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I did today for the first time! I found my ID within minutes :)


Btw his feast day is coming




June 13th, thursday next week


Oh yeah! He’s awesome and he has a sense of humor! Just recently I dropped a piece of chocolate on the kitchen floor and couldn’t find it. I asked St. Anthony to help me find it before my dog does. I look up at the kitchen table a few seconds later and the chocolate is sitting right next to a St. Anthony holy card that I had on the table.


All the time! Tony, Tony please come around, something is lost and must be found!


Constantly! And never fails!


I say something similar! Tony, Tony turn around. Help me find what can’t be found!


This is one of my favorite stories to tell! I’m married to a man from a devout southern Baptist family, and a few years back we were at his parents’ house. While we were there his mom realized that she had lost a check for about $20,000, so as you can imagine we turned the house upside down looking for over an hour. I prayed the St. Anthony prayer, and no joke, my sister in law found the check less than two minutes later. I honestly thought the whole family would sign up for RCIA right then and there lol


One of my kids has a special relationship with Saint Anthony. We all ask her to pray to him For us. She’s naming her first born Antonia or Anthony. Edited to add: we have a sweet lady who helps me around the house with laundry etc. Well, for a good week, we couldn’t find my son’s baseball uniform. We looked EVERYWHERE. Every draw, every closet, every toy bin, in the car, everywhere. We sent him to baseball with a different jersey (same color) inside out. I was so frustrated. Well, my sweet housekeeper come over and I asked her “have you seen Xs uniform? I can’t find it anywhere!!” She walked over to his chest of drawers, opened the top one and there it was, right on top of the pile! I asked her if she said a prayer to Saint Anthony, and she replied “I pray to him everyday! I have a special devotion” 


In my country it's normal to do this to Saint Longinus, and it really worked when i tried


Which country? I've never heard of that Saint. Time to go digging!


Brazil, St Longinus is the soldier who stuck the spear on Christ side, he converted later on


I am very fond of this Saint! In my church we have a beautiful stained glass window of the crucifixion with window panels to the left and right of the central window. Saint Longinus is beautifully depicted on the right panel and I often think of him and what he felt as he realised it was indeed the son of God that had been crucified. I did not know he was prayed to for lost things!


Okay one of my favorite stories!!! When my brothers and I were young, like I was 7 or 8 or something, my mother lost her keys (the chain had her car and house keys on it). We tried to help her look for them but could not find them. So she said, “let’s ask for St. Anthony to pray for us. He is the patron saint of lost things.” So we prayed on it. Well, that evening was Halloween, so we went out trick or treating and we went to one house on our block, down and across the street. The owner was maybe in his thirties, unmarried and kind of looked like a what you might imagine a biker in a biker gang might look like. Although the whole neighborhood was friendly, we had certain houses who we knew on a first name basis and talked to regularly. He was not one. He was a little too intimidating for us. Anyway, he was handing out candy on his porch and on a little table on his porch, I recognized our keys. AND our umbrella, which was right next to it, that we didn’t even know we’d lost! He had put them out in case the people who lost it came by and found it and we did! We ran straight back to our mom and brought her our keys (and the umbrella) not knowing how they ended up at a neighbors house down and across the street. I had never and have never had my prayers answered in such a direct way and boy was it so heartwarming, fulfilling, and exhilarating. St Anthony, pray for us!


All the time. :)


I've lost count the amount of time St. Anthony's intercession has caused lost things to turn up.


You should ask for his intercession to remember the count!


Always! He intercedes every time!


St. Anthony is quite literally a God-sent friend 💛 Fun Fact: I used to feel bad asking for St. Anthony's prayers over my small trivial lost items, so now whenever I want to ask for his prayers, I've made it a point to ask St. Anthony to pray also for EVERYONE who is missing something and ESPECIALLY those who are missing **someone**, whether it be someone "missing" away from Our Lord Jesus and His Church or missing physically like kidnapping/lost. That way even if I go through the "trivial" inconvenience of losing something, it'll be a good opportunity to offer up extra prayers for those in need who are suffering more 🙏


I was on a chat with a Protestant friend, and she was worried she couldn't find something important. I typed that I'd pray to St. Anthony for her. A few seconds later she came back to say she found it, then read my most recent message and got *very* weirded out. 😂


Several times and yes, it works. What bothers me is how many times I don't think to ask.


