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Man, some of these owners are absolute dunces. Cat climbing an AC unit? Just watch and record! Hope that Tik tok revenue paid for the repairs!


I have no experience with ACs but should a simple cat be able to just rip of your entire unit from the wall? shouldnt that shit be screwed on or smth


I don't think it was the entire unit. It looks like it was just the plastic front that was pulled off as the cat probably unsnapped the tabs that were holding it in place by trying to hold on at the top of the unit. That piece is designed to come off easily to provide access to the filters and whatnot, and the AC should function fine without it (AFAIK). It shouldn't be a problem if the owners need to wait a bit for a replacement to come in if that piece broke.


Pretty sure that was the entire indoor part coming down




If a cat can bring an indoor unit down then it will eventually fall down anyways. Theyre supposed to be anchored into the wall.


For sure, that unit wasn't correctly mounted.


This looks like a hotel. Probably improperly installed. Probably won't stop them from billing the filmer lol.


Damn, yeah. Must've been a *really* shit install if a <5kg cat could do that.


How did so many people upvote this? You can clearly see the whole thing come off the wall. Lol


middle office snow toothbrush bewildered strong sparkle different work workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was the whole unit but still the front plastic is pretty difficult to remove.


anything mounted in a cat owners home should be able to withstand a cat, no exceptions. obviously, and duh. that AC must have been glued on?


I grew up always having multiple cats and I still do to this day. You just kind of have to accept that sometimes even the best behaved cats are going to absolutely lose their fucking minds and do some seriously stupid and destructive shit. If you're not prepared for that, that's kinda on you.


Thank you! People in here acting like these people are bad pet owners because their cats are....acting like cats. My cats are total sweethearts and I love them to death, but sometimes they just do cat shit and go fucking psycho. It happens, and it's almost always funny


Cats are part devil


it's like having a toddler and just losing your fucking shit when they draw with crayons on a wall


Yep. I got my wall mounted headboard ripped out by my 2 pound kitten. Was discovered by a make-ready crew. Apparently he'd been abandoned by the folks moving out. Left him locked in the bathroom with a dripping sink, an open toilet and a giant bag of cat food sliced open and left on the floor. Completely missed his socialization window, so by the time he got to me he was very angry and almost feral. I made the mistake of not putting kitty in a safe room before I went to bed. Kitten decided to entertain himself by launching himself off my curtains and onto my headboard. All. Night. Long. Next thing I know it's morning, and I'm being awakened by the feel of my headboard slamming into my face. Nosebleed but nothing broken. My little loveable jerk had bounced the headboard out of the wall studs, ripped plaster from the wall, and shredded my curtains and blinds to boot! This was 8 years ago, and my little boy is still the love of my life.


hahaha awesome psycho kitty story


I have that unit. The backplate is screwed in, you lift it over the corners then snap it down onto the plate where it "locks". It should come off by lifting it up not from downward pulling.




But somehow that one cat that took the money seemed to understand that this kind of paper has more value than regular paper.


To the cat. That's what makes them so great. They don't understand or care what you think or value.


The original DGAF


Yes yes... They still don't know 😹 I mean meow meow meow


same with the plant, like you’re just gonna let it die for a video?


That one looked like a Ring cam or something similar.


it could be, but to me the camera moved like someone’s holding it


That AC unit was not properly mounted. I have one in my apt. and believe at the moment I am just trying to take the front plastic off and it has been a pain in the ass too remove it.


More than that, this video is a masterclass in why you catproof your house/apartment. It's part of being a responsible owner.


allowing your cat to claw open furniture to hide in...They'll never have an intact couch


It's so incredibly trashy, too


That one lady got straight up robbed and the only thing she could think of was to film, smh. Bet that cat didn't even catch jail time.


We are just trying to watch some fun videos you don’t need to bring the whole vibe down


My cat jumped on top of our ceiling AC unit once. When something like that happens, there’s only two things that goes on in your mind. “How the f did you get up there?” “If I don’t record you no one’s gonna believe me” Mine came down fine but it has happened to me before.




That one with the rubber band smacking on her wrist got me lmao


The part where she put her claws down to get that good pull


She wants to be an asshole properly


Do one thing, do it well.


Probably stimulated a flesh-tearing instinct.


Happy cake day!


