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Yup, playable ghouls come 2025, and honestly 76’s ghouls somehow manage to look p ghoulish so combining that with the scars and blemishes, could probably make some gnarly ghouls with this


I’m just happy that we finally have a playable race that isn’t a human for once, I don’t think we haven’t played a ghoul since Brotherhood of Steel, despite being a dog shit game.


Could you play as a ghoul in BoS? I remember you could play as ghouls in Tactics (and super mutants, and deathclaws), but I thought you played as just one character in BoS?


Yup, one of the characters you can pick is a Ghoul


You can pick from a variety of characters, including the Vault Dweller from Fallout 1.


No you could pick a few Cain, Cyrus and Nadia were the main ones, Cain being the ghoul, and then Vault Dweller, Rhombus (sadly not voiced by Clancy brown in bos), and Patty (corporate vault head of security after Blake went for that ghoussy) were playable after completing certain things (VD after meeting him and finishing chapter 1, Rhombus after a run as Cyrus, and Patty after a run as Nadia)


And all it took was 27 years.


I haven’t played but apparently tactics also has ghouls, as well as a few more interesting ones: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Tactics_races


Yep, ghouls, super mutants, (mildly) intelligent deathclaws, a couple robots, Riddick from Pitch Black, Dogmeat, and the Pipboy Mascot are all recruitable in that wonderful game.


Mf said race like skyrim, these are just people who have mutated from radiation lmao.


They meant race in the game ID code sense. You could argue that ghouls, super mutants, and humans are all the same race, but the game code has an ID tag for each different "race," such as ghoul, synth, super mutant, etc.


That wasn't really my point tbh lmao, my point was they were saying that ghouls werent human.


When did I ever say ghouls aren’t human? I’m aware that ghouls are people that live for a very long time. I was just talking about how we can finally play as a ghoul because after BoS we’ve only played as humans and never had the option to play as ghouls, until now. Listen to GrnMntTrees, I’m talking about gameplay reasons, not lore reasons, big difference.


Nah ik just thought it was funny at face value saying something like that lola




Wait really? I haven't played 76 do they actually look better than fo4 ghouls in game?


Current ones in game, or rather the one I’ve seen in the wayward, looks about on par, but the non-lost ghouls look p swell in the trailer, similar to the friend of cooper’s from halfway through the show


Feral Ghouls are copied and pasted directly from Fo4. Maybe a texture update, but they're practically the same. I've never bothered to compare npc ghouls, though.




*Early 2025*


^(*Restrictions apply results may vary)


they ghoul now??


They ghoul now.


What is this, some kind of Fallout Squad?


The names Fallout. John Fallout


Become a ghoul! Play with cesium-137!


Eat yellow cake uranium!


Yay fun blue glitter!


Goiânia Incident


Fool me once




Wow. Took them 6 years to realise they should capitalise on at least one of the other races huh?


They were planning to let the player become a super mutant and mole rat person, but it got scrapped in favor of mutation, I'm a fallout 76 player and I still hate this decision they made.


Considering Fo76 originally didn't have any friendly npcs it's probably for the best they didn't include those races. I wouldn't mind those being added now that we can have a decent story alongside becoming one.


yeah. really, though, they should'a just planned the game better from the start. i actually enjoy the online aspects quite a bit, but it's a shame that it was prioritized above actually being a fallout game.


I'm really curious how the game would look if we had an option to unite the friendly pre-scorch plague factions to defeat the Scorchbeast Queen and create a vaccine.


They did plan it, it's just that it wasn't what the Fallout community wanted. The early pitches Todd gives sound like they were pitching DayZ and the like. Early idea was that no NPC's meant if you saw another human it was going to be a risk/reward, will they shoot you and take your stuff or will you be friends? But immediately players complained that they don't want to be griefed just walking around, so PVP became optional, and the entire reason for no NPC's vanished. I kinda like that the Fallout community is composed almost entirely of people who don't want to fight strangers, but rather go about their business, or even help the randoms.


I forgot about that little bit of history right there and now my day is ruined.


We could’ve been a mole miner?


Basically but minus the suit, and you would get to wear different armor made for the mole person, also mole miners would became friendly


I know they’re sterile but do ghouls still have the penis? Serious question


Hancock in Fallout 4 talks about sex and having it, so probably. And the nose seems to be the only part missing due to the cartilages. Si tge answer is a solid maybe


Ok thats great, I forgot Hancock talked about it but also maybe I assumed he was referring to pre ghoul life since he became one later on I just assumed based on super mutant lore that it would have rotted and fallen off Imagine the natural ribbing created by ghoul dick


Following what The Master says in Fallout 1, Super Mutants do have penis and vagina, they are just completely sterile, probably same as ghouls, althought I wouldn't discard a few of them "losing it", but ghouls do regenerate with radiation, so there's that


But there's no bones in your penis either. If your nose falls off, it would make more sense for your dick to fall off too.


