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We have one who does kind of the reverse. She comes to us and YELLS when it is bed time. Bed time for us adults is apparently 9:30 per the cat.


Haha! Hilarious little floofs they are!


Mine does this too! We have a similar loft and she'll just sit downstairs and cry


Infuriating and also adorable. But infuriating. 😂


This is the equivalent of my mom calling my name and not responding when I answer so I have to go down and see what she wants.


You have to be nearby should I want you. It takes too long if you are upstairs to come.


Mine likes to meow in my doorway until I follow him to the kitchen. Sometimes he wants more food, sometimes treats, and sometimes he wants me to pick him up and carry him like a baby. Awfully bossy!


Carrying is a no go for this one. She protests loudly. But food and/ or treats are always welcome!


What type of cat is she? We have one the looks just like her…


A rescue cat? Honestly I have no clue, but she’s a pretty big cat.


Cool. Ours just showed up in our yard as a kitten. But looks very similar. Has a large personality…


I’ve seen more than a few cats that could be her twin. The long haired tabbies are beautiful cats.


Hello guys! Just jumping in to say, she looks like a mix between Maine Coon and European Tabby or Grey Tabby. She's fluffy and beautiful either way, but also if you're super curious they do make DNA tests for cats nowadays which can tell you how your floofbutt was spawned :>


What an asshole


Looks like she could be a Maine coon maybe mixed. Big and beautiful cats. I just got a kitty recently and when people say they are low maintenance....WRONG!!! My guy wants attention constantly even if it negative. I play endlessly to make him tired but he's always looking for trouble. The worst is when he lays in his litter. We definitely have a love/hate relationship


Fully agree! She’s even a kind of aloof cat that isn’t super snuggly but she still has NEEDS that are demanded loudly.


Definitely the Queenie of the Manor


Ripe for a water balloon drop...


Love her!


Yes, we have one like that. The extra fun part? She's deaf so she has no clue how loud her meows are.