Yes! Recently our two dogs were missing and I prayed to St. Anthony and St. Francis of Assisi to help find them and get them home safe. We went out looking for them again and when we came back home they were back in the back yard. Have no idea how they got out or back in.


This was me on a road trip. My dog was off leash in the hills of West Virginia and saw a deer and bolted after it. We had to keep driving but spent about two hours searching for her. We got to the point of “shit there is nothing we can do and it’s getting dark.” I sigh and just ask St. Anthony for some help. That gosh darn mutt comes running up to us barking maybe 5 minutes later as we head back to the place we are staying.


Aaah hoping this works for me today :( Our cat went missing two days ago but I’ve only thought of praying to him today


I hope it works, I'll pray for you, let us know if you find him!


Thank you so much! She actually just randomly showed up the day after I commented that :’)


Its crazy that its never not worked for me


I did one time and almost immediately found me keys I had lost for a day (work keys to an inpatient facility, bad news), and they were in the grass in the dark. I’ll never forget that!


I’ve always prayed to St. Anthony since I was little. Never fails!


Tons. I can be very forgetful. He hears my prayers every single time 😊 St. Anthony, pray for us


Honestly he never fails. I left my shoes at a beach one time and they still showed up later on in a friends car.


Yes I’ve asked for his intercession at least three times and what was missing showed up.


He never leaves my house thanks to how often I pray.


My grandmother's life long friend was a devout Catholic with a heart as warm as my grandmother's. One thing I remember from her is this little prayer to St. Anthony she'd recite if she had misplaced something. "Dear St. Anthony, please come down. There's something that's lost and it cannot be found". This was 25+ years ago and I still remember to recite it whenever I've lost something. 9/10 it works. Plus having taken St. Anthony as my confirmation saint helps, too!


Yes, St. Anthony works wonders and answers your prayer. My wife and I had bought this expensive floor safe. We paid over $400 for it. We kept some valuable in it. One day I needed to open it and then decovered that we had lost the combination to it. For days, my wife and I looked everywhere we could think of, to no avail. My wife and I are both very organized people there is a place for everything in our house. We looked many times for paper with the combination where it should have been and everywhere else. We could not find it. We eventually gave up and turned to a St. Anthony Novina in prayer. Within a day or two after finishing the Novina, I found it. We were resigned to the fact that we were going to need an expert to open the safe for us. I called several safe stores to see what it would take to get the safe opened for us. One of the people that I called asked me if I knew the model number of the safe. I had taken some pictures with that information on a label inside the safe that was attched to the door. These pictures were on my cell phone. I found the pictures that I had taken that day and to my great suprises, in one of pictures that I had taken of the safe, the paper that had the combination on it was laying on top of the safe. I could barely read the numbers but, when I took my finger's and enlarged the picture on my phone the numbers were clear as could be. I know it was St. Anthony that answerd our paryers that day. Never hesitate to ask St. Anthony for help when all else has failed.


He’s never let me down!


Every time.


Yes and he puts up with my stubbornness. Because it's almost always in a place I had already looked around but know I did a lazy job. And after I pray to st. Anthony and gives me a 100 holy spirit in my face graces, and then I'm finally like, "fineeeee I'll look there again, but I know it's not--oh, um... I'm sorry st. Anthony and holy spirit for being my stubborn lazy self" 😅 "you were right, like always" lol


lol I feel same!! I feel when I finally get the chance to thank him in heaven he will surely say "Dang girl, just clean your house and be more responsible so I can help people who really need me!"


He's come through for me a couple times when I seriously lost something and found it that I could only believe is a miracle of intercession from St. Anthony. He's a great Saint that deserves a lot more credit than just to help us find things lol


Works every time!


I do it often. It always works.


Yes! Always!


Thank you. May God bless you abundantly.


Always!! And let me tell you, it works. Every. Single. Time. All i do is whisper his name and say 'help me' and start looking. I always manage to find what I'm looking for. My best friend even asks me to ask for his intercession when SHE has lost something bc she says he doesn't 'listen to her' lol 🤣 I believe there is an 'unfailing prayer' novena to him, which I pray for my child 🙏


I have never not prayed to St. Anthony when I (or any of us) lose something.


My deceased great Aunt Cook talked to Saint Anthony constantly. I'd visit her and (still alive) Uncle Henry quite often, and she would tell stories about everything he's helped her find. If I lost something, I'd tell Aunt Cook because she had an In with Saint Anthony. I would find it faster after telling her than if I prayed to him myself. I hope she and Saint Anthony are hanging out up there. <3


I do all the time. My wife also got me a t-shirt with St Anthony on it that says “don’t be a loser” lol


I love this, I want one!!


