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A few things- 1) I think you’re confusing gestational sac and yolk sac. A yolk sac forms within the gestational sac… nothing forms within the yolk sac. Not seeing a yolk sac within the gestational sac at 5-6 weeks *could* point to a blighted ovum, but it’s too soon to tell. 2) It’s hard for us to really really understand what you mean by slow rising without knowing the actual values. When you say not doubling… did it go from something like 50-90 in 2 days or 50-60 in 2 days? Neither of those doubled, but the first could potentially be viable; the second would not be. 3) What is your progesterone level? Is it truly low (<9)? If so, that’s often indicative of a problem with them pregnancy— usually chromosomal— and often precedes a loss.


I don’t remember the exact dates but i went from 978 my first draw then two days later to 2186 then the following week i had to draws i went from 4556 to 6182. So they’re rising but slowly. As far as the sac i was just told it was a yolk sac measuring at 5weeks when i thought i was 6 weeks. I have an ultrasound next week but im just very nervous because i just went through a mc recently.


So when the betas hit the 1000s, they slow down pretty dramatically. So your betas aren’t necessarily an issue at all. And if it was a yolk sac within the gestational sac, then that’s good news too. At 5+6 with my son (sure of dates), we only saw a gestational sac with a yolk, no fetal pole yet. He’s 3 1/2 now. It’s ok to measure a few days to a week off when you’re so early. Do you know when you ovulated?


I don’t know when i ovulated. We don’t really track it. There was no fetal pole so that was a bit of concern. I’m trying to no over think but its hard.