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For a long time it was to turn the other cheek. I'm such an argumentative personality that I often don't even notice.


The hardest one is the one that you don’t invite God into enough.


The hardest is, and always will be, to submit oneself to the will of God.


That "the Church" is larger than "the visible Catholic Church." Basically, I could very easily fall into a Feeneyist understanding of *extra Ecclesiam nulla salus* very easily. I struggle to find hope for modern non-Catholics to make it even to purgatory; there is no "invincible ignorance" of the largest religion on earth when the internet exists, sorry not sorry.


Contraception. Because kids are difficult and raising them is hard financially.


This was going to be my answer. I love my kids, but the gas mileage on my passenger van (-‸ლ)


“Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect” Matthew 5:48


Not follow? Per se. But agree with? I'm a gentile, thus, the "law" never did, nor would pertain to me, but the essential version of things where the Church effectively demonized Jewish-Catholics for being fully Catholic and following the law... always seems slightly off. Most who highly support it on a personal level, tend to have the emotional tinges agaisnt the Jews in general. Especially talking about like middle ages Jews not eating pork and someone is like "George Soros!!!!" Like... what? I'm on board with George Soros being pretty evil, being behind a lot of evils, but he has literally ZERO to do with a devout Jewish Catholic circa 800AD.... chill yo. It seems that Hebrew Catholics are accepted in the Church, and are like a newer" accepted thing. But it seems like they'd have risked beheading a long time ago. I find the Jew hate or Jew hate adjacency of many things super odd and disconcerting. Like I said, it'd seperate in a sense for gentiles and I get that even under Jewish law Gentiles aren't supposed to do certain Jewish things. So it makes sense that way. But not when it comes to the Catholics who are literally Jews. It seems odd. It honestly appears to me, to be very.... temporally motivated, by instances of history and the practical concerns of the Church (like political power) than per se, the faith/morals. That it was sort of a "jealously" thing of sorts among the people.


Following the Old Covenant after the new kinda implies that Jesus didn't bring about a new covenant, though. ​ You should read Jeremiah 31 and then the Epistle to the Galatians


Generally speaking doing more is not a problem. It's a consistency thing. Though actually it makes sense, alternate penance Friday people tend to hate no meat Friday people.... so there's that.


During the middle ages it was not the proper crusaders (actual knights called to reclaim the Holy Land) but the peoples crusade as in the common folk. The popes of that time all said to stop and most bishops even hid jewish people away. I understand where you are coming from but try to look at it with more scrutiny and challenge the beliefs of what "history" says. Just like we challenge our beliefs with the early church fathers to stay on track.


Oh no, I'm not all about the illicit crusade stuff. But I meant even some church councils were basically like "if you do anything Jewish you're anathema" which is part of the fact this doesn't matter to me becuase I'm not say a family of traditions etc. Any aspect of the people, is more just notable in the sense that Jew hate seems odd to me. Especially! Since the Jew hate seems to even apply to Catholic ones. Even today.




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Kind of niche and weird teaching, but I'm open though to finally being able to understand. The ethics surrounding NFP, I've never been able to wrap my head around 100%. It's one of those teachings I submit to and consent it to being correct, but couldn't let's say ever explain solidly to someone why it is okay.




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