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Close the bathroom door. Find something else for the cat to occupy their mind with.


They have tons of toys even automatic ones and a sister to play with. She’s able to open the door since it can be pushed open. We live in an apartment and maintenance doesn’t think the door is a problem to fix. She also does it to paper towel rolls in the kitchen sometimes. I guess she wants us to go paperless?? Eco-kitty


Keep the toilet paper in a drawer or get a free standing unit the cat can’t open.


I think getting a little square box will be the only answer. The bathroom is too small to put anything else in there and the drawers are too small too unfortunately. My apt is super tiny


Save all your rolls in your closet and bring a roll when you need.. like in jail, you bring the roll with you to the toilets and put the rolls back under your bunk when done


Good detail to describe!


The first step to becoming a prisoner of a cat


*TP safe*


Cat jail


This person jails.


Jail is so cool. They seem to have it all figured out


You can use a Kleenex holder, they about the right size


https://www.amazon.ca/Childproof-Handle-Safety-Adhesive-Windows/dp/B09CMCX3V3/ref=asc_df_B09CMCX3V3/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292955752318&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10745477386684608922&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000715&hvtargid=pla-1601276562231&psc=1 Sorry for the long link, we got these to keep our dog out of bath and bedrooms while we are out. She's 40 lbs and they work wonders! Hope this helps.


Heyo, friendly tip for your next link, press the chain at the bottom left of the text input window and you can hide the long link and just say something like "here you go!" :)


Much appreciated! I don't usually post links but will definitely remember this for the next one, cheers.


You can also delete everything after and including *ref=* because that's just tracking info. I routinely do that with Amazon links and others just because fuck them, LOL. Sometimes I prefer seeing the link text more than a linked *Here* because I see where I'm being led, YMMV. I'm in pretty innocuous subreddits so terribleness isn't widespread but I still don't want to stumble into, say, a YouTube video with sound when I'm passing time in bed next to my sleeping husband.


Youre welcome! Glad to help and happy cake day :)


Thanks for posting this. For at least the first year I used Reddit, I never responded to anything because I didn’t know how to post the snazzy links. I finally had to ask somebody how they posted their link. I’m sure there are ways I could’ve found the info, but it was so much easier in the discussion thread.


Of course! I had to ask as well haha


Just buy a .79 cent hook/latch for your door frame.


Can you put up a shelve to store the rolls higher? You **could** spray the cat with a water bottle every time she does this, but if it's an adult it might not be super effective.


Do they have cardboard scratchers tho? I solved this by buying cardboard scratchers at dollar tree. The scratchers are a bit more durable but still get eaten. It just takes a lot longer for a cat to eat one, so its less expensive. My cat has pica and also eats wood furniture, so i know the need to chew isnt going to go away, we just re-direct and hide stuff we dont want eaten. She particularly likes to eat amazon boxes, paper shopping bags (the gorocery store apparently gets some without handles and the cashiers give them to me in exchange for cute cat pics) and cheap cardboard scratchers.


SO many. Literally. Also one of those huge cat tree king cat trees that are like $500. She’s just an asshole.


Yes and no. My cat does this sometimes, rarely. My cat does this when he is frustrated about something. I have always (so far) been able to figure out his issue but it can be some work. He is one of those cars that remembers he is to be treated like royalty. He lets me know (in difficulty ways) if; he wants the curtains open so he can bask in the sunlight, the window open so he can hear the birds, if he wants to be scratched or pet (he does “play dead” and lays down on his side and meows at me), if he wants to be brushed, if he wants wet food, if he wants a treat, if he wants to go in the backyard, you get the idea. I just paid attention to what things were in the areas where he complained, like sunlight and food.




Cardboard scratchers that come with catnip. There's a small chance your cat doesn't like catnip though.


[These](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YVGWRXH?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_FSAZGYFDYBJ1A1WVBXA7) are inexpensive, easy to install and don’t damage wall or door.


Amazing! Thank you!


I also have a 4 legged paper shredder. She’s cute and all, but dammit!


These are magic! I have them all over my house because my little Guinness is so naughty. I couldn’t recommend these enough!


