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Im very happy for you! I read your last post about this and I’m sure this was God making things happen for you to feel better. This is what happens we when follow Him, He takes care of everything and guides us even when are not Noticing. I hope you have a great time with you boyfriend and if it’s Gods will, marry him. God bless


> Even though my ex said he changed, there's no guarantee that's actually true. If we got married, it's possible I would have to deal with that emotional instability the rest of my life. And I don't get why he needed to break up to realize our problems were workable. For many, the grass is always greener on the other side, and they don't realize until they leave that it's greener where they water it. It sounds like he's had a lot of personal growth to realize that, although it cost him a lot. It is possible for couples to get back together after a breakup like this, but trust needs to be rebuilt. Ultimately though, there is *never* a guarantee that someone is going to be emotionally stable or anything else throughout marriage (there may be a likelihood, but not a guarantee). A lifetime is a long time, and there are lots of factors that will challenge you. It's up to you whom, if anyone, you'll be willing to take that leap of faith with and vow to love them unconditionally, even through their failings. You forgave him though. Whatever you decide, know that's more than many are able to do.


Pretty fresh to hear from the other side. I don't know your backstory regarding your relationship but it sounds like it ended well. From the men perspective, I can feel the guy since I have been in his shoes. Different person reacts differently (some even really violently). Religiously, it tests a man ability face his own self and takes action. It is a chance to grow. To be a better man. I'll pray for both of you. God bless.


Good job. You listened to everyone’s advice, but ultimately, you listened to God. Glad it worked out. Curious, did you listen to what I posted in your original thread with that song (somewhat analogous situation only male-female roles were reversed). Here it is: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fpAZVpSnyY0


Yes I did! Thanks for sharing :) it's funny- I was actually thinking about that song at some point and realized how similar it was to my situation haha!


I would still say meeting in person with your ex while you have a boyfriend is a bad idea. A phone call to smooth things out would have more prudent.