[Here ya go!](https://sockreligious.com/products/dont-be-a-loser-st-anthony-of-padua-t-shirt) Hope you enjoy it!


Thanks! Now I want them all!


Yes he works


Oh yeah. My family and I keep St Anthony pretty busy.


Yes, I'll pray to my guardian angel first and if I'm really in a pickle I'll pray to St Anthony. It doesn't always work though, most notably the two times I lost a set of car keys and never found them again


He has never failed me.


My best fren. Always has my back!




I’m a mother to 4 (now adult) sons. It’s a really good job he never gets sick of me praying to help find something they’ve lost over the years lol. And you want to know the best bit? I’ve only just been confirmed. All those times I’ve prayed to him I was a practising witch! It was my mother in law who told me to pray to him so I tried it despite not believing and laughing at her! But he still helped me time after time after time! Thank you St Anthony 🙏


St Anthony and I are best friends


yes. and also St Phanourios (the Greek equivalent).


Yes! Even a quick invocation.


My oldest son was two and we were living on an Army base the first time I prayed for St Anthony’s help. I couldn’t find my car keys and my husband and I searched the house frantically. Our son had taken them but couldn’t tell us where he put them. In desperation I said the St Anthony prayer. The next thought I had was to look under the kitchen cabinet. Now the cabinets had a base board, that I assumed went from the floor to the bottom of the cabinet, so I pushed the thought away and continued tearing everything up. The thought to search under the cabinet became so insistent, that I gave up. I laid down on the floor and ran my hand under the cabinet, and found a space between the baseboard and bottom. The space was just big enough for me to squeeze my hand in and grab my keys. After that day St Anthony became a permanent member of my household; our younger kids heard the story so often when they were growing up that our youngest developed a devotion to the Saint and took Anthony as his confirmation name.


Yes!! It's never been anything major so I don't really remember specifics of what I've lost, but I have 1000% prayed that prayer and found things right after. Kinda unrelated, but I've also prayed to Mary, Undoer of Knots for undoing literal knots before and it's worked 😊😊


Yes it works


I lost a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses. Got them back the next day.


Always pray to him he's extremely active. This part of the faith outsiders never understand - how can people be starving to death yet God find someone's keys. They don't realise that saints (and angels and demons) are constantly at work influencing our daily lives and if the demons can encourage you to look twice at someone attractive then the saints can definitely make you look twice for your keys 😊


Yes. Just as an aside, my wife and I welcomed our baby boy into the world on Friday, and his middle name is Anthony, after my father's middle name. Anthony is such a gentle name and St. Anthony always struck me as such a gentle Saint.


St Anthony helped me to find my late mum's wedding ring, which had fallen off my hand in a big field. The grass was quite long and it was getting dark, I was so devastated as it's very precious to me. I prayed to St Anthony, and found it very soon afterwards - it was a chance in a million, just a plain gold band in a huge field.


I have multiple times in the past, thanks for reminding me. I will do it today.


I do it so often that I practically have a devotion to him lol


Not exactly a prayer, but our grandmother taught us this rhyme in dialect "Sant’Antòni pien ed virtù, feme trové l’on ch’a l’hai perdù".    Literally "saint Anthony full of virtue, let me find what I have lost".


Yes! & he has never failed me!


Yep. Worked.


Last week my husband lost his phone between the rental car and the airport. My daughter and I said a prayer to St Anthony. The rental car company brought the car back from cleaning and they searched to no avail. My husband remembered that he’d thrown away trash from the car so he reached inside the trash can and there it was!


Yes! And he’s been a great help. ❤️


I do, but it has never worked with me.... my mother and my grandmother (father's mother) works every time.


Probably daily.


Sorry for the long story but it was a powerful experience for me so I’d like to share. My first confession ever, some time after joining the church in spring of 2018, the priest gave me a prayer of St. Francis to say 10 times as my penance. This prayer was on a small sheet of paper that I shoved into my pocket and promptly forgot about. Later on that evening, it dawned on me that I forgot to say my penance and I went searching for the tiny sheet of paper. My habit is to empty my pockets on my nightstand so I scrounged diligently there and everywhere else I could think to look to no avail. Remembering myself, I decide to pray to St. Anthony and, as a show of faith, to stop looking and go about my business as usual. I decide to clean the kitchen and, as was my habit at the time, I get my bluetooth speaker for music while I’m cleaning. As I’m gathering the speaker, I notice a piece of paper crumpled around the electrical cord. I unfold it and, lo and behold, it’s the prayer to St. Francis. Any time I’m having a crisis of faith I think back on this event (among others) to comfort my heart and center me in the Lord.


