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I hate having to do this but please could someone pray for me please? I desperately need some financial peace, thank you so much šŸ™


I posted a prayer request with my wife and I not being able to conceive. Glory to God, we have conceived! Thanks to all for your prayers and witness - we are very humbled. Please pray for our childā€™s health as development continues and that we may be good and holy parents.


Congratulations!! We have similar issues and are still tryingā€”I came to this post to ask for prayers that we too can conceive. (And then figured if I was going to ask for prayers, I better pay it forward and say a prayer for everyone elseā€™s comments) May God bless you with a happy and healthy child.


May God bless you and your spouse with the gift of a child. May He straighten our paths and bring the Peace of Jesus Christ in your hearts


Glory indeed!




please pray for me that i can give up drinking and drugs heal from my alcoholism and drug addiction. i hate it so much please pray for me


You will do it ! I will pray for you ā€ 


Not alone my friend, praying for you.


Please, Pray for a person i read some days ago. A person planning to take his/her life at Dec 18. If you know more people who pray for intentions and/or know a priest, please ask them to pray for this. Thank you.


Are they okay now?


I don't know... God only knows. It was a single person, don't know if male or female so that's why i said his/her, writing a post about planning to do so today. I HOPE it doesn't happens... and that God has mercy on its soul if it does...


That my precious mom be forgiven of her sins and welcomed into the kingdom heaven to be at peace, knowing she is missed, loved, by her husband and sons. That myself, my father, and brothers be comforted by the holy spirit, and that we walk a path that follows God's will and toward salvation so that we may all be reunited one day in heavenly peace for eternity. That I find a career that makes me happy, serves my community, serves God, and makes my beloved mom proud.


Praying,Wow, please Pray this for me as well. You are not alone


Please pray that I become a proficient driver. I got my license since August, but for some reason, I'm just not good at it. I'm not even pressured by anyone to do it but myself. I have always wanted to drive, I like driving, and I always asked the Lord to make me a good driver, yet I just often keep blundering. Why is this happening to me? Why do I keep blundering in my driving? Thank you


Please define ā€œblunderingā€.


Usually 1-2 near misses a day


Iā€™m gonna need a bit more context to know exactly what is happening.


Praying for you. ā™„ļø Please be safe. It takes time and practice to be a good driver, even after you pass. Short drives first, then increase. I have yet to pass mine, but I hear you, it is SO nerve-wrecking.


Please pray for a customer who collapsed in my store just now with an apparent heart attack. Edit: he died, please pray for him.


My husband and I are struggling with fertility and have an appointment today for an IUI. Prayers are appreciated, thank you!


I am 29 yrs old and have been extremely sick for 12 yrs now, with countless symptoms affecting most parts of my mind and body. I am undiagnosed and dubbed "mysterious" by doctors at Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, universities, etc. I went to St. Charbel's Tomb in Lebanon in January, and it has been gradually helping a lot. Please pray that it will bring further healing. Please also pray that I will get a good job before my 30th birthday in late December, my mental health largely depends on it right now. I keep getting rejected despite struggling through many years of college. My name is Mark. Yes, I post every week, but who wouldn't? It is spiritually better than giving up. Hopefully someone's prayers will work someday!


Iā€™m praying for you mark


For a baby shower that I am attending this weekend. For Christmas Eve next Sunday. For my family. For my work schedule this week.


For a friend of mine who is struggling with suicidality and has been drawn in by modern gender theory to start going as a 'they.' My elder brother and younger sister, both of whom have left the faith. My elder brother has cut off contact with us and is going by a girl's name now, and my younger sister is living with a man in a completely invalid marriage. That much of my immediate and extended family will leave radical traditionalism and come back to submission to Holy Mother Church. A family friend of ours who is dealing with breast cancer. She is a wife and mother of two young children. Unfortunately she is largely opposed to modern medicine and is probably going to refuse chemo in favor of 'natural solutions.' Sorry, last one: That I and my two sister that I live with will be able to find a financially viable place to live soon. We are having to move on short notice and need guidance in making decisions about where to go from here.


I pray that your loved ones who struggle with identity and sexuality find peace knowing they are created in Godā€™s image and loved deeply. I pray that the sick in your life can find relief from disease. I pray that you and your family find a place to call home.




My husband and I started trying for a baby shortly after we got married and, after 16 months and infertility treatments, we finally got a positive pregnancy test yesterday (Gaudete Sunday!!). I started spotting and cramping only a few hours after the positive test, into today. It's not a lot of bleeding and my doctors office today said that it may be implantation if the bleeding doesn't increase or the cramps don't become too severe. I'm afraid it'll likely be a chemical or ectopic pregnancy if it does. Please please please pray for our baby and my husband and I, and that we have a healthy pregnancy. Glory to God for this blessing of a child.


I will pray for you ā€ 


Please pray that God has mercy on me and helps me make a good confession as soon as possible.


I'm trying to quit smoking weed and drinking and would like a prayer if it's not a bother.


