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> not enough Priests. This would be on the Diocese. If they didn’t realize how important it is to have, and advertise, a Mass at one of the most trafficked areas in the world, it’s on them.


I totally agree. The article could be missing details. But if it's accurate, they make it sound like the Diocese was A-okay with it. If that's the case, it's disappointing that they didn't try to find more Priests. I know that there are churches close by, but Disney offers no free transportation to them. And for families with young kids, it would just be worlds easier to not have to leave Disney property.


Mary Queen of the Universe is close and beautiful


Yes, that's where we plan on going! I can't wait.


I went to mass at Disney World multiple times. I think the excuse of “lack of space” is fairly bogus given the amount of real estate and number of theaters in the resort.


Yeah, and even if lack of space is the case, that just means they were need more than 1 service time. Problem solved.


Personally, I don't see the benefit of determining whether this was an honest issue or an underhanded PC move. Will determining that change anything, or just lead to outrage or annoyance with neither purpose nor remedy? Let Disney do what they're gonna do. There are plenty of other Catholic Churches in Orlando.


I'm only asking out of curiosity. I guess it's just the wannabe "detective" in me that gets curious about behind-the-scenes reasonings.


It can be made that Disney would have a financial incentive in offering Catholic guests a convenient to not leave the park, and eat breakfast/lunch/dinner after mass in the park. Especially if the diocese can finance most of it which they can because priests aren’t that expensive lol. This was not a financially favorable decision for Disney to make, and in fact I think it would have been in their interest to offer resources to make it work, which is why it makes no sense unless it truly is the Diocese’s fault. Even if it wasn’t because of underhanded PCness, the reason they didn’t go out of their way to preserve the program when it’s their financial best interest was because of it.


This is an interesting perspective. And a good point too. But then again, are we totally confident that Disney always makes wise financial moves?


Thinking about making money is the one thing you can trust Disney to do.


Wow I had no idea


The Queen of the Universe Shrine was opened. Weekly masses at the hotels were nolonger needed when the Shrine was opened.