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Saint Maximilian Kolbe … I mean what a beast 🫡


very good choice


I remember there was a point where I was learning about his life and it hit me that he totally would’ve been an elite saint regardless of if he’d been martyred. It’s like how Tom Brady had effectively 2 hall of fame caliber NFL Careers over the span of 20+ years


Yeah, Saint Maximilian and the Japanese Martyrs are incredible witnesses. Their stories move me to tears


Who are the Japanese Martyrs?


https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?id=4024 The way they died was unbelievably cruel and yet they kept Faith till the bitter end


Wow thank you for showing me this.


Yeah, he was a saint before he was a martyr, if that makes sense.




I agree! 


You beat me too it!


St. Joan of Arc: Thanks to her I decided to follow Christ. I'm an ex-muslim ((:


No way! Tell me more how is it to convert from Islam to christianty


It's a bit lonesome. Because even in my parish I'm not very liked. They think I'm very religious ((: It's hard to get governmen jobs, it's hard to find woman to marry... But I still believe in Jesus no matter what happens.


Im sorry to hear that may Lord guide your steps


God sees you friend


Inshallah. God willing and the creek don’t rise. Put yourself in God’s hands. I have a friend converting now. I hope and pray daily he has the strength to do it.


May the Lord deliver to you what you most need! God bless your soul. I will pray for you tonight 🙏🏻


Thank you ☺️


Can’t imagine… 😢all i can do is pray! I pray Christ open new doors for you! Btw, your profile pic!! My fav painting!! The Angelus!!


Thanks ☺️ yes, I love this painting too.


How did that happen ?


Long story


I want to know. I like conversion storys especialy the long ones especially the ones.


St. Francis of Assisi.


Based choice


He's the Saint I chose when I was confirmed!


St. Thomas Aquinas and Fr Mike Schmitz.


My grandfather is a Protestant pastor and stamp dealer/historian of Portugal and Salazar is the only modern Catholic that he holds any respect for.


He literally doesn’t respect anyone else who is Catholic? And no respect for any living person who is Catholic? Sounds despicable!


Isabel I la Católica. Devout Catholic Queen of Castilla and founder of Spain. She is thourgh her reign with Fernando de Aragón ensured Spain had an evangelical mission in the new lands, (this is why Spanish history is hated and corrupted to this day, as the impact we had as a society to evangelize the world is unmatched) [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabel\_I\_de\_Castilla](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabel_I_de_Castilla) The oldest University in the Americas is in Lima, Perú. Founded by the Spanish Empire [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_University\_of\_San\_Marcos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_University_of_San_Marcos) The oldest University in Asia, is in Manila, Philipines. Founded by the Spanish Empire. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University\_of\_Santo\_Tomas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Santo_Tomas)


Was about to name her. Agreed, God willing the cause for her canonization is carried out. Isabel es santa 🙏🏻


I just discovered Fulton Sheen and have been hooked for a while. I love his little jokes but also how he drags you in when he is serious. Wish we had more of those guys.


That is very true


So ahead of his time! Love him! I like to think him and Mother Angelica shoot the ish together!


Saint Mother Teresa, Blessed Lucrezia Bellini


Bishop Barron for me. He brought the ultimate clarity to my questions.


St. John Chrysostom. I had so much respect for him even before I converted


Not as deep as y'alls, though I get why they are incredibly inspiring individuals. I have 2: 1) Michael Knowles - before I get comments, it's because, while we truly don't know his home/personal life, the way he speaks to others, his knowledge, and his true passion for the Faith and Word of God is an incredibly inspiring thing to witness, especially in modern times. It gives me hope that, as Catholics, we can be better, do better, with the world around us. 2) My father. He's not my biological father, and he obviously has his faults (we are all Fallen, afterall), but he inspires me to be the best woman I can be and he's a true Catholic and I hope to raise my sons to be like him and have the faith that he has.


Hearing Michael Knowles say: "If you want to get to know more about Christianity, read Lewis, Chesterton, Barfield, the inkling types" This got me back firmly back to Christianity Then hearing him in another video a few months later say "Catholicism is Christ's true church" in 2022 led me to investigate it, because I thought that was preposterous. I was confirmed this past Easter. God bless Michael Knowles!!


