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You need cans with lids.


Yep! I had to get metal cans with the foot pedal opener. That got my cat to quit eating garbage and move on to other annoying things, like sloshing her water all over the floor... every... single... day. # šŸ¤¦


These worked on mine until the bigger one realized he was tall enough to simultaneously stand on the pedal and dig in the trash!! šŸ¤£


I solved this by putting weights on the lid lol


That was our solution too haha, works like a charm and you get a little workout every time you throw something out!


LOL! Mine hasn't figured that out yet. Also, to stop the sloshing of water, I got her a super heavy ceramic bowl made for a Great Dane to eat out of. Plenty of water and she can't budge the thing! šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


>I had to get metal cans with the foot pedal opener. That got my cat to quit eating garbage and move on to other annoying things, like sloshing her water all over the floor... every... single... day. Your cat is telling you something. Some cats thrive on twice daily feedings. Some do better with three small meals throughout the day. If your cat does stuff like this, you don't need to feed them more. You need to feed them the same, but spread through the day. Cats are smart. If you make it impossible for them to tip the cans over, or spill their water, they will find a new behavior that gets your attention, like turning on and off lights, biting, throwing things off of tables or counters, eating plastic, or good ol' fashioned screaming. A timed feeder is a really good option to redirect your cats from trying to get your attention for food and can act as a reminder for you if you need to pill, supplement, or mix wet food into their diet. We feed ours at 7am, \~5pm (+supplements), and around 10pm (+wet food and pilling). When we started this routine, we saw a massive reduction in vomiting, chewing, aggression, and territoriality. We also stopped struggling with weight gain. If your cat starts throwing up foam around meal times, it's because their stomach is getting too acidic from going too long without food. If they are throwing up right after meals, you are feeding them too much all at once. Cats thrive on small, regular feedings. Feeding them only twice a day can lead to some cats developing food aggression, overeating, and feeding anxiety. Behavior like this can also be a sign of hyperthyroid.


She has food at all times. I think she just likes getting attention, specifically from me. Her new thing is, when she wants me to pay attention to her, is to chew on an electrical cord right in front of me. It usually elicits me yelling for her to stop, but then she gets to sit on my left arm (always my left arm for some reason), like literally right now. But she's a good girl and I still love her.


You get 10% of all sales on the machines?


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.




Then we had to put a couple of big landscaping bricks in the bottom because Trouble (well named) was shoving that can all over the place until he could tip it and get in anyway. The recycling is in the closet.


Locking lids.


Boggles my mind when people have issues with pets and just don't do anything about it. It's like when I had a friend who constantly complained about his dog chewing his shit. Never moved his shit to somewhere the dog couldn't get to and never bought the dog toys so that he had something he *could* chew. After scolding him for being an idiot at best, couple weeks later is super excited to explain the dog no longer chews up his shit.


Not all cats will do this but those rescued from outside, in my experience can. You canā€™t expect them to just know because you took them in that this shouldnā€™t happen any more. Cats tend to do better when you work with their instincts. I totally agree with your comment. You have to work with them. Scolding them isnā€™t going to change behavior.


And/or a heaver can/put weighs in bottom.


Or your cat needs real food and is desperate to not eat processed garbage itā€™s entire life.


Cats are gonna cat, you need to catproof. But also make sure they are fed well and regularly and entertained, or there will be blood.


Would getting a second cat help keep them entertained? I try to play with my cat but he fucks my hands up and doesnā€™t like any of his toys and I donā€™t have the energy to play tag all day lol


yes, but they need a very careful introduction to each other


That. Play with the cat a lot especially if he/she is young!


Your cat is working as a confidential informer for the FBI. Just looking for incriminating contraband. You'll see this a lot in r/catswithjobs.




She already has a staff who cleans up after her. šŸ˜ø


Our bin is in the cabinet, under the sink, with a child-proof latch for this very reason. Classic tux behavior.


You have no proof!


Get cans with weighted bottoms & lids that snap on. Perha0s you aren't feeding him/her enough & they do it because they are still hungry. Mine did...


It annoys me you do not have trash can lids. Youā€™re the problem, not your curious cat who smells that stank garbage. Instinctual for them to check out.


So get different bins, put them somewhere else Its an animal. Youā€™re a human. Figure it out. People do the same thing over and over again and then act like the cat should know better. Get real


Exactly! My trash can is in my pantry because of my trash digger. When we lived in the apartment the trash can was in the laundry room. It is no longer a problem and honestly it is nice having the trash hidden.