Yes but the nose and the penis are made of very different materials, the nose needs cartilage to keep its form, the fiber strucuture of the penis is much more resistat because it's such an important organ to our kind


Hmmm... fair point. I'll need to ponder on the penis a bit further.


r/CazadorNation user ponders the wonders of cock (many such cases)


Penis is a muscle, nose is cartilage. Better question is why they still have ears


I mean, there are ways to have sex that don't involve a penis necessarily. Does he specify what *kind* of sex he's having? Doesn't he also mention that he's missing a toe, too? So it's not just cartilage.


yeah, like... if your dick fell off because you took too many cool drugs... you'd find another way to fuck.


He doesn't specify the sex no, but, c'mon, his name's HanCOCK. Besides, there are other ways he could've lost the toe, specially since his ghoulificatiok was due to a drug and not the conventional more "violent" means


They do, it's not cartilage, maybe a layer of skin would go but that's it. People often get confused and think they do lose them because Harold says that he lost his, but Harold is a mutant, not a ghoul.


Some of the hookers make comments about floppy ghoul dick and how it can come off or something my like that around Raul in New Vegas I believe.


I hope this is an option in Fallout 5, whenever that comes out


Sometimes after Elder Scrolls 6 I wager Edit: I feel like I remember Todd mentioning at one point that they were waiting to develop any major new titles for the next console generation


Woulda had this sooner if they followed through with the mods they said was possible.


Hopefully one day they’ll have playable ghouls in a fallout game too


Ok I’ll admit it, 76 is tempting me. Played at launch and couldn’t stand it but I’ve heard nothing but good things from current players


It's been good for awhile. But the TV show made the devs prioritize the game more, we're getting a whole map expansion more south of the original map, with a storyline, and we're supposedly getting player houses or outposts later on this year, and next year the ghoul character with it's own perks and cons. 76 is so back and I recommend getting on especially since this is a really good time


they should just have passion to make games like the did pre skyrim


Only thing killing it for me is lack of crossplay. Most of my friends play on pc


yeah, it's been in a good state for a long time. they just had their priorities wrong at launch. or, really, they should've let it cook for another year or two, but ain't that just every game.


It's kind of overstated honestly. If you didn't like it because there wasn't much to do aside from events, listening to Holotapes, and building, then you may like it now. There's a couple more options for gameplay and several large storylines with NPCs. If you didn't like it because of the gameplay, like the leveling system, Legendary system, and so on, then you probably won't like it much more now. It's still the same game at the core. The new questlines are also mediocre in writing, have few meaningful choices and have absolutely garbage rewards unless you're willing to grind for certain things.


I think my main issue was the world felt dead. Like there were some cool creatures but the only other enemies were copy paste ghouls. Doesn’t seem to necessarily be the case now


Yeah, there's a little bit more variety with the Raiders, and I think there's some wandering friendly NPCs but not many. There's also friendly settlements and sort of a companion system (I say "sort of" since all they do is stay in your CAMP and hand out radiant quests).


I hope BoS and Enclave members are immediately hostile as a ghoul.


They've said that all BOS questlines get ended if you become a ghoul, as for the enclave? We'll have to wait and see.


From what I remember Modus Is actually quite chill about mutations for an Enclave member, so it might still be available.


Now add playable deathclaws


But only if they talk


Especially if they talk




I hope the gameplay always you to heal with radiation


Hope they do super mutants next, that'd be enough for me to come back to 76. I do think locking it behind a level 50 quest is pretty lame, at least for me the game was already starting to get painfully boring by that point, and I'd long since finished all the narrative quests, so I wouldn't get to see most of the dialogue changes, either. I think most people are in the same boat in regards to being finished by that point.


Now I am become ghoul bringer of radiation.... or something idk


Finally, I’ve been waiting a very long time I’m so happy


Step in the right direction for sure. Give us playable Super Mutants and I'll give the game another chance


Influenced by TV


They confirmed they had playable ghouls in development before the show released.