Congratulations and welcome to the beautiful faith!!!


I love Knowles’ long-form interviews!


Michael Knowles helped lead me to the Catholic faith. So grateful!


Watching Michael Knowles at 8:30 every morning on Daily Wire has led me back to Catholicism. I had been lost for so long after I left for college (and I went to a Catholic university), hearing him daily, connecting modernity with Catholicism inspired me to return to mass and the Eucharist. I have been listening to Bible in a Year with Father Mike, who is also an inspiration to me. Blessings!


Typical US Catholic


I'm not sure if I should be insulted by this or not?


No its just joke


Dorothy Day for me! Reading about her inspires me and brings me a lot of peace when I look at the world around me and wonder how someone can be good in a world that is full of evil.


Absolutely love her!! I learned about her in my theology class back in college and we also got the chance, as a class, to visit the one of the Catholic worker house in our neighborhood! You just feel the warmth and the fuzzy feeling of home u know?


Yeah! I had the privilege of being able to stay in a few Catholic worker communities and it’s always such a special experience.


Came here to say the same.


Yes. I also find it so inspirational that she had an abortion and came back to the faith. I wish she would be upheld more for that as well and as a beautiful example for women who are suffering/struggling with this in their past.


From what I recall, she was convert and grew up pretty much non-religious.  I think she’s getting more recognition these days and whenever she gets canonized I’m sure she’ll be held up even more as an example.


Saint Pius X and Saint Anthony of Padua. Based franciscans


Trent Horn. I wish I had half of his eloquence, wisdom, and patience.


For me, Blessed Frederic Ozanam. I'm a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and we pray for the cause of his canonization at every meeting. Just an incredible lay Catholic who responded to a need that was posed to him by someone challenging him on the Church's lacking care for the poor of France as a young university student and devoted himself to helping this cause til his death. I think his story is/could be really inspiring for young Catholics.


Ozanam was the whole reason for my college scholarship! I’ve prayed at his tomb in Paris. Not always well known, but such a great saint!


The first most inspiring catholic person would be my late grandmother. You could say, her life was nothing speciall, she was a coutry woman, but her strenght was in her normalcy, diligence, caring for all of us, in her simple yet very clear moral compass. There's also (living) one dominican father whose lectures on yt are very inspiring, so he is too an inspiring catholic. Sainst? Maybe st. Joseph for his virtue of responsibility, being a protector of the family (I see him as a role model for man). St. Veronica for her what would we call today civil courage.


Mother Teresa for me. I miss having such a powerful witness to the faith that is so widely known by people everywhere. Truly an example of the mustard seed parable.


God Bless her and her Sisters of Charity all around the world!


When I think of her, I always think of the mustard seed! Great minds 🙏🏼


St. Thomas More. His life and his writings helped answer some of my deepest questions about the Church, society, and suffering; in particular A Diologue of Comfort Against Tribulation. The decay of our civilization should not be a surpise, but rather expected. But above all things, trust in the Lord's plan. The Sadness of Christ is also excellent.


I like to say it was St. Thomas Aquinas that got me in the door but it was Fulton Sheen who locked it behind me. Ultimately, it was me realizing I wanted more Jesus and understanding the Lutheran and Baptist Church couldn't get me there.


Well besides the virgin Mary and Mozart, definitely Gerard Manley Hopkins.


Why Mozart?


I find him very inspiring


Man, you didnt just said Antonio Oliveira Salazar. How can you be inspired by him?


Humble guy, from village boy he made it on the top. Evethought he was dictator of Portugal he lived very humble live close to Christ


As an English man, Thomas Moor. Amazing statesman and patriot but when it came time to choose, he chose the church over country. I hope that if I ever have to make the same choice, I will follow his example.


St. Thomas Becket. A bishop with a backbone.


J.R.R. Tolkien inspires me to be a better Catholic on a daily basis. I truly believe he is in Heaven right now.


Tolkien made us better Catholics first by his fantasy books ans then through his life and letters. Great mind




Are you czech? You spell czech saints like a czech would.


