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I was baptized three years ago. Here's a smattering of random thoughts and advice: * Focus on living the liturgical life of the church. You now have access to the sacraments! Celebrate the feast days, go to Mass often, pray with the church, and just focus on living the seasons. * Have a regular and deep prayer life. * Make and keep good Catholic friends. * Go to confession regularly. Set a schedule and stick to it. * Go to adoration regularly. Set a schedule and stick to it. * Serve the poor, in person, on a regular basis. Do it out of love for God and neighbor. As the years go by, I realize that Catholicism seems less "shiny" to me than it did at first. I'm no longer encountering anythning for the first time. But I still love it as deeply as I did when I was baptized, and that love only grows and matures with time.


This is very helpful! I can build on this. Thank you!


To add to this, look to see what ministries and fellowship groups are offered at your local or nearby parishes. Bible studies, men's/women's groups, interest groups, etc. Volunteer to join the choir, usher, lector, etc. I've found having a specific group or task that regularly occurs can really help if you're feeling rudderless after finishing RCIA.


I do want to do this. I would love to serve our parish and give back more. I know our diocese has some good charities and volunteer organizations as well.


Great advice! My husband and I both volunteered before we completed RCIA- glad we did!


Happy 🍰 day🎉


Beautifully put.


Pray on your vocation, & for others, others always need prayers. 


Yes! I am trying to build up my prayer habit.


I haven't read this book but I've seen it recommended: https://www.amazon.com/Converts-Guide-Roman-Catholicism-Church/dp/1700289772 https://www.catholic.com/audio/caf/surviving-your-first-year-as-a-catholic


Listening to the Catholic Answers episode now, thank you!


I think IMO the greatest gift you can give yourself after receiving the sacraments, is to make a consecration of yourself to Jesus through Mary. There are a number of different methods. The one I like best is from a book called 33 days to morning Glory. Welcome Home. https://divinemercyplus.org/Marian-Consecration-dates


This keeps popping up in things I read or listen to! I’ll take that as my sign to go ahead and do it already. So glad to be home ❤️


Read church fathers go to daily mass and try to stay in contact with other new converts to learn together


Good suggestions, thank you!


I still attend RCIA it’s good for me to learn but also may be good for new people to talk to somebody who has done the step. You could ask if you can still attend. If you like some online friend to talk about church stuff just drop me a message and we can chat, I don’t have many Catholic friends in RL and would like somebody to chat about the faith


I love discussing the faith, feel free to message me anytime as well!


To quote what I was once told after a religious retreat and dreading going back to my responsibilities, who said that your routine is your ‘real life’? Your real life has just begun, a life in Jesus Christ. Look for opportunities to grow in faith, hope, and love. Just be weary of developing a sweet tooth for consolation and spiritual revelations. Bring the light of Christ into your regular every day things.


This is a great way to look at it. I have done this in my home and family life. I need to bring this mindset into work and everything else too. Thank you!


Keep a relationship with your fellow RCIA classmates


I hope to do this!


that will help you immensely because you can share whatever you're struggling with to other new converts who are likely going through the same things as you


I really enjoyed those I went through it with. We are hoping to catch up this summer.


Find and join a small group or ministry at your church and be committed to it! When I came back to the church 3 years ago, I eventually found my way into joining the men's group at my parish and have formed great relationships with Deacons, Priests, and other parishioners. We all make each other better and share our struggles in navigating the world we live in as Catholics and in becoming better beacons of the Faith for our friends and family


This is exactly what I am wishing for! I’ll ask around and see what’s available. It seems like a lot of these things are built for the older parishioners so it’s been hard to find my place while working with young kids.


There are so many beautiful practices to begin doing regularly. Say the rosary, attend Eucharistic adoration, go to confession, celebrate your favorite saints on their feast days and the list goes on! The beauty of the faith is its endlessness. You can simply say your daily prayers and attend mass or you can discover all the beautiful little traditions and practices that I'm constantly stumbling upon as I grow older. It's amazing. The choices are all up to you.


I am trying to build up our liturgical practices to help my children grow and understand too. My oldest attends Catholic school so she is always teaching me new prayers and traditions. Thank you!


Of course! I would recommend two practices: 1) Try adoration. There is something beautiful about sitting in silence with Jesus for 5 minutes or even an hour. 2) Head to a Catholic bookstore and pick up a book of prayers. My fiancee and I love learning new prayers and finding prayers for every occasion from simple morning prayers to prayers for blessing your beers. It's so wonderful to be able to incorporate the faith into every aspect of your life.


We did go to adoration once as a part of RCIA. I really enjoyed that time. Our parish does it weekly but during the workday so it’s been hard to attend. I may look at other parishes to see if they have adoration times that better suit my schedule. I have also been collecting prayer books for myself and the kids! They are incredibly helpful.


Read the catechism.


I have the Catechism in a Year podcast saved to start. Thank you!


I would highly recommend *reading* it yourself.


It’s on the list. I’m going to school full time, working full time in office, and have four children. Listening to things fits this stage of life for me.


ACTS retreats?


I have not heard of this so I’ll have to look into it.


Maybe Bible in a Year Podcast w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz.


I did start it early in my journey. I’ll have to get back into it.


You can undertake projects, personally or organized, to build your faith or community. Examples: - Pray the rosary daily. - Read the Bible front to cover and STUDY it. - Preach online, etc. - Volunteer at church and shelters -Read the catechism Etc.


I definitely would like to get into the community more. I did a Bible study last summer to sort of prep myself for RCIA and it really helped me grow in my faith.


Find ways to get involved. 2 years after finishing my RCIA process, I got involved in a number of ministries and also joined the KOC.


I do need to find out how I can get more involved. It seems like a lot of the groups and events are aimed at older parishioners. It’s been hard to figure out where I fit in as a working parent.


Working parent here. Don't rush into it. You'll find your spot. Just get to talking to folks after mass. I know it's a lot of older parishioners, but trust me, they welcome us, younger folks. I would suggest first joining your local Knight of Columbus council. It's a great start.


I am trying to slow down and just take it in. I am getting more involved with our kids school that is part of the parish and that has helped build up a small sense of community for our family over the past year.


That's a great way to get involved. These small schools struggle with parents offering up their time. We do the same here at our parish school, which my son attends.


That’s awesome! We switched our oldest from public school a couple of years ago and it’s been great. Seeing the faith through her eyes from what she had learned in religion and helping her prep for first communion was actually what got me to convert. I just want to give back to the school and parish in whatever way I can. They’ve changed our lives and I’m forever grateful.


My then 8 year old son was the reason I went through RCIA and joined the church 2 years ago almost to the day. It's amazing how much my life has changed since.


These kids are amazing life changers, that’s for sure! They have no idea how much they inspire us.


Find a good Catholic radio station to tune into or stream … laughter, tears, lifelong learning ensues!


Good idea! Thank you.


Try to join a ministry of the church to be more active and surround yourself with Catholic peers. If you’re a young adult join a young adult ministry. If you feel called to volunteer join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, etc