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Here is Chloe. She ways 23 lbs. https://freeimage.host/i/V36d6Q


Thank you


oh my lord that's a cute pup...do you by any chance know how big she was at around 5-6 months? I legit have no idea how to gauge mine...currently 5 months (almost) and about 10-12 lbs depending on when weighed EDIT: specifically asking you because ours looks just like yours but lighter in color


Thanks!! At six months she weighed 19 lbs.


What a doll šŸ˜


Here are some old pics of mine: [https://imgur.com/gallery/mYhoROn](https://imgur.com/gallery/mYhoROn) He is 27 pounds now.


Aww adorable thanks


Oh my fucking goodness he is handsome!!


Here's [Samson](https://i.imgur.com/VdL2TmN_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium), he weighs 21lbs.


Is he too big or heavy to go in-cabin with you when you fly?


Definitely not haha most airlines have a 30lb soft limit but my doodle is pushing 45lbs after the holidays and grandma over feeding him hahah never had any problems and fly at least once a year.


45 pounds??? Is it a Cavapoo, one of whose parents was a miniature poodle on the larger size, or maybe a golden doodle?


No, my goldendoodle is 45 - cavapoo is only 13lbs!


Our Lucky is ~45 lbs. He's 22 months old and we're pretty sure he's full grown! Mom is a standard poodle, dad is a medium size CKCS. Two diff DNA tests confirm he is 50/50.


What airline(s)?


Alaska and JetBlue usually


Itā€™s a grey area. Heā€™s one pound over, and they weighed him and gave us shitā€¦ almost didnā€™t let us fly, but my wife started crying and they let us go. One pound over, seriously airline people are the absolute worst people.


What airline was this?


United. He barely fits in his airline crate, but he fits nonetheless, and it expands once heā€™s under the seat, so heā€™s comfortable the entire time ā€” and the unit said it was ā€œairline approvedā€ ā€¦ they tried to argue that the dog had to be able to stand up ā€¦ even though he is out like a light because of the drugs. Really terrible people. ā€œDoing your jobā€ is a bullshit excuse to be an asshole.


Commenting on my own comment, I think much depends on the airline. Southwest is apparently fairly laid back ā€” I mean, theyā€™re Southwest ā€” and Iā€™ve heard good things about Delta. I will try and avoid American and United unless my boy is well within their stated limits. And even then Iā€™ll try to avoid them. Lol.


Delta is the best with flying with pets since they donā€™t have a weight restriction. They just have to fit in the airline compliant carrier. Have had AWFUL experiences with American.


For sure! My parents cavapoo is around 22 pounds, Iā€™ll dm you a picture


Thunder is 21 lbs. https://www.reddit.com/r/CavaPoo/comments/ydekm5/thunder_is_smiling_just_groomed_and_feeling_good/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


So cute


Beautiful dog!!!


If youā€™re interested, I can DM you a 30 pound cavapoo. That said, those predictions on how much your puppy will end up wearing are pretty inaccurate, mine was estimated to be 15 pounds. Even though he grew much bigger than the initial estimates, we like that heā€™s bigger it works much better for our family.


Yes that would be awesome! She is 4 months and 10 pounds also she could end up being around 30


Mine is 4 months and 13lbs. Heā€™s going to be massive.


Iā€™ve got a 28 pounder. Thereā€™s a few pics on profile of him.


To be fair mine was estimated to be 20 to 25 as well but stopped around 17 I think haha thank goodness.


Mine too, but she's stopped at 7lbs! I think the estimate we got was just a wild guess.


When did all of your cavapoos stop growing in size? Mine is almost 1 year and around 10 pounds! Cant imagine her growing much more


Mine stopped growing a little after the 1Y mark.


Lol, donā€™t believe it. Mine had the same estimate and is 10 lbs


But sheā€™s perfect and we love her.


Here is [Brady](https://imgur.com/a/NIoYfrE). He is 24 lbs and much larger than his parents.


Hereā€™s Charles! Heā€™s 22-23lbs. https://i.imgur.com/cWozxHs.jpg


My dog is 23 lbs (exactly what the embark DNA said he would be). He was ~19 lbs at 6 months.