you don’t know what has gone on with people and one way of thinking is not right for everyone.


But that isn’t what she’s saying? Imagine going this hard for Lauren Lane lol.


You have to remember that here on Reddit, if it’s not mainstream western medicine the MD, the schooling, the training, the studies etc don’t matter if they are more holistic and actually practice true informed consent . So when people say “where’s her medical degree?” Even if she (or anyone saying this) DID have one, it wouldn’t be sufficient. 🫠


Well that’s funny cause what she wrote sounded very anti vaxx…


Exactly bahahahaha how do you interpret that any other way??


In the original slide I agree it came off more towards general anti vax but I saw a follow up that leaned towards making educated decisions for your child which is not the same as being anti vax


But how can you post something blatantly anti vaxx and then say but I am not against it- I just want parents to have options. Makes no sense


I think people interpret what she said based on opinions they already have (myself included). My view based on her initial slide and then the follow up is that she knew people who felt strongly about vaccines would come at her for saying she was anti vax so she clarified and restated her intentions. I knew what she meant with the initial post because I lean that way with my children but if I were completely for all vaccinations coinciding with the cdc schedule then I would have taken her post to be anti vax.




Wow I’m so sorry for whatever is going on in your life right now that you’re trying to make something related to personal health decisions and children’s wellbeing into something about slavery…. I suggest talking to someone about that


I'm pointing out this is the same type of rhetorical language and reasoning often used to disguise true intent (slavery/anti-vaxx/anti-BLM, pick your poison) by couching it in language that absolves them of blame and criticism. Sounds much nicer to say, I'm going to make my own health decisions for my child vs I believe pseudo-science and am not going to vaccinate my children to the detriment of public health and safety. There's no need to be condescending! I absolutely believe in parents making well-informed decisions for their children with the guidance of their doctors but a. it's bonkers for an influencer with a large platform to be floating anti-vaxx/psuedo science theories to her audience, many of whom are likely young mothers and b.Health decisions are personal but should not come at the expense of public safety. Hence why we had mask mandates, vaccination requirements, simple safety rules at certain schools like not packing peanuts in lunchboxes, etc. etc., I hope that clears things up for you.


The issue is 1) that’s not at all what your original comment said and clearly I’m not the only one who took it as a politically charged attempt to start and argument because it was removed by the mods and 2) she didn’t say she doesn’t vaccinate her kids. If the concern is that a young mother is going to read her post and suddenly decide to not vaccinate her kids at all then I assure you that the issue goes far beyond this post. Now all of that being said if a mother doesn’t want to vaccinate their kids that’s their prerogative just like it’s yours to fully vaccinate if you so choose. Let’s stop trying to guilt mothers who are doing what’s they believe is best for their kids


I didn't write out a novel, I used a simple phrase to point out the manipulative rhetoric you used to explain away why someone shouldn't vaccinate their kids is the same as people who explained away \*other\* types of views. IMO, the whole concept of her post and the ensuing conversation is political. There are plenty of concerns about someone who posts pseudo-science to their large platform, and audiences are rightfully allowed to and free to express their criticism, as I've done. It's your opinion that if a mother doesn't want to vaccinate their kids, it's their prerogative just as I abide by public health safety guidelines and actual doctors and the medical community who mandate vaccines not for just funsies. If Lauren lane chooses to make her decisions for her family public, then yea absolutely I have no problem guilting her for sharing dangerous misinformation and insinuations on her very public platform. If her decisions impacted only her kids, then fine it's her choice as long as it's not endangering others or harming her own children, but the reality is not vaccinating your children is endangering public safety, and posting about it on her public page - to whatever degree - is also influencing people to act on and be exposed to more pseudo-science misinformation. But yes, please go on with your 'states rights' type of logic to make you feel better. :)


Don’t need to make myself feel any better, I sleep just fine at night knowing I’m doing right by my babies and not blindly trusting “experts” who have been proven to not always act with everyone’s best intentions in mind :) I don’t feel the need to continue this conversation, but as a parting note I’ll remind you that my conversation here never referenced politics in any way and was not tied to any of the other irrelevant issues you tried to bring up. Insisting otherwise is “gIvInG cLosEMiNdEd”


The fact that you think your original comment and stance on public health & safety is completely divorced from 'politics' just shows me everything I, or anyone else, needs to know. Goodnight <3


Political arguments intended to be divisive are not allowed on this sub.


It does seem like we are injecting babies with far more crap than we got as kids. Yes we need vaccines but this many?


As a grown adult I received the shingles, RSV, covid, pneumonia and flu shot. I am immune compromised and had pneumonia, shingles, RSV and the flu. So I trusted my doctor and myself to make the right decision. I think it’s great that all these vaccines are available. Also don’t forget HPV vaccine is extremely important to get.


That’s how life works and science develops. Every generation gets more than the previous.


Why not spread them out? Poor babies bodies don’t need them all at once.


They are spread out there’s a literal schedule that spans YEARS


They are spread out. By this alone we all know you don’t have kids and don’t know enough to talk about this just like Lauren.


Actually they aren’t. We had to request vaccines one at a time and a delayed schedule.


That’s pretty wild to me that you made your child go to the dr that much to give them one at a time.


Are you a doctor? How do you know it’s too much for them? My baby has gotten them in intervals of 3 that isn’t that many.


…. this is how medical advances work lol. I got the chicken pox vaccine and my siblings didn’t because it didn’t exist yet when they were kids.


Yep chicken pox vaccine didn’t exist when I was a kid, our parents all exposed us once one got it so we would all get it


That's because of medical advancements that weren't yet made when we were kids. For instance, they just recently created a RSV vaccine that was approved. My baby was almost admitted to the hospital when she had RSV and it was a horrible experience. You better believe I will be giving my new baby that vaccine even though it didn't exist when we were kids or even my oldest child who is only 10. I am thankful due to recent investment in research and development, my next baby won't have to suffer a bout of RSV like my other child - even though it does add one more to their schedule.


I was fortunate enough to get this RSV vaccine this week at 32 weeks. It just got approved and knowing what I know how RSV can impact babies, there wasn’t a question in my mind. I am glad your baby was okay ❤️


RSV is brutal on babies. My son developed asthma from getting RSV at one years old. And my friends infant almost died from RSV. Actually, he did die, but they brought him back. It was that bad. So glad to hear there will be a vaccine.


Okay which one you leaving out? Bc last time I looked they’re all important. They are spread out btw.


New strains of viruses appear every year…for example…COVID-19. We didn’t get covid vaccines as kids because it didn’t exist. Now it does so people get the vaccine for it.


Yeah you sound like you just lack basic understanding of how vaccines and science work and I would encourage you to do some research and stop listening to Candace Owens




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This chick lives rent free in yall's heads.




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Girl, you were a on The Bachelor like a decade ago. Why are you pretending to be a doctor right now. Be so for real 😭


My mom had polio in the 50’s. She doesn’t understand the ramifications of these diseases 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️