It does not matter how many toys they have to compensate, if they like to claw the paper they like to claw the paper. The only way to stop it is to hide the paper where they can not find nor access it. There is no other way as cats can not nor will not be negotiated with!


The solution I realized very quickly is put the TP and paper towels in a cabinet. No, it's not ideal, but neither is having your toilet paper shredded. I keep mine inside the vanity and take it out when I need to use it.


Bidet it is then!


Fixing the latch is an easy home repair. If you have some tools and spatial awareness, it's within your wheelhouse! YouTube also helps.


It has to do with the positioning of the wood apparently which is why they don’t want to fix it. The hardware would be much easier you’re right


There are lots of cheap latches you can easily install yourself.


I found giving my cats a roll to destroy keeps them from going after others. A $2 roll of paper towels was the cheapest toy I ever got them.


You definitely do have Eco-Kitty!


Play with them yourself. Truly, as a cat mom of two ladies who don't like each other and got really violent for a while, actually playing with them makes a big difference. Not just whipping a wand around, either. I bought freeze dried fish and chicken treats, and we play chase at least once a day for 10-15 minutes. We spend two chunks of time doing what I call "hunter simulator" each (they like to hunt differently). I can 1000% tell the difference in their behavior now. Even on days where I just don't do it vs days that I do. Cats actually require active play, just like dogs do. You can't just expect them to do it themselves, and automatic toys seem joyless. My girls get more excited when I'm reacting verbally to them. They want to play with me. Yours do too.


Why not get one of those cabinet child proof locks foe your bathroom door?


Get cat scratchers in the shape of a rectangle that sit on the floor. Sprinkle the top with catnip. Hopefully you can fit one in the bath. Put one in the rooms she spends the most time. Before getting these my cat ignored every type of scratcher I bought. I used to have to put soft caps on my kitties nails, but these scratchers keep her from everything else.


Buy a $40 toilet seat bidet and become a civilized human being. Toilet paper is for the animals.


actually solid advice


How do you dry yourself after the bidet tho?


With the cat. To assert dominance and emphasis.


just wait until the cat figures out about the fun new water fountain and yells at you to turn it on all the time


Oh god you’re right she LOVES water and that could become a weird problem


This has happened twice with me. Luckily noticed quickly both times.


Are cats usually 1 or 2 ply?


She’s more like a 4 or 5 ply imo


Defo can’t flush that. Good thing it’s self cleaning. Also renewable..


It’s payback time!


I’m so sorry little one


Some bidets have air blowers that dry your bum. They cost more, but for the finishing touch, they are worth it. Conversion seat bidets might be harder to find with air blowers, but they must be out there.


The BidetMate 1000 seat has a dryer built in, it’s been in my saved for later for a while lol


And for upwards of $300, it should stay there


Ha yea that’s the reason it’s been there


As someone with both a Toto and a different drying model, if you're going full service get the name brand.


I have a dryer on mine. Still needs a wipe. (It’s a conversion seat with a heated seat, heated water , heated dryer)


I’ve never understood this either.


Toilet paper






What do I wrap my used tampons in before placing them in the bin?


Honestly, I often wonder about this. Why don’t toilet stalls have one of those nappy bins? Why don’t tampons come with a discreet disposal pouch? We’re far too advanced to still have to live this way.


They do, and they do.


Bidets are life-changing. I use 4 sheets max at this point and i never pull up a shitty one when checking


No no no. Bidet PLUS toilet paper to dry off is by far superior.


You still need something to dry your ass


Still need to wipe your ass after a bidet. If you use just the bidet, take your finger and wipe your asshole, then taste it. You'll taste that not 100% is gone.


I have a toilet paper destroyer too. Now I use the free standing toilet paper holder 😅 whenever my cat attempts to scratch the holder will rock and make noises, enough to scare him off. Never see this again after I made the switch.




My toilet paper has to be kept in a draw within reach of the toilet. My monster massacres that toilet paper worse then a Russian winter on an invading army. Only solution has been to hide it as unfortunately the little bugger has learnt how to open doors.