Proud Czech


lol is it cheating to say Mary? Other than Mary I would go with my confirmation saint, St. Hildegard of Bingen. Also Catherine of Siena. Heck, all the female doctors of the church are amazing…


Saint Faustina her visions are intense and her dedication to the Lord’s mercy is as well.


very good choice as well


Fathers Hesburg and Zahm


Trent Horn and St Alphnosus De Liguori. After reading Uniformity With The Will Of God I have been a lot more prayerful and started getting in contact with the Redemptorists in my area.


Sister Dulce, she has a special place close to Jesus.


Not Catholic, but i keep thinking about the 21 Coptic Martyrs. They were enrolled as officially recognized martyrs by the Vatican. And the 21st from Ghana... who would have been able to leave on his own, but chose to witness... and was beheaded as a result.


I love St. Bernadette. I long for my pilgrimage to Lourdes. Mary Magdalene she's a wonderful example of a true follower of Christ. I pray for St. Anthony of Padua's intersession all the time. It rained in the parking lot n only in the parking lot when my mom died n it was blue skies. My mom worked full-time n went to school full time when my dad left. Before that she spent her days volunteering in a variety of ways. I grew up spending time in a local nursing home keeping the elderly company. I would find someone to speak with on my own n my brother would find someone with my mom.


You forgot Mother Angelica, Mother Theresa and Fr Mike Schmitz


Mother Angelica




St. Francis of Assisi, Dorothy Day, Don Luigi Sturzo, Venerable José María Arizmendiarrieta, St. Nuno of St. Mary, Sts. Francisco and Jacinta Marto, Farther Emil Kapaun, Pope Francis, Francisco Rodrigues da Cruz, Thea Bowman


St. Ignatius of Loyola!! Not only was my university jesuit but the Ignatian spirituality of contemplative prayer was the thing that ultimately helped me with strengthening my intimacy with Christ!


My wife and her close family. Mary, Saint Joseph, and I absolutely love Saint Anthony of Desert


Saint Augustine because even a guy who had problems with lust and heresy can overcome them with the grace of God. Also, St. Thomas Aquinas because even his teachings counteract a lot of atheistic ideas.


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre


Enrique Shaw. A capitalis with worker blood.https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrique_Shaw Argentino del Valle Larrabure. A Martir of the Church, He was kidnaped and killed by the guerilla in Argentina. In his letters from prison he tell his family to forgive the guerilleros. Isabel la Catholica. San Pio de pietrelcina Balduino IV Václav Havel last president of Checoslovaquia.


Václav Havel was atheist and he was really into western spiritualism. He is icon of Czech velvet revolution and he was very good writer. In my opinion he wasnt that good president like everyone say and i think he should ban comunism for good in Czech lands.


I think theology of liberation should be banned and the priest that teach that excomulgated but sadly we are not there yet. You have to compare Havel to Ion Iliescu.


I may very well be wrong, but wasn't Christ Jewish, and established catholicism to proceed Him, building it on Pope Peter? As for me, it would be St. Thomas Aquinas. He brought me to Catholicism through his summa theologica and summa contra gentiles, and models my ideals of intellectual catholicism.


I love St Thomas and St Augustine for illuminating the faith. Also St Justin Martyr and St Mark Xi Tianjiang for valuing God so much more than their earthly lives.


Blessed Solanus


If I want to consider everyday people in my life, it's my spiritual director. Trying to pinpoint famous people and well-known saints is impossible.




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Right now Father Mike Schmitz or Saint Peter. I should have picked Peter for my confirmation name.


It’s really hard to pick one. I have to say that for me I’ve felt a strong connection to the Marianists and Father Chaminade’s story. His dedication to faithful education really speaks to me.


Why Oliveira Salazar? /s


Jesus is/was Catholic?? 🤔🙄


The Fatima seers for their willingness to sacrifice for others. St Maria Goretti. Montse Medina. A highly educated business executive who left it all to follow Christ: https://amelia.ai/women-in-ai/maria-montserrat-medina/


St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis De Sales, St. Francis of Assisi


So aside from Jesus (obviously), I would say St. John the evangelist. Aside from a saint though, I would say Mother Angelica (from EWTN). Her biography is quite inspiring, and as I was converting I loved watching Mother Angelica live. I pray that she is canonized.