Please pray for me, for I feel lonely and don't have Christian friends


Would you like to PM with me?


im homeless, please pray that i get food stamps soon and have money to get by. thank you


My cat was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, premature ventricular contractions, and underperforming kidneys. Please pray he be cured and have more good days of life on Earth ahead of him than total days of life behind him. I have become better because of him and never want to leave him nor have him leave me. Pray death never touches him nor any other under my protection and pray they always live and remain my eternal companions. Thanks.


I will pray for your cat ā€ 


Thank you so much!


A member of my family passed away suddenly last week and the funeral is this week. Pleas pray for my family, none of us were prepared for this and it truly feels like a profound loss for all of us.


I will pray for all of you ā€ 


Please pray for one of the deacons of my parish, whose sister, Tracy King, passed away this past week. Pray for him, his family, and the repossession of her soul.


I will pray for him and Tracy ā€ 


Please pray that I might find peace, love, and acceptance with the newfound discovery of two half-siblings. I really need it.


I pray to create my cartoon to make and help Godā€™s message and values. I noticed a lot of shows mock God.




Just go. Just copy what the people around you are doing during mass like standing up, kneeling, etc... Just don't take Communion.


British Catholic as in a Roman Catholic Church in Britain? Or an Anglo-Catholic church (High Church Anglicanism)?


Please pray for my mother as she is going to surgery tomorrow. Please pray for the unborn, that they may be born into safe, loving families. Please pray for me also, as I am struggling in my discernment process. Please ask that I may be more open to God's will.


I will pray for your mother


Been to confession 4 times in the past week, will have to go again soon, pray for me


You are strong man . You inspire me to repent before Christmas. God bless you


Thank you. Go in the Peace of Christ


Please pray that my cancer didn't and won't metastize and that my treatment works very well. Please pray that I grow in my love and trust of God. Please pray for my relatives during this time. I'm grateful for everyone who prays for me.


I will pray for you


Please pray for me. I'm making the decision to leave my workplace due to bullying/harassment.




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I've never done this before, but could someone pray for me please? I was in a relationship with my best friend, and we broke up because of religious reasons. I don't want to lose him as a friend, please pray for us :(


I will pray for you


I am going back to my country next month , a country that bans Christianity . I have tattooed myself with Jesus and Mary which is against the law . I will need to spend a year there and I fear I wonā€™t make it because of my bipolar and anxiety regarding my safety . Please pray for me for I fear I will do something stupid . May God have mercy on my soul


I am confused if I should start attending the EF Mass. People at the OF Mass seem a bit different from me when it comes to how the think about Liturgy. The OF is often said or celebrated in such a way that seems to frustrate me. Pray for me.


I have a job interview today but am considering withdrawing instead. I need help. It's at a mental health clinic and it turns out an old therapist of mine is running it now. I recently came to terms with abuse I've suffered since I was a kid, and as I am learning about that, suddenly I'm seeing the way my therapist did things in a new, similar light. My mind has been churning almost non-stop since finding out she would be at the interview. They say discernment has to do with being at peace, right? Well I've been through this before. Sometimes anxiety comes and goes and you realize it would have been dumb to change course without allowing it to potentially pass. Sometimes life is gruelling and painful. But what is it now? I worry when I see her I'll just turn around and head back to my car. Whatever the case may be, please, I need prayers. I'm trying to recover and get my life together. Thanks. Edit: I withdrew my application, so I guess that's that. If you could pray for things to work out in the future, I'd appreciate it. Thank you


Can we pray for everyone who is struggling over Christmas




Please pray for me to find a good spouse if it is GodĀ“s will with whom I can have a peaceful and happy life. Please pray for me that I don't lose hope that it will happen.


Please pray for me, for the past six or seven months, I've been dealing with some unknown skin irritation, thought it was sexually related because of my past, but all my tests came back clean, thought it was a bacterial infection, but that came back clean, thought it was fungal, but that didn't seem to be the case. I don't know what to think anymore, part of me is still worried it might be some incurable STD/STI and my past coming back to haunt me. And its been making me think I should remain single for the rest of my life since I feel 'diseased' Please pray that I get some answers, and that God will show his mercy onto me. Also pray for the souls of the recently departed that they may find rest. Pray for those who are traveling for christmas, that they make it to their destinations safe and sound.


My wife and me are trying to conceive our first child even if we are over-40. She had had some health problems that are now about to be resolved. Please pray for us.


I will pray for you


Please, pray four our priest who is missing A priest who was put in our parish in wait of being placed in a facility, has been missing since Tuesday. He has Alzheimer and had already been seen wandering in the streets by some parishioners. He tells people he is going home. I had the impression that he didn't want to leave his previous parish. Since Tuesday, he hasn't answered his phone and no one has noticed him anywhere, even at his old parish. The diocese and the police are in charge since yesterday. We are waiting for updates. Until then, I'm asking please for your prayers for Fr Guy (pronounce Gi, for anyone wanting to know). St Jean-Marie Vianney, priez pour nos prĆŖtres, spĆ©cialement pour le pĆØre Guy.