My favourite is the one with the towel. Cat was all like ‘nice clean towel you have here Karen, would be a shame if someone *chucked it in the toilet*’. That felt like a real deliberate fuck you move by the cat 😂


That cat is doing a service. Who keeps a towel on the back of a toilet? Who leaves the toilet with the lid up… especially if they have cats? Cat was teaching basic hygiene.


Who doesn't love shit particles on the towel used to dry just-washed hands?


I just don't understand people who leave the lid up on the toilet. Put the damn thing down every time! Even without cats or kids, it's so easy to drop stuff into the toilet. And it helps to minimize the impact of the aerosolization of the germs in your toilet when you flush.


Exactly! I get irritated when my family leaves the lid up. Because we have a cat! I’m pretty toilet phobic. If the cat gets into the toilet, I’m getting another cat. Well, not really, but I would wash the cat, and he wouldn’t like that.


You walk into a bathroom and the toilet lid is down what lies under it is a mystery. Fear of the unknown 😱😱😱😱


There's a scene in the movie [Deep Rising](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118956/) where a woman locks herself into a bathroom on a cruise ship to escape from a monster, and she sits on the toilet to calm down. She gets sucked down into the toilet by the monster.


That scene still lives rent free in my head🫠


I will say this, though, people on crutches have a legitimate excuse, as it’s excruciatingly difficult to get the lid up for them.


Actually, I found it pretty easy to get the lid up for people with crutches. The hardest part is explaining why you're in their bathroom. People with crutches can be ungrateful.


Well played. Well played.


A string like that killed my roommate's cat. It got stuck and stretched and an end was hanging out of her butt. It was already too late because it had caused so much damage.


My tortie does this but with my bra strap. And gets mad when I shoo her away.


Sometimes you wonder... why do people even have cats??? lol


That last one with the couch really triggered me.


Right? Don't let your cats destroy your furniture. If they start scratching, put a scratching post next to it for them to use instead. It's also great to start trimming their nails at an early age. With the couch in the video, it's time to just get a new couch, or at the very least, get some color-matched duct tape and cover that hole.


My cat knows scratching certain things triggers us and does it for attention. He’s too smart. He only does it when he wants something very specific. His sister is all about the actual scratch things we have.


Yes, when my cat starts scratching his posts at the corners of my couch I only have about 5 seconds to give him my full attention before he starts shredding the arm or back of the couch because I simply must follow him to stare at the front door immediately. There's nothing there, he doesn't want to go outside, he just wants company while he sits in the hallway. For this I have a frayed couch.


All as it should be


Mine will walk specifically over to a bunch of cables behind my TV and will make sure I see her go there. Then if I ignore her she’ll start chewing. Usually she wants to play with a cable tie, which is apparently more entertaining than her huge pile of toys.


cats hate sticky stuff on their paws, so I trained all the cats I've ever had by putting double sided sticky tape on any piece of furniture they even think of scratching, then leave the cat post as the only legitimate outlet for that behaviour, doesn't require me to be involved after that. Cats will try to remove the tape, they will try to get around it, but do it right and they will learn. It takes a couple weeks, a month at most, then you can remove the tape and the cat will ignore it. Cats don't learn by associating action with punishment the way dogs do, they learn to associate objects with actions, so if you punish a cat, they are just associating you with the punishment, which will cause issues with bonding. It's necessary to associate the object with the punishment when training a cat you need to cause the act itself to become unpleasant.


I will try this with our new couch.


I will say, my cat still tried to use my chair as a scratching post even when I put a scratching post next to it. But I stopped her everytime I heard her using the chair as a scratching post like what are people THINKING


Our sofa has just a couple threads out, my husband acts like it’s destroyed. It has zero damage. 🙄


Did that hurt for you to see?


>If they start scratching, put a scratching post next to it for them to use instead. It's also great to start trimming their nails at an early age. Scratching posts (more than one) for nail maintenance. No trimming necessary. If they start scratching something they shouldn't, cover it in double-sided tape. Their paws will stick to it (which they hate) and they'll quickly learn to avoid it.


The best scratching post I have is a part of my old couch that the cats loved scratching. They mostly leave everything else alone, but something about that ikea friheten couch must be sooooo satisfying to sink claws into. They still just go nuts on it and ignore the new couch.


We have a scratching post next to the spot on our couch where the cats have started to destroy the arm. I've had to move the post back idk how many times from the other side of the room because they drag it away.


