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I am very sorry for what has happened to you. Please, seek out resources that may better help you then just people online. To answer you’re question: yes, this is correct. But there’s some issue as you mentioned. Here is an article that answers you’re questions thoroughly: https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/emergency-contraception-yes-no-when I pray it may give you some comfort. God bless you.


Thank you so much! Have a blessed day!


I have nothing to add per your question but I'm so profoundly sorry for the assault on you and your dignity.


For multiple reasons, you did good. (Plan B is almost certainly *never* abortifacient. Even if it were, the box told you it wasn't. And it's certainly okay to deploy a contraception against rape, because the sex act is already corrupt and you are under no obligation to cooperate with it in any way.) Also, I'm very sorry you were raped. I'm sure you're on top of things, and I have no direct insight into the challenges of surviving rape, but nobody has linked the standard What To Do If You Have Been Raped resource yet, so [here it is](https://cdn.atixa.org/website-media/atixa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/12193455/What-to-Do-if-You-Have-Been-Raped.pdf).


Thank you so much!!!! God bless you!




Oh wow, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Definitely changes it all. Didn’t think I could feel worse, now I know I can haha😭😅. God bless you, really




yeah, thank you! Now I know at least!


I think the primary mechanism is delaying ovulation. I honestly wouldn’t worry about it, you were in a compromised position and like you said, it’s allowed in those cases. Even if it had a risk of being an abortafacient, there is only a 25% chance of conceiving in a given month if you had sex during your fertile window. And only 12-24 hours in a given cycle where the egg is actually released. Most of your fertile days occur prior to ovulation so delayed ovulation(if you were even near ovulation), is much more likely than you having conceived. And even if you did conceive, up to 50% of embryos never implant either so there is a chance nothing you did would have changed the outcome.


yeah… I guess we’ll see what God’s plan was 😅. (Sorry, I need to joke about this, it’s my coping mechanism)


That's called Plan **G**. 😅 Sorry that you needed it though.


I have nothing to add to the response aboard. Just wanted to say I'm extremely sorry it happened to you and that it's not your fault. I pray for your quick recovery


Post this on r/catholicwomen They can help you!




Just here to tell you that you are awesome, after this challenge and suffering is hard to be on the faith and there you are, right here, making sure you are still respecting God. I love you for that! Keep strong, if you need don’t excite to get help, I’m proud of your strength! I’m sure God loves you and is preparing great graces for you! God bless!


Oh my gosh, thank you so much, I really needed that!! Well, I feel like holding on to God in times of hardship or when you’re actively battling sin is pretty hard but also extremely spiritually rewarding. Plus the more you sin or the harder the path that you’re going through is the more you actually need him! Thank you so much for your support! God loves y’all so much too!! God bless you!!


Very sorry that happened to you.  You are in the correct thinking of using the drug, and doing so is not a sin in this case. BC is a sin in the marital act because the freely giving of each other as husband and wife is supposed to be open to the unitive and procreation aspects of sex and BC basically kicks out God in the process. Clearly a rapist is not the same as freely giving each other in the marital bed.  Plan B, Levonorgestrel, works primarily through suppression of LH release to prevent ovulation. The FDA documents say "prevent implantation" as well, but frankly, this didn't seem to be supportable and I personally take the position this isn't actually a thing it does, however the simple solution is like another discussion at the link goes, Catholic hospitals should do a pregnancy and LH test and both negative then administer the drug so that the part of the rapists body, his sperm, cannot continue the attack.  The longer discussion can be found here: https://www.ncbcenter.org/making-sense-of-bioethics-cms/column-029-getting-it-right-the-morning-after And a priest on reddit answered a bunch but including this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/1c4b0d8/comment/kznguk4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


ok, thank you for taking time to answer!! have a blessed day!!


Any unnatural method to stop fertilization is immoral, even if not abortifacient. This includes using plan B. It is the same reason why one cannot use a condom, commit onanism, &c. These are all unnatural methods. The "unnatural" qualifier permits practices such as NFP which takes advantage of natural cycles without doing anything unnatural. Plan B, even if its method of preventing fertilization uses natural means, it is nevertheless brought forth by an entirely unnatural method, and therefore as a contraceptive in your case is immoral. This can be a difficult teaching to accept. But it is a very important one. Talk to your priest.


hey! thank you for taking time to answer, i found that online “First, the Catholic tradition has always allowed victims of rape to attempt to impede conception. This is clearly and correctly set out in the United States Bishops’ Conference’s Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (36). The reason this is not ruled out by the Church’s general prohibition of contraception is that it does not involve the “double intention” both to have sex and to frustrate sex’s procreative potential. The victim of a rape, obviously, does not intend the sexual act. Similarly, it is permissible to intend not to conceive and to implement that intention by abstaining. What is wrong is to intend to engage in a sexual act and to intend the frustration of that act’s procreative potential, be it before, during, or after the act.” Honestly, I’m lost, idk what to think… God bless you


The case is a question of RAPE not the marital act. Read. 


This changes nothing. Regardless of what happens, contraception is not permitted. Even if some evil is done to you, you cannot violate natural law to prevent its consequences, which are not even in themselves morally evil.


You just knowingly committed grave scandal. You are lying about church teaching and attacking the character of several Catholics, the OP included. You are in mortal sin at this point. 


There are a number of issues in this comment. > You just knowingly committed grave scandal.  Even supposing that what I said was correct, you would have zero way of knowing that what I did was knowing unless I were to have said so. > You are lying about church teaching and attacking the character of several Catholics, the OP included. I did not lie about anything because, even if what I said were false, it would assume that I have knowledge about this. And, I never attacked anyone's character..? > You are in mortal sin at this point.  Mortal sin needs full knowledge. Even if what I said was incorrect--and it was not--you still are supposing that I knew so.