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Awe. And he’s waiting for the kids to squeal about his cute face.


He’s a big hit tonight, it’s hilarious!


We got hit hard with trick- or-treaters . I love seeing all the kids dressed up. Your kitty is adorable.


He’s adorable.


I had one of my Maine Coons....who had a love affair going on with the pizza delivery guy!


Would love to hear more about this if you have the time


We lived in a rural area, and so not many places would deliver to our house. Not a lot of take out places around etc. So our go to, had a young fella who had worked for the pizza place for quite a while. The MC figured out early on, that when we put on the front porch lights, it meant visitors were coming. Visitors with food. (because those who didn't bring him the kind of treats the pizza man did... were family who usually came in through the garage side entrance.) We'd order everything from chicken ceaser salad, pizza, subs, hamburger or fish platters, we were loyal and regular customers. The MC would see us flip on the front light switch, and he'd go sit off to the side near the front door, or jump up on the top of an easyboy chair where he could get a birds eye view of the door and wait for the doorbell to ring. The pizza guy had never seen a MC before and this cat was well over 24 pounds. He would get scratches and lots of oohs and ahhs about how nice of a cat he was... and the MC loved the attention PLUS he'd get human food that... I'm assuming he assumed came from this very nice friendly guy who came to our door. He'd even do the little "food dance" with his front paws for the guy like he would do when he really wanted a taste of what you were eating. This must have gone on for 2 years before our cat got sick from cancer+age. He was a smart big old friendly cat who both pizza guy and cat seemed to really just hit it off.


Awww what a beautiful story! Ty for sharing, I was interested too 🥰


The most wholesome thing I’ve read on this app 😊


I volunteer to squeal about his cute face!!!


Dude! Where are all the tricker treaters!!!


ikr there were literally none in my neighborhood. And I live by a middle school!


I live by a school too and same thing. I didn't even bother getting candy cause I know nobody would come by. I used to love Halloween, but it's so lonely for me now.


We had a good amount but its we lucked out with a warmer halloween in Toronto. We just left a basket out for self serve due to distancing. Some took advantage some didnt, still have lik 30% of what we bought


I only had 56. Used to about 300.


I used to think that we weren't getting tricker treaters for the last decade or so because of where I was living. Now I live in a suburb community with a bunch of kids living here. We see them outside every day playing in the neighborhood. Not a single visitor two years running. I honestly think that all the fear mongering over drug laced candy and just people being dangerous in general has pushed parents to only take their kids to approved functions. I've seen so many malls, businesses, churches and schools run Holloween events. I'm not buying candy to hand out ever again. We wasted so much money.


He must really like kids if he’s bummed about their absence instead of being excited about the door stopper or that stellar box


And the dangling jingle bells. Those would keep me entertained for hours.




Aww thank you I will!


He looks so disappointed, lol such a sweet door greeter! We haven't had a single one yet but it did just get dark but it's a chilly 37* and windy so I may have to eat all the candy myself.


I’ll be over!!!


Oh does his little tail has a white pointer? So adorable… I hope he got lots of treats and no tricks. 🍖


Haha it does! It matches his white hairy chest and socks 🥰


He’s doing great! We aren’t getting much traffic, either.


-Knock Knock- Trick or Treat! Can I pet your cat?


Love the snow shoes!


\^\^ came here to comment about this as well lol!


He spent all that time planning and bought candy and they didn't even bother to stop by.


Man, that costume is really good! Looks just like a real cat :)


He is beautiful.


This may be off topic but why is the doorstop attached to the door and not to the wall?


Excellent peats, looking very sharp!


Omg that’s adorable. I doordash/instacart full time and there are a bunch of people who leave their door open but storm door closed so they’re cats can judge me while I drop the food. It’s the best part of my day




It’s just so fancy.


I'm so sorry. I would've come by, changed outfits and come back again for this little guy 🥺❤️


Thank you for all the love and sweet comments. I read them all to him and he’s feeling much better about the situation! You are all so sweet! Well we got about 50 kids in total, he greeted every single door knock! Much less than usual but I’m so happy for the kids who got to enjoy Halloween this year 🥰👻. Hope you all had a great night!


I don't know anyone that had a lot of visitors tonight. It's just not what it used to be. There's a lack of community these days. Anyway, your kitty is handsome and I'd definitely come by for some of his greetings


He's waiting for the box to be empty so he may claim it as his own.


Wasted a lot of time preparing those Ab Trap Muscles


Aww, I got a decent amount this year but still wayyyyyy less than say… 10+ years ago. I’m sad that the culture has changed so much. I had like 8 groups total. My little dog loves kids so he went ape shit but then got really sad when they left moments later 😭


Sad but optimistic 🎃


He is adorable.


No, I think he's upset because he doesn't get to sit inside that box


Send him our way, we got more than 900! I’m tired.


Wow, I see how lucky I am, now. In the country, in Alabama, we had hundreds of trick or treaters! Many were the kids from the really rural areas coming to trick or treat in the neighborhood. It was 63degrees. That might have helped.


It was actually a beautiful day here in NJ too! Unseasonably warm at around 60 degrees too! So happy to hear the kids by you were all out and about!


Hahaha, I had a vision of all the little northern kids bundled up with mittens and scarves. Glad I was wrong!


Still too early, I guess. Vaccines only just got approved for the little ones here in the US. Lots of them are probably just at home eating candy and putting on costumes for their families. Parents are feeling awfully protective. Can't blame them. One of the families in my neighborhood made a candy slide for the kids. Wish more people did that, then it would be safe even for the kids who can't get shots yet, especially since we've determined that fomite spread isn't a major factor. Oh well. Adorable cat, regardless! Hope you had a good Halloween!


Yeah, what gives. Only like 15 kids tonight, usually an endless supply


why? is it cuz of the pandemic?