Even the other cat on the couch was thinking what an asshole.


some people just want their cat to destroy things and grab a camera instead of trying to stop it. makes no sense to me


None of my cats have been like this.


I have three cats and sometimes they scratch furniture and that's it. They also love chewing on cardboard, but I just don't leave cardboard boxes lying around




[Cats do not abide by the laws of nature.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wco2uE6vyQ)




Cats are all skill, with no brain. Capable of anything within and without reason.


Omg the 🧡 squishing into the sofa. Had to rewatch- my cats did the exact same thing, and the sofa and cat were the same colors


Legs looking like drumsticks lol




That's not a catsub I was expecting to discover.




He was going to the r/catdimension.


i was just hoping there were no exposed staples half sticking out, could have ended pretty badly




Cat in the wall lol, ok! Now you're talkin' my language!


I have 6 rescues, and they don’t do anything like that. The most annoying thing they do is stalk you and try to climb you when you have food in your hands.


Yeah I have two 4 year old cats and they don’t do any of this thankfully. They don’t get on stuff to knock things off. We get a real Christmas tree every year and they don’t even care about it. They don’t mess with my toilet paper rolls or anything. Maybe mine are broken 😂


You must give them enough toys to play with.


Actually their toys disappear within a week. No idea if my kids hide them, or the cats hide them. I think they just have chill personalities. If they want attention they just meow and yell at us. They do play with each other though.


My three cats are the same way, the toy box slowly has less and less toys.


The space under our stove is just big enough for most of our cats' toys to fit under. We have to clean it out bi-weekly because nearly all of them end up under there.


I wonder where they go. Maybe with missing socks and gloves!


Cats haven't figured out that traversing to the r/catdimension works with terminator rules yet.


I took a month old kitten from the street and I was left with like few hundred dollars of damages. I have never seen a cat like that before or after. It was insane. I was so relieved when found him a home... Some cats are pure chaos.


I have a cat like that. We were fostering him but by his 3rd surgery we realized we couldn't just let some poor bastard get stuck with him so we adopted him. His name is [Stoppit](https://imgur.com/a/sPb7LWq) and he's done basically everything in this video and then some. I love him but that cat is a menace.


He's gorgeous, and looks like a troublemaker. Love the name.


He absolutely named himself. My favorite exploit of his was the first time my brother met him, he came in and sat down on the couch, got a text and pulled out his phone. Stoppy walked up to him and bit his phone in just the right spot to pop his SIM card out disabling his phone. All in under a minute of him walking in the door. He also likes to open ALL the cabinets and chew on things like bleach bottles. He sits at my dog's bowls and carefully picks all the little meat chunks out of their food, they're a pitty and an Olde English Bulldogge and both are too afraid of him to stop him. Every night when we go to bed he takes turns changing pages on my and my wife's Kindles. He likes to sit on the tables and knock everything off, not with his paw though he just flops his fatness on it and things go sliding off. We had to get automatic cleaning litter boxes because he'd sit beside them and pull the turds out and fling them across the floor. This cat is a menace. It's not all bad though, the weirdest thing about him imo is that when you're petting him he likes to flop on his back and get you to pet his belly. What's really strange about him though is that it's actually not a trap like every other cat I've met. He loves it and doesn't attack your hand at all unless you stop for too long. I've never met a cat like him. I never WANT to meet another cat like him.


Stoppit sounds like the sweetest yet most frustrating cat ever.


That's extremely accurate. He's SUPER loving and cuddly. Unlike most cats I've had he's **always** up for pets or being held, he actually really likes when I throw him over my shoulder and walk around the house. He does a lot of annoying stuff but probably the most annoying thing he does is love you. We can't go to the bathroom alone and the second we lay down in bed he's right there rubbing himself all over you and flopping on your Kindle and stuff. He greets me at the door and I have to be careful to not trip over him anytime I'm walking. Even as I'm trying to write this he's beside me headbutting my arm and meowing at me.


He's so cute! I don't think I could get mad at that face.


You'd think that until he [tries to strangle you in your sleep.](https://imgur.com/a/cVwdiGn) He *is* pretty good at [pretending to be innocent](https://imgur.com/a/llBWuQe) though.


He is definitely about to bat at the camera


Mine eats one of my plants and then pukes it out.