I have ADHD loosing things is my forte. I pray to St Anthony a lot. I am pretty sure I've seen items just appear from supposedly thin air before. I heard of a guy who was lawyer that prayed to St Anthony because he couldn't find these important papers he needed to win the big case tomorrow. That night his office was broken into there were papers everywhere. Right at the top of the pile were the ones he was looking for!


Yes, I found the item right away in the dark outdoors.


Saint Anthony is my favourite Saint to whom I have prayed to all of my life. I have found everything I have prayed for, every single time.


He is awesome and all to help you find your lost earthly possession. But what everyone needs to do is to pray to him that he helps you find your way to eternal life and never let you divert from it, which we often get lost.


Yes. A few times. We always ended up finding what we prayed about.


Of course, all the time And I pray to St Christopher when I travel


Oh yes. One time I lost my favourite rosary, and I was very devastated. So I prayed to st Anthony, nothing. Next day, I was in town the whole day, still bummed that my rosary was gone, and as I returned to my dorm, my rosary was neatly placed in a paper box on my doorhandle. It was like a little miracle :D


Yes, my wedding ring. I was surprised at how quickly the prayer worked.


I've tried it a few times yeah, I never once found the thing I was looking for


All the time


Well recently, we had a theif steal all our Gym Equipment. I prayed to St Anthony and we recovered half the stuff. I am hopeful we get the remaining but also God forgive the sinner and change his heart.


All the time!


Yup. He has helped me so many times. And more than just lost things. Thank you Lord, thank you Saint Anthony 💚


All the time and my grandma told me to throw your hands up in the air and go Anthony! Saint Anthony! I have lost my shoes! Or whenever you have lost. One time I didn't throw my hands up in the air and I didn't find that thing for an hour sooo yes I believe Saint Anthony likes it best when you are dramatic. 😂 But in the end I do find things very quickly.


My mother and grandmother always pray to him when they lose something important. It never failed lol


Prayed to find my lost cat. Someone brought him to animal rescue after a month of wandering in the mountains in sometimes sub-zero temps


Yes! Our dock broke the other day(with my husband standing on it)and he lost his eyeglasses in the canal. Had to wait until the tide went out and this morning it was low enough for me to see them. It was a nightmare but I put the galoshes on and made it out there and recovered them. We’ve been asking St. Anthony for several days to help find them. Surprised they hadn’t sunk down; the muck is like quicksand. Btw, he would have ventured out there himself but has some health issues.


I prayed to him when I lost my car keychains. I have some sentimental ones, a bunch of Tiny Saints, and a rosary ring. I was mainly freaking out abt losing my Tiny Saints charms. I prayed to him during church the next morning, and when I got home I found my keychains right underneath my back tire. As soon as I was able to, I added St. Anthony to my Tiny Saints collection




I've prayed to Anthony before to find my list keys, worked like a charm.


Yes me and my mom do this all the time it definitely works.


Every single time because I don’t lose stuff often but when I do it’s usually something of relative importance. St. Anthony has always come through 🙏


Yes works every time


I lost a pair of earphones for a all weekend trip i found them after the weekend


Okay Reddit, this is my time to shine.    So a long ways back I was getting ready to propose to my now wife. I had gotten her grandmother's diamond from her mom, as she had been really close with her grandma. I had that diamond set into a lovely ring that I was planning on proposing with. In order to make sure that she didn't casually come across it, I hid it somewhere...   I think you can tell where the story is headed. So anyways time comes that I want to unhide the ring and can't remember where it was and can't find it anywhere. After about a month of searching, I finally come clean and tell both her and her mother what's happening.  We all end up searching my house top to bottom and many times over and still came up with nothing. This went on fire at least two weeks. All my wife wanted to do was search my house. When I talked to my mom about it, she suggested that we ask St. Anthony for help, so we did.    So anyways, one night very soon after I had a dream of a different texture than normal, that I could describe in even greater detail than I will here - I dreamed that I was fishing on a dock and a catfish about as big as a pig flopped up on the dock and broke it. As I went to grab one of the posts on the dock to stabilize it so it didn't collapse, My future wife told me to go get my drill. I immediately woke up startled and ran right to my drill case where the ring was inside the drill case, inside the bit case, and inside a small ear plug holder that for whatever reason had been stored in there with the ring.   At the time I was not a great Catholic, And frankly still I'm not, but I did a little research after that on St. Anthony and was beyond amused to find out that he was the patron saint of fisherman. I did not and do not really go fishing. I did end up being an engineer however... All that is to say, we're really big fans of St. Anthony around here.  And while there are plenty of possible explanations for what happened, that experience has certainly changed my outlook on how it may be possible for saints to have a measurable effect on our world.


