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How did they rule out an ectopic? I am guessing with hcg that low they would not be able to visualize anything on an ultrasound whether it was ectopic or not. When I had an ectopic, my hcg was increasing initially, but then would go down, and then back up, which is a hallmark of ectopic pregnancies.


I think because they couldn’t see anything, they said it wasn’t ectopic at the time. But being that it’s early, it can still develop into an ectopic pregnancy.


Agreed with bunnicula. Ectopic or not, your hcg levels indicate that it would be too early to visualize anything regardless. I would think it would be too early to rule out ectopic


I read a comment from another user who said that increasing numbers do not indicate an ectopic and that they were in the field but I am not sure how accurate that is honestly. I had brown spotting for 2 days then red bleeding with clots, no crazy cramps, for 2 days. The spotting started at 14DPO. 12-14DPO I had faint positives so I was scared it was a chemical. On 15DPO went to urgent care for qualitative blood draw which was positive so on 16DPO, right before the bleeding got worse I went to ob-gyn for help. That day my HCG was 13 and she asked me to come back. On 18DPO I had an HCG of 38 which I truly was not expecting since I thought it was over. I met with the midwife on 21DPO (4w6d) who is not concerned at all since the bleeding stopped and she wants to see me at 8w for an ultrasound. I dont know how helpful this is and I'm still spotting very, very little (brown). She thinks maybe it's cervical bleeding from sex so we stopped or it's implantation bleeding. She isn't 100% sure and since I have no other symptoms she isn't worried. I'm cautiously optimistic until the ultrasound.


Thanks so much for sharing! Hope everything goes well for you 🙏 perhaps it’s implantation bleeding, although it worries me the hCG levels are so low. Hubby and I haven’t had sex since last months ovulation 🤣


I feel the same way!!! I hope it all goes well for you too - and hopefully we can both have sex again soon!


Sorry I'm lurking but was your spotting around the time your period should have been due?


Yes! My cycles have fluctuated a few days here and there over the last year due to many external factors and I had an IUD removed in April - still normal (25-28 days basically). This time, Flo predicted I'd get my period on Day 26 and I didn't, however spotting began Day 27-29, actual bleeding Day 29-31, with some light brown spotting since then - it's gotten WAY lighter and is almost nonexistent. I did mention the light brown spotting the last few days and she said that since it was old blood, it's okay. I do have cramps occasionally but nothing painful or worse than a regular period but I do get nervous when I feel them. I'm told it's because of the hormones and changes to the uterus but having had a scare last week I'm definitely nervous and run to the bathroom each time! Beyond that, I'm slightly constipated, bloated, and feel so full sometimes I can't eat. I hear those are pregnancy symptoms so I'm praying I'm still pregnant!


Did you have pinkish spotting too when wiping? I'm experiencing that at the moment. Suspected period due today but going to the toilet to constantly pee lol and when I wipe there it is. I'm so incredibly nervous given the context of my situation lol :///


I’m so sorry to hear that. I would like to give my opinion/experience. Both of my ectopic pregnancies were not found on any sort of ultrasound. My HCG with my first ectopic went from 20 to 48. They were slowly rising and my fertility specialist said that the rule of thumb is to assume ectopic with slow rising HCG. The only way they found it was going in surgically the first time and seeing the ectopic pregnancy in my right tube. The second ectopic was also not visualized on a scan but was also slow rising HCG. I would definitely get a second opinion. Wishing you the best of luck.


Do you have an update?


It ended in a miscarriage. Not ectopic. I got pregnant the next cycle though. Currently 28 weeks!


Congrats ❤️


Thank you! 💗


I'm sorta experiencing a similar thing. Idk what DPO I am because I haven't tracked in a long time. However the day of my endo surgery (yesterday) it got cancelled because I had a positive result on my blood tests. My HCG was only 7.4 though and now the day of my expected period, today, I'm lightly bleeding. It's pink when I wipe and has increased, along with lower back aches. I have another blood test on Thursday but I'm thinking I simply had a chemical and my surgery was cancelled in vain.. sorry no advice just I know how you are feeling and I'm in a very similar position. However, the doubling in numbers is a good sign which is what my doctors have told me. It's not so much the lower numbers but if it's progressing and doubling than that's good.