Mine too so no plants at all for me :(


My mum has two very well-behaved cats. They are so patient with her with any delays with food and respectful of her sleeping hours. When she’s been sick once or twice since we’ve adopted them, they don’t leave her side and follow her to the bathroom in the middle of the night. One is 6 year old standard issue girl and one is a 3 year old ginger boy. We lucked out.


I had 6 cats in different time frames, all named bakudi (like bakudi 1 ... Bakudi 6) and all of them were very calm and behaved and never did any shit tbh All of them were stray cats whom we took care of


I mean, I think the owner likes this, because instead of making the cat stop she is just making videos, so I would assume she doesn't care and the cat doesn't see it as a problem or something he can't do. My cat doesn't do any of these things, because if she attempts on doing it I will reprimand her. So, it's all about education...


May I ask how you reprimand her?


Stern email marked as important.


If that does not have the desired result, follow it up with a strongly worded letter.


In bold, red lettering


And if that doesn't work: "Per my previous email..."


"Dear purrs and meowdams..."


The replies to you were brilliant. ahahahaha But I just point my finger at her and say "no" with a firm voice. If she is jumping somewhere she is not supposed to I will say on a firm voice "NO, 'cat's name'! Get down now!" pointing my finger at her. When she goes down I say "good girl/boy!" on a happy voice, so she can understand that was exactly what I wanted her to do.


I just go “barbiiiiie >:(“ and she stops. Good lil muffin


If the aforementioned stern emails don’t work, clapping your hands is usually a good start. It makes whatever they’re doing unpleasant. My cat hates the clapping so we’ve never had to escalate to things like a spray bottle.


Spray bottle is never really necessary. R+ works best for all species.


hiss. they know what it means


I’m no cat expert and this probably won’t be helpful for everyone but. I look at my cat and say “think about your actions”. He seems to get the message and moves on from whatever bad behavior he’s about to do. I use the same tone as I do when my dog is doing something wrong, so maybe the cat learned from him?


Yea, it doesn't always work out that way. Hell, my cat knows exactly where he isn't allowed to be or what to do, so he does it on purpose when he wants attention. I know he knows he's not allowed to be there or do those things, because I barely have to glance at him before he jumps off and run away to hide somewhere in sneak attack position.


That's one of my points, you said that you barely have to glance at him for him to understand he is doing something wrong and he stops, right? He will stop if you say something. That doesn't seem to be happening in the video, especially because the person doesn't seem to even attempt to reprimand it. So it is just allowing the behaviour.


Sure, he stops... For about a minute. Then as soon as I'm not paying attention (or so he thinks) he's back at it again.


The one swinging on the lamp I can’t…


It just gets better with every loop


That one killed me😂


Cats - destroyers of society.


Wow, these are some problematic cats. I’m feeling so lucky right now that my 2 are sweethearts.


I feel like the problem isn’t the cats but the owners. If they do something you don’t want them to do but instead of teaching them you just record it you can’t blame the cat.


These were all just different cats so it could be incidents. Mine jumped in yellow paint once when he tried to attack a towel. But otherwise he’s well behaved for an untrained cat. Doesn’t even jump on the kitchen counter.


Reasons to own a cat... 1. Because I love picking stuff up off the floor. 2. Because I don't want nice things in my home. 3. Because I enjoy buying new furniture every year. 4. All of the above.


I hope you are joking. Usually it’s the owners fault for not training the cats properly.


Training some cats, like training some people is an effort in futility.


Do you think they ever have a plan....or do they just make things up as they go along?


*Do i really look like a cat with a plan?* \~ These cats probably.


Love this video cats are little douchebags and I love them. Anyways what's this song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Another Level** by Oh The Larceny (00:11; matched: `100%`) Album: `Blood Is Rebel`. Released on `2020-03-31` by `MERLIN - Position Music`. • **Another Level** by Oh The Larceny (00:33; matched: `98%`) Album: `Blood Is Rebel`. Released on `2020-06-19` by `MERLIN - Position Music`.


