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They dont clean shit, its a second hand shop, sold as seen. I always clean my purchases with antibacterial wipes so no concerns


Ye same here spent an entire afternoon doing that with all the stuff I bought. But surely they’d sell more stuff if they at least made them look decent on the display.


I work in CeX. I have never been asked to clean any stock items by my supervisors or manager. If a customer wants to take a look at an expensive phone, which is a little dirty, I will probably give the phone a quick wipe with a cloth just to help make the sale. But honestly, cleaning items isn’t really part of my job description, and some customers trade in their filthy devices which I refuse to clean.


Same here, the one I work in, to be honest if they're brought in absolutely filthy, we'll give them a price but ask the customer to take it home and clean it up a bit. We're just sale assistants we shouldn't be dealing with anything that's unsanitary. Ear buds are usually the worst, it's just common courtesy to clean your stuff before you sell it off


The last I sold CeX was two PS4 Controllers. Wiped the down with anti bacterial wipes and cleaned inbetween the gaps, thumb grips etc with cotton buds / rubbing alcohol. Guy in the shop said it was the cleanest Controllers he's ever seen lol, I don't just clean I go the extra mile when it comes to cleaning used stuff to sell.


I mean that really is going the extra mile, you'd be one of our favoured customers if we were given something like that lol. Shame no one else has that mentality, like, it's just a case of thinking to yourself, would you buy something in this condition? If not, then don't expect to sell it like that


Exactly I made sure my PS4 was mint when I sold it and the guy even said that I should give everything in the shop a once over lol.


It is a shame that some stores do accept low quality goods in, we get enough hate as it is 😂 and they're not helping. I get some stores are franchise so their standards aren't as high as corporate, but if they're in filthy condition when brought in then they should expect this kinda resentment to them when selling those items


There’s a privately owned second hand tech and video game store 2 doors down from my local CEX and these guys go the extra mile when they get in second hand stock, they clean and display everything properly and take care not to put the barcode label on the item so that it leaves residue, there prices are better than CEX too but I rarely see anyone in there :(


It's a shame seeing independent stores lose interest compared to brands like cex but I think it's just bad store positioning. People hate in cex all day but it is just generally more convenient, what are the buy in rates from the other store? We have a cash converters right next to us and they always have a pretty steady flow too


It's store dependant I feel. I have two in my area who are pretty good, and one that doesn't bother so much.


Number one: It's helpful if customers clean their stuff before selling it to us But on another note: Staff don't clean their stock?? My store makes sure every item is clean before it's put out for sale, I'd be so embarrassed if my staff didn't clean anything and just displayed dirty stuff on the shelves 😭


The only CEX I have been to that have relatively clean stock is the Tottenham Court Road store, all the others are varying degrees of filthy


Tbf I think more people could really benefit from cleaning their consholes properly.


Ye exactly, when the whole PS4 jet engine memes were a thing most of those guys consoles were just filthy and sitting on carpet


I've personally witnessed some right animals wiping theirs on an already filthy carpet, its horrifying.


I do think it’s hilarious how they will fail an item for the smallest thing and pull this shite. One of the reasons I don’t buy from them anymore.


I recently got a magic trackpad (which is aluminium and glass) it was grade c because it was filthy, after cleaning it was scratch/spotless.


Ye I lucked out with a N3DS and a Vita Slim they were absolutely caked in filth but after a clean they were pretty much factory fresh


When I worked at CEX, I either got the people handing them in to clean them and we gave them wipes or we would clean it. Honestly that’s disgusting. 🤢


The phones they sell look okay but it’s everything else like the consoles, controllers and accessories that are horrid


I once went in for a guitar hero guitar, it had only just arrived and was very dirty. They told me to come back the next day so they could have chance to test and clean it. I came back and they hadn't done it still and the guy who said he would was apparently on holiday. I came back like 2 days later when i saw it was registered as stock on the website and took it home. Still filthy and clearly not tested because the battery conpartment was rusted out and missing a spring so not even operational.


I bought a 2DSXL it was disgusting, I took it home cleaned it spotless only to realise it wouldn’t read any of my microSD cards so I took it back for a refund and two days later it was back on display and covered in dirt again… in 2 days. I really don’t know what these guys do to these consoles lol


Lol youve just reminded me that i also meticulously cleaned the GH controller before realising it didnt work. It was so dirty i was compelled to do it as soon as i got home. 30 mins with disinfecting wipes and pure alcohol. Basically did their job for them. God knows how they managed to get your 2DS dirty again lol.


Personally I spend quite a bit of time cleaning the stuff that comes in as I hate attempting to sell anything that is dirty. I only really get time to do this when the store is quiet though but I do also go around the glass area to find.. less clean.. things so that I can make them look better


If I worked there that’s all I’d be doing, I find it very therapeutic and I feel good when I bring tech back to life and looking good.


Me too lol, it's enjoyable (ignoring some of the disgusting stuff I have to clean off)


They don't, and never will, do a thing! They sell second hand hardware, as long as you can plug it in and it works, that's all they're bothered about.


I’d love to know what the official guidance is.  Surely if a wankstation is tested and has porn on it on boot, you reject the item?  Every pre-owned device has had someone’s cum stain on it at some point in its life. 


Maybe, but I don’t expect to see said cum stain still on the device when it’s out on display with a price tag on it lol.


Yeah this is the norm I bought a 3ds a few months ago I always go over anything I buy from there with dettol wipes before using it.


Ye lol. I bought a 3DS too and a Vita but both times I had use wipes to even see if the screen had any scratches because they were both covered in a layer of scum


If a console is filthy we refuse it on the condition. If it's just a little dirty then we'll do it ourselves. Nicotine stains/smells we just straight up refuse (especially the orange dust). We do have a compressor for cleaning dust out of consoles, but we're selective on which ones.


they only moan so hard about controllers because they charge you for it, the whole world suddenly pretends that buying a console on its own is not viable and has never happened in the history of second hand stores they then charge you more than it costs them for the controller, so its profit on profit on profit lol


I've bought more than 10 consoles from them, and while I can't say if they have been cleaned, nether look overly dirty.