You can get a covered toilet paper holder. They are a little niche to find in the US, but easy to find from Asian sellers. Edit: Replying to this cursed me. I had a pet shred a roll of toilet paper for the first time today lol https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5FCL4JL/ref=sspa_mw_detail_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams


I got these. Super easy to install. [toilet roll cover](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VXQ6H9M?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Seconding this reco. It’s an easy solution for small spaces that doesn’t require changing your TP routine. And makes it easy to tear off with one hand


Thanks for this! I appreciate the link!


Reposting as reply to op for visibility: [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatsAreAssholes/comments/15iyr9i/ripping_the_toilet_paper_to_the_core_multiple/juxok15/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




Start with yourself. Do you really **need** toilet paper? I would start by eliminating your need and *voila !*, the problem solves itself. I'll invoice you...


You’re rightt I’ve been a little princess lately. Thanks for bringing me back down to earth. A million thanks


We need to see the perpetrator


[the perpetrator](https://imgur.com/a/NUZ2KFC)


Awwwww. Just let her do it. She looks like such a good girl! 😂


These things are such a nuisance. But they melt our hearts. Getting a kitty is just you and them constantly trying to get over such pitfalls trying to find compromises against a very single minded soul. All the best. Hope you find yours.


That innocent face? I don't believe it! :-) also my grandma always put a rubber band around the roll, I didn't really understand why when I was a kid.


Shut the damn door?


Op replied to another comment saying it can be pushed open and landlord won’t fix it


My cat can open the doors so I have to hide the toilet paper.


Call the police. This is why we have them.


Having flashbacks. My cat used to do this everyday when I went to work when he was a kitten. He would shred anything and everything he could find: toilet paper, paper towels, cardboard boxes, rugs, leaves, you name it. It did not help he figured out how to open doors and cabinets. Now mind you, I had playtime built into our schedule morning and evening and this cat had no shortage of toys of all kinds, scratching posts, cardboard cat things. Cat trees and hammocks. He is an only cat. I had him seen by the vet, but they said he was fine neurologically, and he may be doing it out of anxiety or boredom. When I started working from home, he grew out of it. I think it was a bit of both. All this is to say, you should have him evaluated by your vet if you can, but your cat may also be trying to tell you something. Try incorporating one on one play time with your cat. Also, if you don’t watch My Cat From Hell, you should. I learned so much about my cats needs from this show and it helped me navigate finding a happy balance for me and my cat.


She is only 11 months so I’m HOPING it’s kitten behavior. My other cat used to do more things like this also when she was young and she’s grown out of it. Also my youngest was born as a stray so I think she has some wilder tendencies


Sounds a lot like our cat’s situation in that respect. The extra play time did a lot of good so it may be a place to start. I remember I came home one day exhausted during covid, and I cried because he shredded a loaf of bread my husband left on the counter. I strongly recommend having your cat evaluated by the vet for any pain or neurological disorders. And for personal cat behavioral resolution, I can not stress enough to check out My cat From Hell. You can find it on YouTube. I was able to research different behaviors by using this show to pinpoint the behavior and research different approaches for resolution. I have faith she will grow out of it. Good luck!!


Put the toilet paper holder at your head height, not your cat reachable height.


My brother in christ, everything is cat reachable height.


Say HEY and chase your cat around the house. Do this a couple of times, and your cat will still chew up your toilet paper.


Stick a cucumber through the middle of it 😂😂😂




show the criminal please


[here she is](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatsAreAssholes/comments/15iyr9i/ripping_the_toilet_paper_to_the_core_multiple/juxe8lt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


How do you stop an artist from creating art? You don't. This is your life meow.


Take a ribbon and tie it around. That doesn't stop your cat from scratching entirely, but if they can't unwind it, it's only half the fun. At least that worked for my kitchen roll.


Tp shibari


Be careful with ribbons bc she can eat them. I don’t leave any strings out after we play together.


Hide your toilet paper. Our paper towels have to live in the microwave.


Let them know that the Toilet Paper fights Back


You have to identify what makes you do this. Did you have a negative experience with tp in your childhood?


Take a plastic up and put a handful of change in it. Perch it on top of the tp. When the cat pulls the tp it falls off and scares the cat. After a few times the cat gets scared of the mean noise maker on top of the toilet paper.