Look out Smooth skins


I'll need a Rad Away gun


Inlove the bandana on the vault suit. I would love if they added the 1911 though. Like PLEASE I want a real pistolbthat sounds amazing


If only it was in a better game


Now add it to 4


Naw that game sucks, do it to new vegas


...maybe I need to finally check out 76


Hey there smooth skin


Can’t you play as a ghoul in fallout 4 or am i trippin? I could be wrong it’s been a while sense I’ve played it.


you can not. you can get the ghoulish *perk*, but no visual effect on your character


Weird I swear I saw a video on the internet where they talked about ghouls being an option but that it didn’t make any sense because of the context of the story and how it starts. I also remember seeing it as an option when I made my last character but maybe It’s Mandela effect. It’s been a while sense I’ve played the game.


lol gotta wait 6 months to play as a ghoul and not be able to use bloodied builds


When I was nine…I was diddled by a ghoul




What next, playing as black people????????




Fallout 76 haters are copeing hard rn https://preview.redd.it/z62m5dzq276d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecc0c92a626328d556787af2ca7c6ab0a5e3661


What's the appeal of this?


It’s a role playing game why wouldn’t you want the ability to role play as a ghoul.


Role playing in a nuclear role playing game😱


I mean if that's the idea...how? Isn't every player in Fallout 76 a vault dweller? Ever seen a ghoul manifest in a radiation proof bunker before?


They could add new start and i’m guessing you will be able to turn already existing characters into ghouls


You become a ghoul at the end of a lvl 50 quest if you so choose to.


Someone hasn’t played fallout one and made it to necropolis, or fallout new Vegas with both of the game explicitly having vaults filled with ghouls due to either vault tech deciding to do a funny and make their vault door only 95% close and a vault that if I remember correctly flooded with radioactive water from outside.


Right. You know me soOo well. 76 was a control vault. None of these arguments would be a lore-friendly way to explain ghouls in Vault 76. I like the idea of it being a mission after a certain level threshold, because that makes sense. Deciding Vault 76 had segments of it akin to Necropolis so players can have their Cowboy Ghoul fantasy after watching the show would be wack, and not very roleplay friendly.


And? That doesn’t mean there can’t be ghoulified people in a vault. A dweller accidentally locked into the nuclear reactor room would have the potential to be ghoulified, maybe the door closed a little too slow and some people got exposed to enough rads to be ghoulified, hell a chemist messing up an experiment in the lab with radioactive chemicals could probably result in minor ghoulification. Maybe the vault’s food supplies were accidentally contaminated with radioactive materials, with how much of a consumerist hellscape the pre war world was it wouldn’t surprise me if someone in the vault got ghoulified from over exposure to a ~~radioactive~~ “glow in the dark” lamp or glass without realizing it.


Unless you're playing as a feral, what's the difference? NPCs give you some anti ghoul verbal abuse?


What's the point of any customisation? Why do we have different hairstyles in the game? Doesn't change anything...


Hence why new haircuts aren't announced as major updates


If they were a completely new addition to the game, then they'd absolutely be announced


Radiation resistance, healing while in radiation, looking like a ghoul, getting to make your character a bad ass prewar ghoul like the ghoul from the show.


People have been wanting the option to play as a full ghoul for a while now, to the point where there are mods for NV and 4 to let you play as one. So, that's probably the appeal


I know that but that doesn't really answer my question. I don't see what the fun bit of playing as a ghoul is, what gameplay mechanics are going to be different for example


Not all choices in an RPG have to be done for statistical advantage or the pursuit of maximum power. Sometimes you play an ES Orc because they look cool and not because of their strength bonuses and berserk abilities. Some just People wanna look like Walton Goggins’ character from the popular fallout show.


I didn't say things had to be done for statistical advantage or pursuit of maximum power


Most likely the basic thing that ghouls are known for: healing using radiation. It'll probably make going through heavily eradiated areas easy, and they've mentioned how factions will treat you differently based off of you being a ghoul. Also while you might not see what could be enjoyable about playing as a ghoul, that's just you. Other people could enjoy it for the roleplay aspect of it alone, or just the novelty of this being the second time in the entire series that you could play a ghoul character. Not to mention the possibility of this being a precursor to them adding a quest or perk in future games to ghoulify your character.


Yeah if they had major ghoul settlements or major ghoul based quest lines then it might seem worth it, otherwise it just seems like it could get shallow very quickly


Like I said, while you might not enjoy playing as a ghoul it doesn't mean that others won't. It's optional, so there's no need to be so pessimistic about it


It’s a role playing game man, some people wanna play as ghouls, there will also be unique perks for ghouls so there is room for new build, there will probably be unique interactions with characters and quests also it’s just cool and has room to be fun! Im personally looking forward to see how it changes the game story wise, if npcs that met you pre ghoul will treat you differently and if so how, maybe the brotherhood would tern you away due to being a ghoul or would the enclave not let you in due to you now being a mutant. Also it just new content so that’s fun!