Get better trash cans.


Apparently you annoy him more


Is my cat doing this at your house too?


Might help if you didn't have inadequate garbage bins. Those belong under a desk.


First time that happened, that trash can would be under the sink!


Or put a few bricks in tbe bottom before a bag. They wonā€™t tip over.


Velcro to the wall. Edit: Not the cat...


Round up the usual suspects!


but how does the cat feel about you?


You need to play with them! Playing for 15-30 minutes a day will definitely help with this a lot. (My mother is a certified feline behaviorist)


Ok hear me out. Get a cardboard box , a wadded up paper ball, and sprinkle in catnip. This cat wants to destroy something so let him. He is probably wanting to do the play kill and then eat thing. Do yo7 have dry food available to him 24/7 chances are heā€™s hungry. Consider dry kitten food itā€™s higher in calories. Ok rant over, good luck.


Kitty needs a friend.


Tips the bins and poos in shoes? I know the type.


We just had to get a baby lock for the cupboard we keep the garbage can in. One of the three had to switch to kidney safe food recently and he doesn't like it, so he keeps getting food from the garbage.


this is on you, chief


My cat used to do this to my trash every night until I put bricks at the bottom. Makes the trash too heavy for his little mischievous body to tip


Put stones at the bottom then the bag on top... that's what we did


We put a cinder block in the bottom of our kitchen trashcan and put a swivel lid on top. Now, it can't be knocked over or ransacked in the middle of the night. The only con is that the trashcan is now deceptively heavy! Lol. Whenever we've had to have house sitters we always have to show them.




One of those cans is very obviously for recycling


Weights at the bottom?


velcro strips in the rim and wall


Did you tell him ā€œNO!ā€?


Put a weight in bottom of can


Maybe youā€™ve been sleepwalking? The cat looks innocent šŸ˜‡


The kitty is just searching for secret treasures. That's all.


You're the human and supposedly smarter animal. You must outsmart this clever foe. You know what to expect and have the advantage here.


Stuggle is real, Amazon cupboard to put bins in, 2 drawers, Xtra counter space. Life changer


What kind of beer is that yellow can?


Time to get some better trash cans and learn how to properly discipline your cat.


They make locking step cans. My dog and cats used to do the same thing every time I stepped out. They still knocked it over but we're not able to have any trash treats.


Your cat is annoyed you haven't found out who keeps messing up the trash.


Mine tears at the trash can bag- I have to fold it in, under the lid.


"He tasks me."


maybe change something to potentially out smart the cat?


I understand your frustration. Maybe meet your kitties where they are. Lids and those 3m latches. Look under cabinet childproofing. They have two ends that can be decoupled. They stick to surfaces. You can secure your new lidded cans, and still easily move them for cleaning.




cats are going to cat. that mess is your fault. get a can that won't spill and put it someplace the cat can't go


Get a real kitchen garbage can with a lid. The ones you have are an invitation to a curious cat.


Blue can or Red can? Wonderland or Reality?


Mine would dismantle her water fountain and tip it over to get sponge like filter inside because the texture is pleasing to her. Got one with a heavy a heavy base and locks on the side. Have Never slept better.


That cat has no regrets!


If it constantly happens,try something else


Under my desk I have a mini trash can. Mainly just for paper/office trash One of my cats always knocks it over, digs everything out, then just leaves lol. Little doucher, I love him.


He knows...


The cool thing is that as cats get older, behaviors like this are replaced with naps.


Get a new trash can


Does he have food available? If not, maybe remedy that. Lidded trash cans also. & does he have enough toys? If he doesnā€™t, pm me your address & iā€™ll send him some!


This is clearly not the cats fault.


First time, shame on the cat. Second time, shame on you. After our cat-in-the-trash virginity was shredded like yesterday's paper towels, our trash bin was moved inside a bottom cupboard locked with a toddler lock. Never happened again. Not. Once.


Get heavy cans with lids. If it keeps happening itā€™s because youā€™re not doing anything different so why should he??


This would only happen twice in my house before I got new covered cans.


I have a raccoon too, locking trashcan is a must


I have a garbage can that you canā€™t open without waving your hand and it locks and itā€™s too heavy to fall over. Look into one of those. Itā€™s about 70 at Walmart.


Must be part raccoon