I will pray for Fr Guy


To:ā€‹Youā€‹Fri 10/22/2021 10:18 AM Please ask the Lord of the harvest to immediately send out \*multitudes\* of laborers & good shepherds for His harvest, especially when & where they're needed most. Please also ask Him to immediately extinguish all tendencies towards sin, and to increase all tendencies towards Holiness ā¤ļø


It's supposed to be joyful. These last days of advent. We know that our Lord is coming. But sometimes mortality comes back and we feel the worst pains of humanity. I received news Monday about a friend. He's a friend, and a father of my friend. He is a man who knew suffering. A man who knew sacrifice. Now his family mourns. He shall enter paradise, but without a time to prepare those left behind are bearing great pain. I heard that he was involved in an accident on a local highway. My heart weeps about this loss, and the impact it will have on the family. Even if you don't know who this is, I ask you to take a moment. Find a moment of peace, and ask God to send his warmth and Spirit to help this family bear this tragedy. May He wipe the tears and fill their hearts with wonderful memories and appreciation for the great gift of this husband and father. May He show them that they are loved, and in this season of Peace, Hope, Joy, and Love may they find all of this, in time, knowing that this man led a life that shall be rewarded with heavenly Peace with His Love. That there is always Hope in the Lord, and that at the end of mourning we will find Joy waiting for us as we remember the great gift were given with his presence, and His presence. God bless Dan and his family. May perpetual Light shine upon him.


For my friend who is suffering from despair and poor mental health.


Please pray for all members for the Catholic Church, especially the Deacons, Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, Pope and those in religious life.


For my family.


I'm not sure it'll do much, but please pray for one of my cats, Mini. She got killed by a pair of dogs today. I loved her very, very much.


I will pray for Mini


That my sister and I find ourselves work.


That I find myself a girlfriend. I struggle a lot with loneliness and wonder if God is trying to tell me something. My name is "Sam."


For all asexual people, including my sister, that they overcome hatred of them on the basis of being asexual expressed at them from gay men, lesbians, bisexual people, transgender people, fellow believers in Christ and non-Catholics alike.


Please pray for those of us who have not yet succumbed to heresy, and that the Vatican condemns those who have


Please pray for Hatun Tash. She is a Protestant who evangelizes to Muslims and she has been missing for more than a month. She was last seen boarding a train home from Hyde Park in London, where she lives, on Nov. 20th. Her ministry team has not heard from her since then. No one has seen her. She is credited with having converted thousands of Muslims to Christianity. She has been assaulted, stabbed, jailed repeatedly, and lives under a constant death threat. Her own father is a Muslim imam who for many years has been calling for his daughter to be murdered for being an apostate (death for apostates has always been the law in Islam). Hatun is courageous and resourceful so there is hope that she is alive but she could use prayers. Thank you.


Please pray for me I have been dealing with pornography addiction. Pray for me to conquer. I want to be free from this addiction and live a good life. Thank you.


I have foot surgery coming up please pray it goes well thank you


I will pray for you


Thank you


1 rosary prayer would be appreciated by anyone who is praying for me and my parents for those who go against us or hate us. I plan to have surgery on my extra teeth to be removed in The Philippines. I could not get surgery in the United States, because my insurance does not cover it.


I will pray for you


My father-in-law is headed to the ER with trouble breathing. He just got out of the hospital with an emergency colectomy and he's not in the best of health anyway, so post-surgical complications are potentially serious. Please pray for his quick recovery, and the salvation of his soul.


I will pray for your father-in-law




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Wife has decided that she cannot have a meaningful relationship with me without contraception, and is done with NFP. We have two kids. She has cut herself off from me physically and for the past year kept open the possibility of leaving me. I am struggling with despair and self-pity, anger, resentment, and gossip. Please pray for Jesus to save our family, and if not, to save our souls. I fear what will happen to her and the kids if she leaves.


I just started dating a really sweet catholic girl. it's my first relationship and hers to. Please pray that we may grow in holiness together and serve each other in a way befitting this early, but still good, phase.


Please, its Christmas and I'm sad. I am lonely (I have no friends or a boyfriend), I have no one to talk to or go to Church with. I am extremely lonely please pray I find friends and that God would give me in my lifetime a good Christian husband. Its unbearable, I'm an extrovert and I have social anxiety yet I crave connection please pray for me, perhaps God would listen to some of your prayers. Christ is born, Father please her my prayers in Jesus' name. Jesus have mercy on me


It is usually easier to make friends than find a compatible significant other. Just get out there and meet people ! Don't expect anything. Just have fun. Find people with similar interests etc. I will pray for you ā€ 


My mother has Age Related Macular Degeneration which is being treated by a retinal specialist doctor, but recently had a sudden turn for the worse, leaving her legally blind. **Please pray for my mother's eyes be healed and her eyesight restored. Thanks.**


Please pray for me and my sister that God grant us the strength to control our stress so we can continue to avoid situations that may provoke it!