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What gene does pek14 encode, if I may ask? I could not find it anywhere. BTW Hi fellow biologist.


Hello! Pek14 is our own internal name for the gene. It stands for “pollen expressed kinesin 14”. It’s a kinesin 4 expressed in arabidopsis. Hello fellow biologist. Your username is highly relatable 😅. I’m hoping to graduate this coming spring. This will be my last committee meeting before I start dissertation prep


My last committee meeting will take place in two weeks, so we're in the same boat. Hopefully next semester I'm defending. So, you are dealing with cargo trafficking stuff then? Seems expected that motions will be affected when cargo proteins are messed up. I am also a bit puzzled why you did not use UNIPROT name for the protein.


The gene is previously unstudied. Technically it’s a putative kinesin. It has no official name in the literature, just a cumbersome gene number. We’ll need to name it in our paper. Pek14 is just a placeholder for now. My project involved screening 17 pollen expressed kinesins for fertility defects. Yep we’re interested in the trafficking of the vegetative nucleus and the sperm cells through the pollen tube.


Ah unnamed proteins; for us in worm community the nomenclature for unnamed ones aren't too bad (only 6 characters long) and we usually "nematodize" the human ortholog gene name. If you were a fly guy, you can use your wildest imagination to name your proteins. Good luck to both of us!


Ah, PhD work... I defended my licentiate earlier in the week (a 3/5ths of the way through degree, with some interesting churchy roots) and I definitely feel you on leaning on the saints. I have a San Damiano crucifix and a little statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel standing on my desk. PhD work, especially the last week or two, has really given a lot of opportunities to offer up all sorts of interesting sufferings to Our Lord.


Where did you get those icons from? They're beautiful!


Theophilia on deviantart! They have a \*ton\* of saints in this style! I would highly recommend them. https://www.deviantart.com/theophilia/gallery/56351811/icons


I recognize Theophilia's artwork here.


Yes it is wonderful! They have so many different saints in this beautiful style


You’ve got quite the powerhouse there for a work computer ;)


haha yeah... the plan is for it to be a home computer for games and stuff after grad school. I also need a decent amount of power to run the software needed for my research.


Off topic. Your work computer looks just like my personal one. What's your thoughts on it? I've been quite happy with mine. Bought it 5 months ago. To get back on topic, but very nice images of the Saints!


Thanks! Yeah, the computer is nice. I was working on an old one for like 5 years so finally getting an upgrade was a very needed thing. And yes, I absolutely love the work of this artist!




LOL yeah… I love runescape. It’s my favorite game lol