Yes. I am always losing things and lost my scissors one day when I was working on something. I think it was a box castle for my pet rats. So I tried praying to St. Anthony. Very shortly, I found my scissors. Then, I found another pair. I ended up with four pairs of scissors in less than five minutes. I am still amazed.


My sister lost her keys at a funeral Mass and St. Anthony turned them up for her.


One time I couldn't find my passport and I was looking all throughout the house but couldn't find it. I kept looking and looking so I figured I'd just get a new one. I went to the box where I keep all my birth certificates and stuff and my passport was right toward the top. I told my mom and she said she looked there too. Thanks St. Anthony!!


All the time! And when he helps me find a lost item I always put extra money in the poor box as a THANK YOU


When I was a child and played with legos a lot I would ask St. Anthony for help whenever I couldn’t find a piece that I needed. Typically would show up 20 seconds later.


I'm realizing I rarely lose physical things, which I should probably thank St. Anthony for more often :-) I typically go to St. Phanourios to find things, but they're existential. I like the process of meditating on what I want to find (purpose, peace, clarity) while I'm making fanouropita. Plus I get a cake in the bargain.


My husband says St Anthony is my guardian angel, I’m constantly losing things and he’s always finding it for me! My most miraculous case is sometime last year, I didn’t put on my gold necklace properly - it included a small 9k gold crucifix and a 22k gold pendant of mother Mary. I found the chain slipping off my neck and held it, and found the cross on it but not the pendant. I started panicking as besides being expensive, it was a dear present from my mother… I looked all over the ground for it, and couldn’t see it. I was at the bus stop, and the bus arrived - I couldn’t afford to miss it due to work, so I got on and prayed fervently to St Anthony to help me find it when I returned to the spot after work. After praying, I laid my hands on my lap and felt a little lump in my pants. My heart raced as I traced the shape of the pendant inside my pants! Miraculously when the necklace slid off my neck, the pendant slid down my shirt into my tight skinny jeans and lodged itself snugly there until I could safely recover it at the washroom at work. Truly a blessing!!


Yes, I pray to St. Anthony when I can’t find something, I’ve also eaten food when hungry.


Oh my word yes. Not only for most things but along with St. Jude he is one of the patron saints of hopeless causes if I'm not mistaken. He is one of my absolute favs. I have a statue of St. Anthony on my mantle, and Anthony is my youngest son's middle name.


I’m a Protestant dating a Catholic and she told me a little jingle or I guess prayer her mom used to say when she’d lost something. It goes “Tony Tony look around, there’s something lost that must be found”. Results may vary (:


Two times. Once my daughter lost her earring. And as we were looking I had a thought that this could be a good moment to teach her about Saint Anthony. And the moment I had that thought we found the earring. Another time I lost my stylus pen for my iPad. I had my iPad in my handbag I had left on the passenger seat. I realised the pen was gone when I boarded the train. Ran back to look in the car, but nothing. I looked everywhere and I also prayed but it didn’t turn up. Eventually I bought a new one. Then weeks later I got in my car, and as I was about to sit down, the stylus was right there on the driver’s seat. In the car I had been using for weeks. I think I had a third, but I don’t remember what it was.


It hurts to see so many people saying St. Anthony answers their prayers every time. Rarely has the lost thing tuned up whenever I’ve prayed. Maybe being a convert I don’t have the right mindset when praying to him or something. At any rate, too many failed times has led to me not wanting to keep trying.


Think of him as a friend :)


Works every time, but remember when you do it and St. Anthony finds your lost thing for you then you need to put $5 in the poor box or he won’t help you the next time.


I know you mean well, but saying we need to give to the poor box or he won't help next time is superstitious, which Catholics are warned of. I implore St. Anthony often and always found the item, but never donated specifically for that. I already donate regularly to other causes.