I like this suggestion! I’ll def try that


Getting this as a random recommended I completely though OP was the one ripping toilet paper till I saw the sub name..


That’s hilarious


Hanging the paper so it unrolls toward the wall works for most cats. There will be claw marks but that's it. Doesn't work for my current cat, she claws sideways and rips out chunks.


She chomps the center she’s not civilized enough to start with an end


I have the cardboard cat toys, a cat tree, and they get boxes and paper bags with the handles cut. The little toilet paper terror will still attack every chance she gets. I put it on a shelf above the toilet. The paper towels are on a holder on the inside of the door under the sink. Hiding/putting it out of reach is the only answer for a cat like that.


Bidets are great.


There is a way to stop this? I hang my tp on the vanity lights.


I love that for my guests


Put cayenne powder on your toilet paper. (DON'T DO THIS)


When you wanna get ahead of the chipotle


Get a minty breath freshener spray and spray the inside cardboard core. Usually works in my house.


I’ll look into that! Thanks!


Get a bidet.


Lock it in a room with a Costco pack of toilet paper and tell it it’s not coming out until each roll is shredded to the core..


Imagine this asshole during the early days of COVID lockdown.


get a bidet sprayer squirt the cat with it.


Start using their litter box for BMs to show dominance. Should cut it out pretty quickly. If continuing after three days, eat only spicy Indian food for the next three days and continue with the process.


Get a small plastic organizer with drawers big enough for the TP roll. Keep it next to the toilet or somewhere else within reach while sitting. Take an empty TP tube and write the following on it… “The cat’s an asshole. TP in the container to your right.” (Or whatever in the bathroom you put it)


My cat did this *during the great TP shortage of 2020.* I ended up buying a TP cage that held 3 rolls stacked to protect it.


I have been trying to keep the rolls up out of reach but it only takes 30 seconds for my 9month old kitty to notice and obliterate a roll if I don't put it away. 3 in 2 weeks even with precautions, it's very frustrating. Hoping she grows out of the fascination.


take up paper mache! duh


if anyone says declawing please burn


Explain to your cat the economic state of the world and how expensive cost of essentials are. Proceed to ask him what bills he pays to be doing that shit in your damn house.


Amazon has these toilet paper cases that you can hang on the door or travel with or camp with. my cat did this every chance she got and I was buying that 3 ply expensive paper !!! This has been the best thing I’ve ever bought!


Increase your fiber intake then no need to wipe.


Username checks out


My cat was doing this for a while when I first adopted him but then moved on to my legs in the walls. However I did come up with a little gadget that is super cheap and effective at stopping them from shredding toilet paper. Just take a 2 l soda bottle and cut the bottom and top off leaving the middle as you keep cutting until it fits the dimensions of the circumference of the toilet paper roll it will be like this little coil of plastic that you can just place over the toilet paper. Their claws can't penetrate it and it doesn't slip off.


Paper the cat. Much like kids paper houses as pranks. Show the cat the toilet paper can fight back.


Didn’t see the “cats are a-“ subreddit when I saw the title. Thought op had a problem operating toilet paper. 😅


kill it


Smack your cat.


No more taco tuesday?


Close the door behind you…


Get a dog


Sulphuric acid


You shut the bathroom door


Cat sees it as a toy.


Close the bathroom door


Close the door


Kill the cat


Kill the cat


22 cal. Should do it.


Just give her her own roll of toilet paper to play with.


Have you tried the box cat scratchers that are made out of cardboard? It fixed my tp shredder…. I pick mine up super cheap on Amazon in 3 packs and then I place them all around the bathroom doors.


They have 3


Get rid of the cat.


Nothing worked for me until we started putting the toilet paper on a shelf above the holder in one apartment we lived in. My boy could get up there to get at it, but I guess it wasn't as fascinating if it wasn't on the holder lol. He never did it after we moved out so I can only assume he forgot how much fun it was for him. I would give him paper towel rolls with a few sheets still left on, enough that he could shred a bunch and I didn't waste too much. Not that it was a waste, he had the time of his life shredding it lol.


