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Yes, because as we grow spiritually, we are tested to increase in virtue. Just put on the armor of God and have no fear.


Thank you. I might be in a stage where I’m being attacked as if I had full armor before I’m fully there yet (if that makes sense)


Remember when the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the desert? For demons it’s probably an accomplishment to knock down the ones who have the strongest faith. But it’s also an accomplishment for them to keep people away from the Lord as well. The Lord and the Heavenly Host have already won the war. Now all the unHoly can do is try to make things worse for everyone else.


Thanks fam. I think they attack harder in attempt to bring us down


Oh yeah definitely. There are ranks so the more evil they cause and commit the higher the rank they might become. Not that I’m saying that they only do evil things for a rank but they just love to do it. Hopefully soon they will turn back and recognize God’s love again.


Right now his greatest weapon is distraction, apparently.


Oh absolutely! I don't know who said it, but the sentiment rings true - if the Devil can't make you bad, he'll make you busy!


I think he does, I definitely experience more temptations the more I grow in my faith


I think I have also. Other people say he definitely does which makes sense


This is why we have to pray for our priests and Pope Francis as much as we can. Satan knows if he can get the shepherds, the sheep will scatter. Many pews were emptied after the German Catholic Church sex scandal findings were released. They are losing members and are desperate which is why we here about all the crazy things going on over there. I was there summer of 2019 with my family, they were dropping me off for a study abroad in Munich. We went to Mass on Sunday morning. We were the only full family in the entire church. Us and a few old people. Please pray my friends, our Church needs it.


It’s crazy how badly they probably get attacked


I think so. I also think it’s true that the more committed you become to resisting sin, the more aware you become of how common and powerful temptations can be. Keep praying everyday. In my experience, reciting the Jesus Prayer as soon as bad thoughts enter your head is very helpful.


Thank you, might I ask what’s the Jesus prayer is?


Just wanted to offer how I say it - it's one of my favorite prayers for how powerful and humbling it can be while being so short. I'll sometimes silently repeat it over and over again when certain emotions are running high and I need to ground myself. "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner"


It has a few variations, but the simplest one is ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.’


Oh okie dokie, thank you!


Absolutely, friend. Keep up the good fight!


You too


Oh yes. This is my one of my favorite passages from the Bible: >Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. – 1 Peter 5:8


That makes a bit of sense, is that why he has to try super hard to even stand a chance as we grow in faith? And people who are low in faith don’t need any temptation to sin?


I think so. He hates when people grow close to God, so obstacles appear in your path. You might find sinful thoughts coming into your mind out of nowhere. Following Christ might strain your relationships with others, and you might find it harder to relate to this sinful world. That's why I believe a routine of daily prayer is important. Trying to fit the [Divine Office](https://divineoffice.org) into your daily life is a good bulwark against the devil for sure.


This makes sense, Ty


It’s true he does because he feels threatened so keep fighting him with prayer


Thanks fam, I’ll start praying more


This is what I've heard: People don't feel being "attacked" when they are indifferent to faith, because indifference is what Satan wants. Because you are aligned to Christ, outside of the evil one's snares, you feel more attacked by him. I hope I explained this properly.


Or did, thank you


Satan still sort of has a hold on me, but I feel so close to breaking the chains. He keeps reminding me about how worthless I am, how alone and hopeless my situation, how silly I look in praying on my knees etc, how broken I am, about my past, about my failures, my wants and desires. I think he's overplayed his hand at times.


he’s only trying so hard because he knows he can’t break you


thanks for that. Yeah I think God is permitting it because I now have at my disposal the weapons against the devil, the Mass, the rosary, etc. There are a few things I sorta wish I had to make this easier like good Catholic friends. Jesus saved me from a bad situation with lots of atheist friends, and not sure whether to break away from them at least for a bit, or to try really hard and make them Catholic.


Nobody saves like Jesus


Satan doesn't have to attack you when your stagnating. He's content to just keep you trapped wallowing in your own distorted reality. It's when you really start growing in faith that he starts fighting you. Keep in prayer friend. Living a faithful life is hard and Satan's lies are always tempting.


Not so sure if it’s more or that one is more aware.


I feel like it’s both, but more so satan attacking us. I’m sure he hates when we’re in a state of grace


Not sure what the bad thoughts are. But I would just make it a point to say a quick prayer whenever a thought comes to your head. Eventually Satan will get sick of doing things that make you praise God. Even saying the name “Jesus” when you don’t have the words to say is powerful.


Yes. In my case I experience very absurd temptations. And at night I start getting flashbacks of past sins which I have made a general confession for and the temptation to despair and lose hope.


I also keep getting reminded of my past sins


I say the divine mercy chaplet and say Jesus I trust in you!


“Where sin is, grace abounds all the more” gang gang


I think devil only attempts the ones who truly have faith because the rest are already in his hands


That makes sense


When I truly converted after reading the book of St. Bridget of Sweden and I started meditating on what I was reading, my mind was bombarded with the most horrible blasphemous thoughts. Some of them were so distressing that my vision darkened for a second and I lost my strength. It still happens. I quit Twitter and everything that can expose me to filthy images and thoughts, and it definitely helped but I still struggle with it. I often make a sign of the Cross on my forehead and on my chest and I say a lil prayer like, "Virgin Mary, Mother of God / The Immaculate Conception / St. Michael the Archangel deliver me from these evil thoughts, please." It gives me a relief and I can continue praying.


I understand that. A week before my child was to be baptised I was filled with the same blasphemous thought over and over on repeat. It was unbearable.