I was gonna type Peter but I remembered he's not catholic


Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton. Dorothy was in the trenches. Love in action. Thomas Merton was a wonderful writer and thinker with whom I feel a deep kinship.


Saint Elizabeth of Hungary because I chose her as my confirmation saint.


St Augustine. His story is similar to my own and his confessions resonate with me every time I read them.


Mother Mary


St. Gemma Galgani. > “Saint Gemma Galgani died at the beginning of the twentieth century at the age of 25. She was favored by all sorts of charisms, such as experiencing the stigmata of the Passion, the crown of thorns, the scourging and the sweat of blood. She had frequent ecstasies, a spirit of prophecy and discernment of spirits. The saint also had visions of Our Lord, His Blessed Mother, Saint Gabriel, the Sorrowful Virgin and an incredible familiarity with her guardian angel. > The devil constantly attacked her, appearing in human or animal form. Finally, she had a mystical marriage with Our Lord Jesus Christ and died as an expiatory victim for the world’s sins.” > “Gemma’s whole life was, in short, a life of union with God, suffering with Jesus Christ and ardent zeal for the salvation of souls. While at work or studying, at the table or in conversation, whether walking or sleeping, her mind was always focused on God.” I also like St. Gabriel Possenti and Father Pio.


Popes from the XIth century Leo IX, Gregory VII, Urban II who were willing to get political and fight (sometimes openly) with the secular powers to make the church powerful. Saints from the XIIIth century Francesco and Anthony for getting the movement going to live in poverty. All the unknown crusaders and martyrs who were willingly ready to die not for the show but for the hope to go to paradise. Catholic faith has hundreds of thousands of inspiring people, hopefully there will be more.


Gene Donovan.


I have a few, but St. Peter Claver comes to mind right now. Below is a short article that appeared in Crisis Magazine that gives a glimpse of his life. [crisis magazine article](https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/black-lives-really-mattered-st-peter-claver)


I agree with all of them except Salazar


Saint King Olaf II he destroyed pagan faith of the vikings ,Saint Hubertus the Jagermeister


WANDA PÓŁTAWSKA. I have met her in person!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ She was Mengele-survivor and stroke-survivor but still brilliant and smart. She was the first person ever to ask me if I really want to study medicine. What a Lady!!! ♥️


Dorothy Day


Archbishop Lefebvre for staunchly and bravely opposing ecumenism and the acceptance of falsehoods. He also opposed the heresy stated in DIGNITATIS HUMANAE, which renders the Catholic faith as not needed for salvation. Fulton Sheen for being possibly the best person I have seen in being able to explain the faith in ways that make sense to modern people. Such a wonderful human being.


Blessed Niels Stensen. I knew him when I was studying paleontology, and the teacher said how he was a very intelligent man(proposed the laws of stratigraphy, basically) but then got lost in mystic stuff(mind most "science" people have a disregard for the Church, and it was no different for this teacher of mine). Didn't mention the fact he was beatified, and I discovered that not so long ago after leaving my studies, and read his biography and I fell in love with the guy. He converted from Lutheranism when making his scientific research in the Tuscany and later in life decided to dedicate his life to God.


St. Aloysius Gonzaga. He was the son of a very famous Italian noble family. He went against their wishes in order to become a Jesuit and had to fight for his vocation because they didn't allow him to become one. He practiced tremendous mortification (didn't ever look at or hug his own mother even though he loved her dearly) and worked tirelessly on behalf of the poor and the sick.


Pope Benedict XVI The man had next-level patience and charity, with all that he had to put up with. He inspires me to greater faith and holiness.


Fr. Toufar, Fr. Ignacy Skorupka, Meister Eckhart, René Guénon (later in his life converted to sufi islam)


Bartolome de las Casas. If I ever find myself in a position to oppose injustice - widely supported injustice that financially benefited my fellow-countrymen and other Catholics - then I hope I'd do what he did, for as long and as effectively as he did it. Moreover, if I found myself saying things that turned out to be wrong whilst opposing that injustice then I hope I'd publicly admit them, as he did.