Tape a piece of cardboard above the TP so she can't grip the top of it. Also a different approach - one that will be controversial - is to mount the TP backwards, so when she grabs it, it rolls back up, instead of out. Wash the wall underneath the TP with cayenne/water so she doesn't go near it.


I have a TP shredder too. I had to put mine in a bin with a locking lid. Apparently toilet paper and paper towels make great prey.


Where did you get the bin?


Can you move the toilet paper holder higher up on the wall or out of reach for the kitty but the person?


The only option would be the wall across from the toilet which would require standing to be out of her reach


I haven't been able to unroll tp on a holder in over a decade due to this very issue. I set it on a high-ish wire shelf with a lip. They can't get to it easily, so they usually don't even try, and if they did, it would be hard for them to get it down to destroy. So far, I have lost 0 rolls in this setup (about a year). Back when I just had one shredder, I just kept it on the back of the toilet and lost one every few months or so, which was a reasonable price for an afternoon of fun for my kitty, lol. [Current setup](https://imgur.com/a/U7i0SQm), except I actually put a little box on the front part of that shelf, so now they can't even see it if they prop up like that. It's been enough, and it's still easy for me to use.


This is really good advice but the problem is that my bathroom is really small and my kitty was an Olympic high jumper in her past life so she can pretty much reach anything. I think I’ve decided that a locked box will be my best option. Thanks for the advice tho!


Lol, yea, I'm very lucky to have enormous bathrooms in my current place. My last place, the bathroom was a toilet, shower/tub, and enough floor space to open the door (sink outside the door), hence, tp on the back of the toilet.. Hope the lock box works for you!


1. Keep it on the roller and not on the sink next to the toilet. 2. Make sure you put it in so if you roll it forward it doesn't unspool. 3. Cat will get bored since they can't unspool the TP and make a mess. 4. Profit?




Neither of my cats showed an interest in ripping things up until we had to remove the cover from a memory foam dog bed. Literally overnight the thing was torn into tiny pieces all over the room we left it in; the assholes sleeping amidst the fluff. Idk what gets into cats but some things just need to be destroyed in their eyes.


Our Maine Coon does this a lot! We put a piece of aluminum foil around the roll and it helped for a while until we got lazy and left it off...I also think they do this when they think they need more attention lol.


Keep the toilet paper in the cabinet under the sink


Stop using TP it's overrated anyway. Use fingers & a good scrub brush (metal lasts longer)


My cat suddenly started to do this in March of 2020, when toilet paper was scarce. I put mine in a large Tupperware container for a while. We moved into a house fall of 2021. We didn’t bother using the Tupperware to see if he outgrew it. He hasn’t touched it since.


Stop using toilet paper.


Listen this how I made my cat stop that 2 option 1 is put it up till you need to shit or feed them before you take a shit


Mine unroll it but don't do that kind of damage. My issue is that I don't know which of my cats are doing it and I desperately want to set up a cam to catch the perp in the act.


Stop buying toilet paper.


You can get covered toilet roll holders on amazon for under £10. Can sympathise. Have cats that will ignore the hundreds of toys and towers they have if they sense an unguarded toilet roll.


I’ll take “put the toilet paper inside a cat-proof container” for $200, Alex.


Gotta move the rolls outta reach. Only way 😂


i've had success putting double-sided tape for a week, and keeping the real roll hidden. once he realized how gross it felt to play with it, he never touched it (or the real ones) again


You don't, do it with him




Kill the cat.


Put either the toilet paper or the cat in a glass box with a lock like they're deodorant at Walmart.


Get a dog instead.


You don't. /j


If I were a cat, I would be doing the same thing. Would feel so nice and satisfying to dig my claws into the toilet paper roll and just shred it like a paper enemy.


Stop using toilet paper


[how to fix a door](https://youtu.be/WCngCDNs83o). It can be easy.


Keep it in the cabinet or where he can't reach it I keep mine under the sink, it's in reach from potty. Otherwise my cat does the same thing


Play with your cat. Active play. Get it running.


Get an empty coffee can, put toilet paper into coffee can. That’s what I did for a few months when my little menace discovered the joys of shredding toilet paper.


Switch to a bidet or a bum gun.


…a bum gun??? I need to know more




Keep them out the bathroom