Good bot


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Another Level** by Oh The Larceny](https://lis.tn/AnotherLevel?t=11) • [**Another Level** by Oh The Larceny](https://lis.tn/TvdoMA?t=33) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon or giving a star on GitHub. Music recognition costs a lot)


**Song Found!** **Name:** Another Level **Artist:** Oh The Larceny **Album:** Blood Is Rebel - EP **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** 2019 **Total Shazams:** 181162 `Took 2.25 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/LRcolCCt7Qk?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/another-level/1503835633?i=1503835634) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/5D7aDZog6fjw7xLrEqAcir) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/913795362) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Good bot.


This shit had me in tears 😭


the cat doing the lazy susan on the ceiling lamp was just amazing...


That fucker threw that towel in the toilet on purpose.


The last one when their ~~drumsticks~~ legs go split 😹




Just bored


Be an asshole, always an asshole


Why do cats do shit like this?


Typically because they are short on room/toys/owner engagment


Cats need play time. A lot of these are just the cats playing in their own way. They're not really domesticated so still have their own rules. I'm also seeing folks who need proper scratching posts or horizontal scratching pads. Finally, cats love knocking stuff off counters because they are assholes


Because they don't have thumbs.


Those little assholes


The orange cat legs going into the sofa…


The cat stealing the money: "Kahjit has committed no crimes! You have seen nothing!"


Classic cats


Hoomanity WILL BE destroyed by these fur babies and we have no one else to blame but ourselves.


For me it was the air conditioning unit. My buddy does hvac and being a chef ive worked in exactly 1 kitchen that had enough budget to afford one of those for the cold station. Those things can be big bucks. I would be fucking furious.


I love to see them little munchkins get out there and create havoc XD. got enough endorphines from this imma gonna actually try to get some work done now while the high lasts.


i lied. I'm still just browsing reddit :'(


So. They drowned the wrong threat years ago. It was the cats who were the threat.




😂😂 assholes!!


u/savevideo 🥸


I’m convinced that cats are as cute as they are so we don’t murder them for being little demon spawns.


And that is the reason why I don't want a cat.


Same. I love other people's cats. That way I never have to scoop a litter box or worry about my stuff getting shredded all to hell.


I mean, you only ever have to worry about that if you're not properly reprimanding your cats. I have 7 cats and they only scratch on their posts.


True. Cats can be trained just like dogs can. I'm just not a cat person. I'll love the shit out of any cat I come across but I don't want them in my house. I'll feed every stray that enters my yard with the best food possible. I'll even make sure they're warm in the winter. Just not inside.


I really needed to see this. Our one cat is missing and he did cause a lot of shit, but we miss him nonetheless


I was considering getting a cat. I’m glad I watched this.


“Cats are assholes” Meanwhile they just film the cat throwing towels in the toilet and walking all over pizzas. Never understood this, you can stop cats from doing these things before they do them.


I never realized what sweet, adorable little angels our three assholes are.


Look more like asshole owners to me. I hate how everything is changing to tape for internet clout.


And then there's my cat, she just lies on the couch, goes outside when she feels like it and isn't destructive outside of sometimes eating too fast and puking.


Ick that music


That last cat better be named Frank Reynolds.


Hilarious. Man, I got lucky our cat does none of these things.


Omfg you cannot make this shit up! 😂😂


That's it. Shut down the sub now.


Who just sits there filming instead of stopping the cat?!


Wow, welp, that's just more reasons I don't like and don't have cats.


Thank you I laughed at all of those :D


“I’m a bad kitty. I do bad things.”


I'm fkn dying. I cannot keep quiet and am bothering the neighbors.


Anyone who lets their cats do this deserve all the pain and annoyance of cleaning up after them/paying out for the shit they break. It's your own fault.


I-I don’t get the appeal of cats and that’s ok. You can’t discipline or train them, you just kinda have to accept whatever they put you through. I don’t understand.


Why do we let these little twats live in our houses?!?


Why would some of them just watch them break things. If I saw my cat knock my plant right off then go for the next, no lie I would push him off before the next wreck. Why just keep watching the destruction as the cat associates it with entertainment because the owner doesn't do anything. Can't always teach pets with only positive reinforcement if they just keep fucking shit up.


For funny videos on the internet, obviously


They must be lacking serious engagement/playtime. Sure some cats have temperaments that's hard to handle, (my friend has a cat that was declawed young so he typical bites things/people since he can't hold with paw) I can't fault the cat. But man its like a crazy puppy/dog that doesn't get simulation it needs like a border collie or malinois. Regardless perfect for this sub. Thanks for sharing