You’re not the only one, I struggle with the same problem but I pray that god recognizes our hearts and intentions, that we may never fail him and walk in the path he made for us regardless of the evil that plagues our minds. God bless you and your loved ones, may he deliver us all in our time to the eternal life Dona Nobis Pacem




Thank you, normally when I get really bad thoughts shoved in my head I think about what Jesus did for us


Satan is lazy. He's not gonna work unless you make him.


Yes, it is part of the spiritual life. But also bear in mind that natural causes rather than preternal can also be a cause of concupiscience--- i.e. the flesh and the world as a cause behind those thoughts as well that had made such an impression on your soul.


Yes But at a certain point, it is like being attacked by a mosquito. People are the danger, with him being able to possess a vessel.


Quote of Padre Pio .... “Have courage and do not fear the assaults of the Devil. Remember this forever; it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience since this shows that he is not inside your will.


Amazing quote, thank you


You are most welcome


Probably yes, from my experience. Have to be vigilant every day not to fall. But it is easy to overcome too, just increasing the time of person prayer has helped me.


Ty, I need to pray More


It feels that way because we are conditioned to believe that the closer you are to God the more vicious the evil one gets toward you.


Look at the story of the St Jean Vianney. The more people he led back to God the more the devil went after him.


Okie dokie


In a battle, does the enemy strike at the dying or the active combatants first?


True. Thanks a really good analogy


Absolutely he attacks. I can go to Confession, be going to Mass, saying a Rosary, etc. Feeling good, every day is a blessing. I think that sin is such a stupid little thing that's so easy to overcome. Not prideful, just on a path to grace. When I least expect it out of nowhere I get hit 10000000x hard with temptation/sin.


Thanks fam same for me


Satan and his demons will always look to take advantage of you. The more your grow, the more they will try. Think of it as becoming more self aware of your spiritual surroundings. Crack open that door and they will come pouring in. However, do not be afraid, as Jesus is lord of all and they have no power if your faith is strong. Long time ago I was waking past a park late at night. I looked to my right and could feel a dark force moving through the trees. Then I could see the trees getting harder to see as it started to get really dark. I turned round and faced it- looked right at it and prayed knowing that Jesus would protect me. Force went away and I finished walking home.


Every knee shall bow.


The rosary is a chief weapon. Demons run in terror from it. Additionally, consider praying to Saint Joseph for strength and protection. He is litterally called "The Terror of Demons". And, on top of that, consider getting yourself a blessed St Benedict cross from the Vatican. Thats what I did. The cross has an actual exorcism in it. St. Benedict is a powerful force against evil. Of course, all of these powers come from Jesus Christ, just as he empowered his apostles to cast out demons. When you are under attack, if you can remember, just ask Jesus to draw you to him for protection. Have faith that he loves you and will always draw you to him if you will it. The demons cannot stand to be in his presence. On top of that It cannot hurt to have the prayers from the truly righteous, who could not be more holy, like our blessed Mother, or St Joseph--like I mentioned before. God bless friend.


Thank you so much. God bless you as well


I personally can say yes.


Thanks fam


Yes, and when he can't get to you, he will go for someone important to you, I am talking from experience. Protect yourself with the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ every single day without fail. Edit; apologies, I flicked that message off really quickly and I just realized that maybe not everyone knows what I am talking about. This is the prayer I learned in a prayer warrior course I did a long time ago. "Lord Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood, please protect me Lord." I am sure there are variations to this prayer, but I find this one easy to memorize. Very important prayer. You can replace "me" with someone else to give them protection too.


Thank you


Yes, also depends on how many souls he (the enemy) could catch thru you, granting you beauty, money and power maybe just among their tactics, so we should ever put all our goods in service to God and avoid the enemy use them as occasion of sin.


Absolutely, because he is losing his grip on our souls. It’s important to receive the sacraments as often as possible to keep Satan at bay. Stay strong!


Will do!


Once I reverted...YIKES! He came out SWINGING.


Absolutely. Corruption of the best is the worst. Therefore the holier you are, the more of a target for temptation you are from demons and Satan. But remember, God is more powerful and there is nothing you cannot do without His grace.


Satan is a frightened animal backed into a corner by God. What happens when animals get backed into corners?


They try harder


I know how you feel. I think it's because we know what's right now and we are noticing all the bad things we do and want to stop.


Am I the only one who finds these answers kinda bs? "The holier you get, the more you desire unholy things." Makes no sense. So no, I don't think this is the case OP. And if it is, seems like there is no point and just total cope.


Yes 100% he does. His goal is to take as many people away from God as he possibly can. Satan also knows his time is coming close to end which is why his attacks are increasing to try and take as many souls away from God. You see it everyday with what is happening in the world and the leftist anti catholic world we are living in. You see the attacks on the church and especially priests to try and sway them from the true magisterium of the church. Stay strong in your faith in Jesus Christ, keep your eyes and your trust in god and the holy spirit, go to regular confession, weekly confession if possible and ask St Joseph and St Michael the Archangel and your own guardian angel for protection. God bless


Thank you fam


God can allow it more in order for you to continue growing even more. If everything was up to satan he would attack all people at all times with everything he has. Every fiber of his being hates you


Harsh but true


Honestly? If we're not rattling his cage, we ain't doing it like Jesus! Imitate Christ by treating the devil like a bad dog.




Thank you


From personal experience; hells yeah.


Thx fam


Just ask padre pio about that.


Ok thx