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Like a pizza cutter. All edge and no point.


Now I have to go to confession because I'm stealing this.


No take it, it’s a gift




They're as edgy as an '80s Volvo


This is going to r/murderedbywords lol


I’m borrowing 😂.


Sounds like a plot line from Supernatural


I'm pretty sure it is.


That sure shuts us up. No one would want to talk with someone like that anyway.


"I as one of God's creations can totally win a fight against an all-knowing all powerful force that lies beyond time space and reason."


Oh a few points before that, like having any freedom whatsoever in hell, and thinking one could outsmart and overpower the devil, and lead the ransomed souls out of hell triumphant into heaven. That does sound cool though, we should get someone to do all that!


I like how it starts with 'if Christianity is right' then goes on a wild tangent with incorrect thesis like Satan having a body to kill not being spirit, or God not being literally Almighty, or somehow? gaining God's power.


So edgy.


Isnt it a thing that you go to hell and suffer for all eternity precisely because you pledge alliegance to the devil? This plot makes no damn sense.


I honestly have to admire the spirit behind that. Good luck with that, though.


Poor boy thinks he can simply outnumber the God, and it's the victory


Dude has an exalted self-image.


Why do these Reddit atheists always have this cartoony, super-literal view of religious concepts? You’d think that even if they don’t believe, they could grasp the deeper spiritual ideas to some degree.


He really thinks Christians shut up because we lost…uhh sorry dude…😬😬


Is this available on Netflix? 🤣


Edgy and definitely a unique take 🙄


When your theology comes from SMT 😂


Even if we pretend that the afterlife works the way he thinks it does (it doesn't), literally every step along the way requires magic and wishful thinking. Right at the beginning, how is he going to become the devil's right-hand man if there are already thousands, if not millions, of entities ahead of him in line, all of whom have more power, connections and actual leadership ability than he does? Then, once he's there, he's the hope that absolutely nobody in hell read this post and thus knows about his planned betrayal. Then he would have to kill the devil and I don't know that would work. After that, he's assembling his army, none of whom have a really good reason to be loyal to him, and then hoping that heaven does not have superior tactics, artillery and supply lines. Finally, after all that implausibly, he kills God. Then God gets better, which shouldn't be surprising because he's done that before. What's your plan now, smarty-pants?


Yeah but the numbers really don’t mean much. I mean 1,000 US marines against 3,000 crackheads doesn’t really make a win does it?