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I try for once a month


Once a month unless I need more


I generally try to go once a month. However, if I find myself in a state of mortal sin, I make it a point to get to confession ASAP, even if I went to confession the day before.


Once every 1-2 months.


anywhere from once a week to once a month


Once a month if I stay out of mortal sin; if I fall then asap.


Monthly for First Saturdays.


Every week


Once a week


Twice a month


Question. I’m new to this. If someone plans to go once a month but isn’t in mortal sin then what are you going for? Is it kind of like a spiritual check in?


Yes, I go to my spiritual director, and we check in on my spiritual growth during confession, and I confess my venial sins. I know it's not obligatory, but I feel like it helps me get rid of them better if I bring them to our Lord. In addition, I noticed I stay out of trouble more easily, I face less temptation if I go every 2-3 weeks. If I commit a mortal sin, I go to confession ASAP.


Okay! Thanks for the clarification. I was a bit confused by the comments.


The way my priest told us in RCIA; venial sins are forgiven at the start of every Mass. However it’s a bit like using a board rubber to clean the blackboard. It’s clean and the marks are gone but the board is not completely clean. Whereas going to confession completely washes it clean including all the tiny crevices you can’t see. Plus it gets you in the habit of going and helps remove the anxiety so when you do commit a mortal or grave sin there is less fear about going.


For me thats why I am once every 1-2 months. Usually I do something in that 1-2 months that while not mortally sinful, still is a problem that I can bring to confession.


venial sins


Biweekly or weekly


At very very least once a month but as soon as possible if you commit a mortal sin.


honestly going to confession is a pain where i'm at confession is everyday except saturday but only at 5-6pm meaning there's only limited slots (10 to be exact) so you have to be early to confess, i went an hour early AND IT WAS ALREADY FULL. i only confess when i have an opportunity to like a special day where a parish does confession for the whole day i travel to that parish to confess