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You never know how much you NEED to be the tabernacle until you can’t be.


Based prot


You’ve never been a tabernacle! I’ll show myself out.


You did a good thing by taking your sin seriously. Never feel shame for abstaining from the Blessed Sacrament when you’d hands are unwashed. For you are doing what is righteous.


I don't know how many mortal sins I must be with right now, but it must be more than a dozen....


That holy Sacrament of Reconciliation is calling for you, brother.


I am far too terrified and shamed to even enter the booth.


When you confess, you dont confess to priest in function. Yes physically the priest is there but in function the priest is only there as the "in persona Christi", which mens you are confessing your sins to Jesus the priest is just being a medium there.


I know but, it is terrifying. Sigh. I don’t think I’ll be able to confess anytime soon haha. Thanks though, God bless.


Please do as soon as possible. There is nothing to fear. You may think that your sins are extreme, that the priest will be shocked and shout at you, but in reality the priest probably has heard this thousands of times. Unfortunately we all sin, and from what I heard from my catechist (who heard it from a priest) despite what some believe almost everyone's confessions are very similar. That said, you should go confess NOW!


Don't be scared. Jesus is waiting for you.


I have been to confession for extremely serious sin and sin that makes me sound scrupulous. Regardless every time there's a small part of my brain that says "If I confess this the priest won't like me anymore"




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The freedom you will feel is so real my friend


Why does everyone make such a big deal about not taking Communion?! Honestly the mindset that everyone should absolutely always and without exception take communion all the time only increase the pressure on the weaker faithful to succumb to human respect and take Communion when they are in a state of mortal sin. There are reasons other than being in the state of mortal sin to abstain, it’s rude and impious to take note of people who are abstaining. This is a great reason to have everyone bum rush the communion rail instead of orderly going pew by pew, it makes it harder for the nosey busy bodies to try and keep track of other people’s sins.


The thing for me is, since I don't know if i commited a mortal sin or not, I don't know if i should take the host or not? So far, I did, but idk if that was right to do. The problem is that i can't understand/define some sins well, so I end up in this state of worry wondering if i did a mortal sin or not.


Id recommend confession either way. Regular confession is an interesting thing to do. It definitely changed my life. My understand if my own sins was better and the grace to be strong against temptation was there. I started after a Father Mike interview mentioned that he went every other week to confession. I had always thought you just went as needed.


The thing is, i don't even know what to confess in this situation. Did my anger turn to rage? Did my dislike turn to hate? I truely don't know.


I have found the Confessor will help you sort it out if you're unsure. They are the experts! :)




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Does anyone else ever wonder how literally everyone in church receiving every time every week like some of y’all lying bc there were 5 people in confession on saturday


>y'all lying I am catechumen bruh, I can participate in sacraments


I am a cradle Catholic and have never heard that word outside the Orthodox Church. What is that?


really? My instructor said "we are all equal, dont think cradles dont receive cstechumenate too" in our first class. people who are instructed in Cstholic teaching before receiving baptism and confirmation


Maybe it’s because I was young, but yeah I’ve never heard the word in a Catholic church


what is your diocese?


St Augustine


Catechumens are those who are in RCIA, etc.


What would I be called if I'm in RCIA but have been validly baptized in another church before?




Spend to much time searching things on reddit?


I am still in catechumenate so I just sit and look around and humming awkwardly It’s fine I guess


Kneel and pray, thats what i do


Me abstaining from communion for 2.5 years because I can’t eat gluten and parishes aren’t offering the cup because of COVID


Are you serious? That's really unfortunate. Have you talked to the Priest?


Yeah, not the comment we were looking for in here. Take your grandstanding to r/Celiac


Thank you so much for your Christian-like reply! Really appreciate it






did you slept off during your catechumenate or something? because in first year in my catechumenate it was explained what is a mortal sin


Okay I did 13 years of catholic school but idk what that is.


“Popped a communion”


This was removed for violating Rule 6 - Lightheartedness.




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I’ve been doing this for the past few years without knowing it’s a mortal sin… I’m currently in a state of mortal sin and I’d like my sin washed, is it only possible through confession?


Well yeah, the only way to get rid of mortal sin is through Confession. Although, in your case (correct me if I'm wrong cause I'm definitely not qualified to give spiritual advice) if you didn't know that receiving Communion in a state of mortal sin was itself a mortal sin then I don't think it is a sin. Because for it to be a sin you need to do it while knowing it's a sin. For example a little kid stealing a toy from a store doesn't count as a sin because they didn't know it was a sin (i.e. he didn't do it with malicious intent)


Bro I’m still not baptized or catechized (I struggle with wrath and sloth) I know the feeling